?8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon State Dumps I and Harv Wait j York university's Jerry Remer (mui )iijiu bi l n iu.nl uiauiauu aijuaic uc.iucu. vie gon State came out on top with a 49 to 45 win. (Acme Tele- pnuio; r Castoff Finds Strange in Pro ! Frederick, Md., Dec. 8 W So there goes "Keller, If," out J of the Yankee lineup. I "It'll be kind of strange," Charley Keller said. I It was after General Man Jager George Weiss of the New I York Yankees had announced jin Baltimore yesterday that I the slugging outfielder has 'been made a free agent. This means the shy guy with the big arms and the lusty swing can bunt himself a job in baseball if he wants one and it's no never mind to the Yankees. He Is 33. "No plans," said Charley when he was asked about it. Weiss said he promised Charley a Job In the Yankee organization if a likely one opens up. Right now, strike three. Will Charley play In a less er league? He didn't answer the question directly. A few months ago he said it was the big time or nothing for him. "Keller If" has been a fix ture of the Yankee lineup since 1939, except for war Vote Against Bonus Repeal Baltimore, Dec. 8 (VP) Baseball's minor leagues vot ed against repeal of their con troversial bonus rule today In a closed executive session of the National Association of Minor Leagues. Thirty-two of the 59 leagues were In favor of scuttling the rule, but a three-fourths ma jority 45 votes was neces sary to repeal it. Twenty-six leagues voted to retain the regulation. One lea gue passed its opportunity to vote. Lack of Winner May See Pro Ball Die in Newark I Baltimore, Dec. 7 UB The impending death of the "best franchise in minor league base ball" awakened executives at the annual convention today to the fact that "what happened in Newark, N.J., could happen anywhere," Newark no longer wants base ball, a fact that has been proven over the past two seasons. The club drew less than 88,000 paid admissions in 1949. a miserable total for a population area of over 500.000. It fared only a little better in 1948, yet less than a decade ago this was the prize farm team of the New York Yankees, a team that de veloped some of their most lus trous stars. GIVE HIM SLACKS THAT PAIR HE NEEDS ALEX 121 N. Oregon, Thursday, Dec 8, WWpQQ f0 DiscUSS NYU Oregon State basket- bailers Bob Payne (18) (23, left), scramble for the ball with New (23) In the second half of the Freedom Baseball Last year he was batting along at a .316 clip when he fell down chasing a fly ball in June and broke two bones In bis left hand. Charley hurt his hip on the opening day of spring prac tice this year. The Yankees optioned him to their Newark farm In May. He played in a few International league games and went back to New York. But it was a disappointing season. Ediger Voted to Captain Dallas Gridders in '50 Dallas Wes Ediger, who was chosen as an end on the all-star Willamette Valley league foot ball team this year, was elected captain of the Dallas high school football team for 1950 at a ban quet given in honor of the team by Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiam San ders of Dallas. Ediger, who will be a senior next year, succeeds Captain Ray Olson of the 1949 squad. Olson, a tackle, also made the all-star team. The squad of 46 players, to gether with Coaches Ken Jacob- son and Gordon Kunke and oth er officials of the high school, were feted at the banquet with the compliments of the host couple, owners of a local resau- rant. Members of the squad pre sented gifts to the coaches and to Mr. and Mrs. Sanders. S. E. Whitworth, superintendent of schools, gave a short talk. En graved spoons were presented to each member of the team by Mr. Sanders as a souvenir of the occasion. There seemed to be many reasons for the collapse of the franchise where a few years ago annual attendance of more than 300,000 was as sured. But the best answer seemed to be that the fans just won't support a loser, no mat ter where they are. i" " guaranteed" " ! , WATCH CLOCK an i JEWELRY REPAIRING I REASONABLE PRICES ' The Jewel Box 443 State ' 'One door from Western Union! We have just received a shipment of 100 Virgin Wool Sharkskin Slocks. The kind ho wants. 