26 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. -Per Lin 16fl Per Lino t times 40o 'Per Un 6 time 60c Per Lint 1 month 13.00 Outside ol Salem 15o per line per - day. Mln. loci I time mln. toe f time mln. 11.30. No Refunds READERS In Local New CoL Onlrt 30o per line to Place an Ad Phono 2-2406 j FOR SALE HOUSES BEAUTIFUL modern s bedrm. home on ; South High St. Good view overlooking ! Salem. 4 block from State St. 2 Xire- i nliru. ThrM pt-n of olumblns. At tached 3 car garage. Beautiful yard and , ghrubbery, Thl 1 one ol Salem' better ' home. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors . 158 S. High Phone 3-4121 a293 9n500 Clean late built 2 bedrm. home aouth. Hardwood tits. Utility rm. Lane lot. Oarage 16x23. Immediate possession. Term. ., - Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 193 8. HUh Phone 3-4121 a393 5 ROOMS $6,000 TMa la your chance to buy a smalt, clean 2 BR home with fireplace St ga rage. 52x132 ft. lot, close to bus St schools. Owner has purchased farm Si ha reduced price for quick action. Call BON CLEARY. .Walter Musgrave, Rltrs. , 1211 Edgewater Ph. 36100 Eve. 30030 13,750. NEW MODERN 3 bedrm. home all on one floor. Close In. Auto oil furn ace. Term. FHA loan. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors - 153 8. High Phone 3-4131 a293 1 BDEM. BOUSE. 100 Robert Ave. a20S Want to Get Settled ForXmas? 1488 Waller St. $4000. only 1400 down. Possession 2 day. 3060 North lBth. .9950, Just $2500 down. Possession 15 day. $305 Rawlln Ave., 19290,. 11500 down. Possession IS day. If you have a good trailer house to trade In on a house, come In and ee us. If you need a rental, we have that too. A lovely suburban north 12000 down or trade for city property. - Salem Realty Co. Realtor 14 N. High St. Phone 3-' Eve: Phone 3-4501 - 2-6605 a! SOUTH LIBERTY Beautiul new 3 bdrm. home with unfin ished upstair. Stairway In. Hardwood floors. Fireplace and oil furnace. Close -to eLslle and McKlnley schools. Price 110.900. C. W. Reeve Realtor 145 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4500. Eve. 2-0693 a203 IF IT'S H.W." FLOORS, auto oil heat, in eulated, 2 nice bedroom, with lovely breakfast nook and connecting garage, then let us how you this well built homo. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court Eva. 3-4773 294 : JUST LISTED Nearly new 5 rm. hse. Nice lawn. Fenced. Just out of city East. Nrwly painted St Insulated. Sacrifice at I6OO0. C. W. Reeve Realtor 4ft 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4990. Eve, 3-9536. a293 Y OWNER: Modern 1 bdrm" house. Hardwood floors, attached garage, large Utility rm. Ph. 3-1459. 294 DELIGHTFUL TO THE EYE. And It 1 new with lame roomy rooms. Two bed xooms, LR, DR. ultra modern kitchen, fireplace, hdwd. Irs., French doors, patio, att. aaraae. Nice fence and yard. Just outside the city limits. Look at this before you buy. BEN COLBATH, REALTOR v 16U Center St. Ph. 3-4552. Eve. 3-6023 a203 FOR BALE or rent: Modern 3 bdrm. home. Excellent condition. Priced right. Imme diate possession. 608 Tryon Ave. a304 FIRST CLASS On of the finest most attractive homes for the price we have ever listed, lo cated In Englewood Boh. Dlst. Corner lotv 100 dry basmt., oil furnace, 2 Lg. Bdrms., plus upstnlra finished into one Iff. Rm big living rm. St dining rm., fireplace, entrance hall, nice kitchen St nook, reasonably priced at $16,800. For appointment Ph. 2G680. Ed.' Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 North High St. a29B - $200 DOWN 69 per month. Nice 9 bdrm.. hardwood floors thruout, In city, paved street. ENGLEWOOD Seal buv In 2 bdrm. home. Flrenlace. fenced yard. Owner's loss your gain at asjoo. Terms. Beautiul Picture Window 1 bdrm. home. Hardwood floors, large living St dining room. Kitchen Is a dandy. Laundry mom. Separate garage. Corner lot. Paved street. Bent of all can move tn this home for $frt0 down. Monthly payments $75 per month. With $1600 down payment, $67 prr month. Include interest, taxes St fire Insur ance. It E. Klumpp, Realtor 480, N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. St Sun, 2-0136 a20;i FT)llNlSHErrHVmV"for-fin lo." Call at 219 S, jJamea aveo SILVEItTON. 