Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 08, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    Capital Journal, SaTem, Oregon, ThuraJay, Dee. 8, 1949
i 3 iis 7 If ' I'
Santa's Busy Helper! One of the nightly work crewi of
the Salem Exchange club 1 ahown here a they work feverish
ly to meet the Christmas deadline for rebuilding and repaint
ing toyi for children of needy famillei of the Salem area.
The annual program of the service club is to collect dis
carded playthings and ready them for distribution. The
toys are given out through the Salvation Army. Pictured at
work at the Siewert warehouse, Santa's Salem subsidiary,
are: (from left) Johnny Lewis, Willamette basketball coach,
Otto J. Wilson, in charge of the Wednesday night crew,
Howard Loop, Oscar Specht and Dan Wiles.
Life in Red China Includes
Gasoline at $3 Per Gallon
Waco, Tex. ftl.R) Gasoline is selling for $3 a gallon in Amer
ican dollars, about five times its former price, in Tsinglao, China,
under the communist regime.
Mrs. Darlyne Sears, a Baylor university student, says her hus
band, who is in missionary work in the Chinese city, writes her
that taxes on the Sears' home at
the mission likewise have ad
vanced from $50 to $500 an
nually, U. S. currency value.
Mrs. Sears and her husband,
the Rev. S.B. Sears, were South
ern Baptist missionaries to
northern China when the com
munists took over.
They were warned repeatedly
by the American consul of the
approach of the Red forces and
finally upon insistence of the
consul, Mrs. Sears returned to
America last Jan. 10. The pastor
chose to remain at the mission
base at Tsingtao.
Both the Sears call St. Joseph,
Mo., their home.
While waiting to be reunited
with her husband, Mrs. Sears
enrolled at Baylor university to
complete her college work. The
few letters she has received
from her husband have reveal
ed some interesting things about
communist China.
All organized mail service
with the outside world has been
cut off, Sears didn't know his
wife was in Baylor until several
weeks ago. Letters from the
Tsingtao must be given to Chi
nese friends, who carry them
to Honk Kong, where they are
The Communists have not yet
solved the Chinese Inflation
problem, according tot Sears. He
said he has paid as much as
$25,000,000 (Chinese currency)
for one meal's groceries and
2,000 Chinese dollars for a hair
Chinese Policy
Under Attack
Washington, Dec. 8 W) Sena
tor Vandenberg (R., Mich,.) is be
ing urged by some republicans
to clear the way for GOP attacks
on the administration's attitude
toward China, Spain and possib
ly Israel.
Recuperating in Michigan
from a major operation, Vanden
berg has informed friends here
he plans to return to Washington
for the opening of the new ses
sion of congress Jan. 3.
Most of his party colleagues
want the Michigan senator to
clarify early in the session the
republican course on the bipar
tisan foreign policy.
Some of those interested say
frankly they hope that while
Vandenberg will call for contin
ued republican cooperation with
the democrats on major foreign
issues, he will point out as he
has in the past that the GOP has
not been consulted in advance
except on decisions in a narrow
Senator Brewster of Maine,
chairman of the GOP senatorial
campaign committee, is said to
believe the republicans can make
Issues in the 1950 campaign of
the administration's handling of
the China, Spain and possibly the
Israel problem with its continu
ing turmoil and dissension.
I Chinese Situation Described
By Dr. Chang in Talk Here
Should the United States string along with the tottering
National government in China or should recognition be given
to the communists who have gained control of virtually all of
eastern China?
Answers to those questions must be made within the near fu
ture, said Dr. H. H. Chang, Chi
nese diplomat, guest speaker for
Wednesday night's session of the
Salem Knife and Fork club ai
the Marion.
Speaking with a Harvard ac
cent, an institution from which
he holds a doctorate, Dr. Chang
declined to make any recom
mendations as to which course
this country should take He
charged the Nationalist govern
ment with being "inept, incom
petent, corrupt and unable to do
anything for the people of
China. It is a pitiable situation,"
he added.
Dr. Chang said that it is "nei
ther practical nor feasible" for
this country to have no relation
ships with China. He intimated
that it might be wise to give
partial recognition at least to
the communists since it would
permit this country to be on the
ground when and if develop
ments arose.
The situation as it exists today
in China stems from the failure
of the Nationalists to take a firm
stand after the defeat of Japan,
sdid Dr. Chang. He stated that
the resolution was not a military
one and the triumph of the com
munists was credited to the gov
ernment's failure to give eco
nomic or political relief.
