Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 06, 1949, Page 23, Image 23

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FlK STUMPAGE and fir logs wanted.
Shipment can be made by truck or
rail. Independence Lumber & Manufac
turing Company, Inc., Independence.
Oregon. Phono 43. na
SaNTED furniture vo flue at repair. Lee
Bros- urn Reflnlshlng Co h S-7001
VaSB for newspapers & muulnu. 1790
N Front- ???4
Jpe'TjeTd Junk batteries. Paying II H o'
Hanson. 330 8. Lancaster. na292
ANC BEACH or Esther Hopper or both
please call 2-1)835 or call 160 Union. p201
TbT E. MIS SICK, hereby deciare X will
not be responsible for any debts from
this day, 12-3-40, other than my own.
D e. Misslck. P381
MRS MELVIN SMITn, Bpencer coraetler,
Let a Spencer solve your figure problem.
All calls Blven special attention. Ph,
35012. P308
U65 N. 14th. Ph. a-4801. P305
palm and psych lo reader. Madame solves
your worrit, n""-. v H
113 s. Oom'l. Under new man.
asemcnt. With this ad and 11.00 get a
special reaping, tru. moa
J-5334. f!"
1917 DODGE Custom 4-Dr. Sedan, Just
iKe new. r.
77i.n ehrvaler CouDe. Had aood care.
No WrCCK. OID roil oi. H"
1034 FORD V-8 4-Door Sedan. In Rood
condition. . Ph. 2-1034. qui
JfliTljijicK special sedan. Exceptionally
clean New Tu-Tone lacquer paint and
fully equipped. Ph. 3-0024 or 2130 Hul
flT ave. eve. 1200
si FORD. Good shape. Good tires. Ph.
'.,,t mil rhKhnllN Ave. Kelzer. o20d
FOR SALE 4fl Mercury conv., black, 4000
miles, extra. 12295. Terms. 250 Pine
15 thon. Ph. 6453. after 6 p. m.
NASH 5-pass. coupe;
'40 Packard
38 Chev. sedan;
'31 Hudson sedan: '35 Dodge sedan: '34
Dodge scdani '32 Ohev, sedan; '33 Chev.
n? Hulflr eouDe. All these cars
are In good condition and priced cheap
for nuicx saw. ' "
north of Salem on Portland Hlway. Open
from 8 a.m. 'till 8 p.m. 1 day a week.
FOR SALE '36 Ford coupe. Good cond.
(150. 515 Patterson ave. 5MOJ
lgj9MERCURY 2-dOOr. Ph. 2-1433. 0.290
ISO A rour old one 12th St. Junction.
Open till 10 P.m. qM3'
Eisner Motors to Sell
u FORD Coupe, all around good cond.
prcle $95. Call 2-8815 or see at 1946
N. Commercial. q293
MODEL A, excellent condition. Ph. 2-7835.
1932 V-8 with '36 V-8 engine In good
shape except transmission. Price 135.
252 N. Cottage. Phone 3-1030. Q292
Tgia FORD Convert., R&H. ovdr.,
3-9440 or see at nao o.
41 CHEV. 5-Pau. Coupe. Good cond. $100.
Ph. 3-0593. 3al
"Eisner Motors Fine Cars
CAB ACCESSORIES nres Al tunes at cost
prlee First come first served as this is
a olose-out sale. Dealers welcomed R
n wnnrirnw Co 450 Center
1017 DODGE ton pickup. $815. 1936
Pontine coupe. 100. Ph. 1a9l
IMS Fslinound M. EBi,,V
110 Hood Bt. Ph- '-TM.
l PLYMOUTH 4-door, new rubber, clean.
H50. Ph. i-om.
OWNER lolm east. Will jacrlllce for
11900. 1847 Chrynlcr New Yorker, black
4-door edan. Excel, cond. Mar be eeen
at 8outh Salem Motel, Apt. No. 1 q30P
iTPI,YMOiJTn club coupe. R&H. Seat
covers. Foi lltes, windshield wajhers,
18,000 miles. Excellent condition, J1195.
