Portable Theater The Alu-Palast (above! in Hambure. Germany, is an aluminum portable theater with a stage 40 by 66 feet and seats for 1,200 and can be assembled in 12 i" . AreOldPeople'Cranky? No More So Than Others Columbus, O. (U.R) Crankiness in old age may be directly pro portionate to poor health. Prof. Albert R. Chandler of Ohio State University s depart ment of philosophy said he came to that conclusion after studying 503 reports by college students and young professional people on persons from 50 to over 80 years- of age whom they knew well. The study indicated, he said, that there does not seem to be any confirmation of generally accepted ideas that old people are usually cranky and irrita ble. "People in their 70's or 80's seemed no more likely to be ri gid in their habits and opinions, domineering, talkative or irrita ble than people in their 50's," the professor reported. "But when the people were divided In groups in excellent health, fair health and poor health, de-lsion.' finite trends appeared. "People in excellent health were definitely more likely to be very sociable and change habits easily in changed conditions. They were less likely to be over anxious about money, to give unasked advice, or to dwell un duly upon the past. "People in poor health were more likely to be domineering, to be very irritable, or to be ve ry sensitive to noise and confu Toast-masters Plan Christmas Party Final plans for Salem Toast- masters' ladies' night and Christmas party to be held as a joint affair the night of Decem ber 13 were made at a meeting of that group Tuesday night. The party, to be held at the Lions Den in Hollywood, is to be a dinner at 6:30 p.m. followed by a program. At the Tuesday night meeting a table topic session was held with each speaker giving the succeeding speaker his topic. Chairman for that part of the program was Jack Goetze. During the formal part of the program William C. Hill served as toastmaster. Speakers were J. A. H. Dodd, James L. Payne, Morris Buxton, Jerrold J. Tuck er and Ed Boise. Sad Day Jimmy Harper looks sadly at a piece of his' birth day cake, cake he can't eat. His doctor says he is going to die of an incurable brain tumor and that this brithday party, his 11th, is his last. Jeannie Fetterolf (left) shows him the cake in his San Diego home while his brother and sister, Alvy and Diana, watch. (AP Wirephoto) Strike at Oak Ridoe Spreads Oak Ridge, Tenn., Dec. 7 VP) A mushrooming wildcat strike the first in Oak Ridge history threatened today to spread to all construction crafts working on installations in this atomic city. A top atomic energy commis sion official, who declined use of his name, said he has received unconfirmed reports that about 300 carpenters and laborers will walk out sometime today. AEC officials and representa tives of the national labor rela tions board who were called in hurriedly have been wrestling with the problem since yester day They conferred until early this morning, seeking a solution to the walkout which is delay ing work on high-priority atom ic installations. Workers started drifting off their jobs late Monday at the $66,000,000 gaseous diffusion plant (K-29). Yesterday others joined them until the number idled reached around 2,000 em ployes In all construction crafts except carpenters and laborers. Gordon Molesworth, assistant to the AEC manager, said as yet no wqrkers producing fissionable materials used in 1 A-bombs or other atomic projects have quit. No official word on the cause of the walkout has been receiv ed, Molesworth said, but it was understood it was in protest