8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, December 6, 1949 Hi To U.S. Dead in Britain Model of American Memorial chapel honoring U.S. war dead in British Isles, planned in reconstruction of St. Paul's cathedral, London. College Student Kills Beauty, But Fails on Suicide Pledge Evansville, Ind., Dec. 6 (U.B A 22-year-old bespectacled col lege student claimed Monday that he killed his beautiful 16-year-old sweetheart with a hammer in a suicide pact at her request, hut failed to take his own life when his "last nerve cracked." Franklin Thomas Slay, Griffin, Quints Reported Born, Colombia Medellin, Colombia, Dec. 6 VP) Quintuplets live boys and all In good health were born sev eral days ago to Maria Arroyave In the little town of Angostura. Reports of the birth arrived by telegram from the mayor of Angostura only yesterday. The quintuplets have been baptized Fermln, Ramlro, Rod rigo, Nabor and Francisco. Their father's name i Alfonso. The governor of the depart ment (state) of Antioquia or dered the mother and children brought from their town, 50 miles northeast of here, to Med ellin where they are to be given the best medical attention. Berning Herd Tops Them All C. J. Berning of Mt. Angel topped an reeoras in ine mar Ion County Dairy Herd Improve ment association this year. Berning's pure bred Holstein herd of 24 cows average 554.9 pounds of butterfat per cow. Number 24, a registered Hol stein cow, made the very high record of 750.3 pounds of but terfat in 305 days during 1949. The Earl Alexander Jersey herd at Woodburn came in sec ond high In the herd averages with 19 cows recording an even 500.0 pounds of butterfat per cow. H. Mikkelson and Son of Woodburn took third place with 30 pure bred Jerseys that made 489.5 pounds of butterfat per cow. O. A. Parton's Jersey herd at Woodburn came In fourth place this year. Parton had topped the association In 1948. Thirty-three herds on test dur ing the year averaged above the 375 pound butterfat record. Ninety-five Individual cows were on the honor roll in the 500 pound class. C. J. Berning had nine head on this prized honor roll. H. Mikkelson and Son had 10. Some other herds with a number of cows on the honor roll are W. H. Brandt, Guernseys at Sllverton; Neil Miller and Fred Davis, Jerseys at Woodburn; S. R. Barry, Jer soys at Aumsvllle; Jim Daugh erty, Jerseys at Woodburn, and Mt. Angel College, Holsteins Officers elected for the coming year were Fred Davis of Wood burn, president, and Floyd Bates of Salem, vice president. Robert Barnes of Sllverton was made secretary-treasurer replacing V. E. Goln of Jefferson. Treasur ers of I. O. Williamson, Aurora, and Lester Pearmine, Gervals. L. L. Lee of Aumsvllle and O. A. Parton of Woodburn were continued as directors. DHIA supervisors are Peter Mitchell, Leonard Chlnn and David Nell Andrews. Many Errors of Judgment Are the Result of Errors in Seeing No One Can Do Their Best Work If Their Vision b Faulty Dr. S. A. Wheatley OPTOMETRIST 1 25 Court St. Ph. 1-4469 th 34f wSi), ft . -I J Ind., sat in his jail cell here Kentucky authorities arrived I to take Slay to Hopkinsville, and he waived extradition. He asked to see his mother before he left and the request was granted. Christian County Coroner R G. Ramsey said no autopsy would be performed on Mary and read Detective Story maga zines after confessing to the hammer slaying of Mary Ellen Harmon, Nov. 26 near Hopkins ville, Ky., about 90 miles south of here. He said he backed down on his half of the suicide pact when he lost his nerve as he stood on a nearby bridge, poised to leap. Ellen s body "We have all the facts we need in the boy's confession," Ram' sey said. An Evansville police examination made of the body showed she had been hit six times on the back of the head, in addition to the blows necessary to make a hole three inches in diameter above her left ear. 'Lucia Bride' Norma Free man, 20, of Chicago wears a crown of six lighted candles after being chosen "Ameri can Lucia Bride" or "Queen of Light" in New York City. She and four runners-up will fly to Stockholm, Sweden, to participate in the Christmas holiday Santa Lucia festival. The festival Is held In honor of Lucia, a Silician girl who was burned at the stake for witchcraft In the year 304 A.D. (AP Wirephoto.) From coatt-to-oatt, From border to border, Here's the brand The twreWs order. Better-tastinz Calvetl CALVERT BB8ERVI BtRXkd Whlskq -A6. 