80 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1949 Seeks to End Coal Dispute New York, Dec. 7 W) Robert E. Young, head of the Chesa peake and Ohio railroad, today entered the soft coal dispute in the role of an intermediary. Young, a C&O spokesman said, met at his offices with two leading operators' representa tives and then left for a report ed meeting elsewhere with Unit ed Mine Workers officials. The railroad spokesman said he did not know where the ex rjected conference would take place. Present at Young's office were George Love, president of Pittsburgh Consolidated Coal company of Pittsburgh, and Jo seph P. Routh, chairman of the board of the Pittston company of New York, a holding com pany. Whether John L. Lewis, the UMW chieftain, would join the conferees later was a question mark, the spokesman said. He added: "We're hopeful something may come out of It, but frankly we don t know." He described Young's Interest In getting the disputants to sit down and talk over their prob lems as stemming from the rail road's position as the nation's "largest coal originating line." Girls League Plans . Play for Monmouth Monmouth The play "The Clue of the Red Ribbon" by Rob ert Forbes will be presented De cember 9 in the high school gym by the Girls League of the Mon mouth high school. It Is a three- act comedy for teen-age girls and takes place In a summer cottage on the shore of a small lake. Th cast includes: Janet, Bar bara Benscoter; Carol, Paula Hasklns; Sissy, Elizabeth Gunn; Mary Beth, Joan Rogers; Angy, Kay Wysong; Jerry, Joanne Davis; Mandy, Phyllis Partridge; Jane, Helen Smith; Miss Sum mers, Margaret Aynes. Maurer Family Hosts Marquam Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maurer and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maurer entertained the family at the Ray Maurer home for Thanksgiving dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Laur ance Gerlits and children (Ame lia Maurer), and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Jr., of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd and children (Perpelua Maur er), of West Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Sr. and Mild red of Marquam, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maurer and children Decorations for Holiday Studied Christmas decorations will be the subject of three district- ex tension meetings to be conduct ed by. Eleanor Trindle, home economics extension agent for Marion county this week. The first of these meetings will be held In the Pythian hall in Hubbard on December 7, the second meeting at the Portland Gas and Coke company, Salem December 8, and the third at the Woman's clubhouse, Stayton December 9. All three meetings will start at 1:30 and anyone interested is Invited to attend. Demonstrations will include directions for making Christmas wreaths, door swags, table dec orations and holiday corsages with emphasis placed on making the decorations from materials most homemakers have avail able at homes, Bettyann Boetichcr, home extension agent-at-large, from Oregon State college, will assist with these demonstrations. and Dorothy Dibali of Mt. Angel and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maurer and son. You can EAT AND ENJOY SUN VALLEY BREAD ... the tnswer to "diet bluet." Low In calories (less than SO to the slice) yet high in muscle building proteins. And flavor! just try tt toasted it's a new taste thrill. At your favorite food store. tip I SHORTENING OR I V DDID FATS ' , , -5fl WW IHOIOMB HIGH IN (NERGT fiTrOURffl WRITE fOODSTORf -Uiit fcj Ik. Bakwt M Mutw Mtttt" p .. ... t. . , Mudent Project bludcnls in the building trades class of Raytown, Mo., high school, work on the six-room house with garage they are building as part of their class work. remember iime says Gibson "Art" Cherished friendships, so often remembered -only at Christmas deserve the finest . . , featured at better stores everywhere mm tAKi V WORKS WONDERS WITH 04141 RECIPE Prove it with your own favorite recipe or with this W Christmas mince pie 2 cup Kitchen Croft Flour 1 ttp. salt A cup shortening 5 to 6 rbsp. cold water 3 cwpt mlncomoal Sliced yellow cheese Green decorating sugar Cinnamon candy Sift flour and unit. Cut in shortening. Add water a few drops at a time. Cut in only enough to dampen flour evenly. Turn onto waxed paper and lightly press into a ball. Allow to stand at room temperature for a few minutes. Roll half of pastry into a circle on lightly floured surface. Line a 9-inch pie plate. Trim edge. Roll remaining pastry into a rectangle. Cut