18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,' Friday;'" December '9, '1949 RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY P. M. V 1 . w UlEY SLID INTO EACH OTHER AND AROUND EACH' ' OTHER UNTIL MAN AND BOY AND DUCK WERE DIZZY (Chapter 5) MAGIC ROUTE TO SANTA LAND "Gladys Hadysl" exclaimed Serena when she saw what was In the dwarf's brief case. "What important looking papersl" Promptly George George Frothingham began repacking the papers. "I positively will go no further, Serena, unless you cut out that rhyming." ""' "Slogum Po " began Serena. - "I mean certainly, If you can't " appreciate poetry " '- "Poetry I" snapped the dwarf. ... i Mr. Dilly quickly interrupted. "What are those strange papers V in your brief case, Mr. Frothlng "" ham7" "They are maps and time ta ' bles I have collected over many centuries," said the dwarf, V dumping the stuff out again. "By studying them carefully , ! you can find your way to most i anywhere. Here for Instance, is ! a route I mapped to the moon." f1, ' He drew out a long narrow ribbon of paper covered with ,;-strange numbers and letters. He . "studied it proudly. "You go in your backyard at one minute .past midnight on the first night of the new moon in the last month of summer," he read. j"Carry in your left pants' pock Itt a pound of black eyed peas -rend in your right pocket a thim ,ble." . "What are they for?" gasped Henry. The peas are to pay your fare with and the thimble is to use "on your finger when you ring the moon's doorbell. It might be hot you know." Mr. Dilly cleared his throat. "This is very interesting," he i.iaid gently. "But we want to get to Santa Land." "Oh, yes," said George George. He put away the map iJo the moon. "But I have so J-' many wonderful trips planned l"'Jiere. It's a shame more people tdon't come to me for advice on Jtheir vacations." He riffled f. -through his papers scattering Jhem on the ground. "Ships and trains to the Land -Hf Cross Eyed Giants. Best Route .'including detours to the City of Where Boys Never Wear Rub X3ers. Roads to Yesterday. A Va ication in the Milky Way." "Myl" breathed Henry staring wat the papers in delight. "I never knew people could go to those .-.kind of places." i "Well," I advertise in the pa il pcrs," said George George. "But - no one seems to understand me. tlpr maybe people just prefer to go to the beach in the summer. Now here, I think, is the Santa ii iand route." He drew out a square sheet of paper and studied it closely while Mr. Dilly, Henry and Ser ena stared over his shoulder. "Santa Land Express," read the dwarf. "Take a pack of cards. Dear me, I have no cards!" Mr. Dilly promptly pulled a pack of cards from his vest pocket. "A magician always car ries cards," he said. "Good, good," said George George. "Well, now, it says here to build a house out of the cards," he said. Henry and Mr. Dilly immedi ately set about building a house out of the cards. They had a hard time of it because each time just as they were about to put on the roof the whole thing fell to the ground. Finally Mr. Dilly pulled out his magic wand and said some magic words and after that the house of cards stood up fine. ' Now, get in the house," said George George. "Swiggcr swagger, digger dagger!" exclaimed Serena, for