8 Proof -65 OnOn Neutral Spirit Calvert DUUUera Corp, N.w York Olty j f I I J 3 Salem Men On Nut Program Three Salem men will parti cipate in the program for the 35th annual meeting of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon and Washington in Portland on De cember 8 and 9. Daily sessions will start at 9:30 a. m. in the Neighbors of Woodcraft hall, S. W. 14th and Morrison. Phil Blake, walnut grower In the Keizer district, will parti cipate in a panel discussion of walnut blight control sche duled for 10:30 a. m. Thursday, December 8. At 3 p. m. the same day, Frank McKennon will discuss "Filbert Worm Control Districts." Mc Kennon is chief of the division of plant industry, Oregon state department of agriculture. Arthur E. Oldenburg, Keizer district, will discuss his use of rakes and a portable cleaner for harvesting filberts during a panel discussion on filbert har vesting methods scheduled for 1 p. m. Friday, December 9. Other members of the panel will review their use of stationery hullers, rotary broom pickers and other filbert harvest equip ment. Harry Pearcy, Salem nursery man and nut grower, is vice president of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon and Wash ington and program chairman for the meeting this year. Valley Project to Produce Wealth Portland, Dec. 6 (IP) The Wil lamette valley flood control project and McNary dam on the Columbia river were described yesterday as keys to substantial new economic growth In Oregon Albert Bauer, retiring as president of the Chamber of Commerce, said the flood con trol projects would permit more intensive farming of 400,000 Willamette valley acres flooded annually. "You can compute new wealth to this Immediate area of ap proximately $40,000,000 annu ally," Bauer said in reference to the farmlands. He said heavy industries must now wait until McNary dam hydroelectric power is available in 1953. He reported the Port land area had 54 new industries set up in the past 11 months. Among plants already here, 134 expanded substantially. De Lespinasse Mayor Again Hubbard, Dec. 6 Only 37 ballots were cast at the city elec tion Tuesday which returned Dr. A. F. deLespinasse as mayor, de feating Garfield Voget, former mayor, 17 to 16. The ballot was "blank" and all elected were by the write-in method. Another one-vote margin gave Clarence Friend a seat in the city council over Ben Miller, Ora Morris was re-elected to the oth er council seat and Edward Kel ly returned city treasurer by a wide margin. Returns for the council scat gave Morris 12, Friend 11 and Miller 10. Hermosa Club Guest At Booster Home Gervais Mrs. Howard Boos ter entertained members of the Hermosa club at a 1 o'clock luncheon. The club purchased the annu al tuberculosis seals and planned to send gifts to the Oregon State hospital to be distributed at Christmas. Mrs. George Wadsworth will have the Christmas party at her home December 22 at which time officers will be elected for the ensuing year. MM mmm A Contest to find a mm for tht new low- priced ear in th low-price field thmt will b ddrd to the Kilwr-Fmer line. Fint prite, 110,000.00 ciRh. Over 1000 other caih prim. Every prixe matched, dollar-for-dollar, by caih donation to the Damon Runyon Memo rial Cancer Fund, in honor of ocA individual prut Kinnert Have your Kaiser-Friier dealer r salesman enter an approximate appraisal of your pres ent ear on your Official Entry Blank and you automatically doublt any prlie money yon might win, and double any donation to the Cancer Fund in your honor! Your Kaiter-Frater dealer faai your Official Entry Blank, Contains all rules. Costs nothing to enter. Send in as many entries as you please. See your Kaiser-Frazer D" dealer today for your free entry blank ! L ' 'fe eggi Salem Man Wins Recognition William O'Shea (left), executive secretary of the Small Brewers' committee, Chica go, presents F. W. Shepard, manager Sicks' Brewing com pany, Salem, the first prize blue ribbon awarded the company for its label for Sicks' Select beer. Salem Brewers of Sicks' Beer Win National Label Award In competition with the nation's finest, two first awards for beauty and distinction of design have been won by a Salem firm, the brewers of Sicks' Select Beer, F. W. Shepard, manager of Sicks' Brewing company, Salem, announced today. In national competition with annual convention of the Small Brewers' Association in Chica go, the Sicks' Select label was voted the grand award over all other entries, Shepard