against the use of non-union labor by the Oman Construction Co., of Nashville, wnich is build ing a gas pipeline to Oak Ridge. Linn County Court News Albany A marriage license was Issued Tuesday by the county clerk to John B. Vlan, 34, Albany, RFD No. 1, and Gladys Viola Miller, 30, Lebanon. Albany In a complaint filed in circuit court Tuesday, Dorothy Coleman sought a divorce from Aioerc h. uaieman. Badgers Voted as Top 'Surprsers'ofl949 New York, Dec. 7 (P) Wis consin, wntcii rained trom a dis astrous '48 season to make a va- liant fight for the Big Ten title this year, has been voted the "surprise" college football team of 1949 in a nationwide Asso ciated Press poll of sports writ ers and sportscasters. Under a new coach, Ivy Wil liamson, the Badgers won three of their first five conference games, tied another, and were not eliminated from Rose Bowl contention until their final con test, in which they bowed to Minnesota by 14-6. In alh 23 teams were nom inated for the distinction of having most greatly upset pre season calculations. Louisiana State, which won a Sugar Bowl assignment by walloping such home - conference luminaries as Rice, Tulane and North Carolina, proved a strong sec ond choice among the bal loteers. Virginia and Pittsburgh were tied for third, each having been singled out by five voters as the surprise package of the cam paign. Virginia, though thin in reserves, won seven straight games before losing to Tulane. Pittsburgh, just returned to the big time, played a grueling schedule and scored victories over Northwestern, Penn and Penn State. California and Ohio State, who will meet in the Rose Bowl, each received four votes. Ohio State was singled out largely on the strength of its surprising tie with Michigan on closing day; California be cause it won 10 straight while playing what some critics thought was "outmoded" pow er football. Other teams which received at least one vote for having done the unexpected were Baylor, Maryland, UCLA, Princeton, Southern Cal., Purdue, Army, Notre Dame, College of the Pa cific, Stanford, Michigan State, and Gannon College of Erie, Pa. "I ' 155 N. Liberty Ph. 3-3191 it am r" ' X- x .-; jpsi ' Diaper Dilemma Visions of diapers fill Ihe mind of Mrs. John T. Gibbs of Atlanta, Ga., as.she faces a world of "five babies and no washing machine." 'Here, Mrs. Gibbs and twin , children, Jane (left) and Wayne, 10 months old, look over the newest members of the family, triplets Linda, Brcnda and Glenda. The twins were surprised at their first glimpse of their three new sisters. But Mrs, Gibbs said all she could think of was "all those diapers." (Acme Telcphoto) Commissioners Court The following Is the official publication of the record of claims before tlie Morion County Commissioners' Court for the Oc tober term for 1949, with the amount al lowed, bills continued, etc., according to the records In the office of the County Clerk. Mlii- Tnntrrt HftWrtt. nr Nn Mnr. Ion Co. Fair, $1,7501 Public Employees Re- i 1144.73; Alice V. Cumminns, clerk, $103.65 tirement System, retirement, (4, 834. 20, Lurid A: Bush, Snlom Br. U. S. Nat'l, Bank of Portland, withholding, 13,570.05; St.ite Tax Commission, state tax. I1.438.S0; Slate Intl. Accident Comm., Ins., (617.39. Countv Assessor C, A. Lewis, deputy, 5.213.08: Ray Lick, deputy, $97.41: J. L Sieomund. deputy. J18Q.18; Grace N. Bub cock, deputy, 1167.42; Ida M. Baillie. de puty. $154.80: Helen Snyder, deputy, ABOUT A QUARTER OF THE 40,046 DPs ADMIT TED TO THE U.S. ABE CHILDREN. (owiAceo Psrsoks covmsscw Femes) (I A THE DP O CHILDREN BfflBHfflBflB 1,558 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 194921 1. 