Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, December 6, 1949 Miss Clelia Turin Tells Betrothal to Glen Clark Joining the ranks of brides-elect is Miss Clelia Turin, who surprised a group of friends last evening with announcement of her engagement to Glen Clark. The news was told at a dessert and card party for which Miss Turin and her sister, Miss Pauline Turin, entertained at their apartment. Names of the couple were written on the placecards at the' dessert. No plans are announc ed for the wedding. Miss Turin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turin of Mt. Angel and is secretary in the lo cal American Red Cross offices. Mr. Clark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Clark of Salem. At the announcement party were Mrs. Hillary Etzcl, Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell, Jr., Mrs. Richard Gentzkow, Mrs. Donald McNeil, Mrs. Robert Bechtel, Mrs. Neil Selander, Mrs. Martin Barstad, Mrs. Neil Boehmer, Mrs. Dale Esch, Miss Dolores Ebner, Miss Van Ott, Miss Ardell Scott, and Misses Clelia and Pauline Turin. ' Goldenweds Feted With Reception Mr. and Mrs. Nils Jorgenson observed their 50th wedding an niversary, Sunday, November 27, at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pal mer Williams, a reception being given in their honor between 2 and 5 o'clock. Some 65 guests called. The couple were married at Crookston, Minn., November 24, 1899, and have resided in Salem since 1928. There are two sons and three daughters in their family, all being present for the golden wedding anniversary event. They include Norman Jorgenson of Goodridge, Minn., Mrs. Lester Raines, Mrs. Palmer Williams and Anton Jorgenson, all of Salem and Mrs. Evert Roemhildt of Portland. There are also eight grandchildren, Among friends and relatives coming from out-of-town, be sides members of the immediate family, were Selmer Dahl of Thief River Falls, Minn., Mrs. Ben Hobedank of Minneapolis, Russell Johnson and two children from Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. EU ing Tollesrude of Dallas, Mrs. Olive Goeder, Mrs. Lena Moen, Mrs. Schuknicht, Mrs. Clara Hanson, Mrs. Gilbert Anderson, xall of Siiverton, Peter Johnson of Thief River Falls, Minn, In the evening a dinner was served for 24 relatives and friends. CHRISTMAS meeting for the - . Woman's Society for World Serv ice, Englewood church, is to be Thursday, dessert to be at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Har ry Rowe, 940 D street. This will be the gift exchange for the members, and each one also is asked to take gifts of canned goods and staples to be used in distributing for the needy. SHERIDAN Miss Eileen Smith was selected this week as the Daughter of the Ameri can Revolution Good Citizen of Sheridan high school. She was elected from a group of five girls by her class as candidate for the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution Pilgrimage. THI ONLY OFFICt TYPEWRITER IN PERSONAL SIZE REMINGTON Personal Typewriter Por typing performance ntvtr So, for found in t portable, give (hit spody . . . aturdjr , , , handnom ALL NEW Remingion with 15 ex linlv and plus value fealurei. Tut the exelutive Mlraclt Tab . . . the Flnfrfimd Keys . . . lh maiing Slmpllfitd Rlbhon Changir. S it tods? and you'll agree it belong! (ret on your Chriil. mat ihoppins Hah (Convenient pay ' arranged.) 3IAS list VP tjjjsiri Women LOWRY FISCHER Endorse Symphonies At their meeting last evening the Salem group of the Oregon State Music Teachers associa tion endorsed and voted to fur ther the work of the Commun ity symphony, directed by Frank Fisher. Also, the group endorsed and voted to encourage the ticket sale for the two concerts of the Portland Symphony orchestra in Salem this winter. The meeting was held at the studio of Miss Margaret Hogg and Miss Lena Belle Tartar. CDA Event Court Canital Cifv. fTnlhnlir. Daughters of America, held its annual initiation and reception for new members at St. Joseph's auditorium last week. The court degree team, with Miss Lorraine Meusey as grand regent, con ducted the ritualistic work which admitted 43 new members into the order. Moore than 150 Catholic women from Salem, Mt. Angel, Stayton and Albany Witnessed thl rprnmnninc Mice Corrine Alexander sang between degrees. Among the speakers Were Rev. T. J. Rprnnrric pnurf chaplain; Mrs. Rose Bell, state regeni; ivirs. Mary LaDou, dis trict deputy; and Mrs. Margaret Brown, ffranrt rnaont nt fr.iti.f capital city. Following the in itiation refreshments were serv ed in St. Jnsnnh's S. H. Ripp served as chairman oi me committee. 