12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 8, 4949 C -4" ilk jura Half Century Shriners Milton L. Meyers (left) of Salem end Frank Settlemier of Woodburn have been members of Al Kader temple of the Mystic Shrine over 50 years. They will be among six receiving special honors in Portland Saturday. Meyers, Settlemier Honored by Shrine By JAMES D. OLSON Milton L. Meyers of Salem and Frank Settlemier of Wood burn are among six members of Al Kadar Shrine temple who will be honored at a ceremonial in Portland next Saturday for holding membership in the tern- P'e for 50 years or more. The ceremonial will be held in Portland's civic auditoriui and all six of the half-century' nobles will be given tangible recognition of their long years of fealty to Al Kadar temple. Noble Meyers is the second oldest member of Al Kadar tem ple, having crossed the "hot sands" in 1805. He holds mem bership card No. 220. Two years later Noble Settle mier became a member of the temple with a membership card numbered 249. Cerem o n i a 1 classes in Al Kadar in these days average between 200 and 400 men, but back in the days that the two Marion county men be came members the classes num bered only a few and the total membership was exceedingly small. Elmer J. Church, president of the Salem Shrine club, will lead a large delegation of Marion county Shriners to Portland Saturday to witness the tribute paid to' the two Marion county 50-year members, together with the four others who have been members for more than a half century. The first section of the cere monial will open at 4.-30 p.m. Saturday, following a parade through the downtown atreets of the metropolis. Dinner will be served in the. basement of the auditorium for the entire nobility with the second section opening shortly after dinner is concluded. Girard Davidson Not Saying If He Will Run Against Morse Washington, Dec. 8 UP) Assistant Secretary of the Interior C. Girard Davidson isn't talking about published reports that: A. He is in line to become undersecretary of the interior, an office which became vacant December 1 when Oscar L. Chap man moved up to become secretary B. He may resign to run foiy the senate against Wayne Morse (R-Ore). The native Louisianan, who now claims Portland, Ore., as his home, says only that he is "busy with my present job." He willingly, reaffirms his earlier pronouncements that: He has been, "approached" by some democrats to quit his Washington career and try to win Morse's office. He is not happy wtih Morse's stand against a Columbia Valley Authority. (Davidson is a lead er in President Truman's pro posed program for establish ment of a valley administration in the Pacific northwest). He plans eventually to resume the practice of law in Oregon. Secretary Chapman told re porters last week he has given no thought to the selection of an undersecretary. He is not ex pected to act in that connection unitl after congress reconvenes next month. Davidson recently told a re porter who asked him if he planned to leave interior by the middle of next May: 'You mean the middle of next March. That's when Oregon's filings for the senate close." Church Books Movie Falls City The Christian church is having a talkie movie picture, "Who Is Your Neigh bor," Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. A free will offering will be taken. fih AMmth r C. Girard Davidson Truman's Family Back to Washington Key West, Fla., Dec. 8 (U.R) President Truman said goodbye to his wife and daughter Wed nesday as they returned to Washington after a 10-day va cation with him here. Mrs. Truman and Margaret took off from Boca Chica naval air base aboard the presidential DC-6, The Independence. The President said farewell to Unopposed GOP Ticket Urged Portland, Dec. 8 VP) The re publican Women's Federation urged Tuesday that the party have a single, unopposed slate of candidates in next year's prima ries in Oregon. The resolution recommended that "republicans generally in the state subordinate all differ ences they may have . . . and, for the good of the party . . . ir November 1950, work for reno mination of our present republi can incumbents in