-20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1949 ' ErTHEt? OF NOU JO5 NEVER HEARD 1 CwjS NINE O'CLOCK. hIRS. T I HOPE 5Hg 1 R257oRYEAH I HEARD THAT, T . KNOW HOW I CAN CT I OF THE PLACE, Sgfei BRAWNSKI--WHAT ) FELL flSTV "CHOKER " AN' NO MEALY- MOUTHED RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW 020 NBC KOIN S70 CBS KEX 1190 ABC KSLM I KOCO UBO UBC 1490 Kc ERENA WAS SITTING Chapter 3 MR. DILLY GOES TO ; SCHOOL Mr. Dilly gave the queer looking duck to Henry. f "How did you ever get her?" ' cried Henry. "Mrs. Snell said she had tied her in the kitchen." J "You forget I am a magi 'cian," laughed Mr. Dilly. "You mean you used real ma gic?" ; "Well, not exactly. While the old lady was sweeping you out I just went into the kitchen. grabbed Serena, and hopped out - the back window." "Yippitty, lippitty, what a ;llfe!" quacked Serena. "Mercy me! She does talk!" cried Mr. Dilly in delight. , "Hackety, rackety, of course 1 f;talk," snapped Serena. "But I'm most particular to whom I talk and I never ever cared for Mrs. rSnell, moll, pell." t) "There, there," soothed Henry vPatting the duck. "Everything is going to be all right now. We : are going to put on magic shows with Mr. Dilly and never see Mrs. anell again. "I dont know anything about magic," protested Serena. "I am a poet. I love poems. I spend my life searching for perfect rhymes." 4 "I think your rhymes are lovely," said Mr. Dilly but would you mind if I pulled you ;:out of my hat?" "Pockety, lockety!" exclaim- f.ed Serena. "Whatever for?" i. u. t-sii.. it i: i . 1111. llliy 111UI1 1 AJ111UIILU IU the duck how he had never been .hat and so all his magic shows -were failures. "Mickle, rickle and a rosy lickle," exclaimed Serena. "I'll be glad to help you out." .', "Oh," said Henry joyfully. '"Aren't we going to have a won ' derful life!" And, truly, it seemed so, for 'what could be more wonderful for a little boy than to roam the , world with friend and pet and give magic shows wherever he went. But, alas, Serena was never able to come out of Mr. Dilly's hat. Mr. Dilly took a tall silk hat . and pushed Serena into the bot ' torn. Then he laid a false bot lftWIW' s vi-a S lav fteetfc, WWk- 1 . . i tt i n ii 6 J- ON MR. DILLY'S MEAD, torn on top of Serena and put the whole thing on his head. When he stood before his aud ience he said, "Now I will take off my hat and show you it is empty then presto! before your eyes I'll pull a real live talking duck from the empty hat." He took off his hat and the au dience burst out laughing. Ser ena had fallen out of the false bottom and was sitting on Mr Dilly's head! "Leaper, deeper!" said Ser ena. "It was hot in there." But. even this didn't please the audience. Not being special people like Henry and Mr. Dilly they thought the duck said, "Quack quack." They didn't for moment believe she was a wonderful talking duck and a rhyming duck at that. After the audience went home feeling cheated. Mr. Dilly talk ed it over with Henry. "Perhaps I had better give up magic, he said sadly. "Now I have you and the duck to take care of maybe I'd better get a job selling tooth brushes or stomach medicines. I'll never make money as a magician until I can get a rabbit out of a hat." "I learned to be a poet by go ing to a school for poets," said Serena. "Why don't you go to a school and learn this rabbit trick?" 