Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 07, 1949, Page 18, Image 18

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    18 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday,, Dec. 7, 1949
Cage Group Tests Rules Changes
New York, Dec. 7 W If the
National Basketball association
hasn't done anything else for
the game, it has, as Prexy Mau
rice Podoloff points out, pro
vided a medium for experiment
ing with proposed rules changes
. . . For instance, they're widen
ing the foul lane from six to
12 feet for a one-month experi
mental period which is Just
picking up a change which the
International Federation adopted
for a four-year stretch ... If it
doesn't work, Podoloff can pick
up the phone and order a change
within a few minutes . . . "With
17 teams playing as many as 30
games a week, we can tell in a
very short time whether there's
anything wrong," Podoloff ex
plains . . . Ned Irish, picking up
the explanation of the various
In the Alleys
(CemplcU BtIU)
Capital Alleys
Blue Like Fiekert J Lmghoff M7,
Miller 384, Pettlt 383, Willu 631, CirUon
3, Keith Brown Ml Ouerin 4M, Crock
stt 395, Jerniean 465, Hi lie rich 434, Bouri
Cal Pak (31 Lance 507, Sloan 4fi7,
Heinke 509, Werbowsttl 4S3, Scheldeter
551. Valdn Meat Co. f0 ValdM 674,
Farrar 300. McKlnrwy 503, Bliler 498,
Ertsfaard 406.
Hollywood Finance (1) OeddM 4(8,
Xlrchner 508, Albrlch 476, Joni 513, Ol
ney Br. 547. Snobori D Haenon 815,
R. Aleithlre 483, Me mil 435, D, AJeahlre
432,. McNeil 545.
Barb's Sportlns Goods 31 TnilU SOD.
M. Hartwell 5fl4. OIney Jr. 450, Morey
454, Greaory 577. Cnrlr'a Dalrr .0) Wrifht
465. Polk 438, Volk 409, U. Miller 533. J.
Miller 503.
Becke A Wadiworth f3)Wada worth
448. Anderson 94S, Harp 431, Laraen 5D3,
Ireland 442. Btabblef.el.Vi (01 Myen 480,
Heifer 430, Round 353, Walker 384, Vlt
tone 465.
Valley Motor '3 Parker 501, Bullock
BIT, Myera 382, Colwell 464, Doerfler 541.
Salem Pollre (D Prleae 300, Bain 356,
Seipp 435, Mather 440. Main 4.
Hleh Individual game: Vln Oratory of
Barb'a, 234.
High Individual aerlei: Ben Laraen of
Becke & Wads worth. 593.
High team fame: Cal Pak, S41.
Rlzh team aeries: Cal Pak, 3883.
McKay ChOTrolel (3) Oibb 516. Thomp
aon 396, Mlttendorf 423, Bhurtleff 476. An
derson 453: Salem Auto (ft) Dougherty
359. Randall 440, Welle 375, Williams 314,
Dunnlgan 419.
Hammond Body (It Brown 475, Kirr
475, Gardner 453, P. Valdei 640, Hammond
500: Loder Bros, (t) Surratt 453, Baum
fart 441, Downey 448, Farrel 308, Creasey
Sclo (t) Krejel 538, Main 566, Rock
well 431, Denim ore 432, Bchnink 606; Vat
ley Farm Store (1 Bolre 457, Cray 443.
Reenter 4B4, Mnrrli 60S, Sullivan 463.
Whlttaker's Welders 1 Willard 433,
Whlttakfr 411. Lawlfii 466. El wood 471,
Larien 439: Salem Heavy Haollnf (1)
Bulsman 470, Cracroft 445, Wilder 475,
Farley 613, Cracroft, Br. 485.
MoMJott t Foreman 481, F. Pniatt
353, W. Pruett 473, Jaikoikl 370, Buckley
447; Chrls'a Market (1) Myeri 488, Evans
338. Walte 456, Craycroft ,Jr. 437, Sharp
High Ind. fame, Prta Valdti of Ham
mond Body. 378; high Ind. series, Pete
Valrlet of Hammond Body, 640; high team
game, Loder Bros., 877; hlfh team nrlet,
Hammond Body Shop, 1643.
