LL y -u isC'ssw.aiysffi .Mot' , Williams Connects Freddy Dawson, Chicago challenger, in 14th round of fight as he cocks his right for the follow-through. Williams re tained his title in a decision which brought boos from the crowd in Convention hall, at Philadelphia, Fa. (AF Wire Musical Caesar Lowers Baton on School Bands New York, Dec. 7 U.R) James C. Petrillo's musicians' union to day banned the use of college bands at basketball games in Madison Square Garden styling them "a business venture for profit." Officials of six metropolitan colleges said they would fight the order, fearing it might be ex tended to include iooman games and other athletic contests. Local 802 of Petrillo's Ameri tan Federation of Musicians (AFL) imposed the rule in let ters to New York university, Fordham, Brooklyn college, City college, Long Island university, and St. John's college. City college and Long Is land university, matched in a double header tomorrow night against Southern Methodist university and 'Kansas State respectively, immediately told their bands to stay home. But officials of the institutions said they would protest the un- - ion action. ' I! The union contended that pro fessional musicians should be used because the popular Garden matches, which are a big draw ing card for important intersec- Irish to Play Middies in '50 Clevelander Says Cleveland, Dec. 7 (ff) Notre Dame's football team will play Navy here Nov. 4 next year, Ben T. Franklin of -the Chamber of Commerce special events com mittee said today. It will be the. first big game in Cleveland since Nov. 2, 1947, when the Irish beat Navy, 27 to 0. The two teams have played each other here seven times. Quarterback Rates as Champ By FRANK ECK AP Newafeatnrea Sporta Editor New York Bob Hall, former Yale quarterback, will have lit tle trouble recounting the thrills of the past football season. A lawyer and football scout when he's not running off movies of some game, Hall probably has seen more football than any man in the east, and possibly the country, this year. Each Satur day five camera crews under his direction film 2000 feet or one full game each. Monday of each week, Hall views about 10,000 feet of college football. Only the highlights of each game are developed. The rest of the film is junked. Prints go to television stations for one showing only. As many as SO TV cities have seen some of Ball's movies this season. Hall can tell about illegal plays that come up almost every Saturday but he won't because there's a certain amount of se curity Involved. If not, his cam era crews might not be permitted in certain parks. In the Notre Dame - North Carolina game, movies show that All-America Leon Hart of Notre Dame was guilty of a forward handoff when he "lateralled" to Bill Barrett for a touchdown. The officials missed that one. Hall's security stretches to such a point that the games are shown only once on TV and then returned to Hall for his private library, which includes all of the 1914 Yale-Harvard game. His crews take pictures in semi-slow motion. To show them in slow motion would tip off a number of plays to coaches of rival teams. Hall, a keen grid analyst, fur ' nishes his own commentary for his movies. He has been a football addict since being graduated from Yale In 1929 after three seasons as Ike Williams, lightweight cham pion, lands a hard left on chin of tional matches, are a big busi- nesj. The union therefore "suggest ed" that "You discontinue the use of your own orchestras and bands if they have been perform ing at athletic events in the Gar den in the past." The union, signed by local 802 Vice President Samuel Suber, did not say what action would be taken if the colleges did not comply with the un ion's demand. However officials of the Gar den, who are taking a "neutral stand" in the controversy, noted tnat it could be placed on a un ion "unfair" list which would not allow the popular sports and amusement arena to hire profes sional Bands for its numerous other attractions. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Beavers Climb on Victory Wagon with Win over NYU (By the Auoctated Preas) ' With a spine-tingling rally that netted six points in the fin al 13 seconds, Oregon. State's Pa cific coast conference title de fenders climbed back onto bas ketball's victory wagon last night by defeating New York university 49-45 in Madison Square Garden Bob Hail, former Yale quarterback, is shown dictating the action during a recent football game to a portable machine. After the game Coach Herman Hickman of Yale listens to what happened on each play. Maybe the gadget will help Herman next season. His Bulldogs won only four games this fall. ' signal caller for the- Eli. He coached the Yale backs for three years under Mai Stevens. While attending Yale law school in '34 he scouted Princeton. That fall the Eli beat the Tiger, 7-0. Hall's scouting helped. To the Hollywood technique of taking movies of football, Hall has added electronic dictation. "Football scouts can't afford to miss one play," says the slightly built Hall. "That's why I've been using a portable dictat ing machine all season at Yale's home games. It's impossible to watch every play and make notes at the same time. With the portable dictating machine merely slip a plastic belt into place. It takes 15 or 30 minutes Brown Bomber to Take on Frisco Fighter Wednesday Chicago, Dec. 7 (P) Joe Louis, nearly 20 pounds over his championship fighting weight, takes on San Francis co's Pat Valentino in a 10 round exhibition in Chicago stadium tonight. The 226-pound Louis, ris ing out of his swivel chair, as a promoter, will pull on 10 ounce gloves in an appearance he hopes will pull in custom ers for his International Box ing club. The IBC, with Louis as a director, has hit an all time low in attendance in sta ging Chicago stadium shows. The mop-haired Valentino was rated as Ezzard Charles' No. 1 heavyweight contender for the NBA crown last Aug ust. Valentino gave Charles a close fight for seven rounds before being kayoed in the eighth. Louis ' says he will try to tag the San Francisco swing er in a hurry. Valentino pins hopes of an upset over the heavier ex-world champion with a furious body attack and ability to withstand Lou is' punches. Valentino figures to scale 185. Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1949 The Beavers trailed 45-43 when Bill Harper snared a violet pass in midcourt and raced in for a hook shot to knot the count. Five seconds later, with both sides fighting desperately to con trol the ball, New York's Bob Derderian fouled Bob Payne and the sophomore forward convert ed to put OSC out in front. Grid Watcher of dictation and can be mailed or delivered immediately to the coach." Hall believes the new machine soon will be standard equipment for a football scout or coach. "It eliminates' mistakes," says Hall. SALEM WOMEN BOWLERS SCORE IN SEATTLE MEET The Golden Pheasant girls' team entered in a Seattle bowl ing tournament last week-end entered a 2629 score with the doubles team of Beryl Muell- haupt and Shirley Laird regis tering a 1207. One game of the doubles score posted by Muell haupt was a 267. Tribe Steals Diamond Show By$100,000SaltzmanDeal Baltimore, Dec. 7 (R Bill Veeck, dynamic ex-president of the Cleveland club is gone but the Indians are still stealing the show from the rest of the major league clubs. While the others were feint ing and fencing but apparently accomplishing nothing in their efforts to swing the first big trade at the minor league con vention, the Indians came up with one of the finest pitching prizes in the minors. He is Hal Saltzman, 24-year-old righthander who won 23 and lost 13 for the Port land club of the Pacific coast league. General Manager Hank Greenberg of the Indians, who announced the purchase last night, said Saltzman cost the Cleveland Indians five players besides an undisclo sed amount of cash. He esti mated the deal represented a $100,000 purchase. Apparently taking his cue from the Indians, Frank Lane, general manager of the Chicago White Sox announced the pur chase of outfielder Bob Wilson fro mSacramento of the PCL for three unidentified players and cash. That, too, was a $100,000 investment, according to Lane. Both are regarded highly by veteran observers. Saltzman, a University of Oregon pro duct who played for the Salem Rocky Shows Disgust at Failure to Kayo Home Cleveland, Dec. 7 VP) Rocky Graziano, once the kayo king of the middleweight?, today shrug ged off a rusty performance against George (Sonny) Horne and growled: 'You can't knock 'em all out. Some nights you