1 's VW f f'lWT ...and it'll be a warm welcome too, If your Christinas gift is one of these FEATURED M AT JS Jfliwsf of a MEDIUM price fSlw rca' 8' inspiration. ..and so easy on your " 0 Christmas budget. In beauty and writing perform- ancc' "2I" surPasses pens at twice the price. 00 S& Miracle-metal Octanium point gives super-smooth, J scratch-free writing. There ire special safeguards against leaking and. ..best of all.. "21" writes fjtfr dry with wet ink. Colors: Red, blue, green, black. y OtDiR NOW ftV MAUI PUoi Mnd m rht following Park pnt and panciln PARKU "SI- PIN rW AND PINCH tfT lU$AlOT CAP SUM 1fJ (No M. To.) OOlO-flUn CAP 119.7 fIfJI (M.T.thcM.tf) PARKIft "11- $3.00 (Mo f t. t-i AOOfiEW CITY AW D CHAKGl CHICK Ol M.O. CO.O. new AERO-METRIC Parker 51 finest at ANY price The pen everyone's talking about, ..as exciting to give as it is to get. New "51" has extra-fast Foto fi 11 filler .., visibly ink supply... an exclusive de vice that meters the ink flow,,. special safeguards against leaking. 14 outstanding new features in all. Make your gift choice now. Seven smart colors and black. Lustraloy or gold-filled caps. $13 50 up Pan and P.ncil St, front $19.75 nlriseriheiS? AffOICAl CfWTfl U4 hm mm operate j om' Patricia M. Snyder, clerk, 7I,20; Mary E Straver. clerk. 1148.50: Gordon E. Towei draftsman, 1227.78. Circuit Court A. A mcnnrLs, court reporter, J2B8.10; k. a tic court reporter, l-'BU. o. uouni Clerk M. Reznicsek, deputy, S153.15; I Nibler. deputy, 1183.13; B. Howard, deputj S1B4.20; Dora Barrett, deputy. 1168.14 Vernon Windsor, deputy, 1210.47: Helei Mulkey, deputy, S182.40: V. M. Olttord, tii puty. 1161.12; W. H. Frcele, deputy, 140.85; R. J. Stnnton. deputy. S82.60; D Brown, deputy, $68.00. County Court M neznicsek. clerk, $50: D. L. Brown, stenos. t ourt Mouse Edw. Brasher. Janitor $163 83; W, A. Orttton. Janitor. $161.57 Win. Moriarty, lanllor, Slfl0.97: Edwlt Booth, janitor, $153.10; Ruth Hutching lev. oper.. $76; M. E. Lmdfey, elev. oper., 81.10. District Court Clurus Brown, de puty clerk, $171.37; Barbnra Smith, de puty clerk, $109.75. District Court Con- abie Earl Adams, constable. $207.75- Gloria Robinson, deputy, $150.58. Health Dent W. J. Stone, M.D.. health officer. $530.04; W. B. Quinn. sanitarian, $242.10: u. sermon, .sanitarian. $252.94; F. R Coleman, .lanitarian, $253.78; Bajty Coop- janiianaii, uernice Ycary, e. $234,13: Mcrwyn Darby, nurse. $153,20: Helen WanasRard. nur.se. $218.70: Jane Domkowakt, iniffe, $206. 63; Jean wmiu, nur.se, ?20,i.70; ijiicile Lukens, nurse. $148.50; Helen Steynert, nurse. $200,7; Joan Schneider Davis, nurse. $219.43; Erna Bcr.ntechcr. nurse, $190,10; Leslie Stone, nurse. $105.52; Lyndnll Birk beck. nurse. $100,80: Gertrude Flnncmore. nurse. S23.76: Evelyn Krueser, nurse, ! S218.20; Claudia Donnelly, nur.se, $190.19; 1 Howard Pyfer. health educator. $238.95; ' vera Wood, Menotc., $181.90: Ode.-wa Mel by. stenos. $169.50; Alice Berrcniann. typ- i Lst. $134.40; Mona E. Davis, typist. $142.50; Darlel Lee. typist. $131.37: Dolores Pyfer. typist, $134.20. Breitenbunh Juiillee Court Edison Vlckers, justice of peace, $80.10: J. u. rowier, constnble, $173.25. Jrrrcrson Justice Court E. E. Howell, justice of peace, $121.55: Geo. Armstrong, constable. $14.85. Mt. Angel Justice Court N. M. Laitby, Justice of peace. $9.90: Joseph L. Faulhaber, constable, $9.90. Sllverton Just ice Court Alf. O. Nelson, justice of pnace. 