University Alleys
Good HonMkMDlnr 3 Olney 43T, Orbb
444, Jonea 431, Clark 407, Oarbarlno lit.
Plank Cenitrnetlon (1) Oarrlaon 430, 400, Flank 478, GMman 449,
Bchroadsr 384.
Alnandar'a J.walrr (1) Marr.ll 377,
Wock 4S4, Whltloek 330. Tanntr 438, John
Ann 309. RlnrLnd'i Konn.U (3) Blaalc
347. Hall 438, Relnhard 433, Peaaa 404,
Bnyder 400.
United Wbert Allnmcnt 13) Rowland
487, Kaneakl 383. VanDarftoof 413, Moull
baupt 441, RoborUon 480. Lata Plori.l (1)
Llndaor 434. Upston 373, Lull 384, Kan
nan 383, Adolnh 46S.
Randall'a Fine Meat, (1) Stona 417.
Lowrr 335. fichelman 330. Wnltmor, 354,
Bwanaon 411. Anita Rhopa (31 McDanlela
470, Lamon 308, Cauaer 410, Thompaon 438,
Daver 400.
Hlih Individual oamt: Tlrilnla Oarbar
too, 331.
Rlih Individual Mrlai: Tlrilnla Oar
fearlno, B88.
Hlah taara aarlal: Oood Ifouaakaaplnf,
Terminal lea (1) Weaton 448. Ollmora
801, Santee 403, Thronrberrr 471, Soma
401. Burkland, Lumber (31 t. Webb 430,
A. Rankin 410, R. Brink 410, D. Burkland
133. H. Webb SU.
Standard Station! Ina. (01 Reddlnl
411. KopUchke 387, Specht 300. Purdr 388.
Knuth 394. Rrtnlniton Rand 13) Colburn
810, Klmmrll 348, Rabolo 430, Uanafleld
431. Crlajiwcll 811.
Malm'i Cberron Station (1) Malm 433,
Wanner 4B3. Karn 403. Kepplnaer 383,
D. Werner 341. Mark Llnd (31 Oray
103. Folk 410, Raabrook 388, Wtleon 453,
Morton 303.
Salem Heatlnf Sheet Metal (8) Yapp
438. Moorman 304. Oladow 430, Lewla 357,
Evana 431. Peaeock Cleaner, (1) Sawyer
417, Volk 434, o. Sawyer 348, Alexander
443. fialatrom 304.
HtKh Individual fame: Don Burkland
of Burkland Lumber. 307.
Hlah Individual aerial: Don Burkland of
Burkland Lumber, 533.
Hlah team aerial: Maok A Lind, 3980,
NBA changes that will go Into
effect December 15, says the
whole idea is to keep teams from
"trading fouls" in the closing
minutes, by eliminating some of
the incentive to foul and by tell
ing the referees not to toot their
whistles unless there's a real
foul. Sounds good from here.
Quote, Unquote
Barry Rabenhorst, Louisi
ana State basketball coach:
"Kentucky Is the No. 1 bas
ketball team in the southeast
ern conference. Don't any
body feel sorry for Adolpb
Rupp, We had a conference
meeting the other day and
Adolph was making conces
sions to all of us."
Sports Before Your Eyes
Ohio State will be the first
team to fly to the Rose Bowl . . .
and the worst gag is that the
Buckeyes will get off to a cloudy
start . . . Former Lightweight
Champion Sammy Angott, who's
attempting a comeback, hopes to
make a movie based on his ca
reer. Sammy, okayed yesterday
by N. Y. commission doctors,
takes on Tony Riccio in Newark
next week . . . Oregon State's
Slats Gill puts in a plug for Gene
Connolly as the lad who may
lead Washington State to the
northern division basketball
title in the Pacific Coast confer
ence. Then Slats adds: "He also
will be heard from when he goes
into professional baseball, which
I hope will be very soon." . . .
