Plane-Bound Prize Packages Three prize miniature poodles, Peter, Dodo and Jacko, garbed in blue and maroon, jackets, wait at London airport for a plane to America. Milestone Reached in War Of Science on Arthritis ' By PAUL F. ELLIS (United Press Science Editor) New York, Dec. 7 (U.B The battle to whip arthritis, one of man's most crippling diseases, has reached a milestone comparable to the day that the first atom bomb went off, a group of physicians agreed today. The doctors, members of the medical and scientific committee of the arthritis and rheumatism- foundation, said they were re ferring specifically to the dis covery of the new drugs corti sone and acth and what they have meant in the campaign against arthritis. Dr. Cornelius Traeger, one of the group, recalled that out of the first atomic explosion in New Mexico only a small por tion of the potential energy con tained in the bomb wag utilized. wihiiiw mi i i pin im ni Old Salts Mrs. H. D. Her ring shows some of the 400 old salt dishes she has col lected . in 50 years, at her home in West Los Angeles. Thirteen foreign countries are represented. Ask Full Week Hard Coal Mines New York, Dec. 7 W The . anthracite operators have asked John L. Lewis' United Mine workers to rescind the three-day work-week in the hard coal fields. Coal negotiations sources said. t The anthracite operators and a UMW negotiating committee met today for the first time in a session which both sides hope also might lead to a settlement in the soft coal fields. An operator source first dis closed that the anthracite em " ployes had asked that the three day week be ended in their ter ritnrv. A union sDOkesman con firmed this. He denied any Irnnwtariaa nf a further reDort that the UMW representatives had turned down tne request. The anthracite workers have been on a five-day week. John TTMW head. Dut them on a three-day week last week when he sent striking son coai miners back for the same work week. rn ths soft coal side of the bitter industry dispute, Robert R. Young, head of the Chesa peake and Ohio railroad, stepped into the picture as a possioie in termediary. OUR HEARING AID SPECIALIST Will be in Silverton on the first and third Mondays of each month at the Western Auto Store. Write for appoint ments, or just drop in. James N. Toft & Associate! 228 Oregon Building, Salem So it is with the new hormone substance, he said, and that as time goes on the efficiency like that of the bomb will be increased. The meeting here was with members of the national associa tion of science writers. They were shown a new movie of three case histories of arthritis that were treated either by corti sone or acth. In each case there was drama tic improvement, but in each case the patient relapsed after administration of the drug was ceased. Dr. Traeger said that under present means of production it would take the bile from all the oxen "in the world" to treat 100 patients. Cortisone is man ufactured from hormonal sub stances in the ox bile that come from the adrenal cortex. Acth is extracted from the pituitary glands of cattle. The foundation is now in a campaign to raise $2,000,000 to carry out further research and to purchase the rare drugs for use in patients. Some of the money, too, will be spent in the training of physicians of tech niques in administration of the drug. Only recently, the Merck & Co., pharmaceutical house, Rah way, N.J., announced that the price of cortisone had been reduced from $250 a gram to $150, still a precious price. The company also has again taken over the duty of distribution of the drug, an indication that the scientists are making headway in improving production meth ods. Doctors are finding the drug causes bad side reactions in some patients, but believe that in time its proper dosage will be de termined. New Walkouts At Oakridge Oak Ridge, Tenn., Dec. 7 W) New walkouts today swelled to more than 700 the number of construction men off the job at the atomic energy commission's new $66,000,000 gaseous diffus ion plant here. Gordon Molesworth, assistant to the manager of Oak Ridge op erations of the AEC, estimated 710 men already are idle or would be out by nightfall at va rious projects in the Oak Ridge area. Molesworth said those involv ed included 250 AFL steamfit- lers, irucK drivers and opera tional engineers. The AEC spokesman' said the walkout had not spread to any workers employed in production of fissionable materials in the AEC plants at Oak Ridge. Only workmen on construction proj ects are involved, he said. The plant is being built to increase! production of uranium-235 for atomic bombs. Molesworth said the AEC as sumes that the walkout started because the Oman Construction company of Nashville, which is constructing a gas line to Oak Rug Shampoo Appears Here One of tne last aruagery-ria- den tasks of the American household, hands-and-knees rug scrubbing, is on its way out with the recent introduction of the first home-size