into strips H" wide and braid. Attach additional strips to get re quired length (about 30 inches). Lightly moisten edge of pastry in plate and place braid around edge. Kill pastry shell with mincemeat and bake in hot oven (450 F.) about 18 minutes until crust is golden brown. Cool. Heforo serving, cut "Christ mas Trees" from alicea of cheese, one for each serving. Sprinkle with green sugar and press cinnamon candies down centers. Or cut "trees" from pastry and bake on pie. Too get that real, meoth-watering, boeaemode goodness became KHckea Craft Hoar Is allied excleslvely for km boktog. Try H. Got a kog totkr. GUARANTEED BETTER BAKING with any recipe. H yow don'l And that KiMwn Craft Flour It the ftnett flour you ever used, please return il to your grocer. He will gladly refund the hill price you paid for it. Hi Hsbai M R mr Mrs. Chambers Hiss Witness New York, Dec. 7 VP While Alger Hiss and his wife watched impassively, the wife of the government's chief witness in Hiss' second perjury trial took the stand today and backed up her husband's story. Short, slight Mrs. Whittaker Chambers was the witness. Wearing a plain green dress aand plaid jacket, she appeared slightly pale. Frequently she closed her dark eyes, behind spectacles, as though trying to recall details. But she testified so fluently that Federal Judge Henry W. Goddard cautioned her "not to give the content of conversa tions" that occurred 13 or more years ago. As in Hiss' first trial, which ended in a jury disagreement, Mrs. Chambers testified that she and her husband were close friends over a long period with Hiss and his wife, Priscilla, when Hiss was a high state de partment official. Hiss has testified that the re lationship was a comparatively brief and casual one. Mrs. Chambers said that when she was married in 1931 she knew her husband was a com munist party member. "I was in sympathy with the communist party but I never have been a member of the party," she said, adding that she had worked for the New Masses, a left-wing magazine, and for the Soviet trading organization Amtorg. Oleomargarine, soap, machine oil, vitamin pills and lipstick all can be made from whale oil. iieiiiiwi'iiw mmi GUARANTEED WATCH CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRING at REASONABLE PRICES The Jewel Box 443 State gone door from Western Union! S:' I I I I I I I Blanche Wagner Heads Lyons Rebekah Lodge Lyons Faith Rebekah lodge held their meeting with a small attendance. Election of officers was the main business with the following officers elected: Blanche Wagner noble grand; Beulah Lewis, vice grand; Gar- nctt Bassett, secretary; Celene Taylor, treasurer and Helen An derson, financial secretary. The social hour and refreshments were omitted due to other activ. ities. A short meeting of the Three Links club was held fol lowing the lodge session. Flans were completed for the party dance to bo held at the hall with refreshments bv the club. WANT CLEANER HEAT? Let as show you how your home can have filtered, Gas-fired Conditionair. Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway Dial 3-8555 Authorized Rtfrrtsentattvf Oldsmobile is rocketing fortvard to even greater public acclaim! Now while you read this a beautiful new fleet of "Rocket" Engine cars is being built by Oldsmobile I Soon they'll be unveiled at Oldsmobile showrooms all across America there to be seen and admiredl Futuramic glamor, Futuramic action, Futuramic value! Three great new Series 1 19 ultra-modern models! "Rocket" Engine power now paired with a brand new idea in transmissions to give you the smoothest ride you've ever tried! Look ahead for these Car-ahead Futur amies coming soon to your Oldsmobile dealer's! A "Rocket" a minute rolls off this line! The world's only Futur amio engines come from this' unique Futuramic factory in greater and greater numbers I Here the most modem methods of manufacture are used to build the "Rocket" the engine that set an outstanding first-year record for dependability! So watch for the new "Rocket" cars I Oldsmobile craftsmen ready the neto "Rocket" fleet! Final touches are put on the Futuramics for their introduction to an eager public. And each finished Oldsmobile will represent superb design ultra-advanced engineering! So look for the new "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobiles. You'll see them soon at your nearby dealer's the finest Futuramict ever! ill f j i fe s I 1$ i' I ' m i t T 0-f ) Iff " ) . COMINB SOON TO YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALERS LODER BROS. 465 Center St. Salem, Oregon