A "neutral" who usually knows
the pitch says that neither of the
big pro football leagues has
made a move toward getting to
gether with the other but that
doesn't mean that they won't.
Cleaning the Cuff
The Norfolk, Va Sports
club, which last year picked
Charley Justice as the most
valuable player In the south
ern conference, passed him up
this year to honor Buddy Shoaf
of Virginia's non-conference
team . . . And in Roanoke, Va., I
Shoaf's home town, the quar
terbacks honored Johnny Pa
pit . .'. The hoss experts who
gathered for the thoroughbred
racing associations meeting last
week picked Tom Gray's Oil
Capitol as the horse most like
ly to be the favorite when the
Derby winter book comes out.
... No doubt there'll be a lot
of oil (and other) capital in
vested on his chances.
Rasslers Keep
Pot Boiling by
Decision Debate
One of those things that bobs
up in professional wrestling to
assist in keeping the pot boiling
was staged at the armory Tues
day night. As an upshot of the
performance the Salem Boxing
and Wrestling commission was
delegated the task of rendering a
The "Great Atlas" and George
Dusette were involved in the
main event which was awarded
to Dusette on a "foul" although
Atlas had him down with a full
nelson. Atlas failed to comply
with the referee's order to loos
en the hold and as a result the
match went to Dusette.. In all
probability the two will meet
Buck Weaver took one fall
over Cal Roberts and Dale Kiser
beat Bill McEuin In the prelims
Church League
The Church basketball league,
operating on a three division ba
sis according to age, will start
competition next Monday night
on the Parrish and senior high
school physical education courts.
The "A" division, which has
no age limitations on the play
ers, will include teams represent
ing Jason Lee, Free Methodist,
First Baptist, First Methodist,
Nazarene, First Christian, First
Presbyterian, First Evangelical
UB and Calvary Baptist.
Limmmil! H I IIIIMaaaaaaa3aOaaaaoaMaaae
Modest Coach
UCLA football Coach Henry (Red) Sand
ers (center) stands between two student
cheer leaders who direct demonstration at Sanders' Los
Angeles home in effort to persuade him not to consider a
reported offer to leave for a Florida coaching position. To
the hundreds of students gathered for the rally Sanders said,
"I don't think any football coach Is worth this much ex
citement," but he failed to indicate the status of the offer.
(Acme Telephoto)
The "B" division, with a top
age limit of 20, includes St.
Mark's Lutheran, First Bap
tist, First Methodist, Church
of God, Knight Memorial,
Liberty Church of Christ, First
Christian, Court Street Chris
tian, First Presbyterian, Cal
vary Baptist and Leslie Metho
dist. The "C" division, age limit 16
years: State School for the Deaf,
St. Mark's Lutheran, First Bap
tist, First Methodist, Knight
Memorial, First Presbyterian,
Jason Lee and Calvary Baptist
Waitkus Awarded
Baseball Plaque
Baltimore, Dec. 7 (JP) Eddie
Waitkus, Philadelphia Phllly
first baseman who was shot last
season by a woman in Chicago,
Tuesday was awarded the
"achievement plaque of the Na
tional Baseball Congress.
Monmouth Noses
Phils, 46 to 41
Monmouth The Monmouth
Wolverines nosed Philomath 46
to 41 Tuesday night in a cage
event that saw the score change
sides several times before the
final decision. The game was
played at Philomath and the two
clubs wijl meet here Wednesday
At the end of the first quar
ter Monmouth led, 14-9. PhilO'
math held a 24-22 half time ad
vantage and was out in front,
35-33 at the end of the third
The Monmouth Bees won the
prelim, 34-12.