getting her promise not' to rhyme. "Don't worry," said George George. "You'll fit." He pulled tiny red chimney from his brief case and put it on top of the card house. Immediately a strange thing happened: the house began to get bigger and bigger until fin ally Mr. Dilly and Henry and Serena could walk right in the front door! As soon as they were in George George shouted, Now I am going to shuffle you!" With that Mr. Dilly and Ser ena and Henry and all the cards in the house burst into the air with a terrible rippling sound. They slid into each other and around each other and on top of each other until man and boy and duck were so dizzy and so tired they fell asleep. When they woke they found themselves lying in a snow drift and covered with fifty-two plain, ordinary-sized cards. 'Roll and toss, Middleman boss," squawked Serena. "Wait until I see George George Froth ingham again!" ' "But look what he has done for us," cried Mr. Dilly. "Surely this must be Santa Land!" They looked where Mr. Dilly pointed and saw a little white cottage in the snow. Beyond the cottage they saw row on row of work shops. And beyond the workshops they saw reindeer flying above a wind swept field. "It is!" cried Henry "It really is Santa Land!" Whooping with excitement he ran as fast as he could towards the wonderful land. Next: Santa Plans a Party. R2837 - Th Naught? Nineties Helt are six amusing scenes from the bicycle- IbulU-ior-lwo nays that win mnKe gay conversation pieces at dlsh-dry-inn time. Simple stitches and nay colors make needlework hours fas-cinatlnR. pattern Envelope no. kikii con tains hot-Iron transfers tor six motlts. measuring approximately 6 by 6 Inches, color charts, stitch Il lustrations ana emDroiaenng directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and sons num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco S Calif. T I AtNT. TOO HAPPY."CHCKjr--WrrH) TILL THE HEAT YEAH?-MAYBE VOttA fP K.VV '.jsHXT .It J S2? YOU HANGIN' AROUND, HOTTER .DIES DOWN ON KIDOIN' YOURSELF -.aTafW JrJjSi'v'71 1 S THAN A HAMSUR6ER GRILL"THOSE BURGLARY V TAKE A GANDER AT sjATp' 'f J" ( VU SSg; HOW LONG DO YOU FIGGER J JOBS,"MOPTOP --- w?- TONIGHTS PAPER ..tlt . -tj' 'SK ' TO HOLE UP HERE ? mg THEN I'LL PUT ON MY ' S.fSa I PICKED UP V-SC. .ft . AO l 3 E 7fcL "AUNT HARRIET" RIG . BEFORE I CAME . fC.X& -Vj& ' r& Ci . " 5 H" I II WHERgQ LET'S SihllLlZll ETaND, AS FOR Y.EhTyWH-YEBHI O T GET fWfH FROM f VOU SAID YOU HAD ) MY PAL W "HE WENT U-"yimi ) JOEf DONT YOU HEAR I I TTNK I HEAR TH' 1 .- ME. YUH SPWED OFF TO TBLK TP SOMEBODY-- B GO? li L THAT A' WAY"" c mj SOMEONE FROM J PHONE R1NG1N- B j86 l'LL 00 ffl r,. . . ' n r wuepe am srr im wilburs I yooVl have to excuse! too SaoTas i was SAMS.MWoaTB- m (BMrtiiji) I SUPPOSED JPL&CE-HE AINT M MR.NEBB.MR.NOCKEHJi DIDMT SUDER..1 INTEND TO - -s VtNOOOH TO SIT ?JEATiw LUNCH HE USUALLY SITS w- NOTICE J DO TWINSS THIS TOWN lf T ( ySzStHtJ.fLr 5 )-ltoday mM: IN THE CHAIR THAT HIS WHERE ICQME FROM we DONT VTODAV, RUDY VJ , VOU HAVE Jk NAME WAS TAKE A BACK SEAT TOR A Vg ' OBO JVW!!W KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 630 NBO 970 CDS 1190 ABO 1390 UBC 190 ttc. 5. 