1495 Only Sizes 28 to 42 JONES High St Sale of Video Rights at Meet Los Angeles, Dec 8 Sale of television rights to P a e I f I e coast conference games will be discussed at the Loop's annual winter meeting starting Sunday at Carmel, Cal., Commissioner Victor O. Schmidt said today. During the past two seasons conference schools have been allowed to make their own T-V contracts. The meeting's agenda an nounced yesterday by Schmidt included discussion of a pro posed basketball rule change under which the last two min utes of a game would be played without time-outs for substitut ing players. The role would permit sub stitution only when the clock is stopped for other reasons. The proposed change is be ing tried out in pre-conference play and may be adopted for regular conference games if proved satisfactory. Other items included tele phone interviews with prospec tive students, hours of employ- ment of athletes discussion of alumni abatement procedure, basketball and baseball summer practice, selection of 1950 foot ball officials,, effect of partici pation in exhibitions and adop tion of the 1953 football sched ule. Farnam Named Frosh Starter Eugene, Dec 8 W The Or egon Frosh open their basket ball season here tonight against Benson high of Fort land. The tentative starting line up lists Keith Farnam of Sa lem and Curt Barclay of Mis soula, Mont, at the forwards; Chet Noe, Los Angeles, cen ter; Don Hoy. Newberg and Bud Covey. Portland, at the guards. if -rent Is. .- Didn't See the Shah Tw reat aietes, UIUII I JCC IMC JIIQII Bob Mathias (left) and LL Glenn Davis, cool their heels in a Los Angeles hotel lobby, waiting to see the Shah of Iran. They had been asked by a wealthy Pennsylvania sports fan to present a large sports scroll to the Shah. But the Shah's aides said he was busy swimming and had no appointment with the athletes. They left, (AP Wirephoto) SrMnutj hnrtm'i 7 i Season Ducats Still Available For Bevo Games Corvallis, Dec. 8 More than half of the season tickets for Oregon State's eight home con ference basketball games in mammouth new Gill Coliseum already have been sold. Athletic Director R. S. (Spec) Kecne an nounced this week. Season tickets do not include the six preconference contests for which tickets are being sold on an individual game basis. There are 3100 theater-type chair reserve seats in the struc ture which will be used for the first time in the opening home series against highly rated Utah on December 16 and 17. Al though the season ticket sale has been brisk, many seats are still available. The most modern type of glass backboards are being in stalled on the main playing floor this week while final sanding operations on the floor itself are under way. 5llT. . Every Drop Seagram's 7 Crown never varies. Month after month, every drop has the same superb quality. That's why you're SURE to love it in December as you loved it in May. Sure tCpfO Wrto&CeMMf-MH talfi Neutrtl Spirits. Srii ll(P William FinPrl Williams, (left) champion ire TTiiiianii rineu Ugh,weisM fiehter WM lmed S500 and ordered to apologize to ring officials by the Penn slyvanfa Athletic Commission probing Williams' pre-fight statement that he feared a "gamblers fix" would cost him his title against Freddy Dawson Dec. 5. At the hearing held in Philadelphia are left to right: Williams, his manager Frank "Blinkey" Palermo, John Montgomery, George Jones and Otto Messner, commission members. (AP Wirephoto) Penn Commission Fines Williams for 'Fix' Yarn Philadelphia, Dec. 8 (U Lightweight Champion Ike Williams was fined S500 on Wednesday by the Pennsyl vania Athletic commission and ordered to make a writ ten apology for Monday night's statements about a "fixed" -fight. Chairman George J. Jones of the commission ordered Will iams to make the apology