Monmouth (48)
Lytic 33
Roseiutock 8
Thompaon 8 C...,
Bu&a 13 0.,,,
Loeh 3 0...,
(41) Philomath
10 Howard
, 9 Daria
, 3 Couey
4 Olaon
Duckpin Bowling
Orvtl'i Uid Cti-i (4) BUI LapKhlei
173, Aim idem Lpichti 303, Chtiiai Lp
chl. 374. Kt-Uj Lapichlu 331; O.K. Bib
ber Weldert (Forfeit),
Marion Motori ft) Ellt Mm 8ohrf 3ft4.
Barry Bcharf 301, Paullrit Oiborn 3M, Em.
try Alderman 403; Oenerat Finance (It
F-rancii Miller 404. Martha Fejei 3M, Aim
Penny 408, Em II Be holt 487.
Lloyd'i A ni Painting (4) Harold Dun.
an 389, BUI Duncan IBS, Claldui Wood
404. Tom Wood BP4; Capp Cm Cara 0
Dirk Buieh 419. Jan Buich 3M, Wyetta
Cappi 340. Leater Cappi 401.
Ralem Mrrrhani Patrol (4) Audrey
0teel 368, Mllbert Jacob r 378, Betty lmt
346, Bob Helttrom 380: Cora'l Seat Corer
Co. (0 Bud Booth 399, Opal Cappi 384,
Lucille Allen 330, Carol Cappi 4O0.
High team aerlei, Lloyd'i Auto Paint
ing, 177fl: hlRh team tame. Oeneral Fi
nance, 807; high tad. game and aeries, Tom
Wood (Lloyd's Auto Paint), 310 and 894.
Keda Drive Inn )) Duane Prank 470,
Oeoria Reed 408, Warn Frank 437, John
Nolan 430, Emery Alderman 173. Cappt
fied Curt (1) Bill Campbell 480, Carol
Oappa -v3, Howard Smith 444, Lester
Cappa 437, ftddle Hensel 439.
Sunset Dnats (D Royal Pawley 457. B.
T. CuahJrjg 401, Cliff Reed 439, Duane
Ohretian 408, Bxt 417. Frosty Olsea (3
Tom Wood 605, Arnle Merer 531, Kmll
Be hoi i 434, B1U Oftuthttr 416, Kddla Har
rUon 609.
Lei Newmans Jim Llnhart 384, Sam
Foi 435, Bert Eahelmen 330, Harvey Foi
167, Bill Nelmeyer 348. H elders Radio (31
Lea Dolie 508, Leonard Cappa 341, Leon
Btull 400, Paul RuweU 413, Keith Kara
Micks Sla-n Shew (II Art Mara. rut
464, Mllbert Jacober 467, B. B. Bneiirove
187, BUI Moad 407, Francla Miller 364.
Davis oil (3i Carl Wilcox 416, Wayne
Fields 416, Bud Booth 409, Olen Blantoa
AOS. Jerry DavU 559.
High team wrlw: Proaty Olsen. 3418.
Hlih team game: Mlclu Sign Shop, 848.
High Individual aerie: Jerry Davli (Da
vis Oil) 659.
Buth Individual game: BtU Moa4 (Mloka
75 watt pistol rrlp gives
perfect balance. Spring
construction cushions pres
sure for delicate work and
keeps gun grip cool. . . .
Chrome plated over nick
el and copper to resist cor
rosion. U. L. Approved.
Complete with 6 cord. (13)
A most attractively priced
square with level and scrlb
er. 12 Inch steel blade grad
uated In 8th, 16th, 32nd. A
handy tool to have around
the home work shop.
This is a well-made ham
mer suitable for most 165
home work I
Keystone K4 Hand Saw
made by Disston with 20 In.
Blade. A high quality Saw.
Just right for that O50
young carpenter . . . .
Rollfast CUB SIZE Bike
Comet in choice of color in either boys or girls
models witr puncture proof rubber tires
"New Departure" coaster brakes Troxel
spring seat Baked on enamel finish and in
either the 16" or 20" size.