00 The I l til Knox Manning That. f Yukon (Unta't Hall Band tt Day S lSfiSewi ihi Uttle Show Cbal. mt Yakoo CaU Band of Bar " fi:30Pon ol Tlmo Newo Jack Arnitronc Tom Mix Slni Croikf 5:4!SElmer Fttcnon Now Jack Armilrony Tom Mix BmlMia Mowt 6:00Hcnrr MoTrVn Learo It to Joan P rrflrhten Qabrlel Hcatar ?andW Llffcl 615 Henry Morraa Loafe It to Joan Homo Edition M. W. Nowa and Bllvar 6:3d imtanlt Lam 'n Abner Modern rieblnf and FUheaitor 6:45 Durante Lum n Abntr Bomaneei Hnntlnf Clb Twllitbt Bear ' 7:011 Dlrectori' Youni Lofe FlVhta ronebdown Tlpt Pat O'Brien 715 riarbotua Young rfo FtsliU This la Mniio UaaleaJ Jaeknt4 7:30BIUSlern Nambei Pleaee Flghta Ciioo Kid E?elyn Knlgnl 7:45 Rhythm Time Number Pleaee Flghti Claw Kid Sporti 8:00 Slnatra-Klrsten Lowell Thomaa Fat Haa Straight Arrow W V Ohlea 8:15 Newi of World lack Smith Fal Man Straight Arrow W V Chleo 8:S0 Orcheitra TbeOoldberga Ifoor FBI Ru Morgan W U - Chleo 8;45 Orcheitra The Goldberg! Ifonr TBI Jorir Seara W P - Ohio 9:00 StiTKInga My ravorlto Oxilt A flamot Pfowa , WD- Ohio 9:15 Orcheitra Huiband Oiile A Barrlrl David Baa W U - Chleo 9:30 Dance Moslo - Benlah Weitorn Bkloa Mnalo W U - Chleo 9:45 Dane Maale Clnb 16 Wcilern Skloa Maelo Newt 1000 arn' riaVea S Star Final Rich. Beportar Fait. Lowla Jr. Warwlek Tbtai, 10-15 Sporti Final Bporti Spotlight intenneaio Beleel Nawa Warwlek Thoal, 10:30 Dick Harmoa Alr-flo Concert Hoar Nawa Untie Yoa Want 10:45 Drcheatra Harrr Jamea Concert Hoar Charlie Bpt Huile Yoa Wan! 1100 Kewi Serenade Concert Hoar Love Mraterr Nectamo 11:15 Wax Mneenm Organ Muile Concert Boar Muelo Nocturne i 11:30 Wax Muienm Treaaarr Band Memoa Ruea Morgan Ifoctam 11 :45 Wax Mnaenm Newa Memoa Orchertrn Woetnrna 12:00 sign Off Bileni tra Hoar pign Off "aign Off SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:43 P.M. 6:00 Podge Podge ewe Pawn fffw fi'lS Hodgo Podge KOIN Klock Downbeat Timekeeper 630 Hodge Podge KOIN Klock Dawn March Time ICOCO Kleafc 6 :45 Hodge Podge KOIN Klock Downbeat Sewe KOCO Klocfc ' 7-00 Now Hear Thli KOIN Klock Round-Up Boje Itw Tex Kilter 7 15 Now Hear TblaNcwe H. Agronaky Ireakfatt Gang 4ewa 730 Newa owa Breakfaft Plata lr oak fait Gang Somea Land 7:45 Sam Hayea Contnmer Newa Breakfaat Plaaa fop Tradea Eatonelon Sarv- "g-Ofl Fred Waring Newa Home Agent Bargain Counter Bemlnlaatni 815 Fred Waring let'e Pretend Musical Bridge Haala Bemlnlaelag 830 Smiling Junior Hlie Musical Bridge Haven ad Beat Weat'n Meledten 8:45 McConnen lunlor Mita Muileal Bridge Haven af Boat 3clence Exear. Q.flO Mary Lea Theatre of 101 Ranch Northwert News Defenea Bert 915 Taylor Today 101 Ranch Blng Slnga Pop Varlotlee 9:30 Beading la Fun Orand Central Toyland Tnnea Paator'a CaB Moile Wltheat 9 :45 Newa Brand Central Toyland Tanaa 8 age Bldera - Worda 10:00 Farm Hour Stan Over Slara of News Babt Balk 10:15 Farm Hour Hollywood Tomorrow Femma Fair Salem Air Bea. 10:30 Voices, Events dire and Take Stars of Prondly Hall Concert 10:45 Voices, Events Siva and Take Tomorrow Prondly Hall Favorite 11:00 Lassie County Fair Met. Opera Platter Jock Bat. Serenade 1:15 T B A County Fair Met. Opera Platter Jock Bat, Serenado 1:30 T B A Meet the Minus Met. Opera Platter Jock Sat. Serenado 1:45 X B A Meet the Mlsans Met. Opera Platter Jock Sat. Serenade 2:00 Young News Met. Opera Top Tradea At tho Opera 2:15 Oregonlana Mother Knowa Met. Opera Newa At the Opera 2:30 