Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRI FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 8, 1919 2 Women's Service Clubs Meet Two local women's service .l,ih held their meetings, Wed nesday. Rnrnntimist club met ior x , 1 -nl,Jnn Dhsge. nncneuii hi viic uuiui.ii i l l,ni;nv tiraro turn 1. BI1U oiicuuiuB ...w ii- rn.n1i;P Mrs. Etha Raw and Mrs. Fisher. tana were set for April 14, 15 and 16. The general directorate for the convention will include the club president, Mrs. Glenn McCormick, and Mrs. H. G Maison. Mrs. Ethel Lau and Mrs Marie Ling. Full commit tee appointments for the con vention groups will be announc ed later. For the meeting next Wed nesday noon, Mrs. Mable E. Hay- les, recreation supervisor and librarian at the state hospital, is to be the speaker. Altrusa Club Dinner Altrusa club members gath ered for a dinner session at the Marion hotel last evening, Mrs Eale P. Delaney, president, in charge. The group voted to sponsor a Christmas project, Mrs. Verne Hobb being chairman of the com mittee. Because of the holidays, no locial is planned this month and the next dinner meeting will be the first Wednesday of January at the Marion hotel. Dinner Events Mr. and Mrs. John R. Caughell are entertaining at two informal dinner gatherings this week. Last evening their guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Drager, who are here from Manila; Dr. and Mrs. John J. Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise. On Friday evening, the Caughclls will entertain as din ner guests the Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carson. Group Entertained Zena Sunrise Farm, home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, Sr., was beautifully decorated in the Christmas theme when Mrs. Crawford entertained with the annual holiday party for Spring Valley Home Missionary society. Assisting were Mesdames Lee Gibson, Wilfred L. Lantis and Robert F. Yungen. Attending me auair were Miss Esther Barthelemew. Mrs. R. Whitney and Mrs. Fred Mcs pelt as guests; ten children and 30 members. Numbers on the program, arranged by Mrs. Lois Crawford, program director, were Christmas carols in unison, witn Mrs. James B. Smart as ac companist; piano number, med ley of Christmas carols, by Mrs James S. Smart; Christmas songs. Miss fcstlier Barlhelemew; piano solo by Ruth Carlson. Mrs. R. V. Carlson, president conducted the meeting, when the group voted to send cheer bas kets to a family of mother and four small children, and to the eldest residents. Mrs. W. D. Henry, birthday chairman, presented gifts to those whose birthday occur in Decem ber, including Mesdames C. F Merrick, Mrs. Robert F. Yun gen, Carl Loop, Byron Purvine, v. Li, uinson. The January hos tess list includes Mesdames Fred Muller, Ben McKinncy, Leta Munson and Harold Washburn Mrs. R. C. Shcparri, devotional leader, read the Bible story of Christmas. a oosseri lunencon was served by the hostesses, fol lowing a gift exchange. Complete Stock of Hallmark Cards with thosa "Hard-to-get-titles" for In-lowi, Sod-fothers, ttc EDWARD WILLIAMS 330 Court UO Parents Meet Several faculty members from University of Oregon are to be guests for the dinner meeting of the UO Dads and Mothers clubs next Monday evening at Mayflower hall. The no-host dinner will be at 6:30 o'clock. Faculty guests to attend in clude Don Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lillie, Mr. and Mrs Rob- bert Sullivan, Robert McClure and Howard Lemon. All parents and alumni are welcome, each family to take its own hot dish and table service. Shower Fetes Bride-to-Be Miss Glenna Foat, who is to be married December X7, to Ray Coursey, was honored at a show- and party for which Miss Ruth Squier and Miss Corah Lund were hostesses at the home of Miss Squier. The group pre sented the bride-elect with i recipe file of favorite receipts and also a shower of gifts. A late supper was served. Feting Miss Foat were Mrs. Leon Goucher, Mrs. Doris Scott, Mrs. Esther Patrick, Mrs. Kath erine Montgomery, Mrs. John Branson, Mrs. Lloyd Darling, Mrs. Irvin Branch, Mrs. Frank McKenzie, Mrs. Henry Unruh, Miss Patricia Burghart, Miss Nita Cairnes, Miss Val Brenner, Miss Jane Hillman and the host esses. - Highland Mothers Set Holiday Event So former members