disclosed. Immediately following the Chicago convention, the Sicks' label was exhibited at the ex hibition of industrial design and advertising art held at the Mu seum of Fine Arts in San Fran cisco. At this exhibition, where the label competed with others rep resenting a wide range of prod ucts, It was awarded the first prize gold medal design award by a judging committee of seven prominent artists and advertis ing executives. World's 09DSQD DanDS(i5DofDV8iiwDeD0S J3I3 Exclusive! Only Kaiser Traveler givci you this out-sued, steel-shod cargo hold tlmott 10-lett long, with full 33-inch clearance over fold-down tailgate. TEAGUE MOTOR If J more than 400 beer labels at the "Modern American business everywhere Is keenly aware that packaging must be in good taste to appeal to today's discriminat ing public," Shepard said In commenting on the awards. "We feel it Is a distinct honor for an Oregon firm to win two first awards in nationwide competi tion for the excellence of Its la bel design." .E. G. Sick, president of Sicks' Brewing company, In comment ing upon the award, said, "We deeply appreciate this high hon or given to our organization. Mr. Shepard and his associates are to be congratulated on the cre ation of the label design." &JL ffffijLy (r Sportsgear, luggage, lumber or Mi! "pSVig Haul'em away, for tcorlc or play, J W LOUr '"fe'er holdt 'em neat as you pleatel piost useful car! Exclusive! Only Kaiser Traveler has a cargo hatch that swings open clesr to the roof, with 46" minimum width and 38.6 square feet of steel-shod cargo deck space. (Stare Cr IMPLEMENT Firemen Make Building Check Better protection of Salem lives and property is the purpose of a survey now being made of downtown buildings, and which later will be extended to fac tories, schools and apartment houses. Fire Chief W. P. Roble said he had put C. K. Buckholtz, fire man, in charge of the survey. Cards will be prepared show ing danger spots of each build ing, interior plans, including corridors, fire walls, etc., and the cards will be kept on file in the department salvage truck so they may be instantly con sulted by battalion chiefs when going to fires. The salvage truck carries the battalion chiefs to fires. Previous surveys have been made, and Chief Roble says his men are well Informed about all buildings. But the information may escape them under the stress of going to a fire, and that is the purpose of the cards to enable them immediately to re fresh their minds. If anyone sleeps in the build ing that will be noted on the card. Caretakers sometimes sleep in the buildings, the chief said, Shoe Repair Special WED.&THURS. Boys' and Girls' RUBBER HEELS pair DOWNSTAIRS 39 Count 'em ... 6 persons sit in roomy comfort in the Traveler as a luxury sedan; in just 10 seconds it converts into a spacious cargo carrier! 123-inch wheelbase. Thunderhead Engine has gas-saving 7.3-to-l high compression ratio. Nowl Dust and noise sealed out with improved insulation. Now! Famous Tru-line steering made better, safer, stronger. Now! Improved shock absorbers give an even smoother " ride on rough roads. Nowl Silent, "velvet-action" clutch. Now! Re-designed ducts provide better year 'round ventilation. Come in today for a demonstration of the world's most useful car; the 2-cars-in-one Kaiser Traveler for MffiPj CO. and If firemen know that, and know the location of his room, it is possible for the card sys tem to save a life. In the larger buildings metal tags will be placed on windows, indicating those that lead to cor ridors or rooms. Amity Represented At Baptist Session Amity Seven members repre sented theAmity Baptist church at one of the state-wide rallies of the Oregon Baptist State con vention at the White Temple Ffitt "Color-Planner i it n v l COLOR-PLAN FOLDiRS Another FREE Fuller tervke! M0R( COLORS 'MORE DECORATING W-P'fUUR CO 19501 ft 355 N. Liberty Baptist church. Mrs. Andrew Wakeman at tended the women's meeting. Attending the meeting, and dinner and evening session was the rest of the Amity group headed by the pastor, Bruce Wakeman, Alvin Butschman, Tillman Loop, Mrs. Edward Leh man, Robert Lehman and Betty Cowan. St Joseph llS ASPIRIN AT ITS BEST makes decorating easy-quick SORB! Your individual room-schem chosan from dozens of wat( floor, ceiling colon here in your personal "sampler- to help you shop match fabrics moke sure your dream-room comes true! HELP PINTSi 171 S. Liberty Dial 2-3933 St., Salem, Ore: