Singing of Carols to Be Subject at Public Hearing Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 8 (U.R) Christmas carols In the Chelsea 6C.V00lS? 4(No, says a Jewish mother, because they make many ol the ; children unhappy. Yes, says a school official to ban them would only add fuel Union Launches was a large attendance and fine Creech gave a report on the five million ton deposit of high grade phosphate secured to the cooperative farmers through a perpetual government lease. A discussion on profitable purch asing of turkey feeds was led by Paul Perlich. Announcement was made of the organizing of a weed con trol distirct to fight tansey rag wort and gorse. All those inter ested should contact Herman Klcen. Mrs. George Bahnsen and Mrs. Arthur Schulz were committee on serving. AlMn HafanrA rAiirrlnPi,al Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 8, 1949 15 interest. Lyle Thomas, state legislator from Polk county and state secretary of the F.U. HIU1II lCIGIIJC VUUIJG Slated for Troops naval forces in Europe were brought up to date on the latest word in atomic defenses at a recent conference at army head quarters in Heidelberg. ed at a recent meeting at the Senator hotel In Salem. Weed Campaign was guest speaker, discussing agricultural problems and set ting forth the advantages of the Brannan plan. A round table discussion was led by Walter Baker with War ren Creech, Arno Springer and Gus Schlicker taking part. Schlicker also gave the legisla tive report and urged, air to look into the records of the political FALTH TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Mtn wawri of false teeth have suf fered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wobbled at Just the wrong time. Do not live in fenr of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH the alkaline Inon arld) powder, on your plates. Holds faint teeth mora firmly, so they feel mora com fortable. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Oet FASTEETH at any drug store. Frankfurt, Germany, Dec. 8 (P) American soldiers in Eur ope will start learning atomic defense measures as a normal part of their training next year. U.S. army headquarters an nounced last night troops are to be told about the effects of atomic explosions and the best defenses against them. Comman ders of U.S. army, air force and Bethel The monthly meeting of Bethel local of the Farmers Union was in charge of Roy Marchand, Cora Sapplngfield, George Bahnsen, and J. R. Car- Fox Heads Foresters Lebanon Charles E. Fox, vice president of Cascades Ply wood corporation here, was elected president of the Asso ciated Forest Industries of Ore gon, a service group of the state lumber industry. He was select to the tires ol intolerance. On December 15, it was de business district, and next door to the Linn county fire patrol association headquarters. It was ruthers led in the singing of Christmas carols. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bate Dutit under the jurisdiction of Cliff Vaughan of Lebanon, ai distributor. son of Route 5 were received as members of the group. There aspirants and be active before the spring primaries. V cided today, the school commit tee will rule whether childish voices may sing "Silent Night" and "Oh, Little Town of Beth lehem." The situation came to a head at a Parent-Teacher association meeting Thursday when Mrs. Abraham Wolpcr moved that the singing of carols be banned. No vote Was taken but a peti tion was forwarded to the com mittee governing the schools, whose population is about 45 per cent Jewish, 45 per cent Catholic and 10 per cent Protes tant. "This is a happy season for the children," said Mrs. Wolper. "It is wrong for them to have songs which some children feel they can't sing. It makes my son unhappy when his class mates ask him why he doesn't sing the songs. There are pag eants, too, of a religious nature. Such things should not be in the schools." Mrs. Wolper said they might sing songs like "Jingle Bells" or others concerning Santa Claus that are not of a religious nature. Children from Jewish homes "dread this season" of carols written for a particular religious group, she said. J. Frank Herlihy, superintend ent of schools, believes the carols should remain. He said