can't knock AMITY DRUBS SECOND STRING NEWBERG TEAM Amity Newberg high's sec ond string was beaten 37 to 14 by Amity high Tuesday night as the latter opened the basketball season. Avery Nelson scored 13 points for Amity to take top honors. Page 17 That was the game, but Len Rinearson iced it at the final gun with a lay-in shot and added a free throw after the game ended. His 13 points were high for the victors. Oregon State trailed 19-9 early in the first half, fought back to a 24-24 deadlock at halftime and moved out to a seven-point ad vantage in the second period only to see it vanish before the New Yorkers' attack. The victory sent the Beav ers off to Madison, Wis., with an even break in two road starts. They meet the Wis consin Badgers tomorrow night. While Oregon State was tak ing intersectional honors, the Northwest's cage slate was rather clean. Linfield put on a 17-point ral ly in the final four minutes to dump Oregon College of Educa tion 67-56 at Monmouth, Ore.; Gonzaga spoiled Whitman's home debut with a 54-37 verdict; Van port whipped Clark Junior col lege 65-54 and Central Washing ton nipped Portland university 61-58 as reserve guard Larry Dowen scored from the floor and Dean Nicholson and Fred Peter son converted charity tosses in the closing minute and a half. OSC (48) (4 NVU O rPfTp O FPfTp Storey.f 0 2 2 2 Becker.f 2 2 4 8 Snyder.f 2 1 4 ft Kaufman.t 4 S 4 14 Crand&U.f 1 0 2 2 8chaf(,f 0 111 Fleming.' 0 0 0 0 Barry.f 0 0 0 0 Klnney.c 0 0 10 Tustln.e 0 10 1 Rlneariion.e 4 ft 1 13 Hendry.e 112 3 Padgett.e 0 111 Jensen.e 10 0 2 Ballntyne.i 3 ft 2 11 Welsnlasa.e 0 0 1 0 Harper.i 114 3 QuUty.g 113 3 Peyne.f 4 2 0 10 Derdrlao.f 4 3 ft 11 watt.g 1 0 4 2 Remer.g 3 0 4 4 Holman.f 0 0 2 0 Braseo.g 0 0 0 0 TOtall IB 17 23 4B TOtaU IS 1ft 24 45 Halltlme: Oregon state 24; NYU 24. Free throwa mined: Oregon state Sto rey, CrandaU, Kinney 2, Ballantyne, Har per, Payne, Watt 2. NYTJ Becker, Kauf man 2, Bchaff 4, Jenien 2, Tuittn, Qullty 3, Derderian 2. Joe Cronin slugged five pinch home runs in 1943 for the Bos ton Red Sox for the American league record. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Him ixw Dee. 1 3 M ft.m. 1:01 in Dee. I 3 AO a m. - J:3S p.m. i : P-tn. -0 T Dec. f 4:33 .m. 6.7 8 29 ft-tn. 1.9 3:09 P.m. 8 A 10:38 p.m. -O S Dee. 10 5:07 a.m. 8.9 10:37 a.m. 3.9 4:03 p.m. 8 1 11:15 P.m, -0.3 Dec. 11 5:52 a.m. 7.2 11:37 a.m. I.( 1:04. p.m. 7.8 Senators, is generally regard ed as the top pitching prospect on the cosat. He pitched 22 complete games last year and fanned 120 in 276 innings. To get the youngster, the In dians had to top the offers of three rival big league clubs. Greenberg said both New York clubs and the Chicago White Sox were after him. In addition to about $30,000 in cash, the In dians gave up outfielders Hal Peck and Luis Marquez from their own roster. Third base man Steve Mesner and pitcher Charles (Red) Adams from San Diego and a fifth player to be Hauk Names Quintets for Coach Harold Hauk, hoop mentor of the Salem high Vi kings, announced his official traveling squad to the Klam ath Falls invitational tourney Wednesday morning. After three weeks of prac tice sessions Hauk has chosen his starting quint from some 40 bounce-ball artists that turned out at the beginning of the season. Making the jaunt to K-Falls anybody out." Rocky meant his disgust, too He won his third straight 10-round decision over Horne last night at the Cleveland News' 24th annual Christmas fund show. But he got socked pretty hard in the last five rounds. Graziano's trainer. Whitey Bimstein, wasn't so pessimistic. "You did all right, consider ing it was only your second fight in just about a year," con soled Bimstein. "You needed that one under your belt." Rocky's last fight was a kayo over another hot title conten der, Charley Fusari, in the 10th round. In the third round, Home's face took on a silly expres sion when Granziano slam med his jaw with a hard right. He started sinking. Again in the fifth, the same thing happened. But in both cases the bell clanged in time. The life started to ooze out of Rocky after that, and Horne be gan to look around with more interest. He raised a cut over Rocky's left eye in the sixth and worked studiously on that for the remainder of the bout. FOREST GROVE NUDGES WILLAMINA,56T0 46 Willamina