;g2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 9, 1949 Attractive State Department Branches Rise in Many Cities r By WILLIAM WARREN (United PreM BUM Correspondent) " Simple but attractive red-tiled structures are beginning to dot the state Oregon from North Bend to Ontario, from The Dalles to Klamath Falls branches of the secretary of state's office which '-come in for a lot of discussion and questioning since the first one was opened at Hillsboro last August. . : Tho fart that State Sen. Rexe Ellis and his brother, Bruce El lis, both of Pendleton, built the first or are building the first four at Hillsboro, Grants Pass, North Bend and Hood River. This brought a lot of queries to Secretary of State Earl T. New bry about the prospects of lo calecapital putting up the build ings. Newbry said local capital would be not only encouraged but welcomed in any locality, but it was difficult to get peo-1 pie interested at first, while the Ellis brothers were willing to build. , Assistant Secretary of State William E. Healy, who has been handling a lot of the details, gave a picture of the situation as it is, statewide today. Already completed are the branches at Hillsboro, Grants Pass and Hood River. Under construction are the ones at On tario and Eugene. Sites have been approved in North Bend, Bend, Oregon City, Opening Set At Academy , Salem College and Academy plans an opening program in the new gymnasium-auditorium for the afternoon of December 11 at 8. i The program will feature greetings from the Department .of education, the city of Salem, and various civic and religious organizations from Salem and Dallas. 'j Rev. Oscar Brown, chairman of the board of trustees, will ipeak on behalf of the board. and Rev. Robert G. Hovland, resident of the school, will peak on the theme: "Another Milestone." i Professor Ronald J. Lush will be there with his choir and band to furnish the music. ;; Salem College and Academy is now In its fifth year of opera tion with an enrollment of 238 aiudents and an administrative and teaching staff of 20 people. The campus consists of 28 acres on College Heights Vk miles west of Salem overlooking the city and Willamette valley. Three new buildings have been erected since May 1947: The ad ministrative and classroom building, the chapel, and the new gymnasium now under con struction. A college sized foot ball field provides the facilities for a well-rounded educational program. Except for a few from Wash ington, Idaho and California, most students come from the area in and around Salem and Dallas. Tragic Twist To Xmas Hope Scranton, Pa., Dec. 9 VP) William J. Boston, 49, decid ed he would sell his shotgun and use the, money to buy Christmas presents for his five children. Yesterday, Boston got the gun out of a closet and began cleaning the barrel. His wife, working in the kitchen, heard an explosion and ran Into the living room to find Boston shot dead. Lackawanna county Coroner Paul E. Kubasko said the shot gun had been discharged acci dentally. The charge struck Boston In the head. Albany, Lebanon and Newport. Other branches will be Bum at Medford, Klamath Falls, The Dalles, Pendleton, La Grande, Baker, Gresham, Astoria and Corvallis. In Medford, the site under consideration is owned by the county. A Jackson county ranch er and republican leader, John Neidermeyer, wants to build the structure for lease, as the oth ers are, to the secretary of state. Attorney General George weu ner has been asked for an opin ion as to whether the county can sell the property, which is part of an old fairgrounds property. Sites and builders are being sought in the other places. Healy said: "It isn't always easy to get local capital interested in these projects, because they are not always a particularly profitable investment, when cost is consid ered. "Here's the way it is. The sec retary of state's office specifies that the building, if it is to lease it, must meet certain conditions. It must follow the same general plan. The building, 24 by 44 feet, must be on a lot 100 by 100 feet which must have black top pavement for parking. It is a one-story concrete building with white stucco exterior walls and red-tiled roof. It must be on a main highway and outside the congested area of the city where it is located. "Some men who have been interested in building have de clined to go through with it af ter finding that costs wouldn't make the limited rent a profit able venture. Under the most fa vorable conditions it costs $9, 200 for building, black topping, blueprints and engineering. On top of that must be added the value of the land sometimes as high as $10,000 or $12,000. 'We specify that we won't sign any lease until the structure is built and approved. That means it is the owner's risk un til completion. And then we sign a 10-year lease at rent rang ing from $110 to $130 a month." Healy said that on a county level, the amount of money paid for rent will be about the same as that paid now. In several cases the secretary of state's of fices are scattered in a county, and these will be consolidated into the one building. ' The secretary of state has a man in each office to handle mo tor vehicle registration, issuance of drivers' licenses, and the fur nishing of tourist information. A man from the office of financial responsibility drops in once a week at each place for consul tation of motor vehicle Insur ance. The public utilities commis sion will have a representative in each of the structures, so that truck drivers, when they get their motor vehicles licenses, can get their PUC permits at the same time. As an example of what this will save the driver in