129ft Y "OWNER En a 1 e w o o d dlst. 1 bdrm. home. Large living room, hnndy kitchen, nice lot. Term. 3115 Nebraska Ave. ' a294 excptionally ; fine home For omeone who wants only the best. Just completed. Wrll con.strnctrd and is really a show place. Fine location on a lge, cor. lot with a very fine view, H.W. fra. thruout. Mahogany woodwork. Siiac. LR. with picture windows, fireplace, D R. with built-in china closet, lge. kit. with lot of bullt-tns, elec. dishwasher, garbage disposal, lg. utility rm. 3 O.K. on 1st tlr. Master BR. hns full tcniith mirror In closet doom. All closets rednr lined with auto llshtlng. U. exception ally nice bathroom with shower, dressing table. Full cement bsm't. with fireplace A maid's rm., bath St shower, double arage, lawn sprinkler system. The own er ha spared no expense In making this one of the finest homes anywhere to be tn: will appeal to some prole.utona) business or retired couple. Can only be hown by appoint ment. No phone Int. $32,000. Klaslns. BURT PICHA, - REALTORS tTt N. High St. Office: 3-3649 Eve: 3-5500 or 3-7151 a303 ON ONE FLOOR! S bedrooms, lane llvnlg room. Plate glass window, fireplace. All hardwood floor, large double garage. 77x120 lot. Price $9,400. 3 -BEDROOMS! Dry basemrnt, hardwood floors. Coved celling, fireplace. Close to school and bus. Nice yard. No. 301 SUBURBAN! US acre with 3-bedroom home. Excel lent outbuildings. Close to school. Corner ' location on pavement. All fenced, Price 112.000. Want to trade on stock ranch ef 190 or more acres. No. 802 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE ftl South High Street Ph. 3-9303 Eve. St Sun. 4-2874, 1-1337, 3-3738. S-J905 a3 $500 dn. - $35 per Mo. mtm full orlee 4 rm. house, plus sleep lnr porcn, tovea an some lurmiure Included. MM $500 dn. 135 per mo. S rm. un finished new uburban home. Imra. pos session. 0500 1500 dn. 139 per mo. Located 1 toil lex from Salem. Call Mabel Needham, Realtor 11 Stat. St.. Bm. 4 pnon. J-BJOI Ivt. l-aou ilirlln Kniuto J3 Ore., Friday, December 9, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES nA YES VILLE MODEL HOME. ThU extra well constructed 2 BR noma ON HALF ACRE features i u rm., n replace, all hdwd. firs., ven. bund, laundry rm, elec. heat, attached garage. More quality here for your money than anything we have ever listed. PRICE AND TERMS WILL PLEASE. YOUR GROWING FAMILY will appreciate this WELL STYLED KEIZER HOME. Of- fers L fo D rm.. spacious kitchen. 2 BR dn. space for 2 more up (stairs In), nawi. i its., covca ceiling, ven oiinas, mil. rm.. 2 car garage, well landscap ed lawns, on Ige. lot. few block ti school, store and bus, all add to a BIO value lor auu. jsasy term. Larsen Home & Loan Co, Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 B. COm'l St. Pn. 3-8360. JSV6. 3-B98S a 395 $4500 Full Price Exceptionally nice mod, 2 BR home, Small lot, but excellent location. $4900 Full Price Mod. 1 BR home plastered. Lot large. good location. J 1100 will handle. Will accept trailer home. See Mr. Noonch ester with H. E. Corey Real Estate 1365 n. Broadway Phone 2-0553. Eve. 2-01U3, 3-3816. a 393 Half Acre North 17950 Nice little home completely fur nished Including refrlg. St elec. range, ha oil furnace, fireplace, hdwd. firs., Llv. rm., kit., dinette, one bdrm., 2nd rm. possible, double garage. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor B60 S. Commercial . 2-384B Eve. 2-5260. a294 Live in the Country and Work in Town Here' the Place you've been dreaming of. Close enough so you can drive to work. Best of 'all you won't have to spend a lot of money equipping It a the price Include farm equipment, some livestock, poultry and household furnishings Including electric range and refrigerator. Oood orchard and berry field. How big Is it? Twenty acres Just enough to keep you busy. Price $10,000. Magnificent Hilltop Home Without a doubt this I one of the finest home In Salem, brand new and In an exclusive district. Built by one of Salem's master builder, this home ha everything you would expect large apaclou rooms, a kitchen that ex ceeds your fondest dreams, a large par ty room, view windows, 3 bedroom and a double garage. Price 125,000. HERE'S a good buy for the fellow who 1 handy with carpenter tools. It has 3 room but you can easily make It four. Ha one-half acre of good garden ground, with well and eectrlc pump. Just off Wallace Road and close to store. You can't go wrong at this price 13200. DENTON & DENTON FORMERLY LEO N. CHILDS INC. 344 State St. ph. 2-3663 . veilings can Mr. voorneea 2-4007, Mr. Brennan 3-4948. a393' Z BR ALL ELECTRIC HOME N. Salem. features LR St DR, coved ceilings, hdwd. fir., Ven. blind. A kitchen that will Please the wife. Attached garage, Lge. well landscaped lot. Only isaso. irm Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989. aass FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT!! 73x130 with all street assessments paid. Candalarla Height. $2,500. No. 631 VIEW LOT!! 64x100 between two streets. Ben Lomond Park Addition. 