.Capital Women 1 Edited by MARIAN LOWRI FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1949 Mrs. Lewis Named New Worthy Matron in OES Mrs. William L. Lewis is the new worthy matron for Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, elections having been held last evening at the regular cnapier meeting, one succeeds ivirs. u. M. Eby in the office. Installation for new officers will take place at a special session on December 29. Elected to serve with Mrs Lewis are: Gail H. Jones, worthy patron; Mrs. Earl Wiper, asso ciate matron: Verdi Walser, as sociate patron; Mrs. Herman Johnston, conductress; Mrs. Paul Griebenow, associate conduct ress; Mrs. Gordon Barker, secre tary; Mrs. Mabel Gardner, treas urer. The Christmas party and en tertainment for the chapter are announced for December 20 Following the meeting last evening there was a social hour with the following on the re freshments committee: Mrs. R E. Meredith, Miss Leta Johnson, Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mr. and Mrs Wayne Henry, Mrs. Frank Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Know er, Mrs. A. N. Copenhaver, Mrs Burton Bennett, Mrs. E. P. Phil lips, Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mrs. Marke Randall, Mrs. Robert For rister, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs, Roy Twecdie, Mrs. Elmer Taties, . Mrs. Don Kuhn, Mrs. Robert Pattison. VICTOR POINT The Silver . Cliff Woman's club met for its annual Christmas party at the Floyd Fox home. Mrs. Carrie Townsend and Mrs. Floyd Fox were hostesses, serving lunch at noon. The program centered around the Christmas tree, at which time "secret pals" of the year were revealed by the pres entation of Christmas gifts. A box was made up for the Chil dren's Farm home. Present were Mrs. William DeLangh, Mrs. W. F. Krenz, . Mrs. Marion Fischer, Evelyn , Fischer, Mrs. Ronald Heater, 1 Mrs. Zula Moser, Mrs. Vera Sav age, Mrs. Orley Martin, Mrs. Geneva Hubbard, Mrs. William Graham, Mrs. Townsend and !. Fox. Mrs. Marion Fischer will be the hostess January 5 at an all day meeting. To South America Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cadle of Dallas are among those planning winter trips. They will leave December 20, sailing from San Francisco that date, for a three months sojourn in South Amer ica. Last evening, the Cadles en tertained a group at dinner in the American Legion club. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Claire Tracy and Mr. and Mrs C. L. Crider of Dallas, Mrs. A. B Starbuck, Justice and Mrs. Harry H. Belt and the Cadles. memrmemmmsBsm Scout Event A recent meeting of the north west section of the National As sociation of Girl Scout Execu tives at Oceanlake, Ore., was at tended by Miss Lucy McAfee, executive director, and Miss Dor othy Wilson, field director of the Santiam area council. The meet ing featured an address by Mr. Michael Shapiro, executive sec retary of the Oregon state com mittee on children and youth; reports from the national con vention in Milwaukee; book re views and committee work groups. Miss McAfee, who has been serving as the chairman of the professional practices commit tee, was elected first vice presi dent. The association is open to all professional Girl Scout work ers in Region XI, including Ore gon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. About 40 members at tended the meeting. Archaeologists believe that natives of the Philippines spent 2000 years building the ancient Ifugao rice terraces; they cover 250 square miles high up on the mountainsides and are consid ered one of the wonders of the world. J L i Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. LeDoux (Loretta Irene Randall) were married November IB at St. Luke's Catholic church in Woodburn. They will reside at the Roberts apart ments in Salem. (Alyce studio picture.) Two Honor Miss Fidler Among affairs being given to honor Miss Jean Fidler, who is to be married December 27 to James Hosey, will be the party and china shower for which Mrs. Lawrence Brown and Mrs. Carl Cover will entertain at the Brown home on Candalaria Heights next Sunday afternoon. Guests have been asked for des sert at 2:30 o'clock, the shower to follow. During the after noon the group will wrap dream cakes for the bride-elect. In the group will be Miss Fid ler and her mother, Mrs. Mervin D. Fidler, Mrs. Charles Hosey of Oak Grove, mother of