f 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,f riday,1 December 9, 1949 WARREN CARTIER Valuable to State Small College Mentor Defends I By OSCAR FRALET I United Preaa SporU Writer ! Olean, N. Y Dec. 9 (U.R)Most fttns are quick to scorn the selec tion of All-America football teams as soon as their personal fjivorltes are overlooked but not Hughie Devore, a smart gridiron guy who coaches St. Bonaven ture college. I Devore, wartime touchdown $eritor at Notre Dame,, admits at it takes plenty of publicity to win "All" honors for a foot tjall player. Yet he points out that it requires consistently su perlative performances to hit the headlines week in and week cfut. I If there is any fault with the system, he'll tell you, it is that only 11 men can be honored. I "There can't be much doubt jthat they deserve it," ex plained the square-cut' man Kvith the penetrating brown eyes. "Consider Doak Walker iof Southern Methodist and Charley Justice of North Caro lina." i Somebody pointed out that Walker was on the sidelines when SMU almost upset mighty Notre Dame as Kyle Rote carried the torch, and that when Jus tice was out of Carolina's battle against the fighting Irish a stand in named Dick Bunting spear headed the Tarheels so gallantly. "Yes, but that's a case of Suddenly drawing a hot hand not one of being consistent ly great," Devore illustrated. SCORES in (0mplM University Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 ' frrw (4) Miller 421, ParkM 317, Vil lftii 36a. White 80J, Wodtewodft 433; Pu mjlltc (0) Kellpy 417, Bolder 312, Stierl dtn 361, Elwood 440, Dtmctn 440. JUrl" () Peterson 486, Held 630, Rlti mf a 433, Pern 461, Zeller 613; Ralph Jcthn- . 400, Prank 318, A. Bell 488. Drer A Bonn U) Wlttmora 434, Plftnti 4X1, Brought 351, Guy 300, Permnn 483; nTmI Air Facility Btxtlon (8) Holmnn S, B. Knedler 453, Hay worth 363, Rob r 467. Haul 143. Fisher 366. IntemrUt Tractor 4) Morru (m, hod- Amn in. fihftckmfcn 471. Tftnmierv 3H0. Pearl 643: Cuihin'i Union Ilex floe (0) Pt&it 434, Farley 469, Stone 613, Scott 497, Corns toe K 440. Uudion't Flumbtnr (0) AriRove 360, Btonnon 381, Brain 347, Little 430, Hop life Her 611; RAN Clothlcrt (4) Rtcki 437, Bfcrker 616, Muelhnupt 401, Kaneskl 620, NMlfl? let National Bank (I) DrlRRS 460, Kjpttke 303, Mnrr 367, Marahall 389, Mor Tlf 8:W.lern Paper (3) J. Kuebler 409, Andersen 360, Cadaeh 316, Luke 476, L Kuebler 471. Rothweler 368. (High tnd. nerles. Ed Pearl, 643; hlsli tnd. name, Stone, 311: high team eerlea, Interstate Tractor, 31R6; high tenm game, cioimera, ve. J COMMERCIAL I.EAOUK NO, t feeeb Uaed Cars (0) P. Zerh 308. B Otrr 474. 8. Zeeb 471, A. Zerb 4B5. Peter- Kfn 410; Smllh Auto Par In 3 Clark 361, Eimtnlnter 303, Scheuta 45(3, Lemon 601, L4f 4Rfl. (KntghU of Pythlai ( Decatur 606, Eiwootl 441, srneinei 4E, Marrt 4B(i, Tlrhlda 464: Van'e Parkin (Mellon (II Vtfck 470, Roger a 411, Keenan 488, Barnea 317. McDanlela B3B. iftlc Donald Candy (S) Baxter 406, Bry- kft 466, Nichols 488, aemmell 460, Brott dw; ranmjer unrvron Momyer 4da, Oftrrmatt 333, Miller 404, Covert 408, W, Miller 400. Hhrork Mr. I ore (SI Meyer 431, dri ed 303, Mcrnrlnnd J(B, Stcpanek 356. VJl.vscr 468; KOCO (0) Thede 413, Hknsom 376, McElroy 437, Naaon 334, WH Dime 463. pilRh Ind. name, Schledel of KniKht of Ft l mas, aua; n.gn ina. eerie, Brott ol MVDonnld Candy, 646; high team aeries, AK-uonaid Cnndy, 3016. I