'Why, yes!" cried Henry. "Right in this town there is a college of science where they can teach you anything." So the very next morning Mr. Dilly and Henry and Serena walked into the marble halls of the College of Science. As they walked around they saw many men and women reading, large, important-looking books. At last they came to an of fice where a sign said, "Presi dent of the College." They went in and found a wise-looking man sitting behind a desk. "Good day," said Mr. Dilly po litely. "I would like to come to your school." "Why," said the president, thnt' fine. What do you want to study?" "I want to study magic," said Mr. Dilly. Next: Planning a Trip to Santa Land. R2839 fln.V:ir,l fm- 1,,.- ynrd of mnterinl Is required to make mia smuri luppwi-waisi covcr-1 ROOniV tM'lCft.i. full Rltll-I. DM back bow are nil rlc-nic trimmed iiiiu una up m making tuts a grand au-purposc apron. Pattern Envelope No. R2839 con tains tissue pattern, materia! re quirements. making and (inio.i.ic directions for adjustable sizes. To obtain tni pattern, send 20c In COINS, giving nattirn number your name, address pnd zone num ber to PeRgy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran rlsco 3 Calif. Smemf . ii , -.Mir; 0 ftS HEyl J M I WHflrtUP I IS THIS A UJCXV BR6PK, ) GUV WHO SPW (T OU-- I NO FOOUN'- A R IdT rr-s an'nieI 9 1 annie? V meetin' you krok fmn" th' trpp krJ Y2y S2I jSsi. g 1 fcf stopthe Wl MV " VtoT. 7, ROCKY-THEH FALUN- H ,J emiE-llctt- p siw.THtcHR. arr KSisETlfusSffli HiMseu-THi3 bibo (tsl where s g H YOU'RE NOT NITrM OKAV, VWWEM A BOV I J TMATS RIOICULOUS,DA.O.Al I SEE? WVtAT DD 1 TELL LJSj rEA.TIMS,JUWIOR MOM..lWAS)1STOPS EATIMQ WHV 1 OHLV JUST MET VOU? 1 KNOW TUOSE 3 T V DON'T VOU PEEL J JUST AND STARTS TO I TUE 5RL TOOAVS J SYMPTOMS WELL, BECAUSE lV 3 ' Vl WELL? aZ- THINKIrJ5..THINt4 THERE'S , -ir-rrt-v---r viJEVER,ST.5YE'&M.Tll-LlVl 3 H rr hy ir vr-roNLv one thins 4jT)Tj M IT 3sot marbjeo! , ; DAISY MAE.''-io' were -.:' aa natith yo'ALUjs vapped bout how WAU, WHOT'S TH' HOBRIBLV CUX.H TNABBIN ME ) k 1J lS7?fcr fife A. t MATTER WIF VO? mnwFQ p p; L ' THAT 1,9, I CVool f7 1 SURE. SHE JBihf O BOV! SHE J? &rr4' 4 JEFH DARLIH6! fZ'? wHEREf ANV-N M y'OUNG . riOO,V,'J KNOWS ME ! jS MUST KNOW ME! hello R ift-) vMILL INHERE ii bA,2rlf 'K-v-:vy she'swavingJ 'tS sal. v v??- E U T,"2T '-WJSXJ ATMEiJP C S JL nt'lTt -CffV : DINE, SA I jl 1 U- ' " v'silSF tci; VW1BE I lp COURSE NOT. STILL, 0WV TEX- 1 1 TEX, I CAN ONLY LEAVE VOU Y ' FOZTVff . SMITHS PASTURE.'; 7TTrr-m NEAR THE SOX STALL. I m DOS FOOD PACVA6ES. ILL BRIN6 VOU J, ' " OFCOURI)t. RUNNY, YL TcAN'-.-WtTH J- 1 I NEIL---ATANY RATE, I NOTlNtKVrmr''J. StTTINC RKORW.MACtTy! ) "BEs3 CAN'T R.R.RIGHTIV BLAMt EASE !"THt OLD PIRATE WE CAN 6TIII MAKE wA&ON'S&OT JET-PERPUWION ITS NOT EVERYBODY WHO CAN MIW ) fe-fj MR.FRCV.TWEIL FOR $ -ftL BET A FMJ??ARD '- OUR TR R-RAIN! V IN THEMUFPLER,MR1E! A THETRAIN ANDMI4STHE BOAT.AU w R R-REFU5IN'U5THETT P1NCH HIT FORTHtTORK . 'T X(Ll A LOf,N rW WHEN HE WA BORN! PVXVW 001 N0W' JS iS W Ofl The S of V :0lSoBi of Timet Ookour Lift :1iYnui I-ife .Ift DIck Powell 45 j Dick Powell 00 till ifr'i InHif Storr UnCnrUiu Tint 45parUin Tint Knox MannlBf Mill hbow INewi News Groucha Mn Ciraueho Man Blnf Croiby Bins Croiby Cnllnit of Yukon Jack Jiek Flreflfhteri glome plod. Mod. Burm Bnrni Allen Allen tone lone itfolljwood Hollywood Dr. 1. Dr. 1. fWlfilnitr-KirteB Lowell Thotnaa Jaek Smith Dr. Christian Dr. Chrlitlan Frank Raet fiber. nber, Borli Boris ISewt of World SOIGildenkeM :45GllderileTt 00 1 Break the Bank Break the Bank. Buti Bun Musle IS! Frank Baet SrtO lit. Attorney Beolab 4S put. Attorney Club 1ft CHI IS am Hayei 15i-pti. Final 30;Dlek Barmee 4STei Wllllami Star Pinal iRchfld. fYou, tho World