Gas Pipeline .Afire Alter Blast ' Centralis, Mo., Dec. 8 (U.B A Panhandle Eastern Gas pipe line exploded several miles from here today causing a fire which did an estimated $1,000,000 da mage. The explosion occurred about 100 yards from a pumping sta tion at 4:45 a.m. The fire still was burning two hours later. Centralla police reported that no one was Injured. A spokesman for the compa ny said the fire was still "too hot" to determine the cause of the explosion. The pipeline, which is eight to ten feet un derground blew a hole in the earth about 25 feet around. Two nearby cooling towers burned down, he said, and the main engine room which is on the pipeline was damaged as were several other buildings. Persons calling from five to ten miles away reported that the blast shook windows in their homes or that they heard the ex plosion early this morning. Sportsmen Pilots Open Dinner Season Lebanon The Lebanon chap- ter of Oregon Sportsmen pilots Initiated their monthly potluck dinner sessions held during the winter months when more than 60 fliers, members of their fam ilies and guests attended the dinner in the airport repair hangar. Following the dinner, pic tures were shown by Aaron In gram and Ralph Scroggin, taken during their flights to various parts of the United States and Canada. All pictures were taken on colored movie film. One full reel was devoted to construe tion of Big Lake airport and surrounding scenic territory. Mrs. Paul Hnmtt Amity Mrs. Fremont Faul who has been in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Harris Ros endahl since Thanksgiving, has returned home. Mrs. Rosen dahl and her baby son Thomas Grant, came out for a week. The baby boy was born November 19. u try Hopl Craftsman Ernest Naquayouma, Hopi Indian sil versmith, formerly of Arizona, decorates his hand-made sil ver jewelry with Indian mo tifs at shop in Chicago. John Summers, Slayer, Gels Life Tacoma, Dec. 8 W John Ed ward Summers, 33-year-old ex- convict and confessed slayer of an elderly suburban Tacoma couple, must spend the rest of his life in prison. A superior court jury found him guilty yesterday of first de gree murder in the slaying of Howard Easley, 62. It recom mended, however, against the death penalty. The jury of nine women and three men deliberated nearly a full day after receiving the tes timony late Tuesday before reaching a verdict. Summers received the verdict calmly. He smiled briefly at Al bert Morrison, one of his coun sel, and talked at length with accompanying deputy sheriffs. Mr. and Mrs. Easley were slain in the Summit home July 16. Their bodies were found in a Cascade mountain timber area five days later. Summers sub sequently was arrested in a San Francisco rooming house where he had taken employment. Swedish Actress Rates Men InU.S.BestofAllinWorld By PATRICIA CLARY Hollywood UB Latins are wonderful lovers, and the English have excellent manners, and Scandinavians are charming. But American men, says Viveca Lindfors, are the best of all. They may not offer a woman candy and flowers every eve ning. But more important, says Miss Lindfors, they offer her equal rights. The Swedish actress has lived in most countries of Europe and has just returned to the United States from a visit in Europe to co-star in Columbia's "No Sad Songs for Me." "The most important thing I find that American men offer their women is equality," she said. "Maybe American women take that for granted. But to a European woman, that is phe nomenally attractive. "In the United States, men ac cept women as their mental and social equals. They treat us as pals. And European women love it!" European men have their as sets, too, she added. "English men are terribly well- mannered. But they're aloof as a glacier," she said. "Scandinavian men are charm ing. But they're too serious; fun is something they work hard at. "Latins are so romantic. But it's all on the surface. They send flowers. They kiss your hand. They stand under a girl's win dow at night and sing serenades. But under it all, they look on a woman as a serf." To a woman used to such at tentions, American men at first seem brusque. "When one gets to know them, it is easy to understand," she