. Ph. 2-0320. qi!'0
S7 FORD pickup. Good condition. See at
lass Leslie after 6 p.m. 1383
Eisner Motors to Buy
Extra cash for shopplnl mUht mak. all
the- difference nt
iso.oo for J weeka costs onlr 1. Ottier
amounts In proportion. Pa "' "
the time you use the cash, no co-slners
necessary ... You choos. the o'n'
payments ... You choose the u
date. Don't borrow unnecessarily, but
If a loan Is the best solution remember
we say "Yes" to 4 out of 5 who apply,
come In, or phone llrst for faster
service. . , ,,
Open Saturday. to 1 P.M.
November 19 throush December IT
Personal Finance Co.
BIB State, Rm. 1JB
Phono J-J464 O. . Allen, Mir.
T.ln 1.159: M.IRS. r292.
tv,-!. no
YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within
reason. Cash for Real EstaU Contracts
and 8econd Moruaaes.
101 Pioneer Trust Bids- Ph. 1-1I81 f
Bpeelal Rates and Term.
On Larser Loans
Lou and Short Tim.
1 South Commercial St Phone 1-B161
183 a Church
Parklnt a Plenty
Ph. 1-J4S1 Lie. No. M-lif B-IM
Hollywood Finance Co.
Next Door to Bank
Pree Parkins .
Phone 31032 Uo N M3fl-39t
Ployd Kenyon. Mr
ft to 40 Tears and No Commission
Leo N. Childs, Jnc.
344 State St Phone l-3o
Uo S-133 and U-33B
I3 A Commercial St Tel. 3-t!l
Bare 30 to 30 on Auto Insurance
Complete Line of Insurance
uiM i rxnv.m AQENCY
80S Bin hi and Ave. ... Ph. 2-2451
J8-FT. HOUSE Trailer. Will take small
trailer lor equity. -48
SB PACIFIC Liner trsller house.
Butane cookinn tk Forest oil heatlna.
ISO carpeting In front room, also ear
petine in bdrra. Slec. hot water heater
estlj a real buy. WiU sacrifice. Bee
Bay Curtis, Howara s
3560 Portland Road. 90
WANTED Tenants for trailer space. Rm.
..ts.f hoiwl rut rms. lawn.
lac. dryers. 15 Hlfhway Ti, Ph.
All makes used machines sold, rented.
repaired. Roen. Courv rnone "
ELECTRIC BOMS appliance repair eerrtsi
oew appiianeva vioce '
ra -u1a.lnk sU!eDtSd OO
an mowers, scissors knives iharp-
iiv center. a-nnaa.
J0.!?.!!"1" d" ph0M -" mint
3-1804 33" Center 0
Remodel, repair that home now. Terms.
No down payment. Phone 3-4850. o
Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., elear
Ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010
fu. -jiid, saiem. 0291
Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6531 or 3-4308
039 1
Inetan' delivery of new RCi cash
reHUt! al mab.. . . -
pa ed. Roen 4Bfl Court. Ph 3-8113 o
For expert guaranteed satisfaction new
or repair of foundation, sidewalks
driveways, patios, curbs, walla, ete. Call
2-4850 0
Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned.
Ensley. Ill 8. 31st. Ph. 3-7116. oSll
Crushed rock for driveways A roads, de
livered. Ph. 3-5961. o393
Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service.
Ph. 4-2414. Lee Cross. Rt. 8, Box 437-0.
Breltbauot's tor flowers Dial t-l17. 0
Vacuumed & repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 2-4863
RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 2-8576. o292'
J. R Watkios Oo products Pree de
.very 1111 Center Ph 3-5395. o
Johna-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748.
Window Cleaning
Janitor Service Floor Waxing
Buildings - Factories - Homes
Estimates Without Obligation
Ph. Salem 3-9133 e
f V Doerfler tt Sons, Ornamentals. ISO
N. Lancaster Dr at Cor. Ph. 3-1323. o
fVM St Phone 23453. 0
Sharpened, suaranteed service. New
power and hand mowers. Call Harry
W. Scott, 14T S. Com'l. St. o3U
Capital Beddina. Phone i-4069.
Spanish A Hawaiian Guitar Mandolin.
Banjo, ete. 1523 Court St Ph. 3-7569.
