Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 08, 1949, Page 30, Image 30

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    30 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 8, 1949
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Cycling in Circles British actress Gracie Fields looks
amazed as she tries out tricycle at London cycle show.
Grade Allen Gives Ideas (?)
On Saving Wear on Budget
Hollywood (U.R) Ladies, are your dishes hard to wash? Add soap
powder to the food.
Do your windows always look dirty?
Paint them black.
Are the children always tracking dirt in the back door? Send
them around to track dirt in;
the front door.
Those are Gracie Allen's ideas
for saving wear and tear on the
budget and the housewife.
"Any fool knows, says
Gracie, "that in these days of
high prices we all have to econ
The comedienne's first sug
gestion for household economy
is serving economical foods like
"There's more left after you
finish eating an artichoke than
when you started," she pointed
Another way of saving money
Is to convince members of your
family they're too fat.
"Trick mirrors add weight to
the argument," she suggested.
Another cooking hint is add
ing a tablespoon of soap powder
to everything. It doesn't im
prove the flavor much, but it
makes the dishes easier to wash,
The little wife also can buy
prefabricated suits for men. They
lend you a bunch of sleeves, la
pels, pockets, button-holes,
pants-legs, seats and zippers and
the wife puts them together.
"The death rale among hus
bands who wear homemade
tlothes is very low," she noted.
"I don't know why, but George
lays It's because few men will
be found dead in them."
Shoots Wife to
Keen Children
Dallas, Tex., Dec. 8 P) Har
old Blankenship, 25, who shot
his pretty brunette wife to
death, says he did it so she
couldn't have their children.
Blankenship fired six bullets
into his 26-year-old wife Tues
day in the downtown office
where she worked. He surren
dered to an officer who ran from
a nearby corner to the office.
He was charged with murder.
Blankenship, an art student,
had arrived from Tulsa Monday
night. He said he and his wife
had been separated two weeks
and she had filed suit for di
vorce. They had two sons, Guy,
3, and Gary, 2.
He told delcctvies: "I killed
her because I didn't want her to
have our two little boys."
There are so many other ways
to save, Gracie found after set
ting her dark-matter to work
(It isn't gray, she says; it hasn't
been used enough.) You can
take off your glasses when not
looking at anything, or roll up
the carpets when nobody is walk
ing on them.
"Lately," she added, "I've even
been shutting off the motor when
I m not using the car.
"These things may seem like a
lot of trouble. But when you add
up the money you've saved, it's
really nothing."
Road Committees
Of 2 States to Meet
Portland, Dec. 8 VP) Legisla
tive highway committees of
Washington and Oregon plan a
meeting here January 9 to re
view joint problems, particular
ly on the subject of trucks and
The Oregon committee dis
cussed finances here yesterday.
Rep. Ralph Moore, Coos Bay,
said revenue sources were also
being reviewed by the neigh
boring state group.
Kabul, the capital of Afghan
istan, recently paved Its streets
for the first time.
Cold Wave in
Middle Vest
Chicago, Dec. 8 W) The U
S. weather bureau today issued
its first general cold wave warn
ing of the season for the mid
west as frigid polar air moved
southward out of central Mani
The bureau said the midwest-
em temperatures will range
from 15 below in Minnesota to
20 above in southern Ohio.
Strong northerly winds and snow
flurries over most of the area
will accompany the cold.
The forecaster explained that'
the day's high points in a re
versal of the usual procedures
were reached during the early
morning hours in the area. The
leading edge of the cold passed
over Chicago at 3:30 a. m.
(CST), and temperatures drop
ped three degrees in beginning
their downward plunge.
Bismarck, N. D., where 35
above was recorded yesterday at
11a. m., dropped to three above
at 4 a. m. and was continuing
"The heart of the cold air is
still to come," the forecaster
said. "We look for it to move
southeastward and stabilize
with markedly lower tempera
tures all the way to the gulf."
A storm center moved across
Detroit during the morning and
headed east with a promise of
three to six inches of snow for
New York state. Snow flurries
"some will be pretty hard
flurries" were promised for
most of the midwest.