1176.46; F. N. Burch. clerk, $40.50; E. J. Jackson, constable, $74.25. Wondlmrn Just ice Court T. C. C!orni:ui. Justice of pcr.ee. 522.55; W. C. Miller, constable. $49.50; Mary V. Gorman, clerk, $34.05. Juvenile flepl. Nona White, probation officer, S215.77; D. J. Jepsen. assistant, $213.40; L M. Johnston, stono,, $91.60, Micro film in bD. W. Ramseyer. clerk. $107.00. County Itrcordrr Vlrnlnia Grltton, de puty, $166.21; Adclla Dlckman, deputy, 170.20; Ramona Evans, deputy, $151.33; Irene Johnson, deputy, $150.30: Joan Ln li ke, clerk, $51.97. Res. and Elec. Dept. Gladys White, deputy, $186.02. County School Sunt. J. F. Remington, deputy, 16!.65; Vivian S. HoenlK, supervisor, $207.80; Marttuerite R. Burton, supervisor, $22.20: Christine V. Morlcy, secretary, ? 140.50. County Sheriff I.prsI A. I. Malstrotn, deputy, $210.40: B. R. Smith, deputy. $210.80; Win, DeVall. deputy, $207.30: John Harder, deputy. $219.10: E. O. Scott, deputy, $190.84; S. Robert Tice, deputy, $203.50; Glen Conklln, deputy, $178.60; E. E. Colby, deputy, $170.10; Mu rcl Wood, deputy, $110,44. County Sheriff Tax H . F. Domoftalla, dep., $228.37: H. T. Evans, cashier, $208.04: Violettc West, mach. oper., $189.23; Lydia Mattson. dep., $179.10; Evelyn Mcnnis. deputy, $176.50; Marian Maas, deputy, $164.05; Qeraldlne White, deputy, $164.05. County Surveyor A. u. urn nam, surveyor, $2H!i.4u; Nelia Sim ins, secy., $154.40. County Treasurer S. J. Butler, treasurer, $205.05; Audrey H. Ewins, deputy, $150.12. Vrtcram Service H. C. Saalfcld, service officer, $282.10: Lil lian Kllppert, secy., $66.26. Iloir Control Fund Ervln A .Ward, enforcement offi cer, $201.80; R. J. Stnnton, clerk, $100. County Engineer H. S. Swart, engineer, $305.89; A. M. Pre.snall. secy.. $150.40. County Properly H. Wm. Thielsen, land arcent. $113.20; L. M. Johnston, stenos $.r)0. Misc. Ruth Hutch i n. elev. oper., $23.87; Alice J. Baillie, clerk, $7.01; Eddie Ahrens, services, fair booth, $8.40; Erna Ahrens, services, rair booth, $23.76; A. A. Gcer, services. lair booth, $64.01; Cora P. Geer, services, fair booth, $57.31; Opha M. Gray, services, lair bootii, $48.22; War ren orny, services, fair booth, $40.59. Dis trict Attorney Gordon Moore, den.. $217.74: Doris Albln, stenos., $139.12; Ruth Voorhces, atenon., $27.19. Stayton Justice uourt w. H, Bell, justice or peace, $175; Henry Smith, constable, $19.80; Leon a Pe terson, stcnoK., $29.70. Misc. H. F. Do moKalla, extra, $19.70; M. E. Llndsey, elev. oper., J3U.05. Hlierirr Tax Dept. H. F. uomoRal a. overtime. $91.08; Lyd a Matt- son, overtime, $28.32. Evelyn Mcnnis, over time, $23.01; Dixie a, Meyer, extra, $107.27; Betty L. Madison, extra, $31.50; Henry Mattson, extra, $14.44; Jay Doyal, extra, $15.03; Helen Elb, extra, $19.72; Ma bel Zimmerman, extra. $0.02; Vlolette West, overtime, $17.50; Howard T. Evans, overtime, $11.33. Tax Collector Asses sor Lydia Mattson, overtime, $77.52; Ev elyn Mennis. overtime. $87.26: Mnrinn Maas, overtime, $84.44; H. F. Domoealla, k-ertime. $44.42. Misc. Wilson J. Wilt, ulti. oper., $103.34; J. P. Aspinwall, la ir. $220.87: Delbort Bnlr Inhnr 1319 nn- J. A. Burns, labor, $143.B0; Wm. H. Flcke, labor, $103.61; Harry H. Lawrence, labor, $302.80; H, A. Martin, labor, $212.90; Har old L. Martin. Inbor. $223.41: Edward Schmitt, labor, $193.90; Robert Harl, la- or, ni.oo; tramc woeiKe, Inbor, $295; O. D. Blnettar, labor, $209.66; Henry Bower, labor, 219.26; Lawrence Bower, labor, $201.11; Wm. P. Croker, labor, $312.66; Or Vlllo L. Dunlgan. labor. $287.88: Hnrvnv M. Girod, labor, $209.79; Eric Oustnison, la bor, $215.41; Roy Hatfield, labor, $205.16; Harold K, Kcpplnger, labor, $251.52; Ben Kerber, labor, $252.76; R. W. Kinney, la- oor, Miii'd uarney J, Kropp, labor, 1196.64; Laurel Lamb, lahor, $253.78; Floyd Lnuber. labor. $251.98; E. A. Lawrencp. la bor, $207.76; VirHll Lonit, labor, $239.50; n. n. mHAAcy, iaor, wiii.w, jonn McAl lister, labor, $240.56; Rnlph McAllister, labor, $100.38; Wm. Naftwter, labor, $255.82; D. P. Seharf. lahnr. 