of High land Mothers' club may renew their acquaintance with friends and teachers, a special invita tion is being extended to all mo thers to attend the homecoming and Christmas party planned for; December 15 in the school audi torium. This will be the regular monthly meeting postponed from December 8. There will be a short business meeting at 1:15 p.m., followed by a Christmas program presented by the chil dren of the first, second and third grades. Following the program the mothers and their guests will ga ther in the school cafeteria for refreshments and an exchange of white elephant gifts. Mrs. Thelma Youngquist is chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements, assist ed by the following mothers: Mrs. Vera Ayres, Mrs. Dorothy Bancroft, Mrs. Lillian Godsey, Mrs. Martha Follis, Mrs. Carolyn Beckett and Mrs. Arrilla Cham bers. Engagement Told Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Hi ram Brown Humphrey of Wash ington, D. C, are announcing the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Miss Nan Hum phrey, a student at the Univer sity of Oregon, to Wallace Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Adams of Silverton, graduate student at the univer sity. The wedding is to be at Portland in St. Stephens c thedral Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, December 26. The parents of the bride-to-be plan to drive west for the wed ding. iParties at Hudkinses Mrs. Charles Hudkins , was hostess today to Kensington club members and additional guests, entertaining at a dessert and in formal afternoon. Christmas ap pointments were used in decorating. Mrs. E. E. Gilbert was one of the guests and presented a trav elogue for the group. Other guests included Mrs. Robert Hartzell, Mrs. David Cameron, Mrs. E. C. Hobbs and Mrs. Harry Holt. Members of the club in clude Mrs. Harry Moore of Port land, Mrs. Charles Strickfaden, Mrs. C. S. Pratt, Mrs. A. A. Keene, Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. Henry Carl, Mrs. Lee Can- field, Mrs. O. J. Wilson, Mrs. Leon E. Barrick, Mrs. Albert Smith, and Mrs. Hudkins. Dinners Given Two other affairs have been given at the Hudkins home tne past week. Dinner guests one evening were Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. James P Purdy and Mrs. Robert Hart-zell. Another dinner was given to honor Mrs. Charles Strickfaden on her birthday, covers being marked for Mr. and Mrs. Strick faden, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Keene, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Doughton, and Mr. and Mrs. Hudkins. . Student Recital Friday Afternoon The fourth in a series of stu dent recitals by the Willamette university college of music will be presented Friday afternoon at 3 o clock in the recital hau. Nine musicians from the col leae to be heard in various numbers include: Jack Moore, junior from Seattle, Wash.; Bet ty Jean Mullin, Portland; Frank Holman. Portland; Glennis Al len, Salem; Grace Ashford, Sa lem; Art Dimond, Portland; Bet ty Kuhlman, Olympia, Wash. Jean Farquharson, instructor in piano and theory at Willamette and Alfred Isenberg, Hood Riv- The program will be present ed as follows: F Major Sonatina Beethoven Chorale Bach Jack Moore, piano Spiagge Amato vonGluck Betty Jean Mullm, soprano Romance, No. 2, Op. 50 in F Major Beethoven Frank Holman, violin Glennis Allen, piano Aria: "Come Unto Him" (from "The Messiah") Handel Grace Ashford, soprano Art Dimond, piano Nocturne Lili Boulanger Caprice Viennois ..Fritz Kreisler Betty Kuhlman, violin Jean Farquharson, piano Vittoria Mio Core! Carissimi Alfred Isenberg, tenor Thursday Group Thursday club met this after noon at the home of Mrs. Prince W Byrd with Mrs. Frank H Spears, Mrs. Russell Catlin and Mrs. O. K. DeWitt as co-host esses. A salad luncheon was served. Mrs. L. C. McLeod, Miss Virginia Byrd and Mrs. H. Wil liam Thielsen were additional guests. HUBBARD Mr. and Mrs Levi Miller, Mr. and Mrs. George Lefflcr and Mrs. Min erva Hochstetler attended the wedding Saturday evening Portland of Miss Mary Pauline Van Winkle, daughter of Mrs. Regina Van Winkle and the late Rev. Stanley Van Winkle, for mer residents ot Hubbard, now of Portland. She was married to Calvin Alden Townsend of Portland. They will live Skyline drive in Portland. ivr . , yv- V via I -V, mm i jfr, it-j miuujjA y,,-y '-sw-apsf S"""?.. "9.