12,000. No. 600 LOT!! 48x140 on paved street inside city. Only 1900. no. 610 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9303 Sun. St Eve. 4-2874, 2-1327, 2-3736, 3-5D05 (IB 393 FAIRMOUNT HILL Level lot 90x100 with two-car garage, north side of Wnshlngton St. between Fir and Fairmount St. Will take late model Pickup or Panel Del. Truck a pnrt payment. Asking 12,000 Make offer. Dial 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. aa399 $10 DOWN, SIB MONTH with water- St electricity, uiose to school St bus. Beau tlful location. General Real Estate 355 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa395 SUBURBAN view lot for sale. City water Nixiei. uag ana nr tree. Pn. 2-2733. aa203 WOODED LOT on paved street, 835 Rat- cnii ur. uiearej and leveled, FHA, City water, bus line. Ph. 3-4384. a FOR SALE FARMS FARM REDUCED TO 113.600 32 ACRES 7 A Franquet walnuts, good variety fruit St berries, all under cul tivation. 3 A pasture, fenced St cross fenced. Willamette sill aoll. 6 rm. house, barn, 6 stanchion, large work shop, double garage. 2'i mile from market. A real buy or would sell stocked St equip ped $15,000, Some terms. See Mabel Needham, Realtor 341 State St., Rm. 4, iipstalri or call farm salesman, Martin Knittle, Eve. 3-8033. b23 HO ACRES 11 n1E R R R I GA T10 Rich CH EH A LIS SILT on pvmt., 1 mile from lge. nearby town. Excellent Improve ment consist of attractive 3 BR home, plnst., full bsint. Oood 2 atory barn bids., 2 car gnrngp. Moat of farm I under wire trellis. 12 Inch cased well for Irrlx. I DP: ALLY SUITED for brnns or truck crops, possibly dairy. IMMED. POSS. Specially priced to sell at 117,850. Terms. 27ft ACRES MISSION BOTTOM. This is an EXTRA-EXTXRA good buy for any one who knows the PRODUCTIVITY Si VALUE of this land. Approx. 35 A In ear ly Higgle hops, 80 A more cult., bal. in easily cleared brush and a lge. amount of marketable timber. Borders river, abso lutely no wnsh. Only few miles out. NEVER BEFORE NEVER AGAIN at thi low price of aonrox. Sl&o er arm Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-B389. Eve. 3-99R9. bass SMALL CREEK, with running water, lots or trees. j acres, with over 20 A of It fine garden Si farming bottom land, plus an ALFALFA patch and pasture. 5 rm. mod. HOME, with small base ment, also another 5 rm. house, which needs some repairs. Old barn but usable, hog houses, chicken house, garage. Beau tiful view. Family fruit A nut. TRAC TOR St Epulpment. $12,000 I A. CHOICE toll. Vi A cane berries, lots of fruit At nuts. 9 A fall grain. Oood mod BUNGALOW, barn, poultry house, Paved t. adjoining city. $10,500 DUNN Realty Exch. Woodburn. Oregon 084 Pacific Hlway North. Ph. 136. b395 tR ACHES off Stlverton highway. 9 rm. nou.se. muuu. inquire Rt. 7. box 149 on Portland highway. b396 CHICKEN RANCH One o the most modern te best equipped places in the valley. Large hse. St all neewsary bldgs. Close In and beautiful setting. Price 131500. NEW HOME Suburban 3 bdrms. Oood location. $8950 Good term. Call Ralph Dent. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Com'l. Ph. 1-490. Eve. 2-3089. b33 FOR SALE BY OWNER 45 A. farm with aiocx. a miles irom Salem. Phone S-H07 ui ummrr vvj a. mn HI,, saiem. EU94 FOR RENT FARMS 5 ACRES, new 4 -room modern house. Small barn, berries, timber, pasture. $50 mo. Chas. Hudkins & Son 290N. High St. Phone j-413?. ba394 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES 1690 ROOSEVELT ST. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Finished 6? Open for Inspection 3 Bedroom Large Living Room Dining Room Kitchen, lot of built-in 6) Fireplace PRICE m $9950, TERMS WM. T. J. FOSTER, HOME BUILDER 1550 Baker St. Phone 2-9853 FOR SALE ACREAGE NEW A BDRM. HOME, oil heat, LR With coved celling, ige. windows, nowo. nra. thruout. tub St shower bath, kit. with inn of built-in ft nook. Wired for elec, range. Att. gar., located on lie. lot near KfJinnl fe store. S7900. Po b Ie O. I. loan. Larsen' Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8369. Eve. 9989, bb295 REAL ESTATE LOTS 7.1x184, Keller Dist. 1750. Termi. 90X125, Just Off S. 12th St. 11000. $4950 2 bedroom home, furnished, furniture includes Electric Range, Ref., etc. Will take car as part down payment. $4500 3 acres, 2 bedroom home, Northeast. Priced to sell or will consider trad G. A. Vicary - Real Estate 818 N. com'l, 81. in. Day or nve. auwi c299 BEST BUYS Leslie School District Very good older type home with base ment. Choice location. Hardwood floors. Paved street. Beautiful back yard. Well worth $9500. Liberal terms. See this one. Eve. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. $3750 Full Price New 4-rm. modern home. Electric heat. Located North. We believe this Is a very good buy. Welt built St clean. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. West Salem Very well built 3 bdrm. home. Very clean. Good location. Paved street. Close to school, bus St store. Well worth $6950. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 3 Acres 6 room modern home. Built in 1940. Barn, chicken house. Willamette soli. 10 miles from Salem. Total price $5500. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 418 Acres 370 acre under cultivation. 100 acre bottom land. Modern older type home. Large out buildings. 9 mile from Sa lem. If you are Interested In a large farm this 1 it. Total price $70,000. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 Or 3-3558. Business Opportunities -Service Station Rent only 'Ac per gal. Adv. producLi. 4c gas margin. Owner very anxious to sell. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Self Service Laundry If you are Interested In going Into your own business St want o mnke. good money this is it. Very well equipped with good equipment. Building St property, Choice location. Very little overhead. Everything goes for (17,500. Some terms. See this one. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor SPECIALS 30 Acre all seeded to oat. 2 bdrm. hse. Barn full of hay. Ch. hse. 2 good wells, family troubles cause price $5500 with 11000 down, 150 mo. at 6. 2 Houses for $6350 . 3 rm. mod. rented $40 and B rm. own er 3 lot paving, 2 block bus, $1000 down or less. 10 Unit Court Bargain All rented permanent $420 mo. Tenant pay utilities, each unit 3 rm., ut 11.. gar has hwiay front, appointment only. Priced at only 135.000. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com. Ph. 2-4649 - 2-5497. c304 Stop Look Think L.R., D R. St K1TCH. COMB. 2 bedroom, S. BATH, complelrly furnished subur ban Investment or home. $3500 cash. Call McQueen eve. 2-8476. Business Lot 1 fine building lot for business or In vestment. Builders take notice, $6500 cash. Call Mr, McQueen eve. Ph. 2-8476. North East Fine home, good street, home with ex cellent resale value. J805O or best offer. 3 bedrooms, full basement. L.R., D.R., FIREPLACE. Nice yard with shrubs. Terms, eve. Ph. McQueen 2-8476. Engle ewood New large colonial type three bedroom home with den, no basement, large util ity room. A very deslrenble family home, and you may have Immediate pos session. A HOME FOR CHRISTMAS. Can be film nerd with low down payment, and owner Is open for reasonable offer. Call Mr. Bourne, eve. Ph. 3-7217. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Cnpltol Ph. 3-8216 Eve. Ptis. 2-8476 A: 3-7317 c293 FOR YOUR KAVirtws investment buy a dm mortance on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amount $500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 5. We make all col lections for you if desired. STATE FINANCE CO 153 S. High WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Llstlnss on city and farm prop erties. H. H. Bolmeler with H. P. Grant. 457 Court St. ca295 SMALL acrrage. good improv., north or east. Salem. Pay cash. Wm. Schultr. R. 1. Box 342, Aumsvllle, Ore. ca295 WE ARE In need of good house to sell in or near Salem if you wish to list your property for'sale see liR ABKNHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca" WE NEED I.IST1NOS on lot for FH A. houses. Alo listings on acreage St farms. What have you? Al Isaak & Co., Realtor NOTICE! If your property 1 for sal rent or exchange, list It with us. V have all kinds of caah buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IS 3 S. High St. c EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE my equity In new 2 bd. rm. home at Independence for home St acre aae around Salem. I. E. Hams. 977 Monmouth St. Ph. 133-J. cbJ98 BUSINESS OPPORTUNItTeS Investors See This! $39.500 Four unit court near Holly wood business district. Each house has 6 rooms ft bath with full basement, fur nace, fire place, hwd. floors. Drive by 1900 to 1PJ0 Laurel avenue and call u to ire. Geo. A. Waters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial .Evt. 25360 dJ94 IFOR SALE HOUSES Auto Oil Heat Venetian Blind Hardwood Floor- Thruout Utility Room Attached Oarage BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR TRADE, duplex located near State Bldgs. St Shopping Center, will accept sub. acreage or smaller home in iraae. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Personal Service , 3-8389; Eve. 3-9989 cd295- OFFICE ROOM for Rent $30 per rao., faces State St. Call 341 State St. Room 4. Cd293' TAVERN Sf LUNCH on Pacific hlway. 