Desk chairs, files and filing supplies,
safes, duplicators and supplies, desk
lamps, typewriter stands, brief c -a.
Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court
fOfstrom's are equipped
painting Phone 1-3493
to do yout
painting. Est. tree.
Painting and paperhanging. Free esti
mate. Ph. S-D51J. 837 Shipping. 0393'
Expert Paperhanging and painting. H
J. Woodsworth. Ph 3-9807. Free est.
Paperhanging to your satisfaction. 2!
years exp. Also painting. Ph. 2-0910.
Repair &
Picture framing
Phoue 1-0087
Hotchsoo Paint Store.
Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms,
all makes. W. Davenport. Ph. 2-7671.
Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel tad
dragline excavating. Walling Sand A
Gravel Co. Phone 2-024Q. o
Valley Sand A Gravel Co Silt, sand &
f.ll dirt Excavating 10B shovel A cats
Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving
Ph Office 24002. res. 17146 C
Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned.
Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079
Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 2-9468. 3-5327.
K. P. Hamel. Septic tents, sewer and
drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work
1143-Bth St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404.
Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge
Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank
Service, 850 Larsen. Phone 2-0734.
Electrlo Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent.
Rator Sharp Cutting Blades. Clean
Sewers, Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-5327. o
am nl ii.rnted- Free DlckUP A
delivery. Used machines bought A sold.
Ph. 2-5569. 1091 Edgewater. 0297
All makes repaired, rree estimates
Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No
Commercial Ph 1-3512. r
TRANSFER STORAGE A Distance Transfer, storage
Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks to
Portland dally Agent for Beklna House
hold goods moved to anywhere in US
or Canada Larmer Transfer A Storage
Ph 3-3131 e
Lester DeLapp truck service. Commer
cial hauling. Dally service to Portland
Ph. 2-1750.
Smith Corona, Remington Royal. Under
rood portables AH makes used machines
Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, o
Salem Venetian Blinds made to order oi
refmlaoed Relnholdt A Lewis 2-3639
Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37326.
Free estimates. "t7 PULLMAN. Ph. S-5965,
Fred Wymore, Rt. 2, Box 111. Ph. 2-5135,
Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls
es wooawora cieaucu kiw.-
waxed and polished Pb 3-1337 14
Court bangdoe. Culbertsoo and Mather
w.iVirMn Roller Made to
order. 1 Day
Del Relnholdt A Lewis Ph 33630.
West Salem Fuel Co Ph 2-4031
A Salem Lodge No. 4, A J. it AJl
Wed., Dec. 7. Dinner, 6:30;
Election, 7:30. 291'
sx Multnomah Chapter No. 1,
ptfRA.M. Hodaon Council No. 1,
r. 6c SM. Regular meeting, coun
cil degrees. Election and installation
of officers. Refreshments 7:30 pjn.
Thursday, December 8. 1M9. 282'
Cal's 'Maid of Cotton' Patricia Donough, 21 (right), a
University of California student from Richmond, has been
selected to represent the state in the national "Maid of Cot
ton" competition in Memphis, Tenn. Sue Howell (left), last
year's selection, makes a presentation of a bouquet of roses.
Miss Donough was selected from a field of 18 girls from all
sections of the state. (AP Wirephoto.)
Salem Wheat
Record Broken
The only rival that Salem has
as a record wheat producing lo
cality is Clinton, 111., and this
by a margin of two bushels.
Ten acres owned by the Val
ley Packing company and inside
the city limits of Salem produc
ed slightly in excess of 76 bush
els of wheat to the acre when
harvested this fall, according to
Doug Chambers, head of the
livestock department of the
packing plant.
Lest his estimate be regarded
as too high by some people
Chambers, in calling attention to
the "city farm," says at least
three witnesses are available to
substantiate his figures.
Apparently Chambers had not
given much thought to the high
productivity of the city acreage
until he saw an Associated Press
dispatch in the Capital Journal
about an "amazing wheat that
yields over 120 bushels per acre
in Russia,
That is what the man on the
Moscow radio was heard to say
in a broadcast recorded as far
away as London, The wheat, it
was asserted, was developed at
the Karaganda agricultural ex
perimental station at Kazakh
near the Iranian border, and had
five heads of wheat on each
Following the dispatch was a
note that the record yield in this
country was believed to be the
74.5 bushels grown on 25 acres
near Clinton, 111., In 1948 for
a national high production.
