28 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 8, 1949 i r LEAVE ME AT HER 'CHOKERmU LAY OFF 1 T NOW, GET THISMASGIB OKAYX-I'LL 1 FTT:riFSBA5;E INN"? NOPE I CANT Tl RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P. M. 'IL)E DWARF RAN ROUND AND ROUND SUOOTING A PAIR OF GUNS INTO THE AIR . Chapter 4 PLANNING A TRIP TO SANTA LAND "Magic!" cried the President of the College ol Science. "We teach no magic here! Are you trying to make me look silly?" "Why, no," said Mr. Dllly. "I thought I only meant " But he could not think of the proper words to calm the great scientist. Then he got an Idea. He cross ed the room and pressed the electric light switch on the wall. At once the room was filled with eletcric light. "There," beamed Mr. Dilly. "That's magic!" He went into a corner where there was a wash basin. He turn ed the faucet. Immediately water rushed from the nozzle. "That's magic," cried Mr. Dilly. "Oh," said the president, smiling. "You mean you wish to study how to do these things!" "No, no," cried Mr. Dilly. "I would simply like to learn how to get a rabbit out of my hat." "What!" screamed the presi dent. He turned quite purple with anger. "Saint's paints!" cried Serena in fright while Henry felt his own knees shake under the sci entist's rage. "You have been wasting my time," exploded the president. "If you believe in that kind of nonsense I guess you even be lieve in Santa Clausl" "Oh, I do," murmured Mr. Dllly hurriedly backing through the door. "Then go ask him your silly questions," roared the scientist and slammed the door. Mr. Dilly and Henry and Se rena went into the street. They were not a bit discouraged be cause now they had this won derful advice. "Santa Claus is the very one who can help us," said Mr. Dil ly. "He can do anything and he surely will not mind helping me." But Henry said, "How will we ever find Santa? I have nev er even seen him." He wanted to say that Santa had never once been to his house in all his life but he didn't like to complain. Mr. Dilly said, "There must be a way. I'll have to think it over." He sat down right then and there on the side of the road to think. Serena snorted. "Duck's luck! Thinking's no good. I know a Very Important Per JEXmmmSL R2641 L Ml' l! nr. . a.n ii i ion rots, n in if ii Ru rsd y - otter s n son in a Very Important Posi tion. He runs a travel bureau and knows the best way to get to anywhere. Come, follow me." Straightway Serena waddled off and Mr. Dilly and Hery followed. Now this is easier said than done, for Serena took strange road under fences across streams, through hedges, and all kinds of places where it was easy for a duck to waddle but very hard for a man and boy to follow. But they managed and before long they found themselves at fish pond where there was a sign which read: George George Frothingham. Trouble-shooter. "What is a Trouble Shooter, do you suppose?" asked Henry as Serena leaped into the pond and vigorously churned up the water. Before Mr. Dilly could reply, bewhiskered purple - haired dwarf sprang from the water and ran round and round the pond all the time shooting a pair of guns into the air, hurting no one but making a big noise. ' Murder, durderl Demons Je mons! TiTibuctoo and a Rounde- boo!" screeched Serena, terrified into a truly heroic burst of rhym ing. At that the dwarf opened his eyes (he'd had them squeezed shut all the while, stared about him, then said, "Oh, it's you, Se rona. Why didn't you say so? I ve wasted all those shots. ' "Hoddy Toddy," cried Serena. "I never had a chance to say so. RippiUy, hippitty, I've brought my friends here and " "Stop that silly rhyming!" roared the dwarf. At this point Mr. Dilly step ped forward and said, "Please don't quarrel, Mr. Frothingham if you are Mr. Frothingham." "George George Frothing ham," said the dwarf stiffly. "I'm a trouble shooter and I shoot trouble wherever I find it." ' ' "Well, we don't want to cause trouble," said Mr. Dllly. "We want to get to Santa Land and Serena says you can tell us the way." "Perhaps," said George George. He pulled out from under a bush a brief case. He opened the case and out came the strangest pile of time tables schedules and maps man or boy or duck had ever seen. Next: MAGIC ROUTE TO SANTA LAND. Knit tlrarillner Knit a beret in your most becoming uIor and watch the heads turn in admiration. The smart petal crown Is easyknlttlng an d the beret can be completed in practically no time at all. Pattern Envelope No. R2641 con tains complete knitting instructions, stitch illustrations, material require ments and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, tend 30c in COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and none num ber to Peggy Roberta, Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street, San Fran r MAKE THAT BLONDE HEAD BEFORE I ' TM FAYING OU WELL 1 I TRY TO BE ML HELP YA.MAC I'M A STRANGER I ''' Carl. " AHBindSM- ft rrffiS4fS"i3& I IAS I WAS SAVIN'- I WfTT V 6UPPO6E VOU TELl'T"''? m VOU CAM ALWS VT YEAH JOE YTS I g FERGTT OfiT GUY. KROK-SEBN' GV I Mg ALL ABOUT IT. ) ( EH? WHO Y R TALK FRffi HERE vf"! KEEPS HIS I j I B TH' WHOLE THING DAT WAV I VS. I I BK5 BOY? ARE YOU? I j J- J j I ( THAT K ARHV NOCKEE Y WE WAS A LUCKY SUV TO BE V WELL. HE'S VERVdVlC-MINDED.il ANYTHING HE CAN DO nfSEril I IS QUITE A FELLCAA.lFOBTUUATE ENOUGH TO MOVE HE SAYS- WES GOIMG TO DO 7 X CAN DO BETTER! 7 ' T TrH EUW.-VOU SHOULD NEXT DOOR TO MWWY -i A LOT FOR .HE'S A BAG OFylOOxA u PROUD TO WAVE-pj -i SHOULD 1 BE rf . ( kJWIS TOWKI.-J KWviNQ. J-L ( WHCVS ) M MR- Bt-0TZ-lVE 1 IfTHATbl WELL.9R.MV VWJRkTveCOME THE POINT IS IpTl "(3AS ELECTRIOX 7? BEEN WORKING fcoRREQT1 HERE HAS BEEN TO THE I W0ULO LIKE AP WHAT A'-rPn: ll U FOR VOU TOR CCHK SATISFACTDRVANPJPOWT.JEFF! bS," Tcompanies? and TELEPHONE J fijg. 6l?EAr 6UNS! WHAT WOULD VsiaMI he THAT ARTIST WANT WITH E16HTY HASS1TAW D06S POUNPS OP FROZEN MEAT? 1 HASNF ANY WCfe HOW MANY P06S HAS HE 60T ? Jfc t', ARE THE 6ff pTJl KMOv fun.!. itY NOT AT ALU,) 'v: Kfresh AIR -v s 'JUST WHAT MUST, ASON.' T-?C '-T- AND EXERCISE...)V, 0 iq Iwsf vou neep.-son, ooc? Trrpv) tti presh ar j-sCh&k O TKiuVIDl'AXOOINoTO "7,- ivX'S , V AND... M-TSSv Z, AMVMVSEE. VOU GET THE 'pECKEL . 'fTWTX I I SRSi'R.tiJ iST I NEXT TRAIN EAiT L pV HOURS TO I ) I LmMNvSMOMICOufD i 1 jND 6EE WHILLIINS! HE EAT IT HIMSELF ? HE MUST, IP HE T HE SAIO IT WAS M does OH, Pok HASNT HAS ANP 7 WELL, THAT ACCOUNTS MEBBE. BUT IT. LIKE AS NOT. HE I HARPty THINK A HOME FREEZES . SO. HE WANTS 6ETS A Blfi ! ANOTHER EIGHT AT ONE TIMEJIi POUNPS MONtW supply 1 .JA. KGW f KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO , 030 NEC 970 CBS 1190 ABC 1390 MBC 1490 Kc- "r.fiA The t ct Vt Feature Story Grn Hornet Strlht Arrow Band of Dy K.ie Voiter, Ncwa Little Show Green Hornet Stralfbt Arrow Band of Dar 2:42 Songs or Timet N'ewa Sky Klnf Capt. Midnight Blng Croby 5:45 Elmer Peterson New Kin Capt. Midnight Bmlneii Newt Tiio Screen Ouild RapeiiH Flrfflihteri Gab. Healer Candlt Light r'.Vc Screen GulU Suspenie Home Edition N. W. Ncwa A Silver IJion Mm. Cavalcade Crime Mod, Romances Tello Test Newi 6:45 Mu1, Cavalcade Photographer Mod. Romancen Serenade Twilight Bong "ijTn P"fT Como The PlayhouieT Counterapy Drama Pat O'Brien 4:VrPerr7 Como Tho PlajrhouM Counterspv Slinim Stlrngi Musle. Jackpot 4:in Dragnet Pursuit Date With Judy T B A n'hl. Dragnet Pursuit Date W ith Judy TB A rootball Prophel R-nfl Slnatra-Klrsten Lowell Thomas Amateur Hour Hop'lng Caiildj Track 1490 SlVe World News lack Smith Amateur Hour Hoping Caidy Track 1490 S.Oft Aldrleh Family Wr, Keen Amateur Hoar Rim Morgan Trftck 1490 g'.'l Aldrleh Family Mr. Keen R. Montgomery Ry Sinatra. Crack 1490 "qTfWl Father Knows F.B.I. Blondl N'aws Track 1490 oIVr Father Knows F.B.I. (lion die Barber Shop Track 1490 n'An Duffy's Tavern Beulah 4s We Set It Ray Block News 9:45 D"r' Tavern Club 15 Our Town Ray Block Dinah Short, in-nn Sam Uaycs S Star Final RicM'ld Bep'tr Fult. Lewis Jr. Nlcht Song inrVc Mort. Downey Vou & World Intermetto Local News Night Song 10.4n Spts. Pge. -rinxlAirflo Concert Hour Music Yam Want 10)45 Orchestra. Orchestra Concert Hour '"lo ' Music Yon Want ll". nn News Serenade Concert Hour I Lovo Mystery N'oeturn , H-tWas Museora Organ Muslo Concert Hour Muslo Noclurno 11'nWii Museum Handstand Memos Ituss Morgan Nocturne 11 )45 Wax Museum News Memos HussMorgan Noclurno lOfjIsifn Off sTlcnt Xtra Hour Sign Off Sign Off "FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4i45 P.M. 6'flO Hodge Podge . News Farm News iNews Summary 6:15 Kneass News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Timekeeper 630 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Tim KOCO Kleck 6 :45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smlllng Newa KOCO Kloch "700 Early Bird KOIN Klock Washb'rn News News Tex Bitter 715 Old Songs . News Mart. Agronsky Hrkfst. Gang KOCO Klock 7:30 Kneass Newg News Bob Haien l1"1'" J 7:45 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zeke Manners Tup Trades KOCO Klock "8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Blir- Counter King's Criumd, 8:15 Eddie Albert News Breakfast Club ' Baptist Cb. King's Crnsad. 8 '30 'ek Bercb Grand Slam Breakfast Club Hlble Institute Western Melod. 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club BiLll Institute Fiesta Tlma O -00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N- W. News Time for Mel'dy 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Mttl Memories Time for Mel'dy 9-30 3 Suns Helen Trent Art Llnkletter l'"or s Call stars Sing 9:45 Kneass News Our Gal Sunday Art Llnkletter Walts Time J. Chaa Thomas 10:00 Marriage for Bin Sister Sage Riders et NW Newi 10'15Lora Lawton Ma Perkins (Jalen Drake Gospel Singer Musle 10:30 Hostess House Dr. Malone My True Story l'trT Como Tune Time 10:45 Tarty Guiding Light My True btury Walts Serenade H8 Keys ITod Double, Nothing 5nd Mrs. Biirt'n Betty Crorkrr Ladles First Music Mart 1:15 Double, Nothing Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladles First Music Mart 30 Tod'ys Children Norah Drake N'rthwesterners (iucen 'or Jan O'rher :45 Light of World nrlghter Day .N'lvcstcrncrs Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Raukhage Talk Top Trades H'llywood Musle 2:15 Road or Life Come Get It News News H'llywood Musle 2:30 P. V'ng's Fam. Bright A Light Jack Norman ;W News News 2:45 Right to Hap. Art Baker Meet MenJous Bob Eberly Dave Penntt i":00 Backstare Wife Barny'd Follies Brkf. In Holly. re Neighbor Mae's Melodies 1:15 Stella Dallas Garry Moore Brkf. In Uoily. Harvey Harding Mac's Melodies ;30 Lorenzo Jones Garry Moore Kay West Organ Rev rJes Mac's Melodies 45 r'ng Wld. Br'n Kirk ham News Kay West B,n Sings Mac's Melodies 2:00 Wh. G. Marries Klrkham News Jay Stewart RD poole Mac's Melodies 2:15 Por. Faces Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Rob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:30 Just Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride St Groom Music for Frt. Mac's Melodies 2:45 Front Pg. Par'll Tunefully Yours Bride A Groom Music for Frt. Mac's Mcledlci 3:00 Weic. Travelers Art Klrkham Talk Way Out Hoedown Party Mac's Melodies 3:15 Wele. Travelers Arthur Godfrey Talk Way Ou' Hoedown Party Mao's Melodies 3;30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mao's Melodies 3:45 We Love. Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Kay Nineties Mac's Melodies 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Letters Fulton Lewis Movie Time 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Saulrrel Cage Vt. Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Mitssey Squirrel Cage lie hind Story Byers Can Be 4:45 Paula Stone Edw. Murrow Cln. Bear News Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lZAf Thursday P.M. (I:M, Chll r. UnL drcn's Theaten (1:13, On the Upbeat) 6:50, 650 Sports Club) 6, News 0:15, Orran Masict 6:30. 'Round Campflrei 7:00, Headlines In Chemlstryi 7:iB, Kve nlnr Farm Hour; 8:00, Flying- Timet 8:15, Great Sonrs; 8:30, Vets' News! 8:48, News and Weather"; 9:00, Mnsle That Endures; 9:4.1, Evenlnr Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off. $8,300,000 Bids on McNary Dam Opened Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. 8 (U.R) Bids ior work totaling more than $8,300,000 on McNary dam have been opened here by army engineers. Morrison & Knudsen, Seattle, was apparent low bidder for construction ol a 17.8-mile sec tion of the Spokane, Portland and Seattle railway relocation at a point just below the axis of ACROSS 1. Abyss 6. Cuban tobacco S. Write 12. On the ocean J3. Ppolten 14, Commotion 15. European native IB. Tempered 18. Demolished 20. Neck covering 21. One given to some habit 24. Death notice 26. Tree 27. Branch ot theolopy 80. Ripple against 31. Particles M. No: Scotch 31. Missions afi, Unsulted 38. Therefor 39. City In Missouri 40. A single time 42. One who resists authority 44. Land along the ocean 46. Fur-bearing animal K0. Skill 6L Belonging to us 52. Make eyes 63. Fish eggs 54. Kxlstence 55. Bi biles I patriarch DOWN 1 Aeriform Quid ' la I3 I4 W I" I7 1 Wt I" I wSifM7S P35" Wl3 ' I33 j it jzfm- A? Newsfeorvres ROOM AND BOARD AWK!-" LISTEN TO THIS.' ALFY WAS HERE YESTERIW AND SAID HE JUST GOT MARRIED.'.' HIS BRIDE IS CASHIER AT A DRIVE-IN WHERE HE EATS, AND SHE MADE 1 HIM QUIT BOXING.'-" HE 5 GOING TO DRIVE A TRUCK FOR THE CHAIN OF EATERIES V i i iC Weather; 10:15, Especially for Womeni 11:00, School of the Alri 11:15, Concert Mailt 12:0". News; lt:1fl. Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15, school of the Air; 1:30, Story Behind Discovery; 1:4.1, Melody Lane; 2:00, The Clubwomen's Half Hour; 2:30, Memoir Book of Music; 3:00, News; 8:15, Musle of the Masters; 4:00, O ret on Reporter; 4:15, Favorite Hymns. the dam on the Washington shore extending upstream to a point about three-quarters of a mile below Yellepit. In addition to roadway grading, the job will include construction of bridges at Four-mile and Spukshowkl canyons. The bid was $3,275,224. S. Morgan Smith of York, Mass., was apparent low bidder for the design and manufacture of four, 111,300-horsepower hy draulic turbines for the McNary dam powerhouse. The Smith bid was $5,040,110. IaIPPlJE fjLjAlC fjRl I M u a vab aOo T O nAP a pWJS ta r n aEl i tHa uay We p He l ea yi jjIeIr Si M T J sir rm n c "llJl aItB ili Qlush YlSjX A tlp U P L E RjlATillO D E O N EUbArURE D18 Solution of Yesterday's Punlo . Utility S. Gaelic aem god 4. Woven cloth 5. Shore 6. English composer 1. She who let all human ilia out of the box S. Malt beverage 9. Palace troops of ancient Rome 10. First garden 11. Knot 17. Minor Hindu revenue oillclaJ 19. Paining 21. Having ability 22. Costly 23. Express dis approval 25. By the aide of 27. Of that object 28. Berets 29. Bristle 32. Fragrant 35. Land measure 17. Wrestling hold 59. Corpulent 40. Glacial rldgea 41. Roman emperor 43. Blunders 45. Garden Ira. plemeot 47. Self 48. Wing 49. Commercial town la India By Gene Ahern I ATE AT THAT DRIVE- ' IN WITH ALFV. AN X SAW DA GOIL SHE'S ABOUT 5 FOOT 1. AN' I NOTICED SHE HAD DA BIG YAP EATIN' THRU DA PAPER. WRAPPER rON HIS HAM- bUIER ; y v 7 . r- cisco 3 Calif. fHE HAS THE LEASH