SCIENCE WONDERS: Can Man Fly at Speed Almost to That of Light? By JAMES LYLE Moffctt Field, Calif. (U, Man will never fly faster than light, which Is 670,000,000 miles per hour, but that's about the only barrier aeronautical engineers will admit is insurmountable. According to Dr. Albert Einstein, at the speed of light size is reduced to zero and mass is increased to infinity. Scientists at the Ames la bora atory of the National Advisory Capita Journal, Salem. Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 8. 1949 27 committee for aeronautics won't argue with Einstein, but they al io refuse to admit anything short of that speed is impossible. There is a formidable barrier, however, they say, much closer to the speeds man has flown since the Bell X-l broke through the speed of sound at Murdoc Dry Lake. The next obstacle, according to the Ames scientists, is heat. It's apt to be a tough nut to crack too, because the heat is generated rapidly as speed is in creased above that of sound. All of the vitals of the plane must be refrigerated and even then the basic metal structure is weak ened by the heat. The Ames scientists, who shud der at the idea of being quoted directly, refuse to divulge the speed at which the heat problem stops them. That is a closely guarded secret. Suffice to say it is apparently somewhere beyond 1,000 miles per hour. That figure can be deduced from a recent prediction by John F. Victory, executive secretary of the KACA, who said: ". . . the day when military aircraft can make sustained flights of 1,000 miles per hour or more is not far distant.' Ames engineers say the in crease in heat due to the com pression of air ahead of the plane is about 100 degrees fahrenheit at the speed of sound. (760 miles per hour at sea level.) The tem perature rise occurs at the nose of the plane and the heat else . where, because of friction of the boundary layer air on the skin of the plane, is only a few de grees less. Beyond the speed of sound the temperature rises rapidly. Just how great that tempera ture can become was made clear : by one of the laboratory scient ists who explained: "A shooting star is just a piece ' of iron being burned up by its speed through the earth's atmos phere." . One of the solutions has been to fly at higher altitudes where the air is colder, but the engi neers say there is a limit to this practice because in the rare upper air the sun's rays have a greater heating effect. Refrigeration has been anoth er partial solution, but it does not solve the problem because it is impossible to refrigerate the entire airplane and there is a limit to the amount the tem perature can be dropped. Only one thing is certain, the absolute speed limit is some where between 1,000 miles per hour and 670,000,000 miles per hour. It's probably much nearer the lower figure. Barkley Opens Coffee Meeting Boca Baton, Fla., Dec. 8 W) Vice President Alben W. Bark ley opens the National Coffee association's annual convention here today. He will address approximate ly 750 delegates representing 80 per cent of the nation's coffee distributors at 10 a.m. (EST) on general business and govern mental relations. The veep arrived late last night from Washington aboard an Eastern Air Lines plane. Mrs. Barkley remained in the capital and the vice president is ex pected to return there tonight. Coffee prices will remain high for some time, said W. F. Will iamson, secretary - manager of the association in a preview of discussions to continue through Saturday. "The subject of coffee is as hot as a firecracker right now," he said. "The price increase re sulted from a combination of circumstances including a rela tively short supply and consum er hoarding. "People hearing of the short age began to buy a little extra. A 'little bit extra' held in re serve becomes a large amount when it's realized that 95 per cent of the homes use coffee. The hoarders took a month's supply off retailers' shelves and hid it away on their own. As a result, all coffee dis tributors had to go into the mar ket at once, and the price spi raled upward. The explanation is nearly as simple as that. Pacific to Atlantic Shift of Navy Alarms Washington, Dec. 8 (VP) Ad miral Forrest P. Sherman, chief of naval operations, said today he is concerned over the weak ening of the Pacific fleet under the shift of naval strength from the Pacific to the Atlantic. He said that he has been "go ing over the ways and means of strengthening" the Pacific fleet since he took over office two months ago. Sherman made the statement in answer to questions at a Na tional Press club luncheon at which he was the guest speaker. The navy began moving the heavier portion of its fleet to the Atlantic more than a year ago. WANT SOFTER, WHITER HANDS? 