Gervais Lodge
Orders Elect
Gervais Mrs. Ruth Evans was
elected worthy matron and Os
car Evans, worthy patron of Ger
vais chapter No. 118, Order of
the Eastern Star, at the regular
meeting and annual election Fri
day night, December 2.
Other officers elected were
Mrs. Sylvia Cummings, associ
ate matron; Donald Cummings,
associate patron; Mrs. Lucille
Booster, re-elected secretary;
Mrs. Pearl Stevens, re-elected
treasurer; Mrs. Kathryn Mc
Claughry, conductress, and Mrs.
Florence Burr, associate conduc
tress. During the business meeting
the chapter voted to contribute
to the Masonic and Eastern Star
home at Forest Grove for the
Christmas and pin money fund.
The chapter also accepted the in
vitation of Fidelity lodge No. 54,
AF & AM, for a 6:30 o'clock din
ner and joint installation Thurs
day night, December 15. Notice
was given of the school of in
struction for officers by Mrs.
Alice Robinson, grand conduc
tress, Friday night, February 3,
During good of the order,
members and visitors sang
Christmas carols and Mrs. Fern
Foster, worthy matron, sang "Si
lent Night." Mrs. Ruth Evans,
associate matron, presented a
gift to the worthy matron from
the officers.
A 8:30 o'clock no-host supper
was served to members and visi
tors with Mrs. Lucille Booster,
Mrs. Lily Wadsworth and Mrs.
Cora Van Zuyen in charge of
As executor of the estate of BELLE
OOLDEN STEINER, deceased, -the under
signed has filed in Circuit Court of Ore
eon for Marlon County. In Probate, bli
final account in eitate of said decedent,
and December 31. IMS. at S:1S o'clock.
a.m, and courtroom of said court hare
been appointed by tald court for bearing
of objections to said account and settle
ment uereoi.
Executor aforesaid
Nor. a, 9S; Deo. , U.
'By the aesocUteo Pr m-
American Can
Am Pow A Lt
Am Tel A Tel
Anaconda .......,...
Bendlz Aviation ............
Beth Bteel
doeing Airplane
, 09
, 31-
. 23
. 36
. 14
. 44
. 33
. 60t
, 10
, 35 ?i
, 29
. 7
, 6T 'a
Calif Packing
uanaaian racing
Caie J I
Comwlth A Boil
Cane Vultee
Continental Can
r;rown Zellerbach
Curtlie Wright
uougiaa Aircrait
uupont fle Nem 601
General Electrlo. 40
General Food 47
Jeneral Motors 69 li
Uoodyear Tire 42i
int Harvener 27it
Int Paper 67V4
Kannecott SI
Llbby Men A L
, 7
, 17
, 38
. 10
Long Bell "A"
Montgomery wara
Hath Kelvlnator
fat Dairy
Northern Paclfio
Pao Am Pish
Pa Oaa & Rlea ,
?a Tel A Tel
Penney J C
Radio Corp
Rayonler Pfd ,
Reynold! Metal ,
. 54
. 12
. 24
. 31
. 19
Kicnneio 39
Safeway Stores 30 3i
Siari Roebuck 42T4
Southern Pacific 48
Standard Oil Co 68
Btudebaker Coru 24 Vi
nuninine Mining lDVfe
Tramamerlca 14', 4
Dillon OH Cai 27V&
Dnlon Pacific 03&
United Airliner 13
U S Steel - 25
Warner Broi Plo 15
rroolworth 47
Grain Weakens
At Trade's End
Chicago, Dec. 6 VP) Grains
developed a weak tone at the
board of trade today, influenced
by more liberal country offer
ings and lack of commercial de
mand. Toward the close there
appeared to be some mill buying
in wheat, in expectation of sales
of flour overnight to the produc
tion and marketing administra
tion. At the close wheat was to
1 lower than yesterday's
close, Dec. $2.20-. Corn was
to 1 lower, December
$1.29-29. Oats were unchang
ed to lVi lower, December 75.
