Auxiliary Initiates Large Group One of the largest classes in Hit iiisiujy ux me giuujj wna ini tiated by Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, last evening. The Past Presidents club ritualistic team put on the initiation, Mrs, Malcolm Came ron as chairman, assisted by Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Helen McLeod, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs, A. W. Lovcik, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs. Hattie Cook, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr. Twenty-eight were initiated in the candlelight ceremony. Guests for the meeting were members of Kingwood auxiliary, Mrs. Irl Folsom, their president, introducing them. The special program features were Christmas songs by Mrs. Frank Burlingham, accompa ' nied by Miss Alice Crary Brown. John C. Kerrick, new com mander for Capital Post No. 9, ' was a visitor at the meeting to give a short talk. For the refreshments and so cial hour, Mrs. Donald Madison was in charge, her committees including Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. John Eichey, Mrs. Florence Ames. Mrs. John Garson arranged the attractive Christmas tea ta ble. Mrs. Irl Folsom and Mrs. Walter Kirk poured. Plans were announced for the Christmas party to be given jointly with the Legion post No. , 9, December 19. Mrs. Lloyd De marest is chairman from Capital unit for the party and is being assisted by Mrs. David H. Ca meron and Mrs. Donald Madison. Announcement was made the Christmas gift shop at the Port land veterans hospital will be open to the public, December 11 between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Two Plan Party For Wednesday Honoring Mrs. Robert Simon, Mrs. Robert Fielder and Mrs. James Miller are to entertain Wednesday evening with a party and shower, the affair to be at the home of Mrs. Simon's sister, Mrs. Cecil Manion. Guests feting Mrs. Simon will be Mrs. Ardelle Newel, Mrs. Ir win Wedel, Mrs. Grace John ston, Mrs. Ronald Hulburt, Mrs. Frances Donaldson, Mrs. Jane White, Mrs. Irene Huston, Mrs. Mary Thurman, Mrs. Vera Mc Gregor, Miss Zelma Hilmur, Miss Mildred Scott, Mrs. Man- ion and the two hostesses. WOODBURN Belle Passi chapter, Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, met Friday af ternoon at the home of Mrs R. H. Pomeroy at Brooks. Mrs. Ada Pomeroy of Salem and Mrs. G. R. Campbell of route 1. Woodburn, were guests. It was reported that a box had been sent to the Kate Dun can Smith school in Georgia and plans were made to send a Christ mas box to the Chemawa Indian school. Mrs. Drexel White was in charge of the program which included a reading by Mrs. G. G. White and piano numbers by Miss Amy Pomeroy, daughter of the hostess. Mrs. Pomeroy was assisted in lerving by her sisters, Mrs. Drexel White and Mrs. Claude Brown. DAYTON The Past Presi dents' club of the American Le gion auxiliary met with Mrs. Will Leckband in McMinnville, Plans were made for the win ter meetings. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Floyd Willert in December. The Past Presidents attending were Mrs. Blanch Ruffener, Mrs. Ada Dresselhouse of Lafayette, Mrs. Milt Murphy, Mrs, Thressa Thornton, Mrs. Elizabeth Wil lert, Mrs. Muriel Sweeney. Pretty Package A cluster of tiny Christmas balls can be attached with cel lophane tape to a package to give an attractive effect. Try blue ornaments on shocking pink paper or red ornaments on green paper. Appointive Officers in Job's Daughters Listed ADDointive officers for the next term in the Salem bethel of Job's Daughters, No. 35, were announced at the. meeting of the group last evening by Miss Ann Gibbens, the incoming nonorea aueen. Installation for the new elective and appointive officers will be the evening of December 19.' The elective officers with Miss Gibbens include: Miss Harriet Hiday, senior princess; Miss Mary Campbell, junior prin-l cess; Miss Jackie Jones, guide;i Miss Shirley Bier, marshal. Miss Gibbens listed the fol lowing as her appointive offi cers: j Miss Leona Todd, first mes-l senger; Miss Judy foreman, second messenger; Miss Patri-j cia Todd, third messenger; Miss: Carol Hewitt, fourth messenger; Miss Jean Hartwell, fifth mes senger; Miss Patricia