In a game that was fairly close all of the way, Forest Grove outscored Willa mina high, 56 to 46 Tuesday night. Forest Grove held a 29 to 24 half time 1 e a d . Willamina salvaged the preliminary, 33 to 31. IT'S HtKt! i" BOU16RS 7j a nuns A riAt I f,U it oniy Mom tamrr hilum are doc fe iKk-of-watrr. With the araaaag NIGL.LYTE Bamrr 70. tuw rout 1 lem is ur worn K uknio at GeorontMd In Writing ! row oWi M a J? ONCf A MONTH . moltwm 1 Sold by the following dealers: West Scio Garage Scio, Oregon 8 & S Time Service 1095 So. 12th St., Salem Lana Ave. Service Station Lana Ave. & Silverton Rd., Salem Davis Oil Co. 2320 Fairgrounds Rd., Salem Four Corneri Service Station Penn Four Corners - Salem Dauenhauer Shell Service 39B0 E. Center St. - Salem Brush College Service Station Wallace Road, Salem Yunger's Shell Service Rt. 1, Salem Zielinski Repair Rt. 7, Salem Rickard's Auto Repair Rt. 7, Salem W. K. CARR DISTRIBUTING CO. Wholesale 690 Gaines St. Salem, Oregon Phone 3-7894 named before Feb. 15. Marquez played with Portland, where he hit .394 last year. Wilson, only 20. hit .246 for Sacramento in 106 games last season, but was out of the line up most of the early campaign with a broken foot. His hits in cluded 13 doubles, three triples and 11 home runs. He batted .384 for Wenatchce of the West ern Interntional league in 1948. The record breaking minor league draft of 218 players for $439,850 will wind up today with the "delayed" selection just before the official opening of the National Association conven tion. Traveling Tourney via the Shasta Daylight train Thursday morning are the starting quint, Don McKenzie, Jim Rock, Doug Rogers, Deb Davis, and Captain Daryl Gi rod. His second string mem bers listed for the jaunt are forwards Dick Deen and Lar ry Paulus, Wayne Walling, center, and Larry Chamberlin and Gene Garver in the guard slots. When the Viking hoopsters arrive at the southern Oregon ' city they will draw for their first opponent from La Grande, Tigard, and Klamath Falls, hoop teams. The scoring situation is still a major headache to Hauk but he may find some answers at the tourney on the basis of game performance Eagleman Kayoed In Quick Seattle Fighting Card Seattle, Dec. 7 W) A five- bout boxing card lasted less than eight full rounds here last night with John L. Davis, Oak land Negro, climaxing the streamlined fistic show with a two-round knockout of Billy Eddy of Detroit. Davis weighed 139, Eddy 141. The match had been scheduled for 10 heats. Not a bout went the full dis tance. Eddie Gotton, 166, Seattle, knocked out John L. Sullivan, 172, Portland, in one round; Tommy Umeda, 125, Seattle, kayoed Mel Eagleman, 126, Che mawa, Ore., in two; Mel Scott, 144, Seattle, dropped Rosco Wright, 144, Seattle, in one; and Johnny O'Day, Portland, won on a foul in the second round from Frank Crane, 160, Seattle. OCE Grid Coach To Speak Before Ham 'h Eggers Coach Bill McArthur of the Oregon College of Education football squad, will be guest speaker during Friday morning's Salem Breakfast club program. McArthus's Wolves recently com pleted a season uf straight vic tories, with no defeats or ties against their record. far 53 M Montr Warren's Garage Scio, Oregon Roy's Associated Service Station Brooks, Oregon Lichty & Miller Central Howell North Howell Chevron Service North Howell Pratum Garage Pratum, Oregon Chic's Mobil Service Stayton, Oregon Cochran's Texaco Service Jefferson, Oregon John's Garage Buena Vista, Oregon Selfer & Mall Motor Co. Silverton, Oregon Santiam Garage Mill City, Oregon Thar's Gold in Thet Thar Bowl Dallas, Tex., Dec. 7 m Notre Dame and Southern Methodist each received $116, 477 as their share of the gate receipts from their football game last Saturday. The 75,000 plus fans who watched the game in the Cot ton Bowl paid a gross of $261,-424. National Hoops Go Into Action Wednesday Night The National division of the City basketball league, sponsor ed by the city and public school playgrounds department, will start firing Wednesday night at Leslie junior high school. Six of the seven quints will see action beginning at 7 o'clock when the Marine Reserves meet Post Office. At 8 o'clock Capi tal Business College and Naval Reserve will clash and an hour later Burrough Inn and Citv Transit Lines will compete. Na tional Guard draws a bye. The first round of competition will end January 25. Portland Golf Angel Turns Down Western Open Portland, Dec. 7 (P) Robert Hudson, Portland's golfing angel, says he has turned down a pro posal to hold the Western Golfing open here next year. But, he added, Portland will get the 1952 event. Hudson, a food packer and wholesaler who sponsors golfing events on the side, said he talked the matter over with Maynard Fessenden of Chicago yesterday. Pessenden is retiring president of the Western Golf association. When Bob Feller of Cleveland struck out 348 batters in 1946, he broke a record that had stood since 1904. Bearcats Face Weekend Tests with Chico Crew Chico State, seeking experi ence and smooth operations be fore plunging into the Far West conference season, will engage Willamette here Friday and Sat urday nights on the basketball floor. The Wildcats will remain over for two tilts with Linfield early next week. Champions ot the conference last season with a record of 14 wins and two losses, Chico State is expected to provide Coach Johnny Lewis' quint with con siderable competition. However, the Wildcats are not giants in stature, their tallest regular being Jim Armstrong, center, who is 6 feet 3. The Chico squad includes two all-conference men from last year In Jater Cowan and Lyle Olson. The latter is a rubber legged individual of 6 feet 2. The Wildcats broke even with LEBANON TOPS JUNCTION CITY CAGERS BY 27-24 Lebanon Lebanon high de feated Junction City, 84 to 41 at Junction City Tuesday night. The preliminary went to Le banon, 27 to 24. VIII J IHCJ I CANADIAN I WHISKY i bears this label. . . HARWOOD'S IS CANADA'S FINEST Harwood's Is the master piece of Canada's largest Independent Distillery. To millions, it has become the Canadian Whisky which they can always depend on for quality. Every sip tells the tame story of light, mellow, velvety flavor. Atk for Hakwood'I today FIFTHS $5.05 pints $3.20 aft BLINDED CANADIAN ENFIELD IMPORTERS, LTD., NEW YORK m. Gridiron Opening Draws Mail Stack To Cougar School Pullman, Wash., Dec. 7 VP) Applications for Wash Ington State college's head football coaching job are stacking up, but school officials haven't even started to consider them. That's the word from Bob Brumblay, graduate manager of Cougar athletics. He said the athletic council will meet De cember 16 but the main topic to come before them is formal ac ceptance of Phil Sarboe's resig nation. Sarboe, meanwhile, disclosed he had received two offers of new coaching berths. He de clined to identify the schools, however "mainly because I'm not sure I'll continue coaching." Silverton Foxes Trim Hopster's Varsity and Bees Silverton Silverton high cagers took both ends of a double bill Tuesday night. The first string defeated the Indepen dence Hopsters 34 to 32 while the preliminary went to the lo cal Bees 28 to 24. The Foxes held a 23-12 lead at half time. Silverton (St) (Si) Indrp. 10 Frykberg .... 3 Foster .. 4 Harwood .... 6 Dnvls Mccreary 8 .. ....F ,,..F Oustafson 2 ., Cooper ft Burr s Kolllrr 11 Posey Subn: silverton Kirk 2; Indep., Robin- Bearcat Frosh Defeat Newberg Although they trailed 15 to 11 at the half way mark, Willa mette university's freshman bas ketball quint came back to de cision Newberg high Tuesday night, 40 to 25. WU Frosh (40) 5 Newt-err BonowlUs ...P 13 Rosen ...P 3 Hoy ...C l Byers ...G 7 Krueser Han tie 2 Smith 2 . Jewell 10 Miller . -G a Crabtree Subs: Proah Oreen 11, Denny a. the University of Nevada over the week-end. In the meantime, Coach Lewis is working his cagers diligently in an effort to eradicate the rough spots that were obvious against College of Puget Bound. Cardinals Score 32-25 Win Oyer Mt. Angel Preps Sacred Heart Academy Cardi nals basketball players decision- ed the Mt. Angel Preps, 32-25 Tuesday night in a non-league contest. The Cards held the up per hand all of the way, having a 27-17 margin at half time. The preliminary went to the S.H.A. Bees 35-28. The contestants will meet for a return engagement on the Mt. Angel court next Sunday after noon. S. 11. A. (S-j) (8fi) M(. Anael Ecker 5 P 2 Bocrutler Staudlnaer 7 ....P 9 Payaeno Colloran 5 0 5 Ucyor Weer 7 0 4 Donley Cooney S 0 4 Sod.rbprg Subn: 8. H. A.. Weber S: Mt. Ansel. Traeaer 1. m PWlrtOIBJI l&JX 1 w wwoodi WHISKY 90.4 P'OOf 0