Protection for Cops This plastic shelter in Pizza Fiume, one of Rome's busy intersections, is being tested as protection for traffic police against wind and rain. Seminole Indians Relearn Lost Art of Pottery Making (AP Newafeatures) Miami, Fla. Seminole Indians are being re-taught their lost art of pottery making. A paleface, Vernon Lamme, is their in structor. Florida's Seminoles came originally from the great Creek na tion of Alabama and Georgia. In early colonial days, when? English Georgia frequently fought Spanish Florida, the Creeks became divided. Some wanted to join the English against the Spanish, while oth ers declared the Spaniards were their allies. Those Creeks who favored the Spanish broke away and came to Florida. The name "Seminole" means, in the Creek tongue, "the break aways" or "runaways." Creek Indians made handsome pottery ware. But the Seminoles found no clay in south Florida suitable for firing. They used sea shells and gourds for uten sils. Pottery making became a lost art to them. Lamme decided that the In dians could attain an additional source of income if they re turned to pottery making. With Mrs. Lamme, he first interested Josie Jumper, a Seminole living on the nearby Dania reservation. who became his principal assist ant. Men and women, young and old, took up the art. They are taught to mold, fire and glaze, but designing is left up to the Indians' natural talent. Clay is shipped in. Now the Indian handiwork is being sold to tourists, and some is being sent to northern mar kets. Miss Miller Injured Jefferson Miss Louisa Miller and Mrs. Lydia Hoyt spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles woyt, son of Mrs. Lydia Hoyt, at their home in Silverton. As they re turned home in the evening "Aunt Lou" as she is called by all her friends, fell, fracturing her hip. She was taken to the Willamette hospital where x- rays were taken. She is 93 years old. Automobiles Collide; Christian Injured , Lebanon The condition of Laurence Christian, 53, who was rushed to a Portland hospital Saturday evening, is reported as favorable. Christian was " de scending the stairs from the American Legion club when he slipped and fell the remaining distance to the bottom. He suf fered severe skull fractures and after a preliminary examination, was sent to Emanuel hospital for ! the services of a specialist. The accident victim is an employe of : the Gilbert Logging company. Boddy Turns Down Roosevelt Los Angeles, Dec. 8 (U.R) Publisher Manchester Boddy of the democratic Los Angeles Daily News said in an editorial Wednesday that James Roose velt is not familiar enough with California problems to become governor. Roosevelt, eldest son of the late president, announced Nov. 15 he would seek the democrat ic gubernatorial nomination next year. The publisher said tne lanKy, 42-year-old former New Yorker was "relatively new to Califor nia and has not lived with the peculiar problems of this state long enough to understand them. "Indeed, if it were not for the name he bears," Boddy said, "I doubt if any voter would pick him as the man we should have as governor because of what he has accomplished as a uamor nian devoted to solving Califor nia's problems." Shah, Parly Go To Sun Valley Burbank, Cat., Dec. 8 (U.R) The Shah of Iran took off Wed nesday for a vacation in Sun Valley, Ida. The youthful monarch, who completed a state visit to this country with a tour of southern California, took off from Lock heed air terminal in the Sacred Cow, state department plane in which he has been touring the country. With him were a party of more than a dozen official aides and U.S. government represen tatives, who will spend one night as his guests at the Idaho ski- ing resort. All but four of his retinue are scheduled to leave today to fly back to Washington, D.C. Remaining with the Shah at Sun Valley will be his press rep resentative, a boyhood friend who serves as gentleman-in-waiting, his physician, and his surgeon. Before leaving Los Angeles, where he spent four days, he said he did not know how long he would stay at Sun Valley but that if the snow was good he probably would stay about a week. The shah wound up his tour with a state visit to Los Angeles. Only other official appearance he will make before returning to Iran is at a dinner with Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in New York. Need $7 Billion For U. S. Schools Washington, Dec. 8 (U.R) Rep. Tom Steed (D-Okla.) said today it would cost American taxpayers $7,000,000,000 to put the American school system in tin-too shape. But he said the benefits the nation would reap would far outweigh the cost. Steed is a member of a house labor subcommittee which re cently finished three weeks of hearings on school conditions in the southwest and west. "There are