Snider, chaplain; Miss Leslyn Burdette, treasurer; Miss Margaret Bown, recorder; Miss Mauryne Nich ols librarian; Miss Sally Ras mussen, senior custodian; Miss Barbara Anderson, Junior cus todian; Miss Anna Mae Lock enour, musician; Miss Marilyn Pride, inner guard; Miss Ann Fowler, outer guard; Miss Bev erly Johns, lady of the lights; Miss Dawn Jones, historian Miss June McDonald, assistant recorder; Miss Shirley Booster, merit keeper; Miss Mary Schrunk, reporter; Misses Bev erly Young and Dona Lange, pages. At the meeting Monday eve ning the following were initiat ed: Misses Shirleen Bacewich, Ida Jo Henderson, Karen Mor- ley, Beth Ann Scharbach and Charlene Griffith. The new capes were worn by the officers. Miss Jean Herrig, honored queen, had donated the cape from which the fur trim for the robes was used. STEPHENS COLLEGE, Co lumbia, Missouri (Special) Miss Sharon Claire Hamilton, stu dent at Stephens college, is among those leaving In mid-December to spend Christmas va cation at home. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Hamilton, Salem. The vacation at Stephens begins December 15, classes to resume January 5 A series of formal holiday balls will precede the school va cation period as well as numer ous informal residence hall and club parties. The college for mal Christmas dinner is dated for December 13, to be follow ed by the traditional Christmas program presented by the stu dent concert chorus. WOODBURN The Wood burn Rural club will meet at noon, Thursday, December 8, in the library clubrooms when a no-host luncheon will be served. There will be an exchange of "secret pal" Christmas gifts. Hostesses for the day will be Mrs. N e 1 a Detweuer, Mrs. Mayme Dryden, Mrs. Jennie Earl, Mrs. Lila Dunn and Mrs. Hattie Hermanson. CONGRATULATIONS are be ing extended to Mr. and Mrs. George F. Douglas on the birth of a son, James Gordon, Sun day, December 4, at Salem Gen eral hospital. Also welcoming the new baby are a brother, John, and a sister, Georgia. The grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Evans and Mrs. Fannie Douglas, all of Salem. SHERIDAN Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Woodall announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Bonnie Woodall, to Norman C. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Johnson of Ponca, Nebr. V Sliced apples, fried in butter and sprinkled with brown su gar, are delicious served with crisp bacon strips, brown pork sausage links, and thin slices of frizzled ham "The Battle of Dixieland Jazz Bands" Dane Wed., Dee. 7th GLENWOOD BALLROOM TICKETS 75c PLUS TAX NOW AT HEIDER'S 428 COURT Don't Miss It! Don't Miss It:: Ske Really 'Wants a ROTARY r MMl Appliance Dept. Downstairs Board Meets Mrs. Wayne Perdue is the new chairman for child welfare in Unit No. 136, American Legion auxiliary, it is announced fol lowing meeting of the group's board last evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Simkins. She suc ceeds Mrs. Kenneth Schomaker who resigned from the office. The group made plans for the Christmas event and business meeting, combined for December 13, the meeting to be in lieu of the social which would have been later in the month. Several delegates from the group will go to the district coun cil meeting in Stayton, Decem ber 7. ."norts were made the maga zine drive had been very suc- tiSoiui and that the polio pack heater was ready to present to the Silverton unit. WRC Election Is Reported Sedgwick group. Woman's Re lief Corps, met Friday for a no host luncheon, followed by the regular business meeting and el ection of officers, and of dele gates and alternates to the an nual convention. A donation was voted to be given to the Red Cross. Officers elected are: President, Mrs. Hannah Beard; senior vice president, Mrs. Josephine Ereck- son; junior vice president, Mrs. Alice Adams; treasurer, Mrs. Sa rah Peterson; chaplain, Mrs. Anna May Anderson; conductor, Mrs. Dora Pratt; guard, Mrs. Blanche Stuart. Delegates are: Mrs. Florence Barker, delegate at large; Mrs. Anna May Anderson, Mrs. Kyte, Mrs. Ada Byers, Mrs. Pauline Clark, Mrs. Josephine Erickson The alternates are: Mrs, Lura Taudy, Mrs. Hazel Elliott, Mrs. Nellie Pierce, Mrs. Julia Greg ory, Mrs. Laverna