Rye was 2 to 3 cents lower, De
cember $1.42. Soybeans were
2 to 3 lower, December
$2.32-32V4. Lard was 15 to- 22
cents a hundredweight lower,
December $10.20.
Aurora Legion Post
Site Now Cleared
Auorra The old Legion hall,
part of which was an Aurora
landmark dating back to colony
days, has finally been torn down
and plans for construction of
a new hall are under discussion
Aurora post No. 110, Ameri
can Legion and the Women s
Auxiliary met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holt for
potuck dinner and to discuss
plans for the immediate future.
Gifts were packed for distribu
tion to the families of veterans
now in the hospital in Portland.
The meeting was in charge of
the post commander, Ralph Ay
lesworth, and the auxiliary pres
ident, Mrs. C. G. Pursley.
Kenneth Holt is adjutant of
the Aurora post, and Mrs. Holt
is second vice president of the
Unionvale Extension
Unit Given Lesson
Unionvale There were 24
women who attended the Union
vale Home Extension unit meet
ing held at the Unionvale church
social room.
"Color and design" of rugs
was the lesson by Miss Alma
Hartman, county agent. Mrs.
Adolph Hraba became a new
member and Mrs. Henry Knoche
was re-Instated.
The next meeting will be at
the same place with Ernest
Douglas and Mrs. L. W. Scog
gan, project leaders, on "mak
ing drapes."
Stocks Advance
New York. Dec. 6 VP) Selec
tive demand for rails helped
keep the stock market around
its high for the year in a session
of irregular price movements to
day. Individual advances and de
clines were scattered through
the entire list, even among the
carriers, but few changes of as
much as a point were registered.
Dealings fell below Monday's
pace, approximating l,5uu,uuu
shares for the day.
Holding to slight gains were
Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Ameri
can Smelting, Mclntyre porcu
pine, Dow Chemical, Westing
house Electric, Zenith Radio and
Depressed were Anaconda
Copper, U.S. Rubber, Interna
tional Nickel and Warner Bros.
Pythian Sisters
Seat Officers
. Silverton Mrs. Helen Bur
ner was installed as most excel
lent chief of Home Temple No
21 Pythian Sisters. Mrs. Al
Down was installing officer. As
sisting officials Inducted were
Mrs. Victor Hadley, P.M.E.C.
Mrs. Carl Specht, Captain of the
Degree Staff; Mrs. Jack Tuggle,
E.S.; Mrs. B. Stadeli, E.J.; Mrs.
Theodore Grace, Mgr.; Mrs. S
A. Cooley, secretary; Miss Merle
Bowen, treasurer; Mrs. Harry
Kuch, protector; Miss Ruth Lor-
enzen, guard; Mrs. Ralph Adams,
musician; Mrs. Mabel Talbot,
press correspondent; trustees,
Mrs. E. Z. Kaufman, Mrs. Clar
ence Morley and Mrs. L. C. East
man; members of the auditing
committee, Mrs. Henrietta Loe,
Mrs. E. Z. Kaufman and Mrs.
Albert Grinde.
Preceding the installation,
Mrs. Victor Hadley, as M.E.C.,
presided during the business
hour. A letter of gratitude was
read from the officials at the
Pythian Home fop the Thanks
giving generous donation of
fruit and vegetables. A report
was read of aid given a needy
family during the Thanksgiving
The ceremonial of draping the
charter was observed in memory
of the late Fred Knight, an ac
tive member of the Knights of
Pythias and also of the Pythian
Sisters, with Mrs. Ben Gifford
as ceremonial soloist, Mrs. Hel
en M. Wrightman read the eulo
gy, assisted by Mrs. Albert
Grinde, Mrs. Mabel Talbot and
Mrs. Helen Burrier taking part
of the officers. In respect to
the two daughters of Mr. Knight,
Mrs. Edith Kaser and Mrs. Ethel
Oveross, the regular program
which they had planned for the
evening, was postponed until
At the December 15 meeting,
Mrs. Albert Grinde and Mrs.
Helen Burrier will arrange the
entertainment for the social
hour, and Mrs. C. E. Higinboth-
am, Mrs. Lillian Heald, Mrs.