3-Pe. "Silver Plume" Dresser Set 3pL Be Her Favorite Santa Clous 1 6-pc dresser set (litlMlpSli ' 1 1 Nv with Removable Brush Block! IIP WMmM O 9 8 I II'll lJl?V I B "r"T Incite block 8 x ' rcmoVilbll!. ' " ' . l inlu jg5 i?8ii. An extra-special gift for someone extra-special M.yIfJ- rLNS jt - this exquisite gold color metal backed dresser set in a'ESL5KN5s?SiX. an overa" PaHerr! Six pieces include nylon -i-fH-'jS -jiTr"" jnyi Ti bristled brush with removable block, 13-inch It ,,S?0-(flii mirror, metal-back comb, two cream jars and mirror tray. Buy it at thrifty Sears! 10 Shimmering beauty In lustrous silver plat; dainty, detailed design. Comb, nylon brush, mirror. SHOP t-'-f-- '''Ik A'' t ?F y4 Mt Engagement Announced The betrothal of Miss Elaine Frank, daughter of Mrs. Madge Frank of Siiverton, to Earl C. Hartman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hartman, also of Siiverton, was announced recently. No date is set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Surprise Party Given Saturday A surprise party was given by neighbors and friends Satur day evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith at their new Kingwood drive home. The evening was spent informally and Mrs. W. C. Rambo showed pictures. A late supper was served. Two . camellias were presented the honored couple. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rambo, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hurd and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Girod, Mrs. Adam Orey, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Engdall, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Culbertson, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hyames, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koken, Mr. and Mrs. Yale Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Ed 6-pc. Jeweltone Set In Rich Ruby or Sapphire Color 00 Luxurious set has gold color metal cen terpieces with ruby or sapphire color background. With mirrow, nylon brush, comb, puff jar, glass atomizer and mir ror tray. 'TIL 9:00 P.M. mf4!- r Sovern, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Evans, Mr. and Mrs. McKinney and daughter, Mrs. Robert Gray, Mrs. John Karr and daughter, Mrs. Louie Cross and daughters, and the honored couple and their son, Bobby. MISS ZOE STOCKTON left Monday for New York City to spend the winter with her nephew, Leon A. Culbertson. Miss Stockton is traveling by the Canadian National railways. MRS. JOHN H. CARSON was hostess this afternoon to her bridge club for luncheon and cards. Mrs. Harry H. Belt, Mrs. Hugh McCammon and Mrs. Lou is Gerlinger were additional guests. 8-pc. 14 95 MONDAY AND AT Spinsters Plan Events Plans for their Christmas night charity ball, also for their annual dinner honoring patron esses, were discussed by Spin sters club members when they met last evening with Mrs. John Steelhammer, Mrs. Ver non Drye and Miss Helen Zie linski as the hostesses at the Gene Vandeneynde residence. Miss Patricia Viesko was named chairman for the dinner to honor patronesses. The din ner will be some time in Janu ary. The Christmas night ball is to be at No-Name club with Miss Margaret Lovell and Mrs. Ro ger Schnell as co-chairmen for the event. Twenty-five attended last eve ning's meeting, Mrs. Ralph Un derwood from McMinnville be ing an out-of-town member there. On December 19, Miss Patri cia Burrell, Mrs. Richard Gra- benhorst and Mrs. Robert Bur rell are to entertain for the group. Club Elects Buena Vista Buena Vista Woman's club met at the com munity hall last week for a one o'clock luncheon, served to 24 members. Election of new officers for the coming year was held, with Mrs. Harold