195 ft. frontage, business building, with ap artment for owner. Business Is GOOD. Health reason for aelllng, too much work. $23,750. LUNCH & ICE CREAM place, new equip., and building, with single apt. An out standing opportunity for couple. All ror u,uoD, or trade for SALEM home. GROCERY, equip., like new. STORE bldg. Mod. 5-rm. HOME plups 3-rm. cottage rented. 160 ft. on Pacific hiway. $15,000. DUNN Realty Exch. Woodburn, Oregon 084 N. Pacific Hlway. Ph. Main 316. cd295 GARAGE and Service Station. New Tile stucco bldg. Busy corner 230 ft. front age on Pacific Hlway. Owner ha other business. $17,500 DUNN Realty Exch. Woodburn, Oregon 984 N. Pacific Hiway. Ph. Main 136. Cd295 SMALL BAKERY forced to aell. Leaving siaie. Price rea. Must make quick sale. Ph. 2-8026. cd294 GROCERY AND MARKET Excellent location All stock and lease goes In sale for $5000 or you buy fix ture and the price la $11,000. BEN COLBATH. REALTOR 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-4552. Eve. 2-6923 cd293" RESTAURANT equipment: gas range. reach in refrigerator, lnk, hood and steam table and dishes. Call at The Ma ples, Gates, Ore. cd296 UNIT court, 3 garages. Income 1270. $23,000. 1583 Market. Ph. 3-9409. cd5 HAYESVILLE atore, Rt. 7, box 145. Ph' 3-4318. C()3 INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY In city limits on main highway. Whole block of frontage. 1.6 acre, U mile from center of town. Ideal location for gro cery, oil station, Implement or industrial business. 3 bldg. on property. Full price $20,000. Call Walt Muxnrnv Walter Musgrave Realtor mjEdite water Phone 3-5100, cd205 NEW BEACH home, new utllltle. mote sue, ocean view, sncrlflce cash, trade. Salem prop. Ph. 2-7071. cd296 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONQAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES - HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS - FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H&H FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797. d293 AUCTIONS Scotties Auction House Opens Fri. Nite 7:30 p.m. EARLY CONSIGNMENT NOW Nearly new davenport St chair 1 bedroom suite Blond dinette et Western Auto electric waher Universal mans el .Nearly new coil aprlnas Rockers, chair. Linoleum, St antique lamp Wood ratiKe New blank1!, aheets, pillow cae Table cloth THESE MAKE IDEAL XMAS GIFTS Electric train water ytcm Electric brooder Bag of apple, nut, prune Si onions Many misc. Items COME & BUY. BRING SOME THING TO SELL IVi MILE EAST, OUT CENTER ST. PHONE 2-6274 dd293 FURNITURE FOR SALE I HKlHtOOM set. Llvlux room furniture complete. Kitchen table Si 4 chairs. Al most new. I'll. 39732. ' il294 f ROLL A WAY" bed and matt..l cheat" ol drawer.. 1 vanity, bench 4c mirror. 1 nlte atand, 130.00. Call at 100 Robert Ave. d29S FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NICE, FAT young pii lor locker meat. Ph. 3-598. p394 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED live-stock buyer. E. C. McCandllAh 1127 8. 33th. Ph. 38147. a309 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. 8n- then, 1330 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 31343. ea390 PETS MALE collie, registered year-old, excel lent child' companion. Phone 3-1822. ec293 BK.MTTIKI'L Cocker pups. Makes idral Xmas present. 1450 Pearl. . ec384 RED COCKER pup, 3. 380 Lancater Dr. Ph. 2-2934. ec303 CHOICE "canary brrd7380r 18th. ec6 3-4385. 1340 Cheme ecJOS FUEL Id" OLD FIR, 3 ft. old fir, 114.00 cord. Christmas trees, 23c a ft. Orders taken by phone or mall and delivered. Arnold Phillips, Ph. 1X3, Turner, Ore. Box 281. teaas l IN. ND GROWfn FIR lit per cord. Oak cord wood 115 per cord. Delivered. Ph. 3-0177. ee387 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edfln Freh Clean Sawdust Orten Ediini 15.50 load Double tio.00 Also 10" Green Slab or Phone 35333 EE Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT Good 3 bdrm. home. llv. rm., wtih fireplace, dinette, tile dralnboard In kitch en, bath, tall basm't.. sawdust heat, garage, lovely landscaping. Price $10,100, $2,500 down, balance $75 per mo. CALL PETER GEISER CAPITAL SHOPPING DISTRICT Fine apartment near State Bldg. and shopping center In No. 3 business zona, good condition thruout, auto-oll fired steam heat. lge. lot. This pelndid In vestment property return $440 per mo. Owner want to aell. CALL ROY FERRIS READY TO MOVE INTO Fuel In basement, move in and get settled before Xma. Lge. llv. rm., wltii fireplace, din. rm., hdwd. fir., 2 nice bdrms., plenty of