Limited Supply .... NOW ONLY
6" Angle Type Wrench . 98c
8 Light Tree Set . Spec. 69c
Assorted Pocket Knives Ea 49c
Boys Tool Kits 395 and 595
Heating Pad ...... 495
Counselor Bath Room Scale 539
Streamlined precis I o n
built . . . Chrome plated
with knobs In red, yellow
and white. A sharp easy-to-operate
piece of machinery
that does the job In a wink
of the eye. An Item every
housewife needs and wants.
Round, transparent plastic
cover with grooved plastic
base to insure an air tight
seal. Available In red, yel
low, or Ivory. A very prac
tical and attractive gift at
an even more attractive
ea Dial IM AveM In.
Cauiad by
OnrflMtod Faf
Whm Frying P
rireM, Flak
Ellmlmr. Goaaawnk am4
Spoil.!.. Foll.w Hi.
Exact TampOTarurw
Wh.B Miking CanrfiM,
Jellim, or Cke I dap,
This Year
See Our Complete Stock
Heise and
Red Wagons
"Tailored to fit your
We'll Lay-o-WayTill
Christmas If Desired
Lane Court Votes Permit
On Eugene D League Park
Eugene, Ore., Dec. 7 Oper.
atlon of a Eugene club in the
Far West, Class D, Baseball
league became more than a pos
sibility Tuesday when the Lane
county court voted unanimous
ly to grant a special permit to
George Solberg for the construc
tion of a ball park in the Bethel
district north of Eugene.
The park will be laid out on
a 10-acre tract and A. A. Had-
ler, who owns a franchise in the
Far West league, will operate
the ball club.
The Bethel site was secured
after negotiations for use of
the Lane county fairgrounds
had failed. Permit to operate
in the Bethel district was
given over the protests of
some 75 residents who live In
the area involved.
It is expected the plant will
be available for the opening of
the 1950 season next spring.
The granting of a permit for
the construction of a ball park
north of Eugene for use ot A.
A. Hadlcr apparently elimi
nates the possibility of a
Western International league
club being operated there next
season. Joe Gordon, Cleveland
Indian infielder, recently was
in conference with Bill Mul
ligan of Portland concerning
the purchase of the Salem
Senator franchise. Nothing
came out of the negotiations.
(Br the Associated Pre)
Franklin (Portland, 47, Mllwsukl 37.
Benson (Portlind) 40, Centrtl Catholic
PorUarKi) 39.
Vernonla 35, Tillamook 3T.
Forts t Orove S. WlUamlna 46.
Parkdale 41, Cortwtt 40.
Sacred Heart (Salem) 33, Mt. Aniel IS.
Lebanon 54, Junction City 41.
Willamette Frosh 40, Newberc 35.
Eugene 43, Cot t ate Grove 33.
Amity 37. Mewberi B 14.
Cleveland (Portland) 39, Beaverton 30.
Estacada 60, Columbia Prep (Portland)
Wheeler 30, Astoria B 33.
Newport 3. WaJdport 30.
Parkrose 38, Oruham 35.
Odell 43, Cascade Locks 31.
Elmtra 58, Lowell 37.
M ola 11a 37, Rainier 31.
Concordia Academy (Portland) 18, San
dy 37.
Garibaldi 37, Warrenton 31.
Oakrldse 45, Pleaaant H1U 33.
(By the Associated Press)
Oreron State 49, Hew York Dnlr. 45.
omasa 54, Whitman 37.
Vanport 85, Clark J. C. 54.
George Fox 55, Newbers Drugs 54,
Lin field 87, Oregon College 58.
Central Washington 81, Portland TJ. 68.
Boston College 63, Rhode Island State 46,
St. Johns (Bkn.t 80, Louisiana State 49.
Siena 79, Arnold 35.
William and Mary 69. Colby 53.
Cornell 66, Buffalo Univ. 36. .
Columbia 59, Ruwers 46.
Vanderbilt 75, Chattanooga 40.
Duke 74, Hampden -Sydney 59.
