m . r & 7 ., J . 1 , . II ...M-f". .. ,- ''jirA,.l,'. V--J-.V.AW.g.LP1l STRIKELESS NATION HOPEFUL Storage Pits of Malta Workmen remove grain from an cient storage pits at Valletta, Ma'ta, which are fitted with stone slabs to keep grain and cereals for three years. Mayflower Ancestry Is Old, But Not Compared to Termite s By ARTHUR EDSON Washington, Dec. 7 VP) Proud people who trace their ances try to the Mayflower got a rude jolt today. A termite, who rarely gives himself airs, can trace his ancestry back 250,000,000 years. This tidbit comes from the Smithsonian Institute, which has just completed cataloguing 1,932 different species of termites. When it turned out that the- cataloguing chore had been done by a department of agriculture man who has been studying the termite and ways to control it for 40 years, I promptly call ed Dr. Thomas E. Snyder to find out what's new in the termite world. ' The answer is, nothing much. Termites have been calmly chomping wood and developing a complex social organization for 30,000,000 years. And their an cestors, Dr. Snyder said, go back 250,000,000 years. "Somewhere along the line," he said, "the family split, and one group became the cock roach." . Dr. Snyder has a certain ad miration for the cockroach. ("He's very adaptable. He was on earth before man, and I sus pect he'll be here long after we're going.') But his real love is the termite. Dr. Snyder met up with the termite quite by accident. Some telephone poles had been dam aged, and he went out to look at them. There he saw his first queen termite and he's been looking at termites ever since. In this country termites meas ure only a quarter of an inch, with the winged adult measur ing a half inch. We got off lucky. "I've seen a tropical queen termite," said Snyder, "who was four and one half inches long and nearly two inches in di ameter." It has been during only the last few thousand of its 30,000, 000 years that the termite has given man any trouble. That's when man moved out of a cozy cave into a house, and termites moved in to chew on the house. wr. snyder says theres one difference between the ant and bee kings and the king termite. 'The ant and bee kings die after mating," he said. "The termite king lives on. If you're going to be a king, a termite king is much the best proposition." I said I'd keep that in mind. Arfuro Toscanini Made Life Senator Rome, Dec. 7 W) It's Senator Arturo Toscanini now. ' The famous conductor was named a life-time senator of the Italian republic yesterday for his contributions to the world of music. President Luigi Einaudi made the appointment to the man who left his native country during Mussolini's fascist dictatorship Toscanini, born in Parma, It- Bidault Ready For Showdown Paris, Dec. 7 (fp) Premier Georges Bidault prepared today for a showdown with the restless parties who have men in his sha ky French cabinet. The showdown will come when the national assembly, the lower house of parliament, fixes its agenda for the coming weeks. Two important bills stalled in committee are the focus of general discontent among the parties the socialists, Bidault's Catholic popular republican movement (MRP), the moderate radical socialists, and indepen dents. Bidault, it was reliably-re ported, will seek urgent action on the budget bill and a bill to unfreeze wages and restore col lective bargaining between labor and management. Should the committees balk Bidault may seek an assembly debate and ask a vote of confl dence. Informed opinion was that he would have difficulty getting such a vote and would have to resign. A minister and an underscore, tary of state have already resign. ed from Bidault's cabinet, but reports that three independent ministers would quit yesterday did not materialize. Business Expects Bang-up Christmas Season Business By G. A. PHILLirS New York, Dec. 7 VP) Business and industry cleared the last major labor hurdle in good stride last week and quickly pre pared for what most experts believe will be a bang-up Christmas season. Already behind schedule because of economic upsets due to the steel and coal strikes, store managers put finishing touches on elaborate plans to lure enough dollars into cash regis ters to equal or exceed last year's record volume. Their chances of topping 1948 were regarded as excellent, not withstanding the short time left (only three weeks). Many ob servers believed the odds were no stiffer than even that unit volume will be higher this year if the dollar total falls a little short. This is because prices of most Christmas merchandise are lower this year than last year. The authoritative magazine 'Sales Management" forecast a December total of $12,745,000,- 000 for the country as a whole, a decline of about 3 percent in dollars from the all-time peak of $13,166.00C,000 reported by the department of commerce for December, 1948. If allowance is made for a decline of from 214 to 5 percent in average prices this December against those pre. vailing a year ago. unit volume this year should be larger. From other quarters came equally optimistic forecasts of Christmas business this year, The retail news bureau, a pri vate research outfit that serves department stores throughout the country, said a survey of 167 stores big and little dis closed 40 percent are planning for an increase in sales, five per cent expect volume to match that of a year ago and 55 per cent expect It to decline. As of now, the news bureau said, 37.2 percent of the mer chants reported unit sales are running ahead of last year, 16.3 percent said business was even and 