3 Rain Dropt actually "babies' your hands, guard their sraoothneit with gentle pro tection, each time you use it. SAfftORCPJ T6MnM4 by W I my !"-! I"'1 'I ElAVno twt ond dsKcflrtc ofomq from on txptrt of Mtfiicon ono MqoojOmoot Yon pot motfe ftovoiv tottior bofanf rwirrh. .for iHc flovoc doeifiot bofc court BEN-HUR makes the flavor Journal Want Ads Pay IT'S THE EASY WAY TO MAKE FRUIT CAKE1 LYONS RADIANT MIX DICED GLACE MIX READY TO USE for delicious, colorful holiday fruit cakes. A 1-pound package makes 2 pounds or more of fine homemade fruit cake. Simple recipes inside each package. Also use nadiant Mix to add goodness and color to cookies, candies and dessert recipes 1 LYONS mf LYONS foxm Omem Trwiu lyoni-Moflnwi lite Son Frandw 3, Colff. mm ALWAYS AT ERICKSONS PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI.-SAT.-SUNDAY PANCAKE FLOURED 27c 4 43c QUIXY COOKIE MIX - 2 - 25c CANNED SHRIMP Etzszz?.... 25c ORANGE JUICE risxr 39c CANNED PRUNES a:.: 10c PINK SALMON Mai: Otfic'ovt CONGO SQUARES At to ICII Nestles Chocolate Tid Bits, 8 oz. pkg 17c ie. QUALITY mam IVORY YrtQM S0AP LARGE tot LJ tsffSi IVORY TmBj soap ISP00 2 17c MEDIUM for If Harpoon, finest quality Alaska Pink, No. 1 tall can 35c BLUE LABEL 1. 55c No Parboiling To Be Baked RED LABEL wHhlel0br. 59c Full Cooked, Heat Up and Serve or Slice Cold ERICKS0N SUPER MARKET Swift's Premium Ham Week PICNICS fb.ad7.toEat ..... 39c No Shrinkage in Cooking Ready to Slice BONED ad TIEDib. .. 59c No Waste - Easy to Slice SWIFTS . v Brookfield Link Sausage A Pure Pork Product - No Filler ARMOURS Bl PICNIC HAMS lb. 33c WE BELIEVE NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY HAMS IF YOU HAVE A LOCKER OR HOME FREEZER-BUY HAMS NOW. Rabbits 39c For Baking. Fryers n 59c Fresh Avrrrne ul Jl CIV? Pint 59c Oysters Hamburger 29c You'll Like These Fresh Select Oysters Local Fresh Dressed. SALAD DRESSING Champion, Quart jar , 39c 'aretes I bythebag-bylhecon PEANUTS fresh roasted lb PAPER SHELL PECANS funsten, large, lb BRAIL NUTS Large, frcm S & VTI lb. ALMONDS S&W,ioft shell lb MIXED NUTS Fancy quality. No peanuts lb. . . SALTED PEANUTS Planters or Circus, 8 ox. can . . . 27c 39c 29c . 33c ..33c 29c These Grocery Specials Also Effective at PARAMOUNT MARKET Salem's Quality Service Store 260 N. Liberty Phone 2-2461 Plus 2 Trip Charge on These Specials for Delivery SWIFTNING SHORTENING 3 lb. can SWIFT PREM Spiced Luncheon Meat 1 2 oz can FRANKFURTERS SWIFT PREMIUM 12 oz. can SMOKED CHOPPED HAM Swift Premium, 1 2 oz. can TURKEY ALA KING Swift Premium 15'l oz. can tall can. . SPAGHETTI & MEAT Swift Premium, 16 oz. can Rath Canned Meats Demonstration Friday & Saturday m BEEF WITH GRAVY Wk Rath 1 lb. can PORK WITH GRAVY Rath 1 lb. can BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 37c Rath 8 oz. can DRIED BEEF Rath 2 oz. glass 29c Candy Cherries 49 Boysen berry Preserves lCi Shady Oak, 1 lb. jar I V (Case 24 jars 3.39) tiBarrJetf- Pears Iflr js& Triumph, in syrup, tall can I Vl hPineapple OQr Hillsdale, b'ken slices, Hawalin Ige. 2V4 can 1 ' 1 Maraschino Cherries 09 Large 8 oz. jar I Hixon Puddings 7 OCr Si Vanilla Taninna. Retr. nlcps mlii WALLA WALLA, FINEST QUALITY " FANCY SWEET PEAS small 3 sieve No. 303 cans Case 24 Cans , for We recommend and guarantee the quality of these peas. FANCY SWEET PEAS Blended 3-4-5 Seive cans 29c 10 oz. Cans WALLA WALLA PEAS AND CARROTS No. 303 Cans Jm 27C Can? 3 WALLA WALLA FANCY ALL GREEN ASPARARGUS SPEARS o" 31C 12 cans 359 28c GREEN LIMA BEANS 27c Walla Walla fancy 10 oz. can Jle EXTRA FRESH '.-I I 1 I W Si I I 1 I 1 I riiifiirnni Is si n 1 1 I I in HIGHEST QUALITY POTATOES no! 2S. 50 big 98c CAULIFLOWER 6c 45c AD A WlCC New Navels Large 126 size doz. CARROTS TURNIPS PARSNIPS RUTABAGGAS ONIONS tZL 3 LOCAL NEW POTATOES Calif Red Rose POUND lbs. lbs. SWEET CHOCOLATE 07c Bakers Farmington 1 lb. bar IVORY FLAKES L9e. fTe kg. LI 1 1 1 WM IVUKT SNOW 27c c4 CAMAY ! 3 bi9 Arte bars LL PAMAV llH I HI I- Rsggsg BATH SIZE 2 '9e' bars 21' DUZ Lge. pkg. LI OXYDOL rtSSDREFT L9eO.e HSpan SPIC and SPAN l Lge. AO C pkg. LO SUNBRITE CEANSER GLASS WAX Simonize Window Glaze Ig. 1 Vi pint can 19c Canned Dog Food PLEASE 3 .,25c BEG-MORE 3 tall cans 41c CL0R0X BLEACH iagal.jug 25 C 3060 Portland Road 3720 E. State St.