- S. full color pictures "com to lift In THREE DIMENSIONS Stereo-Stories To MKMt tid Heliiht mny child fivt Fiiry Talc. ChHttmM, Wiid Animal, Bible Storta and Scanic Travrloiun illtnuaicd will full color photograph! that "com to life" in rliitic thro dimension. Picture ar mounttd on evttvacant Rt) (or um to Vttw-Maitar iMfwroipw and Projector. Over 300 duc tienal, atrtatnht Rttlt allablt. Parted gift for ym 'round enjorniejit. MIRY TAUf WILD ANIMALS Thre Rtli with w fy. i (4J ptctr)l2.00 iffi1" HOW UNO Nina (.1 pctum) 100 E("m (M SSSlS" J M tUU'rHJ' MT iwdivioui mt Hrtu.) 1.00 " i1.00 isu itoain neb 50c VIEW-MASTER STIRIOSCOPI OOO I '' 11 W;: f ''Ml n J Vf QM J ?lrHt I ;l t I l' X ? I I '', i" , ' Wed at Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig Jacobson were married November 20 at a ceremony in the Central Lutheran church at Eugene. The bride is the former Lor etta Mae Lentz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lentz of Salem. Mr. Jacobson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jacobson of Eugene. (Nelson studic, Eugene) OES Event Salem chapter, Order of East ern Star, is to meet Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Masonic temple. This is to be past matrons and past patrons night. Also there will be initiation and election of officers. Ticket Sale On The sale of reserved seats for the series of two concerts to be given in Salem by the Portland Symphony orchestra will con tine for the rest of this week, through Saturday, December 10, at the Ladd and Bush branch, United States National bank. The two concerts of the or chestra are to be January 10 and March 21. FIFTY members and guests attended the meeting for the third district, Oregon State Nurses association, Tuesday eve ning at the Salem Woman's club house. Special entertainment included vocal solos by Bud Ramus and whistling numbers by Harriett Allar. Refreshments were served. Hostesses for the meeting were the nurses of the state tubercu losis hospital group. EXPECTED home for the week-end from University of Oregon are Miss Josephine Caughell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Caughell, and Miss Crystal Huntington, daugh ter of the Hollis W. Huntingtons. SUNDAY dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Warren at their new North 22nd street home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Levy of Portland and the hosts' son and . daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William War ren. The son is on leave from the navy, being Long Beach, Calif. stationed at 25-Year Jewels Presented Group At the Monday evening meet ing of Salem Rebekah lodge, 25- year jewels were presented to Mrs. Phena Parker, Mrs. Pearl Owen and Mrs. George Edwards, in a special ceremony. Also eli gible for these jewels are Mrs Idella Nevins, Mrs. Pearl Ab- rens, Mrs. Bertha White, but due to illness and other reasons they were not in attendance. The lodge also honored Mrs. Ida Traglio, who has 57 years of continuous membership in the Rebekah lodge. Mrs. Blanch Hull gave a hu morous reading. Salem Rebek ahs voted to sponsor a Theto Rho club, and proceedings are going forth to institute some time after the New Year. Contrary to a previous an nouncement, the Christmas party will be held on December 19 instead of December 28. The reception committee for Decem ber will be Mrs. Mable Walling, Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mrs John Wiles, Mrs. Pearl Nicols, Mrs. William Cladek. In charge of refreshments for the Christ mas party is Mrs. Reg Garrett. Thursday night the auxiliary state president will visit. On Friday the Three Links club will hold its Christmas party, starting with a no host luncheon at 12:30. Next Mon day night there will be initia tion. STAR OF THE SEA troop, Junior Catholic Daughters of America, met at the home of Miss Patsy McReal. Fifteen girls responded to the roll call. Plans were made for a Christ mas party with an exchange of gifts. Several plans were de cided upon to carol at Christ mas time. The meeting was adjourned to work on 4-H projects. Refresh ments were served by Patsy and her mother, Mrs. James McReal. The next meeting to be held at