Rain was reported from
Louisiana northward to Pennsyl
vania, but no amounts were
substantial. The rest of the na
tion had fair weather.
it. M
(Kill t &f
press denied that any currency
revaluation moves are planned.
The leu was devalued in 1947
when the government decreed
that 20,000 leu should have the
value of one leu. The official
rate now ets 100 leu as equiva
lent to 6.7 U.S. cents.
It is estimated there are 100,
000,000 people in South Ameri-
Electrical Contracting
Repairing - Supplies
See Us Fnr Ughtin- xturc
250 Court St. Ph. 20715
Just back of Busick's
Plead for Scout Leaders Margaret O'Brien, actress, and
Mrs. C. Vaughan Ferguson, National President of the Girl
Scouts of the USA, read the script of Margaret's movie trailer,
a plea for adult leaders for Girl Scout troops.
Voice of America
Starts Buying Spree
Bucharest, Romania, Dec. 8
IIP) A Voice of America broad
cast about Romanian currency
troubles has touched off a buy
ing spree by Romanians fearing
another devalution of the na
tion's money.
Sales of textiles, foodstuffs,
cigarettes and other goods sky
rocketed. Rumors of impending
currency stabilization moves
have been current for some time.
But the buying rush got going
after the Voice of America ra
dio broadcast a report that the
Bulgarian State bank was re
fusing to change Romanian cur
rency. The government - controlled
Why Not
Learn the thrifty, practical way to added indoor comfort this winter, by
equipping your home with time-proven JOHNS-MANVILLE INSULATION.
An important part of home economy as well as health, it will save as much
as Mi of your cold weather fuel bills too! Call 3-8515 for an estimate today!
State St., Four Corners
Dial 3-8515
Wnllgren Vice Chairman
Washington, Dec. 8 (U.R) Mon
C. Wallgrcn, former democratic
U.S. senator from Washington,
today was elected vice chairman
of the federal power commis
sion for 1950. Wallgren became
member of the commission
Nov. 2. Nelson Lee Smith is
chairman of the commission.
Straight Kentucky Bourbon in all its Glory!
At Vince's Electric
175 S. Liberty
a gorgeous, genuine
Hamilton gold-plated
M. '
Naturally a finer drink LJy Lj
Nnl limit v mrpil 4 vrnrs in wood . I!F6bE?TA3I
A a lu rally lighter in body . . . gH
Aalurally smoollior in (as(c . . . V5?r wWEr
oJ035 $375 MP I
mm pint J 43 qt. wr& '
COMIIIC COM 111! "'f A I
Never Sold until Four (4) Years Old! -v-
U a weeki
The New 1950
Approved by
ma. ni
As seen in Life, Saturday Evening Post,
Good Housekeeping, Ladies' Home
Journal! The amazing new Lewyt costs
no more than ordinary vacuum cleaners.
Low price includes all 7 work-saving
Lewyt attachments !
This Coupon Offer Expires December 23, 1949
175 S. Liberty
Bnng my ntu scatter pin to my home, and
without obligation, give me FREE demonstra
Studded with 12 imported Czechoslovakia!!
Rhinestones plus large ruby-toned stone
yours without cost or obligation I
There's no catch to this offer nothing to buy! Simply stop in
and pick up your valuable Scatter Pin it's yours for the
asking! When you come in, all we ask you to do is look at the
sensational new 1950 Lewyt the world's most modern vacuum
cleaner! you'll discover that only Lewyt gives you 4-way pro
tection against unhealthy leaking dust! YOU'LL bb
amazed how Lewyt's exclusive newMagic"Energizer"
automatically vibro-cleans the filter constantly
maintaining terrific suction-power! youll se!e there's
no messy dust bag to empty! you'll hear how quietly
a Lewyt cleans! you-ll watch Lewyt's new No. 80
Carpet Nozzle get more embedded dirt, pick-up more
lint, threads, even dog hairs, yet with less rug wear! you'll
see how the Lewyt cleans bare floors, waxes linoleum, dusts
Venetian blinds, brightens 'upholstery, sprays paint, de-moths
closets! YOU'LL learn why Lewyt can't interfere with television,
too! And you'll discover how much faster, easier, and more
thorough your housecleaning can be when you, too, can DO IT
with LEWYT!