Wilda Jacobson and Mrs. Lena
Hamilton will serve as the re
freshment committee.
Donations are to be left at the
Ralph Adams home in East
Main and second street for a
Christmas basket for a local
needy family, the committee
planning the arrangement are
Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Mabel Tal
bot and Mrs. Wava Axley.
Social hostesses for the late
refreshments were Mrs. Victor
Hadley, Mrs. Ben Gifford and
Mrs. Marie Hope.
There are about 180 species of
holly of which about a dozen
grow in the United States.
On First Legs Little Eve
lyn Stypula, 4, (above) of
Sharpsburg, Pa., doesn't have
to ask any more, "Mummy,
Where's my feet?" Legless
since birth, she is learning to
walk on artificial limbs. The
child's left arm and right hand
also were deformed at birth.
(AP Wirephoto)
alem LiTettoc Harke
B V-lley "acting CumDany. 4
Wooled lambs $19.00 to 120.00
Feeder lambs J 13. 00 to S17.0Q
Cutter cows SB.00 to (11.00
airy Heifers tio.oo to 13 oo
Fat dairy cows tu.oo to 112.00
Bulls $11.00 to 116.00
Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 118.00 to 120 bu
Veal 150-300 lbs.) top ... .120.00 to 123.00
Portland EaUlde Market
Apples sold from (1.00 a box up on the
Portland Eeastsldr Farmers Wholesale
Produce market today.
Loose puck Wlnc.iapa .were 11.90. De
licious (1.65 to (1.75. Newtons (1.35 and
Spltzcnberns (1.00.
Lettuce brought 11.50 to (1.75 for a lo
cal three-dozen head crate with four
dozen heads at 11.00 to (1.25. California
Delano and Salinas four dozen head packs
wore (3.50 to (3.75.
Bruuel sprouts were 12.00 to (2.25 a 13
cup lug.
California tomatoes sold for (3.50 to
$4.75 for three layer packs In L. A. lugs,
California carrots In six dozen orates
wcro quoted at $4.25 to (4.35.
Portland Froauc.
Butterfat Tentative, sdDlect to Imme
diate change Premium quality maximum
to 35 to 1 percent acidity delivered In
Portland 63-170 lb.i J score. l-65o lb.; to
score. 5163c; 69 score 55c. Valley routes
and country points 3o less than tlrst.
nutter wholesale FOB bulk cubes to
wholesalers, grade 93 scor 03c A
92 score, H3ci B 60 score. 60o lb., O 89
score, &7c. Above prices are strictly
Cheese selling price to PorUand whole
sale Oreson slnales 39-43C, Oregon A
small loaf, 44Vi-5oi triplets iVi leas than
Escs do wholesalers) A grsde larse,
igis-SOc; A medium, 38-39ttc; trade
B larse, l-43Uc: small A ,rade, ITVic.
Portland Dalrj Market
Butter Price to retailers: Orade AA
prints. 68c; -AA cartons, 690; A prints.
68c: A cartons 69c: B prints, 63c.
Egg. Price to retailers- orad. AA
large, 51c doz.; certified A large, 51c;
A large, 48c; AA medium. 42c: cer
tified A medium, 41c; B medium, 37c; A
small, 39c; cartons 20 additional.
uuceae Price to retailers Portland
Oregon elngles 39-42C, Oregon loaf, 5
lb loafs 44'A-45o lb.; triplets. 1 eents lese
than singles Premium brands, singles
slUo lb.i loaf, 63140
Poultry Live Chlokene Ho. 1 quality POB
plants, No. 1 broilers under a lbs. 20-34c
lb. fryers, z-3 lbs.. 23-26c: 3-4 lbs.. 27c;
roastera 4 lbs and over, 27-28c; fowl,
Leghorns 4 lbs snd under 18-20C. over 4
lbs. 20c; colored fowl, all weights, 26-27c:
roosters, all weights, 18-30o.
Turkey Net to (rowers, S1-31V10 on
toms, 44-44HC on hens.
Ksbblts Average to growers, live whites,
4-5 lbs., 17-180 lb.; - lbs., 15-170 'b.:
colored 2 cents lower: old or heavy does,
and bucks, 8-130. Fresh dressed Idaho
fryers and retailers, 40ol local. 48-520.