Josephine Schlageter's home on North 24th street. Party for Miss Edwards Miss Betty Lou Edwards, who is to be married December 21 to David, will be feted at a shower and party for which Mrs. Harry W. Scott will entertain at her home, Friday evening. Mrs. R. W. Land and her sis ter, Mrs. Gladys Christensen, visitor from San Francisco, are assisting Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Samuel H. Tyler of Eu gene, sister-in-law of Mrs. Scott, will be an out-of-town guest at the party. Organ Program To Be Saturday A Christmas organ concert is to be presented by Don Worden, organist, assisted by Harry Mul- ford, soloist, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Seventh Day Adventist church, Hood and North Summer streets. The pro gram is as follows: 'Consider and Hear Me" .... Pflueger "Pilgrims' Chorus" ...Wagner "Toccata in D Minor" . . . Bach "At Evening" Kinder "Carol of the Birds" Miles "I Wonder As I Wander". Miles "Gesu Bambino" Yon Harry Mulford, soloist "Evensong" Johnston A Christmas Pastorale" . . . Matthews "O Holy Night" Adams 'It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" "Silent Night" "Yuletide Echoes" Hodson Dance Parties Among those entertaining be fore the Wisteria club dance Fri day evening are Dr. and Mrs Ralph Gordon and Mr and Mrs. Charles Knapp, who have invit ed 30 couples to the Gordon home Mr. and Mrs. Russell Beutler are to entertain with a supper following the dance, their guests to include Dr. and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNeill, Mr. and Mrs. George Keortge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmitz, Mr. and Mrs. J. Deanp Patterson. Mr. and Mrc niarn. Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl WUistaa. MRS. NETTIE C. ROBERTS is home from a month's visit in Los Angeles at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Howard G. Roberts. Recent Bride Mrs. Ford E. Wilson, Jr., the former Dora lee Ruth Pound, was married November 5 in the Mill City Christian church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Pound of Mill City, and Mr. Wilson is the son of Mrs. J. H. Duncan of Salem and Ford E. Wilson of Port land (McEwan studio picture) DAYTON Dr. and Mrs. L. L Hewitt and Kenneth Pomeroy Program for Greens Event Program for the open housed and "hanging of the greens" ceremony at the Salem YWCA this evening has beep announced. Christmas festivities at the YW begin with this greens event each year. The open house is to be at 7:30 o'clock, at which time friends and members of the association will view the gayly decked ' rooms. The program begins at t o'clock. It will include presen tation of "The Littlest Angel," to be given by Marilyn Foxley; "The First Noel," by Jan Gil- liand of the college Y; "Away in the Manger," Barbara Calla way, Lavurne Gammon and Jay nie McCallum of the Tri-Y; and a reading by Doris Cameron of the Salore club. Mrs Bruce Spaulding, mem ber of the board of directors, will direct the group singing. . A presentation of gifts 'to world fellowship also will be featured. The Tri-Y Mothers' club will serve refreshments. attended the wedding of Miss Lois Levins, daughter of Mr. and mrs. v. xv. j-ievms, una uames Murray, on Saturday evening, , Dec. 3, at the chapel of the Four Square Gospel church in Port land. A reception followed in the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Murray is the granddaugh ter' of Dr. and Mrs. Hewitt. A Set of Silver for Christmas? From 39.75 CJ y No Fed. Tax - ' For Warmth For Beauty For Long Wear tan. Stir Blmkets See our outstanding collection of luxurious 100 pure wool North Star Blankets each one woven with unusual skill and densely napped for warmth without weight. You'll appreciate the "extras" in these fine blankets . . . the smooth, velvety finish, correct sizes for all widths of beds and exquisite pastel decorator shades. Ends bound with 6' rayon satin binding. SPECIAL $13.95 DOWNSTAIRS Jewelers Silversmiths Spedd Pmihase ON mm o Through a special purchase we are able to make drastic reductions on coats -at much less than regular pric es. Come in today, tomorow and save! Values to 34.95 Values to 39.95 22. 21. ir Values to 49.95 Values to 59.00 32. Use Our Lay-Away Plan Kay9s 460 State Street Yes! You Can Charge It