closet space, kitchen with nook, full basmt. Lae. yard fenced in back, dble. garage, CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS -13, South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenlnga ,nd Sundays Call ' Earl Wejtt 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter Oelser 3-20SB AUTOMOBILES New IN Used Car Dept. After 22 years in Salem dealing on a fair basis and being honest and trying to please everyone . We Are Stepping Out of Line In one respect: That is the prices we are going to sell our used cars at for the rest of this month. Every one of our 39 used cars must sell if we have to give them away. COME IN TO OUR STORE SEE FOR YOURSELF EXAMPLE: 1946 NASK SEDAN PERFECT COND $795 PRICES: YOU MAKE THEM. TERMS: YOU MAKE THEM. STATE MOTORS INC. 2 LOCATIONS 678 S. 12TH ST. 340 N. HIGH ST. PH. 3-4547 3-5663 FUEL ASBCBAFT'S-woodl. Ph. 1-3380. 84 Hill. eejiu Capital Lumber-P'uel Co. mone i-rui or a-om OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE St HEATER ce301 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL For. Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Drv Slab Wood Dry Planer End At Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WALNUT shell tor sals. Klorfeln Packing 1.. 460 N. Front. ee- DRS 10" slab St edgings, Ph. 3-14S8. ee' West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCK WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1535 Edgewater West Salem 1 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash St maple. fir. 18" slab and edging. Ph 31458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 18" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY YOUNG ROASTING hens. Oven ready. Li berty Poultry Farms. Ph. 23873. 1303 LIVE YOUNG roasting hens and fryers. 3490 Sunnyview Ave. Ph. 38341. 1298 00 FRYERS Si pullets 3 to 3 "a pounds, 1 St $1.25 ea. Ph. 43344 after 8 p.m. 1294 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatche every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. PRODUCE FOR SALE Approximately 10 to 15 tons clean washed carrot suitable for stock feed. Will sell or 110.00 Prr ton for Im mediate sale. Write J. C. Tracy St Com pany or phone 3548, Dallas, Oregon. ff393 LARGE BROWN ranch egg 49c dox. Fan cy apples, Jonathans, SpitzPnbrms, Kings, 11.00 box up. Green Apple Mkt., 3 mile N. on 99E. II295 FRANQUETT WALNUTS. 20c lb, 10 ID. 11.95. Mayettes 15c lb., 10 lb. $1.45. PURITAN CIDER WORKS, W. Salem. If296 'iMM BOXES Jonathan apple from our own orchard 50c box. 3 boxes S1.40. while quantity lasts. PURITAN CIDER WORKS, W. Salem. (1396 COME TO THE Salem Public Market for chicken, honey, holly, candles, grozen berries, hand made gifts, nut, baked goods, apples, vegetables, pop corn, wreaths, etc. Every Sat. 9 a.m. 1240 E. Rural. ff293 CHRISTMAS GIFTS of walnuts St filberts available now at Salem Nut Grower. 2B38herry Ave. Ph. 3-3568. ft399 DRIED PRUNES, filbert t apple. 412 Hrubet Drive. 11293 EASTERN alfalfa by ton or truckload. Ad- dre 865 s. i3tn. pn. iwi3. naus- HELP WANTED PART-TIME Secretary In real estate office alter Jan. 1. For details send state ment of training, experience, etc. to Box 397 Capital Journal. g395' HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED for otflce reontantnatton at Hogg Bros. Salem Store, 1 bookkeeper, 1 sten ographer. 1 sales file girl. Pleae call at local atore gb398 WANTED women nut anelier. All lner work. 460 N Front Klorfeln Packing Company. gb WOMEN, age 35 to 35 yra. Hourly e. Old reliable firm. 248 N. Commercial. , I1!:. li', PPIy- -8-1 - A m' b294' EMPLOYMENT AGENOES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONB 36 Statr Street Phone 3-1488. r WANTED SALESMAN APPLIANCE salesman wanted. Exp. de sirable but not necexaary. Apply Vlnce't Klectrlel57 S. Liberty. gg294 PHOTOGRAPHIC apeclalty. Will make 7S commission. Call In person after 8 on Thursday. 393 N. 14th. Mr. White. IIJ33 SALESMAN. Apply in person. Bloch Elec tric. Ki Oak At., Silver ton. g(394 I REAL ESTATE I AUTOMOBILES Deal ! OUR WANTED SALESMEN MEN WANTED at once for lifetime work with a future. Unlimited opportunity St large WANTED POSITIONS HOUSEWORK by hour. Phone 30388. h294 PAPERnANGING. Good ref. furnished. Ph 4-2761. h292 ROOM OR board for children by day, week, or month. Ph. 22606. h295 WANTED Janitor work. Ph. 2-1617, h294 CHILD CARE or baby sitting. Your home or mine. Anytime. 3-1945. h297 HOUSEKEEPING Tor elderly couple or child care. 38B S. Elma. Mrs. Church. H294 6 YR. OLD WOMAN want work. What have you? Ph. 3-4833. H293" TYPING Rate reasonable, WU1 call for and deliver. Ph. 3-1398. h3 BABY SITTING. Phone 2-0580. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-6072. h313 DRESSMAKING. Phone 2-7492. HOUSE RAISING and moving and house wrecking. Ph. 2-8869. h203 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. In, op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h2 Mimeographing-Typing HOURLY child care. Ph. 3-0403. INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. IRONING In my home. 3-1496. BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. CARPENTER work, any kind. Rea. Union. Ph. 2-1487. BABY SITTING by adult. Ph. 28741. h297 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 2-4850 FOR RENT ROOMS WARM RMS. Ph. 3-8339. 795 N. Winter. Jk298 LOVELY WARM rm. for employed gentle man. Reasonably priced. Near Shopping Center. Ph. 34248. Jk298 LARGE ROOM with home privileges In new home. Convenient to State Bldgs., Shopping Center and State and General Hospitals. Ph. 38280. jk2B5 BELVIEW Hotel, 148 N. Com'l., under new management. Clean, comfortable sleep ing rooi.s for employed men. Reason able weekly rates. Jk298 rm., private home. 694 N. Jk395 GRAND HOTEL CLEAN WARM " CONVENIENT WEEKLY RATES High & Court Sts. Ph. 3-3751 Jk203 SLEPPING RM. 115.00. OuUlde nt. Biu by door. 1690 N. flth. pn. 38781. Jka94' for men, JH299 WARM rms. Ph. 3-9330. 705 N. Winter. JU01' SLP. A LIGHT lukpl. rm. 3-4335. Jk307 SLEEPING RMS. IS wv. 303 N. 14th. 3.0038 )kJ91 PLEASANT alwpln room for man. 1030 Norwr. Ph. J-4547. JH03' SHARING e, modem home with worflni Birl. Use of entire hoiuie, Close In, 045 N. Winter St. Ph. 3-4373. JH041 NICK SLEEPING RM. Derate. Ph. 1-7558. Jk303 FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN S rm. furn. apt. Ground floor. Private entrance, on bus lint. 3600 Front JP395 ROOM DRY basement apt. Everything furnished. Children permitted. Call af ternoon or evening. 323 S. Winter. Jp295 ROOM 3 bed apt. Close In. 1 room apt. St sleeping room, i wees, irte. in union. Ph. 29833. p29S Inquire Jp293 RM. APT. 830. Ph. 34335. 137 N. Liberty. JP295' upstalra apt. Close in. Ph. JP8- DOWNTOWN l rm. Chemeketa. 30. Inquire 243 Jpm- To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES AN INVITATION TO YOU Not formal, perhaps, but nonetheless sincere. Like our sincere value Used Cars. A wide selection of safe, easy riding Guaranteed cars with a 5050 guarantee on parts and labor for 30 days or 1000 miles. Easy terms on ap proved credit. Our Reputation for consistent value giv ing guarantees a real "buy." Will you be in TODAY? 1949 Plymouth 5-Pass. Coupe ...... $1495 1948 Dodge Custom 4-Door $1695 1948 Nash "600" Club Coupe $1295 1946 Ford Coupe $ 895 1940 Ford Fordor Sedan $ 595 STAN BAKER MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH HEADQUARTERS FOR A BETTER BUY, BETTER TRY "STAN" BAKER UNION AT HIGH FOR A REAL TREAT In Good Transportation 1946 Chevrolet 5-Pass. Coupe $985 1939 Plymouth 2-Door $395 1937 Dodge 4-Door clean $265 1940 Ford Sedan new motor $495 1938 Studebaker 4-Door like new $465 1936 Chevrolet Standard new paint $245 1936 Chevrolet a good one $195 1937 Ford Coupe nice one $229 1936 Ford Coupe $189 1940 Buick 5-Pass reconditioned $695 1941 Hudson Sedan $395 1941 Chevrolet 5-Pass $539 1942 Studebaker Sedan $545 CAN BE PURCHASED AT CONVENIENT TERMS SEE THESE AT BONESTEELE'S 370 N. Church OLDSMOBILE "ROCKET" Trade - Ins Station Wagon SPECIALS 1947 Pontiae "8" Station Wagon. 1948 Oldsmobile 8-Cylinder Hydramatic. THESE ARE OFFERED AT SPECIAL SAVINGS NOW LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 485 Center ph ...n-j. 3410 Fairground Rd. pn j-Had FOR RENT APARTMENTS Z RM. FURN. apt. Private bath and en trance. Garage. For employed person. 643 Union. Jp295 ONE ROOM St kitchenette turn. apt. Prlv. ent. Near state house. Washing Xaclll tlu. Adults only. Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 3-4419. Jp293 ONE OF SALEM'S new St finest furn. down stairs apu. Ph, 3-5333. JP233' CLEAN 3 rm. turn. apt. 1664 S. 13th. Jp293 CLEAN 3 rm. all furn. ground floor. Pri vate front ent. & blk. to bus. No drink ing. Ph. 26546. Jp291 Z LARGE Rm. apt. Close In. 375 Market St. Jp294 NEWLY DECORATED modern 3 jm. apt. Business girls preferred. 436 N. Winter. JP294 8 RM. FURN. APT. Upstarts. Outside ent., Shower. Working couple. No drlnktna, pels or children. 433 S. 18th. Jp293 furn. apt. Private bath. Ph. ip NEW attractive 2 bdrm. duplex apt. All electrically heated. Refrlg. St ranee furn. Id Hollywood Olit. Available Jan. 1st. Ph. 2-8731. Jp391 7 ROOM BR house completely furnished in nice suburban area, S30 per mo. in quire at 3933 Liberty Road. Jm293 Z -RM. unfurn, St partly furn. apts. Prlv. baths. 