office, both state and national. State Sen. Philip S. Hitch- cock, Klamath Falls, told the delegates of the state meeting that the democratic party does something for everyone except tnc small businessman. He said republicans have been branded as reactionaries, but "the worst kind of reaction of which the re publicans arc accused would on ly turn the clock back' 30 years, while the democrats would turn it back thousands of years to the time of the Pharaohs and sta-tism." He added, however, this is not a time of turning back but "of taking those changes that are de sirable and stopping before we reach the extremes that take away man's liberty and rob him of ambition." CHILD SPECIALIST CLAIMS The first all-electric radio sets in which the storage bat tery was eliminated were de veloped nearly 25 years ago. Some Habits as Employe Hurt Girl in Being a Good Mother By PAUL F. EI, LIS Washington. Dec. 8 (U.R) Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins hospital said today a former secretary too often is a poor moth er because she regards her child more or less as a substitute for her typewriter. The Baltimore physician told an American Medical associa tion's clinical meeting here that the same holds true for sales girls, factory workers,- labora tory technicians, librarians and nurses. , Claiming that the old-fashioned method of raising children still is the best, Kanner said a mother's cultural influences are apt to deprive her children of affection. "Young women are no longer reared for the main purpose of becoming wives and mothers," he said. "Most girls nowadays are prepared for a vocation. "This mode of living prior to marriage can be a major boon to the stable woman who comes to married life enriched by the responsibility, activity and asso ciations which the job affords her. But very often the job puts a premium on punctuality, me ticulousness and perfectionism which it often becomes impos sible for the mother to shake off when dealing with her chil dren." This difficulty, he said, is most pronounced in the case of "the first born child of the sec retary, the salesgirl, the factory piece worker, the laboratory technician, the librarian, or the nurse." The child, he said, bears the "whole brunt of tense perfec tionism, being more or less a substitute for the typewriter, the cash register, the machine, the test tube, the book shelf or the medicine cabinet." Kanner said pediatricians, psychologists, and psychiatrists have "added their shares to the mechanization and intimidation of mothers in the first quarter of this century." "Calories were calculated, and the clock determined the num ber of feedings and hours of sleep for the baby," he said. "The new system made the me chanical robots of mothers." Kanner had a few good things to say about modern-day moth ers, however. "There are many calm, stable, fond mothers who do not allow themselves to be swayed by all these cultural assaults on their common sense," he said. Bulgaria Drops Out Of UN Health Unit Geneva, Switzerland, Dec. (U.R) Bulgaria has followed Rus sia in withdrawing from the United Nations health organiza tion, the WHO announced today. The Bulgarian government said it was "dissatisfied" with WHO'S work. Russia, Byelo-Russia and the Ukraine quit the organization for the same reason last Febru ary. Sarchet President Albany Choristers Albany Woodrow Sarchet, high school music director, was named president of the Albany Choristers at an election held in connection with the group's regular business meeting Monday. Other new officers, who will be installed in January, are Orris Carnegie, vice president; Mrs. Lois Vanderpool, secre tary; Jim Hendricks, business manager, and Frances McKech nie, new board member. Tom Baker will continue as director. The Choristers, comprised of 50 voices, will present their an nual Christmas concert Monday, December 12 at the high school auditorium. Fried ants, eaten by some peo ple in South Africa, are said to taste like bacon. his family at his naval station quarters in Key West, then head ed for the beach and his daily Two Airmen Row 8 Miles to Safety Honolulu, T.H., Dec. 8 (U.R) Two navy