to the two members of the commission and the three ring officials who officated at Monday night's fight in Convention hall where Williams kept his title by win ning a 15-round decision over Freddy Dawson of Chicago. Williams called in reporteri before the fight and told them that "a friend" had warned him the fight was "fixed" and that if a decision resulted, it would go to Daw son. He did not invite ring of ficials nor commission mem bers to his impromptu press conference. Jones, who presided at to- Hockey Coach In Fined for Naughty Conduct Seattle, Wash., Dec. 8 U.R Willard (Dutch) Hiller, coach of the Los Angeles Monarchs of the Pacific Coast Hockey lea gue, has been fined $50 for con duct unbecoming a coach, Pre sident Al Leader announced to day. Leader said Hiller threw his hat on the ice to protest a pen alty called on one of his players last Saturday night in Los An geles. Referee Bill Knott imme diately removed him from the bench, Leader added. feCihyt uWrng, Y. SEES? -tp& day s Hearing at commission headquarters, said he was penal izing Williams because Ike re fused to give him the name of "the close friend" who tele phoned him that Monday mgnti fight was "in the bag for Dawson. Williams testified today that he did not know the name of the friend who had phoned him, but that he thought the man was a close friend because the man had told him so on the phone and would meet him in the dressing room after the fight Association Hoop Teams of Lebanon Start Practices Lebanon Practices of the Lebanon Basketball association began Monday evening in the high school gymnasium. The four teams of the association have an active schedule planned for the league and outside teams. The Elks squad is managed by Jack Walton and is the team selected to engage the legendary Fisher's Colored Ghosts on Jan. 21. Roland King shepherds the! Veterans of Foreign Wars five, and Tom McCown is gathering material for another squad. Joe Abbott heads a team represent ing Groves Hardware. Men who feel they could be a help to a team should contact these men or come to practice on Mondays. Boiled grasshoppers are said to taste something like lobster. NEW LOCOMOTIVES NEW ROLLING STOCK NEW ACCESSORIES t SEE THEM NOW! OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL CHRISTMAS We. W4. UO7 Mf. t.,.lilag I Hill. Always Plenty of Free Parking on Our Lot SCORES in Capital Alleys MAJOS LXAGCI , 60S. McCluikey SCI. H(cdron 600. Olodt Ml. A CMC MtHer til -Mines VM, rrien S33. Iran W-S. S;ritton 54. Hflwell 837. CorrUU Hereupon u iteniiccj . S23 8irr iil. Cot 13. Setta'.cfer 55. Mrf Louth '9) Kit 9. Orwory 547. Clon 517. Bel 7. CrUwll 3. 131, W.e:3nl SS. O. Pate W). Wood lord ?. H. Ps S57. Waodrr'l FBr!Wr 11 Kitchen 5. Sc'.i it. Perry 503, Foremsn 445. Olirntr 51. LaVob'i r MeXiamlUe 'ft mtct o fCi 535. Krrt ilirnier 434. G. Glc-St x rBiti ReddhiE id Wilkroa 48J. Yoans 5M. Buler Ml, Nuber 5, LifMn 510. 5 ilrtn Btrtnn rji rnece a:. gar rison. 570, Locu 431. Boree S71, Wert 534. aimt't Cffw Sbo (1 Cline Sr. 17, 0'.r.7 604. Firmer 515, Boo 48S, OslmxJ 512. Kith lodirWatl fime: PlWty ttinweu m Acne Motor, 344. Hith lndlTldul lerle: Plnkr HrtweU of Acme Motor, 837. Rtxh tm rtmc: Acme Motor, uns. BUb team jerU: Cupboard Ctle, 3037. University Alleys STATE HOUSE LEAGUE RmmUft f Stu (D Grant 399. Mil ler 414. L. Klnf 518, Porter 473. Bchultze 4. Hiwr Slem A (2) Merchant 473, D. E:ru 343, Roeke 395. Wallace 385, T. Hill 478. Tax Commits ton N. 18 3l Proelutel Tax Cffmrnixilon N. 18A '3) Proebitet 431. Satter 411. Tax CommUilon No. 18B CI Welch 410. Welxel 373, MaAOQ 373, Robb 405, Johnson 484. Printeri O.S.P.D. fJ Krejel 554, Mll ner 433, B. Stone 338, McCrarr M, M11U 537. Llbrarr No. t3 (0) Ree! M5. Waltx 371, Popma 339. Elain 461. Hlllerich 438. In dmrt rial Accident Coramisilon No. t fll AJhbr 414, Ganazher 483, Harrta 447, Goatafatm 487. Wut 434. Forest rr No. tj (3i EttIm 390, OarU 473, LW 441, Walker 489. Hermeman 414. Hiway Salem No. 1 (1) Towle 385, Quer ry 332, Orlfmhs 401. Kayeer 453, Leter neaai 441. Industrial Accident SIAC No. 1 3 Savaze 439, U pit on 533, Qerdon 409. Porn: an 430. Buchanan 414, Hlja same: Mllli. 