very few school districts in the United States that, because of increased en rollment, aren't hurt," he told a reporter. "Some are desper ate. "It's a tragic situation one that congress can't afford to overlook. The time for action is now by the 81st congress at its next session." Council Bans Parking al T Mt. Angel The city counci has banned parking on the "Y in front of the White cornet except for one parallel line along the curb in front of th( store as a safety measure. Cen ter parking, as has been the cus tom for many years, is provinp too hazardous. Upon instruction of Mayor Jacob Bcrchtold, Tony Traeger will be on duty Sunday morning during church services to see that the new ordinance is obeyed. Following protest of Cyril Walker, in behalf of residents of Sheridan and Taylor streets, Dr. Frank Neisius, city health officer, was ordered to inspect that area and remove animals and unsanitary conditions rem edied. The protestants objected to the presence of goats and other animals. Andy Schmidt, of the health committee, reported that a sec ond baiting would be carried out soon as the first baiting in the rat extermination program vas meeting with success. The council also granted Don 'ook permission to paint a yel iw strip in front of the church y insure him a driveway free rom automobiles parked by hurch goers and empowered the !ire chief and street committee .o inspect buildings and report lack to the council. Beer li enses were granted the Hotel fountain and Val Ebcrle in ad lition to a package and restaur- int license for the former and i package store license to the latter. Doug Harris, city attorney, re ported that Church and West Church street crossings appear assured. It is estimated there are 200,- 000,000 people in North Ameri- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 8, 194929 During World War II, some wilderness might sometimes get U.S. military manuals pointed food by catching and eating in out that men stranded in the 'sects. SPi' W """"'':' Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. ONLY BURNETTS Vanilla can make such Heavenly Cookies "Ulfillv.,... f I Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W. also wain., retape, paint and reflate roar old Venetian Blind. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Rnge St. West Salem We jive S 4 H Green Stamps I ... Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use our Chinese rem edles. Amazlnj success for 5000 year In China, No matter with what ail ments you ars afflicted, disorders, sinusitis, heart, lunss, liver, kidneys, gas, constipation, ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, sail and bladder, fever, tltln. female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO. Office Honrs 9 to 5, Tues. and Sat. only SM N. Commercial Phone 1830 SALEM, ORE. (St - what Delicious TWO KINDS CHIP OR fEC01AIO No wonder faces brighten at the first sip of Schilling Coffee! Here's richer, more delicious coffee, always uniformly good because it's theThermo-Regulated roast. Shilling Cof t ee JeT Measure-Pale TO MEASURE I ma trine I Now vou can do awav with bothersome spoon and cup measur ing for good. Just use handy IN ucoa quarters as a scale and get the exact amount your recipe calls for quick ly, easily, accurately! So wonder fully convenient for baking. CASY MEASURING GUIDI 1 prints- H Vt prints - 14 prints - 2 TO COLOR Because Nucoa Measure-Pak is already quartered, you dont have to break up a solid block before you begin ... it reaches the right mixing temperature faster and more evenly . . . it's easier to distribute the pure color wafer evenly. Now. more than ever, it's smart to bowl-mix 2 pounds of Nucoa margarine together have plenty of this delicious churn-fresb spread always on hand. mow No wonder women buy more NUCOA than any other margarine in America! TALK OF THE TOWN 1 litM v ii wr it v.., At The Vista Market A H3bara23c j fRtSH PRODUCE APPLES Delicious, I UX I Winesap, Rome Beauties box lW l'lus Box Deposit ORANGES Jql Sunkist Lgc. 150 size doz. iv Grapefruit L CO Texas Pink sweet. Juicy V forJ v onions :n 39c Oregon Medium Flhs. W V PARSNIPS 0 Kr Fresh nice& white lhs. CARROTS O 10c New crop tender, sweet A bu. I V QUALITY MEATS Pot Roast Blade Cur 49c Pork Steaks 45c lb. Piece Bacon u,. 49c Cheese Mild MQ Cheddar lb. 47t Pure Lard 4 ib.pkg. 75c Beef ouH ham win 3 lb. SWlFTNING69c CLEANSER SWIFT'S 2 c- 23c DRIED PRUNES 2 - 29c KRISPY CRACKERS 1 25c CHOCOLATE MINT WAFERS 39c 1 2-oz. pkg. QUICK FUDGE i or Penuc 33c Chocolate or Penuche Pkg. SUPER-MEAT DOG FOOD 3 c 25c FISHERS BLEND FLOUR 10" 89c KAY CHEDDAR CHEESE, 29c RAISINS Sun-Maid Puffed Seeded pkg. 21c CUT PACIFIC OYSTERS 10 oz. Can 45c PINK SALMON 49c Alaska No. 1 Can 3045 So. Cooi'L 3043 So. Com'L MARKET Winter Sioro Houi 9 lo 9 Sunday 9 lo 8