46.5 percent found transac tions trailing. Advertising budgets follow I similar pattern, the survey dis closed. About 40 percent of the stores have budgeted for busi ness gains, 47 percent plan to spend less and the remainder to aly, in 1867, lived most of the time of his self-imposed exile in the United States. Since the war he has returned many times to Italy to conduct concerts NOW OPEN-THE NEW CHINA CAFE (JCST BEFORE XOO GET TO THE HOLLYWOOD SIOFUOHTS) We Serve Chinese and American Dishes "ORDERS TO TAKE OUT" Open 4:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M Saturday Til 3 A.M. WE CLOSE MONDAYS 2055 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-6596 LET YOUR DOCTOR' HELP YOU maintain your health, through a balanced regime, worked out for your particular needs, and your particular body. During upsetting times, Doc tors will tell you that it is highly important to the health of nerves, minds and bodies to make every effort to strike a "balance." PHYSICALLY MENTALLY- SPIRITUALLY- Very important are the mar vels that medical science can do for sick bodies, but you can help your Doctor to keep you well. Work should be offset with some play; our sense of security should be balanced with an equal sense of satisfaction that we are meeting our responsibil ities; our urge toward "prog ress" should leave us with "freedom" for living. FOR WsaCtk Capital Drug Store State & Liberty "On the Corner" spend about the same as last year. Aided by cold weather, this week's retail trade rose slightly over that of the previous week but was under volume of a year ago, the weekly Dun & Brad street review said, adding that there was a general preference for lower-priced merchandise. A red-hot market for televi sion sets was reported from ev ery quarter and merchants be lieve this one item will be a ma jor factor in sending business above the 1948 mark. A bullish demonstration in the stock market was the most pronounced reaction in business circles to the final decision of John L. Lewis to let his miners work three days a week instead of going out on another long strike. Nearly $1,000,000,000 was added to the quoted value of shares listed on the big board in New York; the market was at a 13-month high and volume pushed above the 2,000,000 share mark on Friday for the first time this year. Wall street brokers, elated at the sustained interest in t h e wares, threw in their lot with the top officials in Washington who have said repeatedly that with the end of the Shah Ignores Hollywood Los Angeles, Dec. 7 VP) Per haps a cat can look at a king, but Hollywood got no such chance with the Shah of Iran. The shah declined to visit a movie studio. Instead he eagerly inspected nuts, bolts and crankshafts at an aircraft factory. His failure to watch Holly wood at work was unique. Even the great among visitors usual ly want to see a set or meet the stars. Studios continually are fighting off lesser guests. Now, for once, filmdom knows what it's like to be passed by. Advisers to the 30-year-old Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, ex plained, with diplomatic care, 1 that his imperial majesty s re gretful refusal doesn't mean he isn't interested in motion pic tures. On the contrary. But, they said, throughout his current American tour the shah has consistently declined all unscheduled invitations. He has had scores of these and to accept an invitation to a studio the spokesman said, might of fend some of those he had dis appointed. State department attaches ac companying the monarch said he had received quite a few si.'h invitations here, although he had not been "overwhelmed." Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1949 27 Frozen Fruit Industry Gains Portland, Dec. 7 (IP) The froz en fruit and vegetable packing industry gained 20 per cent dur ing the past year, delegates to the Northwest Frozen Foods as sociation convention were told yesterday. President Arthur Symons said the year s pack by the industry was valued at $35,000,000 and volume was 400,000,000 pounds. He predicted a similar expansion in 1950. A. L. Reiling, Hillsboro, Ore., became president. He had been vice-president the past year. A. B. Chappel, Seattle, was elect ed vice-president. FOR Insured Savings First Federal 1 Savings First Current Dividend 2'i d st Federal Savings 1 and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty SEE round of labor fights a long pe riod of industrial peace and eco nomic prosperity could be ex- current 'pected. T ! VlrfU T. Golden 1A: .Jj,jk.rL Serving Salem and Vicinity For 21 Years Funeral Services Within the Means of Everyone Bell. Nile. Brown LSSU VIRGIL T. GOLDEN CO MORTUARY 605 S. Commercial Ph. 42257 BORING OPTICAL HAS MOVED To Their New Location CORNER 12TH AT CENTER Across from Bergs.- USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Dr. E. E. Boring Optomefrsfs AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial 3-6506 nkJ Or. Sam IHighes WANTED WALNUT MEATS Sold Two Cars in East for Holidays TOP PRICES PAID ON ALL GRADES CASH ON DELIVERY Also Walnuts In the Shell KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 North Front St. Phone 3-7633 Open Every Day, Except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. During J949 fireerred 61 truck users over the next two makes combined 0 1 M ADVANCE -DESIGN TRUCKS This overwhelming preference stems from just one fact: Chevrolet trucks give more Jbr tie money 1949 results based on Incomplete but conclusive nationwide registration fl cures. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Salem, Oregon