Mr. Hosey; Mrs. George Nelson, Mrs. Scott Adams of Portland, Mrs. George Alexander, Miss Charlotte Alex ander, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. John P. Maulding of Eu gene, Mrs. Hubbell Young, Mrs. Ralph Underwood of McMinn ville, Mrs. Addison Lane, Miss Addyse Lane, Mrs. Paul Acton, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Eugene Foster, Mrs. Lloyd Reinholdt, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. Wal ter Socolofsky. Mrs. Inez Smith, Mrs. Wayne Struble of Eugene, Miss Betty Spangler, Mrs. Rob ert Woodruff and Miss Marilyn Archibald. VISITOR at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith this week is Mrs. Smith's grand daughter, Tia Plymton, daugh- Canasta for AN League An afternoon of canasta was enjoyed by the some 80 mem bers attending the Salem Wom en's Army and Navy League luncheon and meeting Tuesday at Chuck's Steak House. Honors at cards went to Mrs. Woodson Bennett, Mrs. James Haworth and Mrs. George Spaur. Mrs. T. W. Hardisty was chairman for the afternoon. Guests included Mrs. Ralph Wyckoff, Mrs. L. B. Schmidt, Mrs. Marsh Wood, Mrs. Al Schaefer, Mrs. Robert Irving, Mrs. Woodson Bennett, Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. Glen Pruitt, Mrs. F. R. Fallander. The spe cial prize went to Mrs. H. L. Riches. At the business session an nouncement was made regarding plans for the semi-formal buf fet dinner and dance to be given by the group the evening of Friday, December 16, at the American Legion club. Reservations for the party should be made or telephoned in by next Monday, December 12. Those taking reservations are Mrs. T. W. Hardisty, Mrs. Conrad Paulson, Mrs. Robert S. Gentzkow and Mrs. George Spaur. Next regular meeting for the league will be January 10. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plymton of Oregon City. Miss Simpson Bride-Elect Announcement is being made of the engagement of Miss Yvonne Simpson of Salem to John H. Pautler of Fort Gage, 111. The wedding is planned for February 15 at Evansville, 111. Miss Simpson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Simpson of Evansville, 111., was graduated last June from Willamette uni versity. She served in the WAVES during the war and is now employed with the state employment office. HS Dance On Friday An informal sports dance, her alded as "the basketball season send-off," is announced for the Salem senior high school stu dent body on Friday evening of this week at the school gym nasium. Members of Salem local, No, 315, musicians' union, Ameri can Federation of Labor, are donating the orchestra for the evening. Dancing will begin at 8:30 o'clock. A similar event is planned for the following Friday evening, December 16, following the Sa-lem-Eugene high game. Hi-Y Mothers Thirty-five were present for the meeting and informal social for the Hi-Y Mothers' club, Tues day, at the YMCA. Mrs. Chester W. Hamblin, Mrs. John R. Caughell, Mrs. M. J. Gilson and Mrs. H. E. McKee were the host esses. Next event comes on the first Tuesday of January. MORE THAN 20 attended the December meeting of Delta Del ta Delta alumnae Monday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Arthur Erickson. The members brought their gifts to be presented to the Cliemawa school. Co-hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. George , Tomlinson, Mrs. Kenneth Carlson, Miss Bertha Kohlhagen and Miss Thelma Bush. HOSTESS this evening to her bridge club will be Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst, inviting the group for cards and a late supper. Initiation Staged By Amaranth Court Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Amaranth, met Monday eve ning. Initiation ceremonies were held for Mr. and Mrs. George D. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Moore. Mrs. William Wilson, royal matron, and Don Patton, royal patron, presided. Guests from Cherry court were James Tindall, royal patron, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Widener. A gift from the court was present ed to Fred Birch of Hanna Rosa court. A Christmas reading was given by Mrs. A. E. Archibald, and Christmas carols were sung by the choir. Refreshments were served by the following committee: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Michelson, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Craig. The ladies of Hanna Rosa court will meet Thursday eve ning at