330. Hieh aeries: TA Krejcl. 579. HUh team: Printer 2335. UNIVERSITY CTVTC LEAGUE Moose Lodxe (1) Thompson 487. Bm clente 485. Smith 408. Prunk 385, Smyeri 353. Jr. Chamber of Com. 3) Porter 489, Sen after 415, Wedel 443, Doerk 494, Zls ler 438. Hollrwood Lions No. 1 fl) Hanna 438, Mcwtrr 420. Coxfortner 3J1. GiDeapie 465. Collins 330. Sal era Lions No. X (3) 0Wes 475, Eeamater 482, Fischer 479, Holmes 473. S'.arrett 476. KJwanU ii Lineberry 400. Hutchinson 316, Siutiman 449. Pickerel 424. McKlnney 373. 5tarton Lions '2 Batea 378. More an 509, ChriAteasen 383, Schachulck 507, Jor dan 499. Salem Lions No. S '3 Norm 409. Verne 417, Rar 441. Fred 394, Pat 437. Moote Ledce No. 3 HI Smith 453, Sen lib I 333, Hecilne 344. Cooter 417, Smreri 333, Salem Lions No, 1 0 Henderson 440, Hot 333. K:mmeU 386, Rostel 371, Sav- era 464. Hollywood Lions No. S '3) LantE 393. Porter 413, Tlrxlall 383, Elliott 332, Donaldson 393. Hish same: Norm. Hl;h series: Morzan 509. HUb team: Salem Lions No. 1, 3388. Duckpin Bowling MEN'S AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE Kaiser Fraier iOi Lewie Nelson 338, Ed Lrle 403. B'.U Hamby 408, Red Fos:er 349. Hubert Mink 418. Ford (4 Vern Boock 333. Bob Burns 343. Arnold Holmes 385, Al Wolf 330. Olenn SchrOTer 483. Hadson (D Bob Schuck 349, Al Walen 433. Morris Rose 308. Ed Burton 383, Dave Farrell 387. Dodse 3 Bill Campbell 471, Frank Jones 360. Dallas Kjaer 428, John ny Cooter 395, Prank Snelzrore 483. Lincoln Mereury 0 P. B. Churchman 302, Warne Sparks 363, Spud Spwle 329, Earl Brooks 391. Bob Hulst 358. Bofck (41 5hortr W imams 337, Harry Wilson 335, Dorran Holt 448, Dave Moon 365, M. Van DeU 454. Cadillac f2) Don Bowers 367, Bud Ready 38. Wally Doss 438. Herbert Berry 347. Bob Fry 390. OldsmoMla (2l E. 8ur raU 408. Frank Chakarun 411, Bin Shuck 396. Art Woelke 330, Dewey Baumsart 323. Hlzh team series and tame: Dodte. 3135 .t COSTS LESS THAN YOU TO BEAUTIFULLY SCALE DETAILED MODELS! THEY PUFF SMOKE AND WHISTLE! Complete Sets ore priced from Add to Last Always come to Hamilton's for Better Toys ot lowest prices. tL. HAMILTON FURNITURE Ca ,L 0 CHIMIIT .. IUIH. OMIOI the ALLEYS and 174. Hith lndlTldiiftl leritj: rrans onctxror Hizti indiriduu limt: uuuu juacr fDodltJ 193. Wolfe Draws on Eugene Card as Eagleman Wins Eugene, Ore., Dec. 8 UJD Welterweight Dick WoLfe of Klamath Falls, Ore., was held to a draw decision here last night as 157-pound Davey Ball of Bakersfield, Calif., bounced back in later rounds to even up the 10-round match. Wolfe pounded out an early lead because Ball had trouble hitting the dancing, 151-pound Indian. In later rounds, howev er, Ball would land a solid punch on Wolfe and shake the Klamath mam Less than a thousand persons watched the match. Johnny Bruce of Medford, Ore., wai pulled out of the program be cause of an eye cut he suffered recently. He was replaced by Mel Eagleman, 132, Chemawa, Ore., who won a TKO over Lar ry Reagan, 130, Hermiston, Ore., when Reagan failed to answer the bell in the final sixth round. Eagleman was kayoed on a card only the night before in Seattle. Hart and Walker May Play for Same Pro Team New York, Dec. 8 (P) Two of the year's outstanding college football stars, Leon Hart of No tre Dame and Doak Walker of Southern Methodist, may wind up as professional teammates next year at Detroit but the Lions will have to say it with dollars. Hart, the most widely acclaim ed lineman to come out of col lege ranks since Larry Kelley of Yale 13 years ago, indicated yesterday he might be hard to persuade unless the bid is a fat one. Everyone Knows Only Coteriied Oil Leaves MA CARBON! Nl SPOT! 35622 r 35606 Sslcm'a EielnslT, C.UriM4 OH ttetltrfl Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway THINK RIDE YELLOW CAB Phone 2 2411 SEETHE LIONEL TRAINS At HAMILTON'S Toyland 15,95 & 75.00 ting . s Tri Year aim