Dr Chang declared the Na-i
tionalist government was shot:
full of nepotism with a small j
group at the top officials feath-!
ering their nests to Ihe tune of
some two billion dollars , which
has been moved out of the coun
try. I
'I would want the state de
partment to be patient, study the
situation carefully and play the
game intelligently," said Chang
in closing. He insisted that "all
is not lost" and all sorts of pos
sibilities remain.
To Exchange Exhibits
In Air Service Case
In connection with the hear
ing to be held in Washington,
D. C, February 16 on the ques
tion of continuance or tempora
ry discontinuance of United
Air Lines service in Salem, the
exhibits in the case will be of
fered several weeks in advance.
Hal Sweeney, Salem represen
tative of United, was informed
Wednesday by W. R. Thigpen of
Seattle, public relations repre
sentative, that the first exchange
of exhibits will be January 16,
and the rebuttal exchange Jan
uary 3D.
The hearing date set by the
civil aeronautics board for Feb
ruary 16 is three days later than
previously announced.
It was alscsaid that Bend and
Redmond have been put Into the
case as well as Salem and Bel-lingham.
Edinbursh Is the
British printing industry.
Shoe Repair
Half Soles
and Rubber
Leather or Rubber
Men or Ladies
With This Coupon
Oaprir . . quitted iridescent taffeta
an changeable royal and lime, royal and
red, blue and pink, green and faeht.
Cloud heal ttylt. 5.95
f V " UU , D ra uuwniu U"X J
6omphiI$ OOMFMiU OOMmilS COwpmio 0O
Zero Weather
In Central Area
(Br the Auociated Press)
The coldest weather of the
fall season hit the north central
part of the country today. The
mercury dropped to a low of 16
below zero during the morning
hours at Minot, S. D.
The cold Canadian air spread
southward Into Oklahoma and
North Texas. Temperatures fell
below zero over most of North
Dakota, and Minnesota, eastern
South Dakota, northwestern
Wisconsin, eastern South Da
kota, northwestern Iowa, and
northwestern Wisconsin. Not
much relief from the cold was
expected until Friday.
The northeastern section of
the country had some chilly
weather, but no sub-zero marks
were reported. Snow flurries
fell in northern New England I
and also In the Great Lakes re
gion. Temperatures were about nor
mal from the plains states to the
Pacific coast and in most of the
southern states. There was some
ram In southern and central California.
It Is estimated there are 300,
000,000 people in the western
Made In Portland
At Oregon's Lowest Prices
Installed In Your Home 5 Yearn' Guarantee Against Defects
I' ' I . -XI T eu
I .-s.f" "I i i im-sTO I Freeze
II - I III Freeze
II - ' " ' I I 18u
II till Freeze
I III 27 cu
II . J Freeze
WJ I 8'i'cu. ft. Polaris IU
fl I frireratnr (219, In.
jU stalled in your home.
Salem by
Sold Exclusively in
Elmer's Venetian Blinds and Shades
Ph. 3-7328 1453 Huge
JT h
360 O30
H qt. Z. Pt.
Famous for lis old-time quafily and rich, full fatior
Now enjoy again the
whiskey famous for its
old-lime qualify and
rich, full flavorl '
sM -I 'I
1 i r
' i "
You'll lore OoMpwr.l . , .they'rs
so pretty lo look it, so imart , . . and
so outrageously comfortable! In
hosttM, boudoir, 'round the house and
play style. ... In leather, gabardine,
brocade and rich rayon latins
h, there are OourHir.s hare for
very leisure occasion and for
kousetrork hours, loo! Just come In
and try on a pair you'll agree.
It's fun to have feet
..In Oomphies!
ouwb ooMwiu ooMHits ooMmni ootmm e ocwfHits 0015 oomj oomhs oomfhu oomh
PatamHor . . . instep bantt m
rtd, rovtil, black, kellv. wttk ntuili
ir father Mnpi. f J.9S
Quilling Party ...a mutttmlted em
broidered tatm im black, red, rrtal,
tight blut, white, peach, green, mn,
gold. SUng heel ttylt. Croiititehed
plat for. S.9ft
Marti Tmtt Scoff. ..Marttx lined,
tito. With leather . In newderptonn
afrotal, burgundy, emerald green. Its
In uhttt, uur blue, yellow. 2.9S
Jeate Sk Mm
Kf"'S JjPWCit ? ( "'"'jo--'"" J . .
hi ,-C5.Hv4fc ei veel like klnsI 4 i A
Genuine top-grain cowhide! Comfort in every
inch. Just imagine the man in your life sinking into one
of these four styles. A Christmas present he'll
remember all his life! Red, green, blue and brown.
Furniture, Fourth Floor
Open Friday
Nights Until
Free Parking
on Our Own Lot
While Shopping
at Hamilton's A