Country-Killed Heat
Veal Top quality 31-33C lb.i other
grades according to weight and quality
with lighter or heavier, 25-28c.
Hogs Light blockers, 33-240; sows 18
31c. Lambs Top quality, springers, 33-36e;
mutton. 10-lle.
Beef Qood cows, 31-230 lb.i cannera
cutters. 30-21C.
Fresh Dressed Heata
(Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.l:
Beer steers Oood 500-aoo lbs., 339-42;
commercial, 133-38; utility, 834-35.
Cows Commercial 127-30; utility, $34
35; canners-cutters, 123-36.
Beef Cuts fClood Steersr Hind quarters.
350-53; rounds, 144-49; full loins, trimmed,
373-75; triangles 332-34; square chucks,
338-40: ribs, 352-55; forequsrters, 334-36.
Vcsl and calf Oood, 337.40; commercial,
135-40: utility, $38-33,
Lambs Oood-choice spring lambs, $40
44; commercial, $36-39; utility, $33-34.
Mutton Oood. 70 lbs down, $18-30
Pork cuts: Loin No. 1. 8-13 lbs., $39-43;
shoulders, 16 lbs down, $30-33; spare
ribs, $41-44; carcasses, $34-25; mixed
weights $2 per cwt. ower.
Portland Miscellaneous
Casoara Dark Dry 12vao lb green 40 lb.
Wool Valley soars and medium grades.
4So lb.
Mohslr 960 lb. on 12-month crowth.
limes - ca vea. 270 10.. accoraina to
weight; pips, 220 lb.; beef, 11-120 lb.; bulls,
u-10 id. uountry buyers pay 20 teas.
Nut Quotations-
walnuts Franquettes, met quality um
. 34.7c: large. 32.701 medium. 37.2c:
second quality Jumbos, 30.2o; large, 2B.2c:
medium. 26.2o; baby, 23.2o; soft shell, first
quality large, 3D.7o; medium, 26.2o; sec
ond quality Isrge, 27.2ol medium, 24.7o:
baby 22.2c.
1-liberie Jumbo. 20s lb.t larae. I8e.
medium, 16c: small. 13c.
Chlcaro Livestock
Chicago, Dec. o tun Livestock market:
Hobs salable 19.000: slow: weak to 25
cents lower; late sales mostly 25 cents
lower Dotn miicners ana sows; top 10.00
paid freely for choice 180-210 lbs; weight
under 210 lbs scarce; bulk good and choice
180-220 lbs 15.65-18.00; 220-250 lbs 15.25-
15.75; 260-300 lbs 14.75-15.25; good and
choice sows under 450 lbs 13.00-14.00;
heavier weights as low as 11.75.
Bheep salable 3.500: very little done:
scattered supply 85-05 lb good to choice na
tive and red iambs steady at 23.00 and
23.25; shipper demand poor, except for 00
lb lambs: bulk lambs 100 lbs upward, un
sold; sheep steady, mostly slaughter ewes
Cattle salable 8,000; calves D00; slaUBh
tcr steers and heifers moderately active.
strong to fully V) cents higher: cows
steady to weak; bulls scarce, active and
strong; vealers strong to 50 cents higher;
scattered loads good to low choice fed
steers and yearlings 20.50-36.00; bulk me
dium to low-good short feds 32.00-28.00;
two loads good to low-choice fed heif
ers 29.90; bulk medium and good heifers
21.00-28.25; beef cows 14.00-17.50; very lit
tle above 16.50; canners and cutters
11.50-14.25: medium and good sausage
bulls 16.50-30.00; bulk medium to choice
vealers 23.00-26.00; top 27.00; stock cattle
slow and about steady, few loads medium
and good 680-750 lb Montana feeding steers
Portland Livestock
Portland, Ore., Dec. 8 flJ.B Livestock:
Cattle Salable 250; market active, steady
at Monday's advance; top Monday 25 for
load good 1020 lb steers and few head 002
lbs: odd low medium steers todar 21:
common 19-10; medium-good heifers to 22;
top Monday 23; canner-cutter cows 10.50
12: shells downward to 0: common-medium
beef cows 13-15; odd good cows 16; com
mon sausage ouus it-is.
