J J ) Drop in New Car Prices Seen In Automatic Transmission Cuts By DAVID J. WILKIE Aiiocltted PreM Automotlrt Editor Detroit, Dec. S UP) Some 19S0 model automobiles are going to cost a little less than the current models. The lower price will result Irom the reductions being made for some automatic transmissions. The cuts aren't very great from $25 to $40 but many industry observers see in them evidence of a trend toward low-' er car prices. So far, automatic transmis sions have been confined to cars in the middle and higher-price fields. In the last year or two they have become increasingly popular. The demand for them has grown so steadily that Chev rolet and Ford will have them next year. Chevrolet will announce its device soon after Jan. 1 with presentation of its 1950 models. Ford has disclosed its transmis sion, developed in cooperation with Borg-Warner, will be ready next summer. With but one or two excep tions all makers of cars above the low-price group now have some form of automatic trans mission. In some instances they have been made standard equip t .., ment, with corresponding price adjustments. I Where thev are optional at extra cost, public demand has been so great that relatively few cars have been turned out with out them.' So the transmission price cuts currently being made amount, in effect to a reduction in the price of the cars affected. That's the view of many ob servers. They add that had the $25 to $40 transmission price cuts been announced merely as reductions in car prices they probably would have gained much wider car buyer interest. In all instances, the reductions so far announced affect Gen e r a 1 Mo tors transmissions Buick's dynaflow and the hydra matic used by Cadillac, Oldsmo bile and Pontiac, as well as Lin coln and Nash under contract with GM. Buick's cut of $40 on its dyna flow brings the price down to $160. Only a couple of dollars more than the price of the hy-dra-matic as used on Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Nash. Certainly GM's transmission division is pouring out both types in increasing volume. The greater production volume has been given as the reason for the price cuts thus far announced. E eft Midshipman Reinstated Commodore R. M. Ihrig (left), head of the California Maritime academy, shakes hands with Midshipman Quentin K. Peterson in San Francisco as he re instates Peterson in the academy after bowing to order from Gov. Earl Warren and contempt of court threat. Peterson, 19, was expelled from the academy over a year ago for al leged "theft" of two shirts. Superior Court Judge Frank T. Deasy ordered the youth's reinstatement after hearing the case. He will receive back wages of $65 per month. (Acme Telephoto) Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, December 6, 1949 3 Gus Moore to Plan Seabeck Conference Gus Moore, general secretary of the Salem YMCA, has been elected one of three governors who will share the responsibil ity of preparing the program and operating the annual Sea beck conference at Seabeck, Wash., next summer. The election took place dur ing a meeting held at Longvlew, Wash., over the week-end, which attracted some 150 general sec retaries and physical educators from the northwest area. In attendance from Salem in addition to Mnnrp wpm FrH Cords and Ardo Tarem of the physical education department, and Roth Holtz. bovs' work sec retary. Dick Lancaster, personnel man for the YMCA on a national basis, with headauarters in Npw York City, was one of the prin cipal conierence speakers. "HA TI0NALL Y AD VERTISED rr ...from the house of Shagmoor Beautiful coats of fashion . . from the fashion leaders . . Shagmoor! Master crafts manship . . . 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GREATEST DOUBLE GREEN STAMP WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SALE 3000 Pair First Quality NYLON HOSE $T00 U PAIR A tremendous special purchase of fine quality 51 gauge nylon hosiery In sheer, sheer 15 denier and serviceable 30 denier weights for our greatest double green stamp Wednesday is yours today. First quality, famous name nylons at this low, low price just In time for Christmas! if H DOUBLE STAMPS White Sheet Blanket 2.69 81 x 108 size Double napped Irregulars DOUBLE STAMPS Famous "Kenwood" Blankets 12.95 72x90 size All wool Decorator colors DOUBLE STAMPS Men's All-Wool Hose 98 c Shrink resistant Wool ribbed Elegant colors DOUBLE STAMPS Nylon Acetate Slips 2.95 Perfect fitting Sizes 32 to 40 Nylon lace trim DOUBLE STAMPS Girls' Coats 9,88 Sizes 7 to 14 Values to 16.98 All wool DOUBLE STAMPS Colored Nylon Panels 1.99 42x81 sizes wide hem Pastel colors DOUBLE STAMPS Ladies7 Handbags 1.88 Patent and plastic Various colors 2.95 values DOUBLE STAMPS Air Mail Stationery 19c 24 evelopes 50 sheets Leatherette case