Fiaia, Mrs. Ida Foster, Mrs. Ruse Abbott and Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell. EAGLES auxiliary social club is meeting Wednesday at 1 p.m, at the FOE hall. Hodge-Wolf Wedding Nov. 26 Miss Eva Wolf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wolf, was wed to Arthur Hodge, son of Mrs. John Hodge of Neville, Tenn,, November 26, at a cere mony m the Shaw Catholic church with the Rev. Mr. Ga- linas officiating. Given in marriage by her brother, Joseph Wolfe of Salem, the bride wore a white satin gown and a fingertip length veil, held in place with a head dress of orange blossoms. She carried a prayer book with an orchid on top, orange blossoms being caught in the streamers. Maid of honor for her sister i was Mrs. Leonard Fleck of Sa lem. She wore a gown of fuchsia color and carried a nosegay of white and yellow chrysanthe mums. Miss Emma Wolf and Miss Mary Ann Germond were the bridesmaids. They were at tired in pink and blue gowns and carried nosegays of bronze, white and ptelc chrysanthemums. Beverly Wolfe was the flower girl. She wore a yellow tatfeta frock and carried a basket of mixed chrysanthemums. Leonard Fleck was best man. Ushers were Virgil Tomlisonj and Antone Wolf. For her daughter's weddiog, Mrs. Wolf wore a flowered black silk dress and a corsage of chrys anthemums. A dinner was served in the Macleay hall following the wed ding. Miss Margaret Weigel, Miss Harriet "Weigel, Miss Vesta Garbe and Miss Theresa Garbe assisted with the serving. The couple are to make their home at Yalsetz. THE YWCA is offering a two session series in canasta, to be given at the VWCA December 13 and 15. This will be an eve ning class. Further information may be had by calling Miss Joyce Laraoreux, adult program director, at the YWCA. Those interested are urged to register as soon as possible. CapHa! Jew-sal, Salem, re,, Tuesday, December S, 1343 7 Today's Menu (By &sc Addselftte Preuf Week Day Dinner Meat Loaf Baked Potatoes with Mushroom Sassce Savory Kale Sliced Carrots Bread end Butter Canned Peaches Beverage Baked Potatoes with Mushroom Saace Ingredients; 2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, 1V4 table spoons Uomt, I cup less 1 table spoon milk, salt and pepper to taste), 4 hot baked potatoes. Method: Wash and dry mush rooms before slicing both caps and stems. Heat butter or mar garine Ss as 8-inch skiilei; add mushrooms and cook over low heat, stirring frequently, for 5 to 10 minutes. Sprinkle with the flour stirring to coat jnashroau with it. Add the sssik gradually, stirring well as you do so. Con tinue to cook over low heat, stir ring constantly, entil sauce si thickened and bubbly; allow to bubble for 1 or 2 minutes. Re movs from heat, add salt and pepper to taste. Make two deep crosswise gashes in each potato and fill with mushroom sauce. Serve immediately. Makes 4 servings. 31 fl WALLPAPER SALE Many Patterns Reduced R. D. Woodrow Co. Gil Werd, Prop. 450 Center St, 1 White JStl ;: Togs l Sleek, nwt ';J'J gabardln alci 'f,J! W fitted 'f' l P It's New! If s News It's sensationally price m m The biggest gift news in a dec ade! Lay away this practical, beautiful gift for Christmas giv ing . . , yet save dollars on your budget. Many exclusive Parker features . . , looks and -writes like a pen costing twice the price. 1cM MM - .g,vr rA fi s Next Year it's ILv'lt IN VALUES . . . IN STYLE . . . IN PRICE . . . Exclusive at Leon's VSV; ; if! n s n a.o n pi ') Never before ... in 20 years merchandising I . . havs we offered values like these in KNITTED SUITS! The values are positively outstanding , . . over 200 finest knitted suits for the Leon's stores ... at a fraction of their cost by a very important manufacturer. This is your opportunity to "pick" and "choose" and "save" "plenty!" SIZES 10 TO IS COMPARE THESE VALUES ANYWHERE! 1 Nubbies . . Plains . . Window Pane , . Cardigan Necklines . $ Collars at Necklines . 0 Elastic Waist Bands . . Finest Ail-Wool Zephyr Yarn . . O Guaranteed "Sag-Proof" . . Open Friday Eve. 'ill 9 PM. o 0 o COLORS: Off White , . Pastel Pink , , Light Blue . , Aqua , . Grey . . Cinnamon . Emerald . . American Beauty Navy , Gold . , L. A J 1 " I i i i ' i Aha Avsilsbie at Leen't is Lebanon