1275 Wm Shaw, labor, $223.55; Auk list Hmlth, labor, $232.72; Robert Smith, labor, $243.49; G. L. Spencer, labor, $217.32; Earl D. Standicy, laoor, jzji.av; Lioyd e. Taylor, labor, $235.28: A. M. Thels. labor, tain (11: Nlrk Theis, labor, $260.20; Raymond Titus, la bor, $179.95; Orville L. Trussell. labor. $230.45: Himh Webb, labor, $264.35: Lee A. Wells, labor. 1181.96: Tony Woelke. la bor, $260,80; flnm Weese. labor, $222.96; Theodore Kuenzl, labor, $254.34; Wm. R. orenner, labor, $220.00; Henry Brucnlnii, labor, $133.56; J. A. Clark, labor, $85.05; Menno Dnlke, labor, $99.72; Lloyd Jarmnn, labor, $175,72: 0. J. Miller, Inbor. $217.70; Leo McAllister, Inbor, $124.44; Irvln Mill er, labor, $02.39; Tom Rltchey, labor, $150.63; Jos. A. Robl. labor. $221.49: W. Shelley, Inbor, $205.70; Gene Shlllinn, la bor, $212.50; Arthur J. Tackmler, labor, (214; L. W. Webber, labor, $200.85; W. O. Williamson, labor, $202.15; J, C. Curnutt, labor, $213,98; J. Anderson, Jr., labor, 228.27; Wm. Buntinn, Inbor. $105.11; L. R. Cooper, labor, $218.27; E. J. Coover. la bor, $184.68; Axel Johnson, labor, $184.08; G. A. OLson, labor, $94.72; J. R. Patten, labor. $185.91; H. J. Peterson, labor, $220.58; C. O. Ross, labor, $202.07; A, B. Rastad. labor, $194.16; D. W. Sclfrled, la- OAL. TWO OCT. PROCEEDINGS . .. bor, $147.21; Raymond Syver.ton, labor, $218.07; M. J. McCormlck. labor, $197.31; Leo A. Andreas, labor, $189,74; David Du bois, labor, $140.58; Vtrwll R. Fnhey. la hor. $199.20: H. E. Lenhardt. labor, $97.47; S. M. Martin, labor, $206.87; Cecil H. Royston, labor, $207.76; Delbert C. Shellito. Inbor. $100.07; S. K. Ely, labor, $239.17; Arthur Blackburn, labor, $226.78; Wm. Du ciiateau, labor, $244.44; A. A. Richards, la bor, $21C.OO; Kenneth Watts, labor, 1238.40; Clarence R. Williams, labor, J232.53; E. H. Busby, labor, $205.02; C. A. Coblne, labor. $190.89: Tom Bowden, labor. 22.74: Gcori e Frauondeiner, labor, 222..i4; Richard W. Fall, surveying, 543.25; Thomas Fulton, survcyinif, $8.35; Floy O. Mudd, bailiff, $58.60; Sidney Gra ham, surveying, 14.75; Harry Becker, haul ing rock, $480; L. M. Case, haulinir grav el, 1484: Cieo Kepplmirr, hauling gravel, $540; John Nag. hauling rock and oil, 1638; Burroughs Add. Mach. Co.. malnt. ft sups., tiiO.26: Frxlcn Ca tenia ling Mach. Co., rent and sups., $70; Remington Rand Inc.. equip., 1355: J. L. SP'Rimmd, T.E., 123.46; The Golden Pheasant, meals, $10,66; Hanks Parking Lot, parking Ju rora, $9; Lawrence Ostcnnan, atly. fee, )5; Senator Hotel, meal, (22.30; Bruce W. Williams, atty. fee. $30; Abrams and Hkinner, Inc., sups., $11.90; Moore Busi ness Forms, sups., $11.80; Your Town, inultl. plates. $8.50; Leston W. Howell, per diem, etc., (56.08; Otis Elev. Co., malnt., t8.50; Eldon Scott, signs, $34; Vibberl Electric, reps,, (1.75: Don Dill, photos, (32.50; Gordon Moore. T.B., $9.72; A. A Richards, transcript, (14; E. O. Stadter. Jr., re, fee, $10; Sybil C. Catlin it Frank Spears, rent, (100. Truslrr A. L. Lewel Ung, refund, $6, Earl Adams, T.E., $291.22; Dr. Scott B. McKcown. exam., $0; McOil chrlst it Sons, roof. $134; John Schmid. cartings disposal, $100: Mrs. Kehne Wain, reward, $25. Health Department Capital Drug Store, sups., $11.38; Dr. Mamarel Dowell. med. serv . $170; Dr. Luetic Fort ner, med. serv., $15; Dr John 8. Oold