Muslcana Best Met. Opera NW News Newa 2:45 Mnslcana Family Party Met. Opera Bob Eberly Navy Band 1:00 T B A Family Party Met. Opera Man on Faraa Sat. Hatlaen .J5 T B A Newspaper Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matlneat :3Q T B A Newspaper Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matlnea :45 T B A Col. Feature Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matlnoa 2:00 Mind Manners Col. Feature Met. Opera News Sat. Matlnea 2:15 Mind Manners Col. Feature Met. Opera Btb Army Band Sat. Matlnea 2:30 Rpt.. America Stan Dougherty Tea and College Choir Cy Shannon 2:45 Broadway Coi Stan Dougherty Crumpeta College Choir Cr Shannon 3 :00 Newa ' Red Barber Junior Orchestra Chln-TJp Chat 3:15 Guest Star News Junction Orchestra Chln-Up Chat 3:30 NBC Symphony V. N. Jasa Concert Sat. Matlnea Chln-Up Chat 3:45 NBC Symphony Larry tesuer Jast Concert Sat. Matinee Chln-Up Chat 4:00 NBC-Symphony Inside CBS Lettera"lo Bant. Mel Allen News 4:15 NBC Symphony Bandstand Marry Winner F. Hemingway Spotlight Musla 4:30 Bands of the Chloagoana Albert Warner Kostelanets Curtain Calls 4:45 Land Chicagoana Church ft Nat.tKoitclaneti Curtain Calls A FINE. I HlraW.'-All- YEAR ah Bin trembun' wii FEAR THET VO"D NAB MC, COME SADIE. HAWKINS 1) AN'-ALL VEiAR VOr BIN CLAIMIN' 0'D RUTHER BE DEAD THAN NOT THAVE. ME., BODV AN SOUL SO WHUT HAPPENS T t YO'lOMORt ME.'V-'yO' RUNS T'OTMCR wAY:r-is o J CRAZY,OR "N I SUMPTHINy ) f-fWZT ASA roXtr-SOOM AS HE REACHES TH' MIDDLE O'TMIS LOG, AH PUTS MDQEJ? HOOK'S -atiPf. PLAN W70 ACK-SHUNr-ITMGHTSNAP HSSPffJE. J UK- A MATCH5IU. GHACK HIS SKULL,LIK. A EGG OR MASH IN HIS RIBS BUT, EF IT SO HAPPENS HE HE'S MiNC-ALL MINE..?'. DAY )C'XS I I MAPPSSWS Uurff-Bg. ' " T I I tAT,W A I UK yimh in tin OU1, tJ-y " ' WELL,MUTTJ y J AW THAtJEAI-CIUS T WELL, VOU KNOW HOW J'wELL.PEOPLB HE GOT V?""" ,. j&l ILOSTMV (trjopn? FOREMAN V0U? WHVL A FOREMAN IS ----JVEH THOUGHT I jealous V joeiiGcrrXT ""iv he got TTT he stands JZ I fired me; ri I t'j ii 5'H'IBIa J 600MIWW TllSESyJUVE INTB?ESreE Tlv! WATACTISTWHOB0UAHTALlVNMieiSBKUSH-By Si OSf " wfXic'.' I rOMHBA IN OC0, My MONKEY. DO VOll J POVOU mff CM7oj ucat uc E WAY, NE VVANfS AN OLP PL OF BLAZE S . HE LL CEV PSELlMlMAUy LIKE ANIMALS, RUSTy ? I f JtSJSl TOE WE WHO IS JO PANT FOR SOME SKETCHES , tlfflfifctw SEE, ANIMAL PAINTINfi IS A ' I 1 I I I TEAiTiSAiHuODSRT fjrOOfTTOTHER WE'LL I I l' "LON9 DISTANCE. I WANTA OOWN THERE COOLING LETTIN' ME KNOW p-f PROBaLy ) j- 1 PLACE A CALL OFF.. .THE NUAV3ER? OH... WHEN FIVE MINUTES TALK AN XwO TQ. LtiFTV ' SLKLC626 Falls City Organizes Another Cooking Club Falls City A 4-M cooKing club was organized at the grade school this week. Mrs. Tresa Smith is the leader. Newly elected officers are Jean Watson, president; Alice McFall, vice president; Jennie Ames, secre tary; Geraldine Dook, yell lead er; Joan Williams, news reporter. Lebanon Serious damage was received to cars driven by Mel- vin Schrock of Albany and Ma son Buck, Lebanon, in a collision I RtAllVSHOUlPN'T TRUST WSEIF WITH yOU ON A IOnELt ROAD.MARTV'YOU WftT HATE Mt! ) AVt?- - WHY? A FEW HOURS AGO t nnwT Rl AMt )l UAnTUC ttrOI n If- ... .... nn n "l IN A JI)G!--N((YOUT)tckrr,1T,iT1iNj UNENGACED! r3R.R.RATEFUi'. l! JT l'3R-R-RATEFUl! foRWEEWIVER-R-REAUZEO D I AYE?