Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 07, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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Columbia Paper
Criticizes Ike
New York, Dec. 7 U.R The
Columbia university campus
newspaper has criticized Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Colum
bia president, for stating that
many Americans were sacrific
ing independence for the "illu
sion of security."
The Columbia Daily Spectator
chided Eisenhower for his re
marks before the St. Andrews
society and said: "If the speech
was a trial balloon, we think
public reaction will soon flatten
Some persons, the newspaper
editorial said, interpreted his
remarks as a "test of public sen
timent by a possible nominee in
the next presidential election."
Deriding his remark that per
haps the people wanted cham
pagne and caviar when they
should have beer and hot dogs,
the editorial said that "being
content with beer and hot dogs
has never been part of the Amer
ican tradition we know."
The newspaper said that the
search for security in employ
ment ana civil liberties can
hardly lead to the 'slothful influ
ence' which the General de
plores." " " " .
-Motion Picture Pioneer Cecil B. DeMille (center) receives
the "Pioneer of the Year" award at the Motion Picture
Pioneers tenth anniversary dinner in New York. Rev. James
Keller (left) leader of The Christophers, and Justice Ferdi
nand Pecora (right) were speakers.
Patricia Owen Gets Holiday
Gift of Hope on Home Arrival
Chicago, Dec. 7 (U.R) Four-year-old Patricia Owen, who came
home to Chicago for what was expected to be her last Christ
mas, got a pre-holiday gift of hope Tuesday.
Dr. George H. Poncher, head of the pediatrics department at
the Illinois Research hospital, examined the girl and reported
that "this is not a hopeless situa-'
Many peoples of the world
find the eating of insects essen
tial to surviving.
"I think that there is a lot
that we can do for her," he said.
' Patricia is suffering from a
rare malady known as fibrocy
stic disease of the pancreas.
Complications have caused her
lungs to fill partially with thick
fluid imparing her breathing and
requiring an almost constant
use of an oxygen mask.
When doctors in California
thought she might not have long
to live, her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Owen, decided to
grant her last wish a Christ
mas celebration with her cou
sins here.
Tuesday she was carried from
a train wrapped in a blanket
decorated with a large orchid.
A waiting ambulance whisked
her to the hospital.
Poncher did not minimize
the dangers of Patricia's condi
tion and said that she was "very
critically ill."
He said that some of the fluid
had been removed from her
lungs here to help clear breath
ing passages and that the treat
ments would continue.
We're going to do everything
we can do to pull her through,"
he said.
Patricia was pale and wan,
but wide-eyed at the stir of
photographers and reporters who
awaited her arrival. .Because
of the mask, however, she could
say nothing.
Her parents took her to Sun
nyvale, Calif., two years ago in
the hope that the mild climate
would help the wracking coughs
that marked the early stages of
the disease.
But when the doctors told her
that there was little hope, they
decided to bring her home for
Christmas. '
Alien Smuggling Ring Broken;
Two Nabbed Operating Planes
WashinEton. Dec. 7 U.R The Justice Department announced
today it had broken up an alien smuggling ring with the arrest
of two Grand Rapids, Mich., men at Miami, Fla.
Arrested on charges of smuggling in aliens from Havana,
Cuba, by plane were Gaylor Saxton, a pilot, and Charles Cram-
ton, both 26.
The arrests were made by im
igration officers working in co
operation with the FBI.
Three aliens allegedly smug
gled into the country already
have been taken into custody
on charges of illegal entry. The
department said 23 others, in
cluding four children, would be
rounded up before the weeK-
A justice department spokes
man said that coordination oi
the Miami, New York, and Ha
vana immigration officers led to
the arrest of Ignatz Stern Fried,
27, and his sister, Ella Stern
Fried, 21, and Henryka Czlen
owa, in New York.
The Frieds were taken to Mi
ami where they pointed out a
private airport where they had
landed after a flight from a field
near Havana.
The spokesman said that this
and other information led to the
arrest of Saxton and Cramton.
He said the pair operated with
planes rented from private own
ers or plane service companies
in Miami. Saxton was accused
of flying the aliens from Havana
to Miami.. Cramton allegedly
made the arrangements for those
brought in to proceed to New
York by plane or train.
The two Michigan men, if con
victed, face maximum penalities
of $2,000 in fines and five years
imprisonment for each alien
brought in.