smith, med. serv, $15; Hendrie Med, Lnb., lab. serv., $138.50; Dr. B. I. Knnpp, med. serv. $00; Dr. R. E Joseph, med. serv.. $34: H'!en Melby, sups., $32.25; Metropol itan Life Ins. Co., efjuip., (52.50; Perry' Drug Store, sups., (21.30; Dr. V. E. Pet tit, mod. serv., $10; QuUenberry Phar macy, sups., (22.19; Red Cross Pharmacy, mips (5.26; Silem Laundry Co.. laundry, $34 10; Salem Masonic Temple, rent, $250: Salem Med. Lab., lab, iwrv., 159; Salem Memorall Hosp., x-ray. etc., $272.10: W. B. Saunders Co, sups., $11; School Dlst. No. 4, tele., $1,15; State Charity Aid Assoc., sups., $3; H. L, Stiff Furniture Co., sups.. $5; W. J. fltone, M D med. serv., tt.079; W J. Stone, M.D., petty casn, $31.44; Val- jy Motor Co., sups., $129.80; D, A. Whit a nd Sons, sups,, S3. 00. Misc. John W. Innrahnn, fees, $225.75: Geo. W. Hubbs o., bond, $5; Fred W. Lange, fees, $380.50; Jr. K. J, Peterson, fees, $217.50; A. W, immonn, fees, $141.50; Frank M. Boen, In enmity, $8; Andrew J. Colyer, indemnity, 3.51; Clifford H. Kuenzi, Indemnity, 7.50: Austin A. Kyle, Indemnity. S7.50; .lines R. Linn, Indemnity, $8; James It. -inn, indemnity, $29.83; Tom L. Webb, ln cmnity. $87.33; Dr. Morris K. Crothers, xara., $10: Dr. John R. Goldsmith, rxam., 10; Dr. Horace Miller, exam., $15: Dr. loscoe Wilson, exam., $5; Lovinger Disin 'ectant. sups., $89.34; Red Cross Pharm cy, sups., $1.14; Salem Surplus Store, quip., $11,85; Sanitary Service Co., san. or v., $1,90; Denver Young, meals, $1, M4.13; J. C. Fowler, constable, T.E., $6.00; Too. F. Armstrong, constable, T.E., $4.92; 5. E. Howell, rent, etc., $20; Alf. O. Nel ;on. rent, etc., $54.40; Mrs. Harley De .'eel, matron, $4: Emery J. Jackson, con stable. T.E.. $40.62; W. H. Bell, rent, etc., 135; W. c. Miller, constable, T.E., $11.52; I. A. Braunborger, care. $50; Mrs. Melvia Burt, care, $22; Mrs. Ethel Carroll, T.E., S7.50: Mrs. Wm. Johnson, care, $6: Mrs. Hazel Patterson, enre, $20; Nona White. T.E.. $24.50; Boys & Girls Aid Soc. of Ore., care, $27.28; Catholic Charities Inc., care, $45; children's Farm Home, care, 20; Albertina Kerr Homes, care, $5.81; Albany Branch U.S. Nat'l. Bank nt Port. laud, refund. $0.50: Agnes C. Booth, T.E., $20.42; Marguerite R. Burton. T.E., $6.36; Vivian 3. Hocnisr, T.E.. $12.96; J. F. Rem ington. T.E.. $13.83: The School Execu tive, sub., $3; Burke's Camera Shop, pho tos, $10.99; The City of Salem, rndio, $6; Davidson's Auto Service, reps.. $5.25; Gen eral Petroleum Corp., gas, $37.71; W. r. Porter Repiar Service, reps.. $257.51; Ed ear G. SCOtt. KBS. 13 Afl: H V nnmncrnlln T.E., $12.72; Sunset-McKee Co.. suns.. $11.23; Salem Blue Print Co., sups., $4.53; H. C. Saalfcld, T.E., $29.16: Ervln A. Ward. T.E.. $67.32; Keith Brown, sups., $2.06; in. vim ousKirx, turxeys Killed, $15; J. D. Drake, sheep killed, $45; John C. Jones, sheep killed, $80: George M. Olson, sheep killed, $30. Marlon County Fair Fund Eddie Ahrens. fair board meetings, $59.75; Mrs, Eddie Ahrens, produce. $14.15: Mar lon Curry, Ins., $5; Ferrill's Nursery, iiriiDs, jib; a. A. Geer, fair board moct ntts, etc.. $55.45: Mrs. Ornha M rirnv produce, $7.85; Warren Gray, fair board meetings, etc., $45.70; Beverly Kendall, at tend booth, $9: Dunne Kcu.scher, attend booth, $6; Wm. McKlnuey, premium. $300; c. t-urnum, produce, $18.75; Redding Cabinet Shop, rack, $147; Verny Scott, Union Hill Granae. lino: Hnvrfen n Smithson. sups., $2; Fred Stelner, produce. u. n. u. aim rum. uo.. rent, $3; Mrs. Hester E. Way, sec, premium, $200. Mlso. The American Law Book Co., annota tions. $10; Bancroft Whitney Co,, Jaws, $17.50: The Bobbs Merrill