airmen rowed eight miles to shore in a life raft and a third was presumed drowned when their single engine tor pedo bomber crashed in the sea southeast of Molokal Tuesday night, The navy identified the two survivors as Lt. David Warficld, 28, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Warficld, Oakland, Calif., and aviation machinist mate James B. Capps, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Capps, Montgomery, Ala. The missing man's name was not revealed. The plane was on a routine night flight, crashed and sank immediately. The two men were met on the beach at Molokai by civilians who had been asked by police to make a search of the shore. Four boats were dispatch ed from Pearl Harbor to search tor the third flyer. IDEAL CHOICE 'fl FOR THE HOLIDAY Old Mr. Boston's PERSONAL CHOICE" A I Blend of Straight Bourbons fvtry 'rep nrhlfky 3.95 43 Ot. to a r,Ni ANNUAL CARLOAD SUNKIST ORANGES SUNKIST SEEDLESS NAVELS SUNKIST-THE PICK OF THE TOP QUALITY ORANGES-BROUGHT TO YOU AT THESE LOW CARLOAD PRICES I ss llll&. iga Jfff? JUICE-LADEN Jtffi SUNKIST SWEET SEEDLESS NAVEL "fk iwfoffty ' :' Your friends, relatives and charities will appreciate 4fl fjjwjpV 70-lb. BOXES fine gift of these luscious, sweet, seedless oranges, '3$p! M0i 150 - 200 - 288 nd yu wi" ,av' endle" hoppin9- M fflmftf For Mce, Eating Another Example of IGA's Mass Buying Power 49 Knight wfalikfet i rear oM 5 1 vf imjahf whtifciei 4 rtft old Ml. Boawa DuuUw lac. Boko. Mm 70-lb. BOXES 150 - 200 - 288 Oranges Per Box For Juice, Eating or Slicing Your friends, relatives and charities will appreciate a fine gift of these luscious, sweet, seedless oranges, and you will save endless shopping. l2 box 10 LB. HOME TOTER BAG LOW-LOW PRICE r THERE IS AN IGA STORE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD 7 -' Ww Highland Market 00 Highland Ave. Broadway Grocery Brdwy. & Mkt.-Open Sunday Scio Food Market Quality Food Mkt. Ken Golliet 17th and Center Mftiama, Ore. Open Sunday Carter's Market Pearson's Food Mkt 17th and Market St. 294 No. Commercial State Street Market Model Food Market 1230 Stale St. 275 North High St. Lemmons Market Central Cash Market mt S98 yy?HJf'lf f"tf f.-rliimiitM't"!'"""'! Oregon Ronner's Grocery Gervais, Oregon Equall's Grocery Woodburn, Oregon Independence Food Market ladepeadence., Oregon- Phone fOAl OYYirL! 88 3-6489 J1 k V 1 ' X 1 State St. Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry Plenty of values here for thrifty shoppers: quality and freshness assured. A complete variety of meats, fish and poultry. May we remind you that it is time to place your order for Christmas Turkeys? Careful attention will be given to each order. Satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed by plac ing your orders early. Freshly Ground Fresh Country Hamburger ,. jJc Sausage ib 5 Jc EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF Arm Cuts J DCCC Rounds FF BlodeCut. DCCI" T-Bone SHf ROAST Rump, ib. fJv STEAKS ib. Eastern Ore. Hereford 40- Eastern Ore. Hereford Rib Steak ,b 47t Short Ribs .b IK Hormels "Premium Quality" Eastern Hoekles ft Sliced Bacon ... 33C Picnic Ham ,. JC We make them Fresh Daily Fresh m f Tender Skinless A ft PORK LINKS i 49C WEINERS lb 39C Tender Grain Fed In Tender Grain Fed Maw PORK CHOPS ,. 49C PORK ROAST lb, 3C I n A fin selection of tender young LOCKer Deer Eastern Ore. Hereford Ib 33c FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street Pnone 2-9237 COUNTRY FRESH GUARANTEED EGGS Medium A do. 37C Large A, 45c doz. NIBLET CORN DM.i. 2cans 33c BREAD xT.bdSUe 19c DDI IKJCC Oregon Prune Plums 1 Ar r IxUr Large No. 2 V, cans each POP CORN""'"" 2 , 29c COFFEE Popular Brands Ib 69c RAISINS Seedless CABBAGE Solid Green lb., LETTUCES S0,.,d:..... CAULIFLOWER Extra Fancy lb. lb. bag 55c 3c 2 for 15c 7c U. S. No. 2 EXTRA QUALITY POTATOES 50 1.09 Zt BASINGERS s,'.J,'.hs,f A Price Effective; Thurso' Fri., Sat. - Dec. g-9-10 itk$ tit rw hoiGAn-mkomjui 'J COUPOHSl PALMOUVE 3S ISe ftefaiaT Sw SUPER SUDS ,J?2L 16c VEl 16e AJAXQssa FAB S 16c Redeem the entire strip of cou pons and we will give you an additional box ot Regular Size Palmolive Soap Absolutely Free