Capital Alleys ' HEARS MENS LEAKUE "Kenmore 2Wenier 654, Adam 444, Jtliiea 303, Carver 394. PI If rim 111- Jensen JH, Smith 387, Letofsky 636, Ooiiah 600. CLARENCE BRANNUM Kansas State Center All-Star Teams "Consider my team this sea son. I had a bail carrier who always threatened to really do big things. But always that little bit extra seemed to be missing. "I would go to him after a game and congratulate him, and he would say: 'Aw, I was ter rible. I ouchta quit this game.' He knew he had a bit more that hadn't come out. "Then in one of our last games he suddenly drew that hot hand. All at once he did all the things he knew he could do and was a regular ball of fire. The other coach, who had scouted us well, wanted to know where we had been hid ing him." Devore emphasized that he didn't intend to intimate that such outstanding players at Rote and Bunting weren't of Ail- American calibre, The manner in which Notre Dame surged back to win from SMU this year marks the Irish as a "really great team" to De vore, and one whose players de- serve any All-America mention they received. And that's why he believes all the Walkers and the Jus tices, who didn't have to have their mental ups and downs smoothed out every Saturday to deliver at peak effort, de serve those much-sought yet much - scorned All - America honors. the ALLEYS Bcifllli) All Slat (U OlUnr 469. Hlehl 446, Clark 360, Hawke 460. Harmony Home (3) PlUor 474, Hill 456, Paulson 461, Dftvey 496. Craft urn an (1) Barker 487, Kraus 463, Klein 424, Morri 350. llomart (2 Korbea 473, Ronch 403, Cooper 458, Cook 490. Coldspot (1) Patton 431, Halsey 516, Orye 387, Bevaiu 437. J. C. niacins 3t Ambrose 413, Salatrom 487, Slcrp 433, Oa lund 545. Hlith team aerlej: Kenmore 3217, High team game: Ken mora 814, High Individual aerlea: Wonder, 654. High individual game: Wenncr, 333. SEARS WOMKNB I.EAtlUR Lane 341, Hill 333, Wed el 207, Smith 203, Lancnitter 317, Conley 329, Fleetwood ill, PauLion ail. LADIES CITY LEAGUE Ackllni Hoot err (3l Wilder 300. Loken 338. Whlttaker 325, Vlttone 353. Mnrle Aroner 380. y.w.u.a. oi acnueMier jjo, Schwab 384, Mackry 236, Meyers 211, Cupboard Cafe (U Thorn won 609, Porbeis 405. Pease 389, Qlodl 3R6, Boyce 407. Capital City Laundry (21 Bain 633. Doer Her 301, Rom 400, Hillman 361, Bayea 370. Senator Beaut? Shop (11 Otlne 386, Scott 343, Thomas 319, McClrtln 331, Ad olph 437. Good Housekeeping (3) Olney 36R, Albricli 450, Duncan 388, Jone 478, Poasehl 308. Quhenherry Drait 121 McElhftney 4SB, Evaiu 437, Lock en 450, Black am. Ken nedy 440. Wlllard Art Tile (ll Glob 454, Lawlesa 366, Cojman 324, Walnwrlnht 330, Wlllard 480. Golden Pheanant (2i Clark 430. Thrush 416, Miiellhaupl 473. Laird 443, Onrbnrlno 512. Kefleltex (D Dnw.ion SHI, Boyd 318, Snyder 430. Utitnam 437, Meyer 433. Ulan tenm xrrle: Golden Phennnt, 3263. HUh Individual aeries: Cn.sle Bntn. 532. High Individual name: Casle Bain, 306. Duckpin Bowling COMMERCIAL LKAOtlP. GMC Truck Co. (8) Darby Sermon 32R. Joe Brooks 361. Milt Tliotnns 370. liar win Senium 373. John Fu lien wider 337; Wllln mette Valley Hank (I) Carroll Meek 304, Keith Knye 367, Bob JuiirIIiir 441, Carnol WrtltlhiR 331, Al Flicker 383. Quality Hied Cars (41 Hoval Pnn'-v 452. Bill Campbell 434, B. Snelftrov 360, Mose Vhii Dell 446, Euill Schola 640; Rlea unn'i Itakery (0) Hill Moail 377, Marlon Glen son 430, Harold Uoimer Jllj, Ai t Woelk 