Co., laws, $30; West Publishing Co., laws, $24; Address ograph Multlgraph Corp., sups., $46.78; Geo. E. Allen Hardware, reps., $6.44; Am erican Brush Co., sups., $80.85; Amco Drainage St Metal Products, sups., (538.76; Ballou 6c Wright, sups., $56.55; Irvin Bar tels, labor, $50: Bassett Welding Shop, reps., $4.72; Beall Pipe St Tank Corp.. sups., $3,334.99; P. A. Bernard Chev. Co., reps., $10; Bert's Repair Shop, reps., $1.50; E. L. BoatwrlKht. labor, $45.38; Joe L. Bourne, road viewer, $10; E. H. BurrelL reps., $36.07: Capitnl Auto Parts, reps., $24.12; Capital City Bindery, sups., $320.10; Capital Journal, adv., $146.17; Capital Tractor St Equip. Co., reps., $203.56; Leo N. Ohilds, viewer, $10.96: City or Salem, use of equip., $94; City Water Commission, water, $93.67: Commercial Book Store, equip., $395.80; Cooke Station ery Co., equip., $001.50: C. H. Coyle. rent, $30; J. C. Curnutt, reps,, $2.34; Doollttle Master Serv. Sta., reps., $10.20; Downs Olnss Shop, reps., $40.92; Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co., sups., $21.02; W. Fosshotm, signs, $8.98; J. K. Gill Co,, sups., $43.72; The B. F. Goodrich Co., sups., (96.56; A. D. Graham, T.E., $1.44; The Haloid Co, sups., $50.96; J. E. Haseltine St Co., sups., $7.28: Herrold Phlllnpl Motor Co., reps. St equip.. $2,081.53; Howard Cooper Corp., reps., $42.54; Interstate Tractor St Equip, sups., $1,425.92; Johnson, Siewert St Aid rich, printing, $24.60; Ira Jorgensen, reps., $52,84; Jorgcnsen-Stclnkc's. reps., $36.04; H. A. Judd, petty cash, $9.78; Kelzer Sand and Gravel Co., rock, $28; Lloyd Ketchum, lbr., $231.70: W. O. Krueger. viewer, $10; 1. u. ximiiu i,o reps,, ju.ia: u. H. Mc- -uiiy, naming gravel, $124.06; Douglna McKay Chevrolet Co., reps., $86.74; Mc Kesson St Robbtns, sups., $72.18; A. B. Mc- unucnian 10,, reps., $1.78; Mill Supply 00., lbr., $2,260.78; Morrow Radio Co., reps., $0.60: Mountain States Power Co, LAP, $03.25; Needhnm's Book Store, sups.. $102.20: Norrls As Walker Paint Co., sups., $31.25; Northwest Ind. Laundry Co., ups (4.17: Oregon Electric Railway Co., frt., $849,55; Oregon Gravel Co., grave, (593.45; Oregon Gravel Co., grave, $593.45; Ore gon Phyalclnns Serv., dues, $374.00: Ore gon State Hwy. Comm., testing in lnb., $6: Pacific BuildlnK. rent I2nnr Tim ,- cifio Tele. St Tele. Co., t?Je., $450.86; Perk Bros., sups., $19; Pioneer Trust Co., re fund, $15: Portland General Elec. Co, LAP, $245.07; Reicon Enterprises, sups., $1.50; J. H. Rigdon, oil rock, $03.17; Saf fron Supply CO.. BUDS.. S1.7H- Rnlm -Rill Print Co., sups., $3.30; Salem Concrete Pipe St Products, sups., $193.44; Sale in Steel St Supply Co., reps., $120.93; Salem Tent St Awnlna Co.. max.. 13 snr v. .1 Scarry St Co., reps., $14.60; Shell Oil Co., km, eic so..!d; ouver wneel Motor Frt., '! . A- oimmons, gas, etc., $1804.13: Old Smith. Jr . hnnlnl cr ,.! $138.61; Southern Pacific Co., frt., $340.91; Stan Baker Motors, reps., $21.95; Stancal Asphalt St Bitumuls Co., asphalt, $9, 312.03: Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas, etc., $217.83; Statesman Publishing Co.. adv., $124.13; State Tire Service, sups., 149.10; Stayton Gravel Co,, gravel, $1 -0a6.40; Stevenson and Mcfford, batteries, $114.66; The Texas Co., oil, $48; Thornton Stationery St Painting Co., sups., $35.52; j urn cma moon service, gas, etc., $125.90; Union Oil Co. of aalif . no te tojim. Valley Motor Co., reps., $33.20; Valley Welding Supply, sups., $10.50; Walling Sand and Gravel Co., gravel, (6,292.501 west ooant r owner Co., sups., (27.40; Western Unlno, tele., $14.85; Lois B. Wil liams, refund. $2.50: Wlllnmpttn