--WHY? THB NEITHER THE THATtWASR-R-REFlHIN'TO -J J J? I 1 DI5HONOR.ABtEFOR.ME 7" .V A Wpr- T0600NASPRR-RE5IPENT I Sisi. W OF THE SWEETII6HT -2 Jff- Tie3s?1d UU COMPANY- AND. Aj&W 'fJ&A V ) lrKf F'la7 P.M. Children' The atcn 5:15, On the Upbeati :M. 550 Sparta Clnbi :00.. Newat 6:111, OSO Alnnnlt 6:30. Huale of Caeono. alovaklal 7:15, Evenlnr Farm Honrf 7:55, Baaketballt 0:30, Newa and Weatheri 9:45, ETtnlnt Mcdllatlonai 10:00, Sign Oil. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 A1A Saturday A.M 10:00, Nawai lWMV 10:15, Eapeclallr lor Woimai 11:00, Th Conoert Hallt 12:00, Nawal 12:15, Noon Farm Bort 1:00, Bldt Kaa Cowboy: 1:30 Voicr of tho Army: 1:45, Melodx Lanai t:00, Hoaie of the Maaloral 3:30, Science: 3:15, Spirit of Vlklnaai :M, Pan-Amcrlcan Bhythmil 4:15, Sonfl tbo Wait! 4:45, Hero la Australia. at Vine and Park avenue. Neith er driver was injured nor Mrs. Schrock and two small children, passengers in the Schrock car. Buck, according to. both drivers, attempted to cross Park street after stopping for the through street. He failed to see the ap proaching Schrock machine, Buck stated. School Census Shrinks Unionvale T h e Unionvale school district school age chil dren are 103 and last year were 95, Mrs, Ari Launer, school clerk, reported. ACROSS IB. Myself 1. Steps 40. Solitary 7. Bo abundant 42. Lights 13. Kind ot gaiter 45. Black cuckoo 14. Chaff 47. Crawling 15. Conjunction animal 16. Forcible grasp 49. River In Egypt 18. Symbol (or t0. Transoceanic rutnantum steamship 19. Annov 21. Form Into fabric 22. Vlait stores 24. Dregs 26, Grafted: heraldry 28. Lean of th palmyra palm 29. Cut of meat 31. Cavern 33. Exists 34. Join 26. Reslda routs 62. Cover a top wall: variant E4. Base of tht decimal system 6S. Hebrew plural ending 56. Duchy B9. While 60. Cherry color 62. Excite to action 64. Jubilant 65. Rents DOWN 1. Plunder 2. Small tower I. By 4. Pronoun b e e. cfil l R EgjT cTS k Hall I A iDN A I E R RA N D BBTn 6 P T E9 C R 0 oBoTd E 8 8 A ? A sJhIo R Ef8jK A U a w iflglM r sliolo t tj RIOICMEISISIEM NIOIAIMI 8olutlon of .Yesterday's Puulo I. G1t oft fumsc C. Largo net T. Act of meet- - Ing and to - nd Close firmly : 9. Units 10. Lowest not of Guldo'a scali 1L Essential oU of orange flowers 12. Stone t nil to . 17. Metal 20. Turn over 23. Exclamation 25. Set out on a voyage 27. Wicked 30. Be aware 22. Masculine name 35. Rapped 37. Send forth 38. Spite 39. Glaie 41. County la Ohio 43. Afford I pleasure 44. Faculties of perception 43. Award of valor 51. Redact 53. Learning 67. Utility 58. Extinct Mr4 61. Sun god 63. You and mo TT'M e T 7o 73 P 7a So pai B""23 (so tr P5 " "Mill IN I I 1 I Ai Newt ft of wres ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem LIKE I SAID, I MET ALFY'5 CASHIER. WIFE AT DA DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT BEFORE HE MARRIED HER. "AN MAYBE IF I GO TALK WITH HER. I COULD CHANGE HER. MIND ABOUT NOT WANTIN' ALFY TUH BE A BOXER,- - I'D PLAY UP WHAT A FLASHY FIGHTER. A- in. HE 15, AN HOW HIS ir r-l I s ulajuu crn 5Uv MDRC IN Qv RING THAN WRAPPIN- A AROUND OA STEERIN' , WHEEL Or A TRUCK. , 'GREAT.' AND " TELL HER HOW ALFY COULD MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO START HIS OWN CHAIN OF DRIVE-IN RESTAURANTS 'r.Y7T l(SAREFUL!fSv bHfc CJNLjr '