time, Healy said that a man who gets his truck license in Grants Pass at the present time has to go to Medford for the nearest place where he can get his PUC license. During the heavy state income tax collection period about five or six weeks each year the state tax commission will have a representative at each branch to help persons with their tax forms. ) J . Saieti ' In Tragedy's Wake Guarded by a sad-faced bulldog, three bikes stand idle beneath the shot-pierced window of the John Conner home at Alexandria, Va. Police said Conner methodically shot down his three children, one after the other. Part of the shotgun charge which killed one child pierced the window. The dog was the Conner children's pet and the bikes, their toys. (AP Wirephoto) Jury Acquits Willie Joe Dunn Bremerton, Dec. 9 M" A su perior court jury acquitted Wil lie Joe Dunn, 27, last night of first degree murder charges for the killing of his wife and her lover. Ruby Dunn, 28, and James Dickens Jr., 22, were killed in the bedroom of Dickens' home Oct. 1. All principals in the case were negroes. Prosecutor James Munro had asked for the death penalty. Dunn's attorney, Curtis H. Coons, pleaded self-defense in the shooting of Dickens and temporary insanity in the kill ing of Mrs. Dunn. The jury deliberated five and a half hours while Dunn, an un employed former shipyard worker and the father of three children, read the Bible in his jail cell. : The jury decided in a special verdict that Dunn now was sane and safe to be a free man. Dunn testified that he enter ed the Dickens house after Dickens and his wife had twice gnored his previous knocks and shouts. He said Dickens reached under his clothing, as though for a weapon, and threatened to pre-him kill him. He said Dickens viously had threatened when he warned the man against his attentions to Mrs. Dunn. Dunn testified that he did not recall shooting either of his victims, and that he "came to" three blocks from the scene. at nearby Freysville yesterday. The tree fell on top ot mm. Forty-five minutes later, Young died at York hospital. Deputy Coroner Ralph Keech said both his legs had been fractured. I PBO I 'Til Christmas n Jewelers Silversmiths Q S90 State DIAL 4-2223 Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. Lebanon Opening New Funeral Home Lebanon The city's newest funeral home, Warner and Mc Henry, will be opened to public inspection Saturday and Sun day,, it was announced by Joe McHenry this week. The new business is located at the corner of Grant and Park streets in the building formerly occupied by the United Evangelical church. The structure originally was built and used for a funeral home by the late Cas and Nathan Lowe before its sale to the church. Both Joe McHenry, who will manage the local parlor, and his partner, Frank Warner, operate the Warner and McHenry Fu neral home in Corvallis. Falling Tree Kills Man ' York, Pa., Dec. 9 P) Sixty-seven-year-old Edwin Young chopped down' a tree on his farm r.sS4. i Commercial Book Store TU Special Personalize Your Gifts by Monogramming With Our Special Rates ........... 2.00 1.25 one 1.75 75c Monogrammed Playing Cards Monogrammed Gift Boxed Matches Monogrammed Stationery price of Stationery plus Don't forget our personalized Christmas Cords also on a special rate. COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 141 N. Commercial i.j.j.ti...fciittfci'fc',''''''': when you change to GOLDEN WEST'S richer flavor' SSI Mf 3v l3yTf HURRY! HURRY! ll I Says Mona Van Dyke Schafo, prominent West Coast Home Economist A few days remain to have your portrait tak en for Christmas giv ing! Grandma, Cousin Kate and Mother they all want a photograph of you this Christmas so make your appoint ments early make them nowl Evenings and Sunday by Appointment KENNELL-ELLIS ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHERS ! 420 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-7830 MMsmtui iAA, .. ..-llll''''''''i'M;Ci''"'ll'ail't 1 Make it your usual way . . . regular drip Silex ...it's ground 3 ways Use 'A less . . . and not. th. rich.r flavor that tav.f you up to 18( on .very pound "When I tasted Golden West using 13 less, I vrai skeptical-until my first taste. That sold me! Only a truly richer coffee can give richer flavor in the cup. You make the change and get 20 extra cup per pound that I smart economyl V J Heat with fuel that is clean, efficient and economical... use "Prec-to-logo" CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 war IOIWMIIA MIWIIIII. IN. TM9MA. WAMINT9N e r3ii tan h SALE Sensational Offer of Genuine PRICED! You've seen them advertised nationally in "Better Homes & Gardens," "House Beautiful," "Guide & Bride," "House & Garden," "Living," and many others. It's o very rore occasion when these exquisite Mersman tables, the "costume jewelry of your home," are offered at such a special price' Beautiful 18th Century designs in polished mahogany veneers . . . tables that are as convenient as they are decorative Think of the homes you can honor, at Christmas time (including your own!) with a Mersman table gift. Then make your choice tomorrow morning. r . BARGAINS SUCH AS THESE: 19.95 Duncan Phyfe Drum Table Specially Priced Duncan Phyfe Cocktail Table Specially Priced 18th Century Pie Crust Table Specially Priced 1 8th Century Lamp-End Table Specially Priced GEVURTZ Special Price 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 And there are MANY, MANY more from which to choose all first-grade Mersmans Lay-away now, pay later using Gevurtz famous credit terms. Guaranteed Christmas Delivery if You Wish FURNITURE CO. 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