they are ung in music classes and by school glee clubs the latter serenading each room the flay before the start of Christmas vacation. "The children also sing songs pertinent to the Jewish feast of Chanukah which falls during the Christmas season," Herlihy said. "We try to sing Jewish and Christian songs impartially so there will be no feeling of intolerance." Both Mrs. Wolper and Herlihy ! agreed the public hearing was desirable. New Service Station Eleventh in System Lebanon General Petroleum celebrated the opening of its eleventh independently owned service station in eastern Linn county when Preston's Mobllegas Service officially opened in I Sweet Home with Ralph Pres ton and Kenneth Ripley serving needs of the motoring public. The station is located on high way 20 at the eastern edge of the ) Lucky says- 6'60RAi I CAN'T LOSS MY COLLEEN AS LONGt AS t BRINO HER POTATO CHIPS" EH, PATRICK? . II mt your Own Distributed by PHIL SCHNELL DISTRIBUTING CO. Z80 Bellevua Ph. 33608 rSSEVENVC W STAR W nS. life are Featured Again r JCa-j All Safeway Stores in Salem P V) I Vyy3 n Are Now Open Friday J Yes i you got in on the 1 tu ' " ftk 11 ""S Evenings Until 8 p.m. ' Phased to see these sZlTV ou' ijtM Safeway stores in Hollywood and I "fading our list of f. . shoulders again I 1 I 1420 State St., open every week- I famnn. . , matures. As before ' I V I day evening until 8 P. M. I " I V ! GUARANTEED TENDER. ' ? . ' f tat? P0ULTRY AND SEA F00DS WASTE-FREE BEEF! MB' t.. V Round Steak iV 79' im " CNCNW Faney F:yer$ !b 4!c ttrlninfoalr rad.e.. WtWSfc tttWtfSm X? I FT 1 T Fricassee Fowl Pan-R..dy lb. 65c I n;. . Grade AQr fcfi ) J ) L SALMON STEAKS lb. 59c. I nlDnOaSf Good Lb I f ' S ' ,D halibut steaks lb. 45c I ' Swiss Steak l?l'lb.79 yHPIFf ? Picnic SSis I in . , buI ru iu e llllllP' - " r"' cu.m- "Stwle" FRESH OYSTERS pint 69c I I rOT K03ST Arm cuts ib. 59c WflV, ,1 Beef Short Ribs lb. 29c t;; , ' I Ground Beef lb. 29c V.. , 'Jpjr I serve, rand tjf 19c PURE, LEAN FRESH Pork Sausage .b. 45c Counfry sfyl, seasoned fo delight your fast, Heinz Ketchup 14-oz. Bottle No need to extol the virtues of this fine Heinz Tomato product Pork & Beans VAN CAMP No. 2 Can 15 Now at Safeway! SNOW CLOUD Marshm allows Soft V2-lb. A Ac and light Pkg. IU Just heat n eat! Van Camp's finest for a tasty meal in a hurry. ' Prices in This Ad Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday Dried Ital 4-lb. Pkg. OregonPrunes For stewed prunes to please your palate and keep you in top shape. Cheese Food 69c Tuna Fish Silver Bay Albacore! No. V2 Can 33 Buy several cans you won't be wondering what to put in those lunch sandwiches. Glace Fruits S&W Fruit Mb. Cake Mixture Jar 49c 8-lb. RIZQNA WHITE Bag 39c A good buy on a fine cheesefood. Makes tasty sandwiches. Bisquick Cuts baking work in two 40-oz. Pkg. Directions for 12 delicious bakings on the package. Tested by Betty Crocker staff. Bleach WHITE MAGIC Half Gallon 39 19 ORANGES NAVELS Florida 5 Ib. Bag 39 C Lb. 7e DEW-FRESH, CRISP LETTUCE LB. 9c APPLES Delicious 2 "" 19c , Ortleys 2 "" 15c Red Romei Lb. e GREEN CABBAGE ,h. 3c CAULIFLOWER Snowy, White lb. 8c CARROTS Golden, Smooth CELERY Crisp, Pascal DRY ONIONS Yellow PARSNIPS Full of Flavor. RUTABAGAS Nice Sizee SWEET POTATOES 2 lb, 27c TOMATOES Red, Ripe It oz. tube 25c TURNIPS For Tastjr Stews Ib. 7c WINTER SQUASH Danlsh lb.5c SQUASH Hubbard It Mirblehead Ib. 5c ib. 7c ib. 8c 2,bf. 15c ' ib. 9c ib. 6c CRISCO 69' SHORTENING , For flaky 3-lb. pie crusts Can ROYAL SATIN SHORTENING baking results Can 63c CAMAY SOAP Beauty soap Bath size) bar 11 WAX PAPER Cut-Rita 125-foot roll 19' CRACKERS , Mb- ACc Pirates' Gold Graham U CRACKERS Mb. ULc Honey Maid Granam "J POPCORN io-40c 1 Jolly Time unpopped oz. 3 cant 25 DOG FOOD P avfair w cam TOMATO JUICE OCc Sunny Dawn 46-oz. can LO DEVILED HAM Underwood 2' -or. can CATSUP Taste Tells ALMONDS Blue Diamond 14-oz. bot. 19' 11' FILBERTS Northwest Grown Mb. OQc pkg. J7 l ib. OQC pkg. 17 COFFEE AND TEA SAVINGS! IVORY SNOW Granulated, 12V2-OI. OT Ivory mild - Pkg Mm m V Edwards Coffee b1" 67c Nob Hill Coffee" 62c Airway Coffee Ub 59c TREND For all vour wa thing Pkg. 11 -OZ. 19' TCA Canterbury H-lb. CQ. pkj. 'C 2-lb. 133 ba 2-lb. 123 bag 1 2-lb. 11 7 ba Grade A EGGS Large l"C Sixei S t