Vnller Trans. Co., frt., $21.68: Woodburn Sand St Gravel Supply, gravel, $3.50; Woodbury Co., sups., $0.95; Denver Young, postage, etc., $53.57; Denver Young, uniform allow., ju; icneroacn raper uo., sups., $101.53: Walter H. Zosel Co., sups., $210.87. PROCEEDINGS October 3, 1049. Approval of Plat of Sunset Addition. October 4. Order for Bur vey In Roail Proc. No. B63; permit to lay tile, Josef Wllmes. Oct. ft, Beer license. Opal Stupfel; Permit to move building, Kay Slmmona. Oct. 6, Beer license. Marl da I. Cain. Oct, 7, Remonstrance to re location 01 eiiverton roan; Beer license. arvin k. ana Rose c. Long; Permission r Atirlculturul Conservation Assoc. to cross County roads 655. 657 for dralnase purposes; Indemnity claim of Howard W. nenningsen, nnai hearing 103149; Order naming portion of County road 819 as Blossom Drive. Oct. 8, Final hearing on, Indemnity claims of Andrew J. Cnlver. James R, Linn; Order to open ballot boxes aim uesiroy contents; Order directing sale of tax foreclosed property; Remon strance to being Included In proposed Llb-erty-Salem Heights Fire District. Oct. 10, Final hearing on Indemnity claim of James R. Linn: Permit to haul logs, Tom H. Burton: Pole line nc-rmlt Portland General Electric Co.; Bond for issuance of riunucnie warrant to Salem Armory Board. Oct. II, Pipe line permit, Port land Obs and Coke Co. Oct. 12, Permit to haul logs, Walter L. ilnk. Oct. 13, Petition to Varate Streets In Loganvllle; Approval of Bond of Jos. L. Faulhaber as Constable; Permit to move building, James in. eai. uci. 14, Request by Fairfield Farmers Union for mieeH limit. , nn N. River road. Oct. 15, Petition to name Mine road, hearing set for 103049. Oct. 17, Permit to lay tile. F. A, Docrfler; Beer license, Luard E. and Gertrude Brlgs; Permit to haul logs. Roy N. Jaeobxcn; Quit Claim Deed to Hillard C. Hansen e$ ux; Proclamation by County Court, City of Detroit proposed Incorporation defeat ed, pet. Ifl, Permit to lay tile, C. N. Day. Oct. 10. Petition to vacate portion of s ;et In Brooks, and Order netUno- hmr. Ing for Dec. 2. Oct. 21, Bargain and Sale Deed from I. Hartman et ux to Marlon County for land for RIht-of-way pur poses; Permit to haul logs, Jacob C. Strom. Oct. 22, Aproval of Plat of Maple hurst, a dedication; Permit to haul Ions. M. Sobrero. Oct. 24. Imlemnltv nlnlm of Charley H. Brown, final hearing 11949; t-L-inut mj naui logs. DWlglit Wood. Oct. 25, Transfer Order: Permit to haul In, niu Layne Paulsen; Petition of Johannes Nor dal et al for public railroad crossing con- liuhk uuniy roaa hob ann state High way 222; Certification bv Salem City Itecorder on reunite of munrr ulcctlnn: Certification by West Salem City Record- c un reruns 01 Merger election; order Vacating portion of tracts and roads in Sunnyslde Fruit Farms No. 10 Oct. 26, 2 ole line permits, Portland General F.lec tric Co.: Order for refund to John Out erson: Permit to lay tile, Sam Schlrman. Oct. 27, Order setting hearing on forma tion of proposed Kefccr Diking District; Permit to haul logs, John H. Becklev; Quit Claim to United States; Petition for proposed Incorporation of City of Detroit. OH. 28, Order to Issue temporary Dance Hall license to Idanha Rural Fire Dlst.; Pole line permit, Portland General Elec tric Co. ; Pipe line permit, School Dis trict 103C; Hearing on change of name of Neikirk Road to Mine road, indefinite ly postponed. Oct. 31, Final hearing on In demnity claims of H. Mikkelson and Son, and Howard W. Hennlngsen; Indemnity claim of Manning Fay Webb, final hear ing 112949; Transfer Order, Clerks' report. ' -I- HIM. tt 4t, '-TJWt