said. "American men are direct. They treat women openly and without subterfuge. "American men want their women to share all parts of life with them. They discuss politics, business, sports, the arts with them. They consider women as Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 8, 19493 sensible creatures and not pretty puppets. "I find American men every thing a girl could possibly want. In fact, I married one." Gardeners to Meet Falls City The Falls City Garden club will meet Decem ber 14 at 2 o'clock at the city library. For ATTRACTIVE Walks & BEAUTIFUL Patios "CON-FLAG-STO" (Colored Concrete Flagstone) Practical, economical and really different combines the popular rugged beauty of flagstone with the durability of concrete. For stepping stones, single or double walks and patios. Your choice of colors. Saves installation cost, no building of forms, no curing time. Call us get an estimate com pare costs! Oregon Concrete Flagstone Co. Route 3, Salem Phone 3-1 398 Bullets Strike Bus; Seven Persons Killed Manila, Dec. 8 W) Seven per sons, including four children, were killed last night in a burst of gunfire that struck bus near Lipa City in Batangas province. Responsibility for the shoot ing has not been fixed. A Her aid correspondent who witness ed the shooting said the bus was caught in crossfire between con stabularymen and unidentified dissidents. Constabularly Chief Brig Gen. Alberto Ramos denied the constabulary was involved. He said the bus was ambushed by political dissidents battling con stabularlymen in Batangas province. Termites, when eaten, are said to taste like roasted chestnuts. V IT'S A GREAT FEELING TO LOOK YOUR BEST For Those Who Care on CHRISTMAS DAY Give him something to remember you by. What could be a more wonderful gift for Mi than a complete new outfit. Suit, Topcoat and Hat at these great savings. FOR THE BEST IN MEN'S TOP QUALITY CLOTHES WALK UPSTAIRS TO JOE'S SAVE $10oo JO $15o ON YOUR NEW FALL SUIT AND TOPCOAT And You Can Save $25 If You Buy A Suit, Topcoat and Hat All Three Together Save V4 to Vz on Finest Quality Sport Coats, Slacks & Extra Pant Suits Choose from hundreds of the finest 100 wool worsted fabrics, in just the color, style and pattern you want, in sizes to fit all regular, short, stout and tall. Joe guarantees that you get the finest in quality, shape holding, long wearing fabrics, expert tailoring and perfect fit in every garment you buy ot Joe's. So why pay more, when it is so easy to walk upstairs to the 2nd floor where quality and service is best for $10 to $15 less. Your inspection invited without obligation. 100 Wool Covert and Gabardine Superfine Topcoats Reg. $37.50, $40.00, $45.00 & $50.00 " At Joe's Upstairs Miracle Low Prices $27.50 $30 . $32.50 $37.50 Velvet smooth Coverts and Cravenette Gabardines in tan, blue, grey and brown. Box model fly front dressy rainproof topcoats. OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 O'CLOCK E(C UPSTAIRS ll t) CLOTHES SHOP &tf&tfL JO 4 Edinburgh, Scotland, has a "g3r DV EID TUB 5$9K? & li M if II I I v population of 500,000. VV P"B lnl sU 19 II If if XVS 'vSj 'SmNKL what word will f GREATEST 7 L,y 1 1 I YOU USE? ,mMWES , -a iviJfSA BfcW ANNIVERSARY hiM SMOOTHER? LIGHTER? IgSjlWWf' M W9kSS IN CALVERT'S CASE rsBSmlBKm VA I I IF JWPw they all add up to ' ''mfSfj V ft fciJ -J JJJJV Calvert Dlatulers Corp.. New York city J V M j A M JI,Mw M m M ffi&W g 0f Just In time for Christmas, Elgin unveils their brand new 85th me Anniversary Values and they're beautiful! Styled for the j jS fi future, built to serve and each one equipped with the miracu- "l ,ou DuraPowoir Mainspring. See them! you'll love them! 1 Ll Reg. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60, $65, $70 (1 and 2) Pants Suits At Joe's Upstairs Miracle Low Prices ' $30.00 $32.50 $37.50 $40 $45 and $50 Finest quality 100 wool hard finished worsteds. New smart styles, in a wide se lection of most desirable colors, patterns and weaves. Sizes for oil Regular, Short, Stout or Tall. STATE STREET Above Morris Optical Co. next to Nohlgren's Restaurant. Look for the Save $10 electric flashing sign above entrance. FOR T0P-FllGHT7!Wf AND FINE QUALITY AT DOWN-TO-EARTH PRICES-0W ELGIti