401, Ken Mntturen 336. Willamette Amusement CD Clarence Appleiiata 4H0, Roy Robinson 310. Wilfred Wilier 348, Howard Mills 449, Olen Blan ton 314 ; A. L. rumnilnea Hen tint; 1 1 )--Bye 390, Lester Woodi 331, Eddio Ooert- PAUL ARIZIN Villanova'i Great Star DICK SCHNITTKER Ohio State's Hotshot l3flP MiirC Shown here are the top cagers of the nation's VUy& JIUIJ collegiate circles. Warren Cartier, North Caro lina State, is expected to lead the Wolfpack on the victory trail in the Southern Conference. In the Big Seven, it's Kansas State that takes the pre-season nod with Clarence Brannum expected to pack a lot of punch. In the Pennsyl vania area, Vlllanova's team, paced by Paul Arizin, is rated tops. Oklahoma's A&M, Missouri Valley champions are expected to make a strong bid to keep the title with Captain Jack Shelton at the helm. Dick Schnittker, Buckeye sharp shooter, is expected to make some difference for Ohio State In the Big Ten scramble while in the Skyline Six, Dale Toft, a Nebraska youth playing with Denver, is expected to carry the load for his school on his six-foot, fix-inch frame. Commie Tactics May Halt Tennis International Play London, Dec. 9 (P) Commun ist tactics in eastern Europe may halt world-wide International tennis, the president of the Brit ish Lawn Tennis association said today. Viscount Templewood, in a speech prepared for the associ ation's annual meeting, said western countries can't remain indifferent to the communist players' efforts to spread propa ganda while playing in tourna ments, Lord Templewood is a former British foreign secretary and air minister. "Sport in a totalitarian coun try is regarded solely and only as a government activity for the furtherance of government pol icy," he said, "The players who represent a totalitarian country in a sporting event are regarded as agents of their government and are expected to carry out in every respect their govern ment's instruction." Lei Dolge Tweedle Oil fn Dusne Fmnk 404. Carl Flood 312, Ira short 432. Harry Bcharf 357. Emery Alderman 413: Marlon Elec tric i) Al HakanKon 3Dn, Arm Young ii4, iioo urinitn joi, Don Bower John Wood 385. High team aerlea and game. Quality useo unra, ml and na: nign Ind. aerie, Emll Scholt (Quality) 540; high Ind. game, Howard Smith (Cummlng-al 334. Befora inventory we anr to clear our shelves of as many of our used machines as possible and have cut the price to a figure that should move them quickly: Here are a few samples Standard Office Machines Underwood 5's Royal 10's ...... $27.95 Remington 10's Remington 12's . Remington's 30 s Smith 8's ... All our reconditioned machines are guaranteed. Expert Repair Service Roen Typewriter Exchange Phone 36773 456 Court Street Remember we sell ALL MAKES of New Portables JACK SH ELTON Oklahoma A&M Captain DALE TOFT Can He Replace Boryla? 9 . BASKETBALL HIGH SCHOOL SCORER (By the Associated Press) Salem 36, La Grande 37. Klamath Fall 45, Tlgard 33. Scappooae 41, Tillamook 36. College Seorea: (By the Associated Pre.ns) Oregon State 40, Wisconsin 36. Pacific Lutheran 68, Linflold 38. Pasadena 64, Southern OreRon A3. San Francisco 70, Nevada 51. Utah 57, Colorado State 46. - Denver 60, Utah State 30. Brigham Younn 63, Regis 37. Wyoming 49, Colorado A&M 42. Phillips Oilers 50, Idaho 30, CCNY 67, Southern Methodlat 83. Kansas State 68, Long Island 51. Harvard B6. Boston Univ. 6D. Siena 60, Champlaln 