Intermetio rllr-flo ICon ert jConeerl brchettra :00N tSrrenadt IConeert :ljWax Hnaeum :3flWai Muieum ;45Vax Musenm OOItn Off Ortan Mmla Treat. Band Concert Memos Newa Memos Silent IXtra THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 00 'Hod go Podge lojN'ewt 30 j Term Time 4.!JFarm Time ews Farm Keep Keep Keep KOIN Kloek KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Earlr Bird KOIN Klock News OId Sonra iNewa Sam Hayes INewa News (Fred Beck (Apron Bob Zeks Eddie Albert Contamer NewslBreakfait Club Eddie Albert Pews Kreakfait Clab Jrk Rrrrh Klrand Slata Breakfast Clab Breakfast Clab 4SjSage Riders Boiemary OOjrhe Second Cup Wendy Warren News The second Cup.unt jenny :303ometownera jUelen Trent 45'News (Gal Sanday Stars Lrt rt 00Mrrlag for 15 T.ora Lawton 30iCar. Cavallero SiBeryl Richards Big Sister Sagebraih Per. (Ma Perkins (Galen Malone piy My Guiding Light 00 Double or '51 Nothing 30 Children ! 4S Light of Worldl d Mrs. BurtonfBetty Perrr Mason IHoneymakera Norah Drake Brighter Day i.vortnwesi- crnen 00 Kneass News (Baukbage ijj Road of Life Get It piews 0;?epper young (Bright A Llghtjjack i.T .Happiness Meet :00!Raekstage Wife :L5!Ktrii niim Barnyard Fol. (Garry Moore Breakfast In Kay Kay :45Wfdder Brown Kirk ham News. :00A Girl Marries pCirkh am News. Jay ;iai"ori. Faces Life Steve Allen Llay inst Plain Bill Stere Allen Bride pride l3(Frt. Pg. FarrelHTui :00Weleome Travel. :1.5Welcome Travel :3Qjunt Mary :45lLove and Learn Art Kirkham Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godf reyXadlei Arthur GodfreyfTed :00Woman's Secret1 Arthur GodfreyjSanta's Arthur Godfrey (Squirrel Curt Master caulrrel Life Beautiful Dr. Mil' Paula Stone Edw. R. Murr'wClnnamon Bear DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 AAr Wednesday P.M S:00. Chil- (Jr dren'a Theater: 8:15. On the Cpbeati S:50. KM Sports Clabi 6:00. Newsi 6:15, Eugenei 6:45, Invitation to Read: 7:00, Farmer's Unfont 7:15, Evening Farm Houn 8:00, Radio Shorthand; 8:30, Great Songs i 8:45, News and Weather i f):00. Music That Endures; 4:45, Evening Meditationst 10:00, Sign Off. Pleasanfdale Club Presented Program Pleasantdale A full house of patrons of the district attended the December meeting of the Pleasantdale community club at the hall. The program consisted of an illustrated talk on the farm home by Louis Gross, county exten sion agent; Mrs. . W. Graben horst gave a travelog of a three- ACROSS 1. Fruit (. Resinous substance I. Part of a wheel 12. Fresh supply 13. Arabian garment 14. American Indian IB. Wlntred 1&. One addicted to making plays on words 18. Cause of ruin 19. Likely 20. Mountain lake 21. Burlesque 24. Vegetable 26. Came to rest 27. Calm 31. Thought 33. Adhere 34. Eater 35. Also 36. Steep 37. Sieve 40. Low gaiter 43. Sick 44. Luxuriant 47. Covering of a watch dial 49. Twofold 50. SwIsb river 51. Devoured i2. Greek theater 63. Stain 54. Obstruct 66. Interprets: archaic ,s 1 n Ii ir nip'r 3a 31 wis 'MrL Ml W I I I mm I WM I I I I AT Ntwitavrf ROOM AND BOARD TH' REASON YUH A.INV SEEN ME FOR A COUPLE Or WEEKS 15 BECAUSE I GOT MARRIED AN' BEEN AWAVON A HONBtMOON I MARRIED TH CASHIER AT A DRIVE-IN WHERE I GRAZE Ml Hanta'i Malt IBand r Dr Hanla'a Mall Band of Dar Armitronc; ion Mil IBlnt Croih Arnitronc Tom Mix Buitneai Newi lOabrlel neater Candle tliht N W News and illter iTello Teal Mews Serenade Twilight Song Dinner Conceit rat O'Brien Dinner CooeertpMaileal Jackpot Cliea Kid Evelyn Knlcht Edition Rnmancci Bomincek Ranger Ranger Q. Q. Cisco Kid Great Sg-ertt Bolmei Holmea Karloff Karloff