Withrow as prest dent; Mrs. Harold Busby as vice president; Mrs. Fred Detering, second vice president; Mrs. How ard Powers, secretary; Mrs. Perry Wells, treasurer. Mrs. John Sherman was voted in as a new member. The next club meeting will be the Christmas party, the program and social committee to have charge. It will be December 14 with a one o'clock luncheon. CENTRALIA temple, Pythian Sisters, is meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Knights of Pythias hall. There will be election of officers and formal initiation. LADIES of the Grand Army of the Republic are meeting Wed nesday at 2 p.m. in the YWCA. There will be election of offi- Sweetheart Set With Swiss Musical Powder Box! 29 95 Ann Barton Sweetheart set in gold color metal has engraved "hearts and flowers" design! Includes musical powder box, glass tray, file, cuticle pusher, cream jar. FRIDAY Plan Caroling Bethel UD, Job's Daughters, met Saturday evening at the Masonic temple. Initiated into the bethel were Judith Phipps, J e a n i n e Graber, Claudette Smith, Sharon Bates, Julia Ann Miller and Carol Strebig. Plans were discussed for the girls to go caroling on the eve ning of December 21. The fol lowing girls were appointed to head various committees to work on the Christmas project: Carol Mentzer, Rean Fletcher, Judy Burdette, Sidney Kromer and Judy Shrock. Following the meeting the members and their guests en joyed a party. The rooms were beautiful with Christmas decor ations. Serving on the refreshment committee were Joan Boyer, Syl via Lottick, Shirley McCauley, Marcia Maple and Judy Shrock TO MR. AND MRS. Adam Dei- bert go congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, Christine Louise, Saturday, December 3, There also is a son in the fam ily, Tommy. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Deibert of Herreid, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rulifson of Salem. Henry J. Lant of Salem is the great grandfather. NT New beauties, new values, in time for Christmas! Porcelain bases decorated in English tra ditional style delicate floral designs on ivory grounds . . . Pottery bases in new warm tones of bisque and coffee rose: brilliant Hollywood styles with exotic Eastern touches; twinkling brass lamps for de mure Colonial rooms so much loveliness and variety to choose from! Give Something for The Home! Dr. Sword Is Speaker Dr. Victor Hugo Sword, Bap tist minister recently returned after spending many years in India, will be featured at a study group luncheon Thursday noon in the Golden Pheasant restaurant, sponsored by the in ternational relations group of Salem branch, American Asso ciation of University Women. General discussion will follow Dr. Sword's talk on "The New India." The meeting will be conducted by Mrs. Robert E. Gangware, international rela tions chairman of the chapter. Dr. Sword was acquainted with both Nehru and Gandhi during his missionary work in Assam, India. He is at present filling the pastorate of Calvary Baptist church here, but will re turn to India. AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Alfred De Raeve have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marguerite L. DeRaeve, of Amity, to Elmer V. Bernards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ber nards of Carlton. No date has been set for the wedding. The bride,elect is a graduate of Amity high school, and employed as stenographer for the Burlingham Meeker Seed and Grain company in Amity. ; ... aJT -TTT?J l O iJtti'i ' '" i"irwiiiiii mi .i j 't'' ; uTI -' 14? ... :A '4 ' FURNITURE DEPARTMENT ON THE NEWLY REDECORATED THIRD FLOOR SUNSHINE Sewing club Is to meet Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ralph Gilbert. RCA VICTOR Christmas RECORDS "AVE MARIA" "THE LORD'S PRAYER" Perry Como Willi Choir anl Organ "WHITE CHRISTMAS" "SILENT NIGHT" Perry como witn Choir and Organ "WILL SANTY COME TO BllAN'rx lunar "C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S" Eddy Arnold "MY TWO FRONT TEETH" "HAPPY NEW YEAR" Spike Jones and his City Slickers Open Friday Evening Till 9 Shop early for the finest selec tion. Use our Christmas Lay-away.