23, Western Ky 78, Bowling Oreen (O) AT, McCrary Eagles 60, Duke 54. N.C. State 74, George Washington S3. Alabama 56, Mississippi 38. Virginia 60, Roanoke 45, Notre Dame 57, Creighton 50. Bradley 56, Iowa State 48. Illinois 67, Toledo 51. Oklahoma City 49, Emporia (Kss) 47 (two overtlmesi. Tulsa 40, Southwestern (Kasl 36. Texas Christian 65, Abilene Christian 57. Baylor 58. Texas Tech 37. Texas Wesleyan 59. Hardin 83. Southeastern Okla 53, St. Mary's (Tex) OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hint 4:33 a.m. 3:09 p.m. 5:07 a.m. 4:03 p.m. Low 9:39 a.m. S.9 10:38 p.m. -0.5 10:37 a.m. 3.8 11:15 p.m. -0.3 5:53 a.m. 7.3 5:04 p.m. 7.8 11:37 a.m. 3.5 Municipal employes in Pales tine may not change jobs with out government consent. $27.95 $14.75 $27.95 $37.95 $27.95 Army Coach On T and Platoon Teams By HUGH FULLERTON, JR. (Associated Press Sports Writer) New York, Dec. 9 (JP) Army's Earl Blaik argues that there isn't a good "T" formation team today that still uses the brush block . . . When the Bears first popularized the revamped T, that was one of the big features and a lot of folks argued you could n't run plays without holding by the linemen . . . Come to think of it, have you noticed that the man-in-motion feature isn't used nearly as much as it was a few years ago? . . . Another Blaik contention is that one reason for the unpopularity of the platoon system is the word "platoon." .. . Says Earl: "A lot of people still don't like the army." . Despite the drubbing Louisiana State took from St. John's in the Garden, Coach Harry Rabenhorst insists "it will be a good team in our league. It just isn't ready for such competition. We're still concerned with football in Lou- All in the Viewpoint When Ohio State's footballers were flying home from their early-season game with Sjornia, the plane passed over the Grand Canyon . . . One guy reported overhearing these comments: Guard Shag Thomas (an artist of sorts): "I'd give anything if I could get that splash of color down on canvas." End Jim Palmer (a religious sort of fellow): "It just shows the wonders of the world." O. Miller (a farm boy): "Gosh what a of a place to lose a cow." Os and Shells If the senior Bowl folks are interested, Cliff Coggin, who set a new national pass ing record this season, graduates from Missouri Southern this month and wouldn't mind cutting in on the take . . . The Dodgers eame out of the major and minor league draft sessions with a net profit of $15,000 and five players . . . And the Yankees' George Weiss admits he lost some sleep over Branch Rick ey's draft "sleeper" until he learned it wasn't a certain bonus player in the Yankee system ... A sharp observer who watched the golf pros in the recent North and South Woodburn FFA Slates Smoker Woodburn Future Farmers ol America of Woodburn high school will hold the annual smoker tonight (Friday) In the Woodburn high school gym. Main event will be a clash be tween Jim Nosack of Gervais and Barrie Jackson of the Port land Pal club. Approximately 15 bouts are scheduled, starting at 8 p.m. Tony Kahut will be referee; Arvid Ostrom, timer; Benton Daily, announcer; Ray Tyson and Ed Coman, Judges. The smoker committee consists of LeRoy De Jardin, Virgil Topefer, Gene Pacquine, Dwaine Davis and Sanford Budeau. LeGRAY KENNELS Boarding and Training Special Monthly Rates Grooming Services Free Pick-Up & Delivery Route 3 Ph.3-1398 too NVanY " Clark 516" Electric Drill A OC Reg. 51.00 SALE .37.73 Hand Saw Vises. A Af Reg. 4.50 SALE Get them all together, put 'em in a box, and stow 'em on a nice, clean shelf ... TOOL BOX that Is, In green crackle finish, all-steel, continuous hinge. 14x7x6 Full Tray 2.65 16x7x6 Full Tray 3.25 20x92x8 Vi Tote Troy . . . . 4.95 Oh, you bet! . . . there's a whole flock of other items SALE-PRICED In time for Gift Buying at . . . THAT CONVENIENT LOCATION Gives Dues Open picks as the best "com ers" for the coming year Dick Mayer and Gene Dahlbender, both of whom just recently turned pro, Jackie Burke and Charles Bassler. Dots All, Brothers Frank Thomas, Alabama's ath letic director who hasn't visited his office since he suffered a heart attack last month, is show ing improvement but there's no telling when he'll be able to work again. ... If he can t resume his job, Business Manager Jeff Cole man, not Coach Red Drew, is the likely successor. . . . You can tab Texas Christian as a potentially dangerous team in the southwest basketball. Heavy King Gets New Management Cincinnati, O., Dec. 9 (U.R) Ez- zard Charles, the NBA recog nized heavyweight champion today was under new manage ment. Tom Tannas, New Kensing ton, Pa., sportsman and real es tate dealer, purchased Charles contract yesterday from three Cincinnatiaians, Gene Elkus, Charles Dyer and George Rhein for a price reported between $50,000 and $60,000. Although the three Cincinnati men said they sold Charles' contract to Tannas exclusively. it was considered likely that Tannas will form a partnership with Pittsburgh Promoter Jake Mmtz. Listen! to the broadcast that is interesting and different TONITE DON HARGER'S "FISHCASTER" K.O.C.O. at 6:30 Sponsored by Herrall Owens & The Salem Boat House JIM'S SHOE SERVICE 175 N. High ' HIGHEST QUALITY CORDOVANS You'll Be the Apple of "Her" Eye! in these fine GENUINE shell cordovans! They are hand casted especially for Jim's . . . select yours today. Full run of sizes. Jim's Shoe Service 175 N. High LIKE M 1 n t-i originally combined with Elkus, Dyer and Rhein and acted as Charles' matchmaker, ...only the FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY bears this label. . HARWOOD'S IS CANADA'S FINEST Harwood's is the master piece of Canada's Largest Independent Distillery. To millions, It has become the Canadian Whisky which they can always depend on for quality. Every sip tells the same story of light, mellow, velvety flavor. . Ask for Harwood's today FIFTHS $5.05 pints $3.20 mrwnrn CANADIAN RENFIELD IMPORTERS, LTD., NEW YORK jy trust a V f - ar aT' Earn a Good Return You MIGHT be willed a fortune r , , , , ... or win a grand radio "iack- Enjoy Savings Safety ,.,, , ? , . ' ' pot and wind up on "easy street". You might! Make sure START YOUR of financial security. Save now ... regularly from income for ACCOUNT TODAY from savings jSALEM FEDERAL 60 Slat. Sir..t. Sol.m, jj&H'WiliH.IISE j lrMHTl I THESE: 6" Hand Tool Grinder. Reg. 5.50 Plastic 6-foot Folding Rules Reg. 1.50.. Pocket Levels with clip. Reg. 75c Ci.; "I IH ftBrw: LUMBC. T but recently he more and more took over the role of the Negro ieavyweight'1 manager. if 3 WHISKY 90.4 PROOF e a vita? O 4W IN VI ACCOUNT SAViNOS ""' IQAN Or.gon . tu.. i .r. Too Many Items in Stock, So We're Putting Them Out SALE PRICED For You to Snatch Up! O 1 C SALE QQ SALE 70C A- SALE JVC """nil