Name of ThatfTraek 14H Bone Traek 14M Track 1490 ffraek UM Run Morgan Buss Morgaja Adlam Adlam for New Maror Speaki B. Donlavv IDarld Rom Varlellei News Bememberlni Varieties Eddie Arnold Reporter Fulton Lewi Local Newa News Eddie Howard Frontier Tows frontier Town floor Hour Mosie Von Want (Moele Ton Want Hour Lot Mrsterr Noctara Hoar Tomor. IMdiIc- pioetnrn Nee tarns noetarnt Bus Morgam Tomor. Rus Morgan Hoar I Sim Off News Smiling Smiling Smiling Wewe Timekeeper March Tim news KOCO Kloek KOCO Kleek News Brkfrt, Gang Brkfit. Gang Top Trades rrex Bitter iky KOCO KlMk uaten News Manners KOCO Kloek Rarg'n Conntei la rVlldw'l 1st Baptist Cb. Haven el Rest Haven 01 Rut (Organ Meeds west'B Heiodlea Fiesta, rim IN. W News Melody Time of Today; Memories Melody Tim LinKietter Llnkletter jPaator'a Call page Riders (Stars itns Cb. Them as News W News Drake Kitcbosj Wiles IMuslo Tune Tins 48 Kens True Story True Story Walls Crocker ladles First Musle Mart Musla Mart Jan Garbsr Vocal Varieties i.adlfi First Queen for Day Queen for Day Top Tradea (News nollrw'd Hails Hoiirwd Haste Norman W. News Headline News (Dare Dennis Menjoi Bob Eberly (Tell T'r Neigh Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Heiodlea Hollywood larvev Hardtng West West Organ Reveries ping singi Stewart Bob Pools Bob Poole Mosie for That Mnslofor Thar. Hoe down Party Hoedown Party Newa Dare Ross Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Stewart A Groom; A Groom Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mao's Melodies Be Seat. Malone Letters Cage Care Fulton Lewis Hemingway Movie Time Philosopher ueoind storr Brers Can do Beautiful Car. Cavallero lAAf Thursday A.M. 10:00, News vMV and Weather) 10:15, Especially for Women; 11:00, Oregon School sf the Aln 11:15, Concert Halli lt:00, Newst Noon Farm Hourt 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy i 1:15, Oregon School of the Airi 1:15, Melody Lane; :00, Home Garden noun 2:30, Memory Book of Musloi t:4B, Oregon School of the Aln 8:00, News; 3:15, Musle of the Masters! 4:00, Univer sity Hour. weeks' automobile vacation trip taken through central and south ern states with her husband in October; E. W. Budke gave a report of his moose hunting trip in British Columbia in October; Lester McDougall of Unity dis- i trict gave impersonations of var ious types; piano solo, Betty Mc Farlane. Refreshments were served. Men of the district will be in charge of the program and re freshments to be held Friday evening, December 30. MA A QllBlA MAT ?m e t i olNlfc over xi.k t site 8 1 N t a p a 1m J h a ue Bp o n o m pwf5 n e e nBc O 0 fBPA r elsi u l tS u Ttl vA n E3k k BJl i kTe Hh "c CIA N Tfl BA 8 EHw O A B OBBJUjM P B B A R N BA P T I SJmH A ERIE AlG L E TA C C E N T 8 LIE E PSllS (TTEIi Solution of Yeiterday'a Puul DOWN 1. Breed of hora 2. Chinese wax I. Common wd 4. Mora rocoat I. Point at wblek a bean aprouta . Keyhola fuarol 1. Touchea at tha boundarr I. Iaabla . Llat 10. Roman road 11. Daybreak 17. Fashion 19. Eager !2. Watchful 23. Claw 2t. Leguma 26. Spire ornament 28. Flogged sound)? 29. Salutation 10. still 22. Fits one Inalda another i IS. Wind splraUr i S5. Of greater f height 35. Lasso 39. Baffle 40. Cigar nab 41. Beseecn 42. Northernmost point of tnt Isle of Man 11. Fruit of the blackthorn 48, Domestic fowls 48. Shoe latchsi 4t. June bug By Gene Ahern nowIhopevoudon't TAKE A HEADER ON THIS, BUT THE TRUTH IS. Mf WIFE MADE ME GIVE UP BOXING NEXT WEEK. I START DRIVING A TRUCK FORTH' CHAIN OF DRIVE-INS SHE WORKS FOR. J ( "V S I " Hulm I ULAT'ONS'