1310 Madison. jp294 FURN. APT. Private bath. Refrlg. Oar age. Adults only. 2453 State. Jp296 1 ROOM apt., utilities furn. 790 N. Com mercial. 1P293 FOR EMPLOYED couple, furn. 3-rm. apt. Clean, quiet, private bath St entrance. Electric heat. Bui at door. Ph. 3-3742. JP293' NEW 2 RMS. and bath. Partly furn. 1047 Madison. jp294 FOR RENT HOUSES RM. FURN. El. range, oil heat. HA-C wa ter, redecorated, at 365 Taylor or 325 Oregon Bldg. jm295 3 BDRM. House. Elec. Heat. Inst. St wea ther stripped.- 953 Mornlngstde Drive. Ph. 23983. Jm295 YEAR OLD Duplex. Beautifully turn. Hardwood floors. Electric thruout. S65 per month. One block south of Colonial House. Ph. 337B8. Jm295 MODERN S BR house. Ph. 3-7198 evenings after 6. jm295 FOR SALE or rent S rm. house, by own er. Ph. 2-0279. Jm393 SMALL UNFURN. house. Modern. 135. Ph. 2-7203. jm294- BDRM. House. Elec. stove, hot water heat. 14 miles So. Prtngle School. 4th house on Robins Lant. 835 mo. Ph. 25182. K. Glesun. Jm393 HOUSE St GARAGE for rent or lease. 1996 8. Commercial, Jm294 ENTIRE LOWER floor to modern un furnished house. Venetian blinds, tiled kitchen can be used as 3 bdrm., or Ideal for home and business office by couple. Garage. Located right off business dis trict. 150. Available Dec. 15. Phone 3-1377 after 5 p.m. evenings. jm294 SMALL HOUSE, furn. Child of 2 to 5 ac cepted. 4S. Ph. 20612 or 28651 after 5 p.m. Jm293 ALMOST NEW, all electric. 1 BR. working couple. Phom 34360 or 1330 Fairmount tter 6. Jm294" S BDRM. modern house. 175 per mo. No children. Ph. 20138 before I a.m. Jm294 NEW UNFURNISHED on r -bedroom Hbme. many fine features, ready for occupancy about Dec. 15. Call 2-2811 for appoint ment. Call evenings. Jm294 BR UNEVEN, cottage, close In. Ph. 3-1585 between I a.m. St 5:30 p.m. Jml94 S RM. HOUSE partly furn. Adults. Inquire 694 N. Church. Jm293 S RM. modern all electric duplex houe No pett. 170 per mo. Ph. 31133. 4545 Statej Jm392 TWO 2-room houses, part! furnished! elec. range, oil heat, redecovaied. Inq. 3( Taylor St, or 125 Oregon Bldg. IAUTOMOBIl.ES Ph. 3-9277 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS DOWN TOWN basement warehouse. 140 GARAtiE for rent. Call at 1233 Alien Court- J39& OFFICE FOR RENT. Ph. 3-8389: jSv IF YOUR PROPERTY Is for Sftlt It will pay you to know how much of an FHA loan It will stand. ThU Information U obtainable with but very little trouble. DO NOT HESITATE to call on us for any Information you desire about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St.' Tel. 1-4121. J jFO RENT. Large room Ferry Street, story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors - oi, -rei, 3-4121. t 4-ROOM HOUSE, electricity. Close in. Or chard Heights Rd. Amon S. Grlce. Ph. 16F15. FLOOR space on State St Desk apace on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8482. ji U DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jlnson Shell Service. iwcmer mi nonage, rn. wiQl. j BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery POWER TOOL rental for home and in duatriaJ use. Howacr Bros. Pn. 3-1640 J" TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bros. nin, neat oaiem EQUIPPED body, fender St paint shop. A. F. Glenn, Rt. 1, Box 68. mile north of Brooks op 99. Ph. Salem 2-4213. J295 TO DO a good lob i-ent t good floor send er. W sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS PH. 3-3646 J "OOP USED PIANOS. H. L. Stilt. J" SINGER ELECTRIC portable aewlng mi chines. Reasonable rate. Pre pick up delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l Ph 32S12 y ROOM & BOARD gPPJtf. MEALS, unch,,, Pn 2374t) jj3fl41 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Unfurn. roomi or faoiue. CIos. In. Ph. 3-9037, J.MS- COUPLE WITH fl i days. Nice 3 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. Prefer Enalewood Diet. Will pa; 6 mo. In ad vance. Ph. 38087. .,jM. EMPLOYED counle need 3-bdrm. unfurn. ..ww ..er .ciiooi. mono 3-4B84 eve. 1B303 LOST & FOUND call Dr' B.lh.E; '"' r.. . u.Tiu. at BilM 1 ?CK5R;up. Capitol School - J'o. fc293 LOST: FEMALE white Collie with eable -.-.... .-.. .wm. B.383 n! mie Irlah setter vlclnltr of r .- -"w -.khui. vwner maj claim by calllni 3-0337 alter 5:15 eve. k2M' between W. Salem A EUrom-. Dec. I about 11 a.m. Call Da Cooper, J-7083. 393 LOST! Brown auede purae. Ph. J-5875or 2-8807. Clara Wolf. Msji FOUND! a really ,ood place to eat. ?ood aellln. Is Lie art of provklinc food that . Muo.iT, . - uslomer ho will. nvio.iuja vjrre, SHOP rtumsvuie. ureio Truclc Parktne kjio (Continued on Page 21)