the Court street home of Mrs. I. A. DeFrance with Mrs, Harvey Aston assisting hostess. AMITY The Amity Church of Christ honored Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves with a miscel laneous shower at the church on their return from their honeymoon trip. About 40 at tended. Games were enjoyed and refreshments served. Thp young couple are now living at mamatn rails. Today's Menu (By tht Associated Preu) iwmwmmmmmmmmmm Friday Fare Avocado Cocktail Baked Fish Baked Stuffed Potatoes 1 Buttered Celery and Snap Beans Bread and Butter Chocolate Brownies Beverage Avocado Cocktail Ingredients: Yi cup catchup, Yt cup chili sauce, juice of h lem on, 1 teaspoon prepared horse radish, 1 teaspoon Worcester shire sauce, shredded lettuce, 1 large or 2 small avocadoes. Method: Mix the catchup, chili sauce, lemon juice, horseradish, and Worcestershire sauce to gether in a small bowl. Place a bed of shredded lettuce in 4 sherbert glasses or sauce dishes; peel and cube avocadoes and place over lettuce. Spoon over cocktail sauce. Makes 4 servings. Oratorio Society Event Next Sunday Interests Interesting a large group next Sunday afternoon will be the presentation by the Salem Oratorio society of Handel's "The Messiah." ) The program climaxes weeks of practicing and work by the large chorus, directed by Dean Melvin Geist of Willamette university. Accompanying the singers will be the Willamette univer sity orchestra, Dr. Willis C. Gates directing. The presentation is slated for 3 p.m. Sunday in the Salem senior high school. Soloists are to be Virginia Ward Elliott, soprano, McMinn ville; Grace Ashford, Willam ette student, soprano; Edith Fairham Gunnar, contralto; Or mal Tack, Lower Columbia junior college faculty, tenor; Ro bert Johnson, Portland, basso; Robert Gwinn, Willamette stu dent, baritone. The program parts follow: Part I Overture. Recit: Comfort Ye My Peo ple Tenor. Air: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Tenor. Chorus: And the Glory of the Lord. Recit: Thus Saith the Lord Bass. Air: But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming? Bass. Recit: Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive Alto. Air (Alto) and Chorus: O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion. Recit: For, Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth Bass. Air: The People that Walked in Darkness Bass. Chorus: For Unto Us a Child Is Born. Recit: There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field Soprano. Recit: And Lol the Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them Soprano. Recit: And the Angel Said Unto Them Soprano. Recit: And Suddenly There Was With the Angel Soprano. Chorus: Glory to God. INTERMISSION Part II Pastoral Symphony. Air: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion Soprano. Recit: Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened Alto. Air: He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd Alto. Air: Come Unto Him Sopra no. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, and His Burden Is Light. Air: He Was Despised Alto. Chorus: And With His Stripes, Local Woman Named Mrs. Lloyd DeGroote of Sa lem was elected a trustee of the Republican Women's Federation of Oregon at the state conven tion of the group in Portland on Tuesday. Mrs. Roy T. Bishop of Port land is the new president for the federation. She succeeds Mrs. William Burns of Portland. Attending the meeting from Salem were Miss Marjorie Har ris, Mrs. DeGroote, Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mrs. O. K. Beals, RJiss Elizabeth Porter, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Doerfler. State Senator Phil Hitchcock of Klamath Falls was the speak er at the event. We Are Healed. Chorus: All We; Like Sheep Have Gone Astray. Recit: Thy Rebuke Hath Bro ken His Heart Tenor. Air: Behold, and See if There Be Any Sorrow Tenor. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates. Air; Why Do the Nations So Furiously Rage Bass. Recit: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Tenor. Air: Thou Shall Break Them Tenor. Chorus: Hallelujah. Air: I Know That My Re deemer Liveth Soprano. Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound Bass. Chorus: Worthy Is the Lamb. MISS ELEANOR BAILEY was in charge of the educational meeting of the Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club at Nohlgren's on Tuesday morning. A general discussion was held on the effect of the present cre dit trend on various types of businesses. Mrs. Pence attended as guest for breakfast. A special Christ mas breakfast will be held at Nohlgren's restaurant December 20. Garnish a bowl of fluffy rice with tiny squares of canned pimiento and fresh green pep pers; serve with any meat or fowl and gravy. BARGAINS ON THE SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON THE SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON THE SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON THE SECOND FLOOR a S3 o o H W H W Eh O M M O O IN SALEM IT'S Ptemey's HOLIDAY BARGAINS w i w i Sz! co o a K H CO H O o o F O O td WOMEN'S Rayon Satin Raincoats Jn black. With bright plaid lining of hood and cuffs. Sizes 10 to 18. Big savings! 7 88 WOMEN'S CORDUROY JACKETS " Popular pinwale corduroy at fits stylish best in these smart, 3 buttoned boxy jac Sk kets. Reduced to clear. 799 1 'mmt WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES P O A lovely selection of pleas- W ing shades and new patterns In better dresses. Save! H Greatly reduced price! 8 o Xl WOMEN'S 5 BLOUSES REDUCED 5 CJ All the most wanted styles in rayon. Expensive-looking jj in popular sizes see these! o o 2? WOMEN'S I RAYON SATIN BRAS r Think of it! Rayon satin 3 8 5? kras or sucn a 'ow Pr'ce' i 5fr Good uplift, adjustable. 2for H Sj? WOMEN'S SUITS REDUCED Smart si"9 r 0nW (f . VVonderWJfaU vo- of shades . rt-c 51--'- GIRL'S PLASTIC RAIN CAPES - s v t SECOND SUM VALUE! DON'T MISS IT! Here is dependable protec Mf tion for you against the rain! uins sizes in mis nooaea J ZoU trnnsnnrpnt rnin rnnp U 1 r M GIRL'S 5f WINTER COATS L5? gjj Higner priced coats at a greatly reduced price all wool fabrics. Girls sizes. 1 00 GIRL'S I COTTON POLO SHIRTS H Bright patterns in these soft, m finely combed, long-wearing JF cotton. Ideal for gifts and at such a low price, too! 9 II JUVENILE ALL-WOOL SWEATERS g. & In the popular slipover OOS styles. So soft and warm and M in a selection of the most jt wanted shades. See these! 1 66 69 1 oof Sharkskins, g a b a r d i nes, some shepherd checks. Timely, expert tailoring, a fine selection of patterns and shades. See these! WOMEN'S CHENILLE ROBES Thickly tufted chenille in a variety of attractive pastel shades all sizes. And Just look at the price! 2 Q O O w 02 H w EH O WOMEN'S CO BHWflTT T Tlf ri-TJ"YVm g jrcivt uxju-ojjiiu omit tb Fashion-right styles at a fjj llttlt budget price! Sizes 24-30. J Reduced to Clear. 88 I I WOMEN'S CASHMERE SWEATERS Reduced to Clear Either the soft, luxurious s88 imported cashmere or pure K J angora wool. Slipover styles. 2 99 WOMEN'S f 8 OZ. DENIM JEANS For those casual hours j where utility and comfort S? are important! Tops for hik M ing, sking, picnics, and, of f tourse, house-cleaning and tij garden work. INFANT'S RECEIVING BLANKti ,0 finely eombed cotton receiving Soft, -d y' f ;eyoungest member of the blanket, ldeol for the y 9 bargain house on .nns.- afford several and still nav. money leftover. See E GIRL'S Sturdy Cotton Anklets is? Girl's sizes in these colorful fcf and long - wearing cotton anklets. As an inexpensive jHf gift that will boost her ward- robe, these are tops! 19 1 these Penney 1 second floor. SECOND rXOOR 1 77 ft Shop and Save of Penney' s until 9:00 P.M. on Fridays 3 GIRL'S 8-OZ. DENIM JEANS & - m ror tne gin wno wanrs uni- 2f ity and style. Jeans are prac- JJ? tical and becoming. These Jijjf easy-to-wear casual jeans fctf come in all girl's sizes. I if 1 GIRL'S I CHENILLE ROBES fx Beautifully trimmed chen- i.lle robes in lovely tur- f quoise, scarlet, blue, or gold. 1 50 H TODDLER'S I KNIT SLEEPERS Penney's velvet-smooth knit 5? ted cotton sleepers! One W piece from collar to feet! 5? Gripper fasteners in pink, m yellow, blue. 1-6. i & TODDLER'S CHENILLE ROBES Jfo Pin-point cotton chenille j robes made just like a 0 grown-up's with colored tf borders in pastels. 1 29 1 98 H CHILDREN'S FLANNEL SLEEPERS 1.98 Warm, sturdy cotton flannel ft in delightful nursery prints. "11 u ? Warm, washable. Sizes 2 to O QQ M 0"e Piece elastic drop ft 8... 1.98, 8 to 16... 2.98. X seat. A real bargain! 2-6. 50 CO b 1-3 w CO w a o S3 U o o w w M CO o -3 w H CO W o o BARGAINS ON THE SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON THE SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON THE SECOND FLOOR - BARGAINS ON THE SECOND FLOOR