rental rug sham poo equipment by the Clarke Sanding Machine company of Muskegon, Mich. These revolutionary light weight, attractively streamlined appliances a shampoo unit and vacuum pick-up will be rented to the public through re tail hardware, paint, lumber dealers and other types of retail outlets. The American housewife can now get off her knees -to rugs and not only eliminate the tire some and unpleasant task of shampooing her carpeting by hand but she also can be certain her rugs are clean, with texture revitalized and colors sparkling in a way not possible with hand cleaning. In a nation-wide independent survey among the 86 percent of American housewives owning rugs or carpets, it was revealed recently that there is a huge pent-up demand for rug sham poo rental equipment. Seven out of 10 women interviewed said they would like to rent such equipment. And it was further shown that rugs will be cleaned much more frequently now that machines can be rented to do the job. More than 90 percent of the prospective renters said they would rent the equipment from one to four times per year. Both the self-contained, self- feeding shampoo unit and the pick-up machines are as easy to operate and as safe to use as an ordinary vacuum cleaner. Kidge, - used some non-union workers on a short gas line lead ing to the new gaseous diffusion plant, designated as K-29. 1. Keep the Christmas tree outdoors until ready to install it. Place it in the coolest part of the house, shutting off the radiator closest to it. Do not put electric trains around it. Be sure tree lights do not burn when no one is in the house. If needles near lights start to turn brown change the location of the lights. When needles start falling, it is time to discard the tree. 2. Avoid decorations near chairs where people may smoke. If lights are desired in win dows, do not use candles. Keep curtains and other flammable material pulled back at least six inches from electric lights. Use non-flammable decorations of glass or metal and "fire proof" snow in decorating. Dis pose of all gift wrappings and packing materials after gifts Don't Take Chances One defective wire on your Christ mas tree lights may mean tragedy to your home. Yule Safety Christmas, the merriest time of the year, frequently is the time, of unexpected disaster. In our effort to have a bright and gay household, we burn more lights than usual, taxing our electric light circuits, we use lighted candles and lots of paper decorations! all fire haz ards. There are very few Christ mas trees that really are flame proof safety experts tell us, and the ordinary Yule tree is one of the most flammable objects known. If you want to have a safe Christmas observe these rules: have been opened. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1949 31 Fairview Mrs. R. C. Dixon of this dis trict is recovering at her home from a recent severe heart at tack when she was hospitalized a part of the time. She and Mr. Dixon were Thanksgiving day guests of their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chandler and family in the Grand Island district. Mr. and Mrs. Toivo Bantsari have had as their house guest Mrs. L. E. McKinney, mother of Mrs. Bantsari, who was recuper ating" after a severe heart at tack following treatments at a McMinnville hospital. She has been taken to her home near Amity. Mrs. James Watts and Mrs. Carl Wood of this district, who are members of the Webfoot ex tention unit will attend project leaders meeting on "Basic tools" for extension work to be held at the 4-H club building in Mc Minnville December 7. Ske Really Wants a White A ROTARY Appliance Dept. Downstairs Carrots and parsley are mem bers of the same plant family. in every Regular Size Box Get this fluffy 11" It 11" fac cloth la every regular box of this safe, whit granulated soap! 1 HEW glAMT DOUSLI-DUTY NOSI DROPS Vlorlcs Msrettost Colds Start Don't delay! At the first warning sniffle or sneeze, put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nos- 4.ti Om-lf iinarl In tlma Va.rrn.nfil neips prevent many Cuius i rum aevejup- lng. Believes head cold distress fast. Try Hi Follow di rections In package. VICKS VATRONOL (I WALLPAPER 31 SALE Many Patterns Reduced R. D. Wood row Co. Gil Ward, Prop. 450 Center St. t COSTS LESS THAN YOU THINK TO RIDE YELLOW CAB Phone 2-2411 '100 1. '1000 Auto or Personal .COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN .INCORPORATED. Salem Agency: 460 N. Church St. TeL 34168 ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the rainy winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 OLD 1 M. MJOiJi1TJL m Ml mMMM J&ntuchj Whiskey $2 -ABlend 30 Pt. $O60 J ttQt. ill FOR GENERATIONS A GREAT KENTUCKY FAVORITE 86 PR00? A Gentleman's Whiskey from .Kentucky' National Distillers Products Corporation, New York '65 Grain Neutral Spirits" ID Id)S7G3 Any NORGE REFRIGERATOR -nX sJmm l.jjjjj.. lit-' 3 I H i i s " 189.95 n GEORGE 236 N. Commercial Dial 3-3106