The spokesman said that the
26 aliens allegedly involved
were from the Balkan countries
and paid from $500 to $800 each
to get into this country.
There was no smuggling
charge for children under six
he said.
I m
Eight Attend
Forestry Meet
Eight members of the staff
of the local state forestry offi
ce will be in Portland Decem
ber 8, 9, 10 to attend the 40th
annual Western Forestry and
Conservation association meet
Included in the group at the
meeting will be private, state
and government forestry peo
ple from the state of Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana and
California, and foresters from
British Columbia. The address
of welcome will be given by
Acting Governor William E.
Coming up for discussion at
the three-day session will be
forestry problems of the area
including the spruce bud worm
and slash burning.
Attending from Salem are
Lynn F. Cronemiller, Homer G
Lyon, Jr., John B. Woods, Jr.
Vance Morrisson, Marvin Hel
land, Dwight Phipps, Ted Rain
water and Dale Bever.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1949 9
In the radio broadcasting
trade any daytime dramatic
story in serial form is labeled a
"soap opera" largely because
the original sponsors were soap
companies and some still are.
Appointed Martin H. Blote
(above) of Sacramento, Calif.,
Bureau of Reclamation at Sac
ramento. (AP Wirephoto)
pared with $53,002 for the sim
ilar period in 1948,
For instance, the state depart
ment of higher education cut its
travel expense from $15,187 in
the four months last year to $11,-
622 for the four months this
Loyal Womans Class
Has Holiday Affair
Falls City The Loyal Wom
en s class held its Christmas
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Chester Benefiel.
Officers for the coming year
were elected and are: Mrs.
Indian Service Area
Head Is Appointed
Washington, Dec. 7 (U.R) Sec
retary of the Interior Oscar L.
Chapman today announced the
names of ten area directors of
the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
With their appointment, he said,
reorganization of the field serv
ices of the bureau is complete."
The new directors and the
areas they cover include:
Don C. Foster, Juneau, Alaska
Alaska native service.
E. Morgan Pryse, Portland
Ore.: Oregon, Washington and
Weddings in Afghanistan of-
ten are held at five o'clock in
the morning.
State Calls Drop
Since State Budget Director
Harry Dorman called on the
state departments to cut down
on long distance telephone tolls
three months ago, there has been
a marked drop, he reported to
Dorman said the cut has
amounted to nearly 30 per cent,
During November long dis
tance tolls on calls put through
by state agencies in the capitol
group amounted to $2,096.17
That compares with $3,030 in
September. Dorman particular
ly asked state officials and em
ployes to limit calls to less than
10 minutes whenever possible.
He said that charges for calls
over 10 minutes in duration
dropped from $707.30 in Septem
ber to $338.20 in November.
Dorman also said expenditure
for travel by state officials and
employes was being reduced. In
the four months ended November
30 all state agencies spent $43
bou tor out-of-state travel, com-
Gramling, president; Mrs. Ethel
Guthridge, vice president; Mrs.
Richard Faul, secretary-treasur
er; Mrs. W. P. Lettermen, chair
man of the publicity and Sun
shine committee.
Gifts were exchanged. Re
freshments were served by the
hostess. Those present were
Mrs. Laura Horn, Mrs. Gram
ling, Mrs. Lettermen, Mrs. Faul,
Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Guthridge,
Michael and Jack Ogan and Mrs.
sensational low-cost
n i
No wonder it's so popular
everywhere... such a wise
gift choice. Here's true
Packer precision at a truly
remarkable price. New
"21" has exclusive smooth
eliding Ocunium point...
fast-action filler. ..and.
writes dry with wet ink.
Colors: Red, blue, green,
black. Choice of points.
Hartman Bros.
State and Liberty Sts.
Th uuwert to everyday
insurance problems
QUESTION: My sister-in-law
had a valuable watch stolen
while she was asleep on a re
cent trip. She had put the watch
under her pillow and when she
awoke, It was gone. My husband
carries a Residence Theft insur
ance policy and the insurance
man told us we were covered for
thefts of personal property when
away from home. If I had my
watch stolen under the circum
stances I have described would
the insurance company pay the
ANSWER: Yes, under the terms
of a theft policy which covers
loss of personal property while
away from home, the insurance
company would pay for loss of
the watch as you have described
If you'll address your own Insur
ance questions to this office, we'll
try to give you the correct answers
and there will be no chart: or obli
gation of any kind. -
S7S N. Church Phone 8911
Representini Gener.1 f Amerle. C'f.
All Western Hemisphere na
tions are expected to take a cen
sus in 1950.
Model Food Market
275 N. High St.
Phone 34111
Give food gifts for Christmas that can be enjoyed by the whole family. We pack and
ship anywhere.
Imperial Prunes in 5 lb. Cello.
Oregon Prunes In 10 lb. Box.
Oregon Prunes In 25 lb. Boxes.
Franquette Walnuts 5 lb. & 10 lb. Bags.
Large Filberts 5 lb. Bags
Tillamook Cheese, Aged
2 lb. & 5 lb. Bricks 3 lb. Rd.
Gift Box of West's Assortments of 12 Jars
Gillnetters Best in Christmas Pack.
2.95 & 6.1 5
Packed at Astoria.
For Your Fruit Cake and
Christmas Baking
Pineapple, Citron, Orange, Lemon &
Grapefruit Peel.
Pennant Mixed Fruit in 1 lb. jars . . 45 C
Cherries 1 lb cello 75 C
Cherries 8 oz. jars 40 C
Bleached, Puffed and Seedless Raisins.
Walnuts, Filberts, Pecans.
New Crop Shelled Almonds lb. . . 75 C
Break-up Chocolate lb 50 c
Bakers Chocolate for Candy making
The finest Northwest grown.
Delicious, Romes, Winesaps.
D'Anjou Pears.
California Dates.
1 lb. & 2 lb. Fancy Tins
1 lb. Cello 3 Pk 95 C
S&WCIuster Raisins.
Fancy Boxes of Assorted Fruits and Nuts
packed to order.
Fancy Boxes of Assorted Cheese.
Come in and see our displays.
Money Savers on Staples
S &W Coffee lib 69 C
S & W Coffee 2 lb 136
S & W Long Grain Rice 2 lb. pkg. . . 35 C
Market Day Raisins 4 lb 59c
Oregon Processed Prunes
2 lb cello 35 c
LoFollettes Tree Ripe Peaches
2 Cans 55 C
Case of 24 Cans 5.90
Our Christmas Candies made by Imperial
are the very best.
Royal Mix, Monster Gum, Orange Slices,
Jelly Beans and many others.
Imperial Box Chocolates
1.50 to 3.00 Box
Katherlne Beecher Mints 95 C
Younger's Butter Mints, four flavors
39 c Pk.
Terry Thin Choc. Mints lb. pkg. . . 49 C
Rockwood Mint & Rum Chocolates 12
oi-pk 35 c
Candy Canes in various sizes.
Our Fruit Cakes made several months are
aged just right. In Fancy Christmas wrap.
Wx lb. to 3 lbs. each 1.00 per pound.
We also have Langendorf's Fruit Cakes
at lesser price.
For Good Eating try our Model Pies.
Pumpkin, Mince, Apple, Lemon ea. 50c
For the accommodation of our customers we have a parking lot 40 by 19 in the rear of
our store which you are welcome to use while shopping here.
Watch the I.G.A. week-end ads for special money saving prices.
if Make it JkT j
) with the IguialUr of her own choice! I
a Is It hard to decide on the one right gift for her? shopping ... and yet Cavalier Is the most thoughtful 11
m Not thit Chrittmatl Give the Cavalier Miniature, the small, and loving gift you could give ... for it allows her to
M conveniently sized token gift that lets her come In and please herself! Come In now and ask about the Cavalier if
I choose for herself the Covaller Cedar Chest she prefers. Miniature Gift Token. We furnish H without charge JB
! It's the easy way for you to do your Christmas when you order a Christmas Cavalier. Jw
fBl.lmoV.rov.n..r,i.lofl byqltt.dmipl.,ot J"' 'ilt I Nv Ah style In walnut with marquetry Inlay at
$4950 A ji :1 -X ' $5450 A
! 2
tills beautiful walnut veneer style at J""f lSi ' vHAA thte handsome mahogany ve nr of
this glowing moele feign at VS.- -8
$5950 . g
his ovtstendlngty lovely walnut ond Korfcta thest of
Open Friday
Nire Until
9 P. M.
They're all CevalUr beoutei . . . and she will love your Ihoughlfunese In making If posslbe for her f
choose her own, as much os she Ihrilfi to the Christmas turptln of your gnV of e Cavalier Cedar Chest.
Open Friday
Nite Until
9 P.M.