Virginia 66, Maryland 56.
MLsslaUlppl 85. Southwestern (Tenn.) 44.
Geo re la 65, Clenuon 57.
Oklahoma Antes 48, Chicago Loyloa 40.
Wisconsin 56, Kansas State 48.
Michigan 79, Miami (Ohio) 48.
craaiey 73, Houston ot.
Pilot Official
Suggests League
Of Independents
Portland, Ore., Dee. 7 U.K
Father Robert Sweeney, chair-
man of the athletic board of eon-
trol at the University of Port
land, said today there waa a pos
sibility of linking six or seven
prominent Pacific coast Inde
pendent schools in a new con
Sweeney said he conferred re
cently with University of San
Francisco officials and that the
proposal was approved by USF
President Father William Dunn
and Athletic Director Joe Kur-harich.
'We all feel that such an or
ganization would be beneficial
for all schools involved," Swee
ney said.
Other schools to be eon
suited on the proposed circuit
are Santa Clara, St Mary's,
San Jose State, Loyola, Col
lege of Pacific and Nevada, he
"But many practical problems
involved in the formation of the
league remain to be worked out,
although we do expect some con
crete moves soon," he said.
DePaul 70, niinou Waslcyan St.
Hamltne 03, Moralnaalde 33.
Rice 57. Ta Tech 45.
Teiaa Wesleran 38, Texaj 35.
Phillip Oiler, 3, Indiana SlaU IS.
Ban Dleffo State 5a. Arlaona. -Stat.
Tempe 38.
Ooneaaa 54, Whitman 37.
Colorado 03, Vmporla (Kaa.) 43.
Eastern Montana 50, South Dakota
Mines 10.
s nere
Open Fridays 'Til 9 P.M.
rTaBOTOTtS 013--.
tj H COMWWaCIM ft. AUW- 0M0H
Yl ihrisfmas MX
Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men
Here Is A Wonderful Opportunity
To Buy Him A Most Wonderful Gift
(Use Our Lay-o-Woy Plan. A Deposit Holds Your Selection Till Christmas)
At 20 Below
our original regular prices. You pocket the cash savings. Spend it where you please
for what you want. We are not waiting till the end of the year to clean out odds and
nds and broken lots. This is a stock reducing pre-inventory sale right now, when you
need new holiday clothes. Your unrestricted choice of our entire stock. Nothing re
served. All new Fall and Winter patterns, colors,, and stylet, in regulars, longs, shorts
and stouts.
We tell yon without reservation, this is one
of the most sensational line-ups of Fall and
Winter Clothes we have ever offered. Ex
pensive worsted suits, velvet-smooth covert
and gabardine topcoats and classy slacks . .
all better-than-ever all at rock bottom mir
acle prices!
See These Terrific Suit Values
Including 2-PANTS SUITS
All to Go at 20 Reductions
WERE $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75
$48, $52, AND $60
100 All Wool Hard Worsted Suits
Fine sharkskin, tick weaves, diagonals, gabar
dines, stripes and solid colon in 1 and I pants
suits. All sties.
See These Super Quality
All to Go at 20 Reductions
WERE $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00
$28, $32, $36, $40
Covert & Gabardine Topcoats
Wrinkle-resistini;, practical match for your suit
wardrobe . . . Cravenette Rain Proof. Tan, teals, '
browns! Single breasted box models, fly front!'
Regulors, Shorts ond Longs
Stocks of
Gabardines, serges, wor
steds, sharkskins and
tweeds in the richest Fall
colors . . . sizes 28 to 44
. . . zippers . . . magic
priced. Were $12.00 to $22.
. America's Fine Fur Felt
In new Fall shapes and
colors. Exclusively hand
made by union craftsmen.
Formerly $7.80 and $10.
New low prices now . . ,
$5 00
You'll Find It Pays All Ways to Buy Your Clothes at J. J.'s
Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men
OPEN 111 9
2 Doors West of Liberty St.
007 State