Calves salable 50: market active, steady;
odd good vealers 23-24; choice Monday to
26; medium heavy calves 18-20; commons
down to 14.
Hogs salable 150: market active, steady;
good-choke 180-230 lbs 17.50; 290 lbs
down to 16; good 350-550 lb sows 13.50-15;
good-choice feeders 17.50-18.50; choice 77
lbs 19.
Sheep salable 300: very little offered
early: few sales steady; good-choice lambs
21: common down to 17; good ewes 6.50;
light ewes quotable to 7 or above.
Grange Social Night
Honors Newlyweds
Aurora Social night at Ma
plewood grange was dedicated
to honor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
E. Parmley (Elsie Wlegand),
whose marriage at Vancouver,
Wash., November 18, united the
long-time members of the
Chief entertainment featured
a play, "You Ain't Heard the
Half of It," furnished by mem
bers of the Union Hill commun
ity. Avon Jesse sang a song ded
icated to the newlyweds.
Ice cream and a large wed
ding cake were served late In
the evening.
Junior Class Play
Aids Student Funds
Amity The junior class
play of Amity high school was
presented Friday evening, with
an appreciative audience. The
three-act play depicting high
school age, their friends and
modern parents. Joe M. Barr
played a Sousaphone solo and
Irene Shandy sang vocal num
At Intermission the girls ath
letic association provided cakes
for an auction.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
4; 1
B B..8 M
LlIlIB JOG Lit"e Joe Louls' Jr Vi, dons midget-shed
Jll boxing gloves as he appears in a Chicago train-3i
ing ring with his famous dad, the retired world's heavy- i
weight champion. Big Joe is training for an exhibition bout I
in Chicago with Pat Valentino of San Francisco. (AP Wire-:.'
photo.) -
Completed from report! of Salem dealer
lor ids rnldsince or Capital Journal
Readeit. (Revlicd dallr)
Retail Peed Prices:
Ek Ma-h $4.00.
Rabbit Pell eti U. 20.
Dairy Feed $3.60.
Poultry: Uujuiij prices Orade A color
ed hens, 35c; grade A Lea horn hena
ana UP, 27-390. Grade A old rooMera. 15c
18-l9c; grade A colored tryert, three Iba.
Buy I nr Prices Large AA, 40c: large
, 37-3 9c; medium AA. 32c: medium A.
30 -33c; pullebs, 27c.
Wboleaalt I rice Egg wholesale prlcei
a-7c above these prices; above grade A
generally quoted at 44c, medium 36c.
Premium 96c: No. 1. 64o; No. 2, 6o-o0e,
(buying prlcts).
Butter Wholesale grade A, 8801 re
call 73c.
Portland Grain
Portland, Ore., Deo. 6 W Cash grain:
Oats No. 2, 38 lb. white 58.00; barley No.
2, 45-Ib BW 57.00: No. 1 flax 3.95.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.21',;
soft white (no rex) 2.2114; white club
Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.21 tt; 12
per cent 2.22.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 138; barley
12; Hour 11; corn 5;-mlllfeed 14.
Friendly Neighbor
Officers Retained
Amity The Friendly Neigh
bors club held its December
meeting at the Bernard Kosta
home south of town. Mrs. Oliver
Kosta presided.
The club voted to retain the
present group of officers for an
other year. Mrs. Oliver Kosta,
president, Mrs. Richard Fuller,
vice president, Mrs. Van K.
Lawson, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Edward Lehman will be
hostess for January. Mrs. Van
K. Lawson, conducted a "spell
ing bee" for entertainment. Mrs.
A. G. Massey was awarded a
prize as the best speller. Mrs.
Clyde Lambert second. A
Christmas party was held with
exchange of gifts.
Brrt T. Ford
In this city December 5. Bert T. Ford.
late resident of 040 D street, at the axe
54 years. Surviving are three sons.
Thomas a. Ford, Frank Ford and Phil
Ford, all of Salem; and a sinter, Miss
Loretta- M. Ford of Salem. Recitation of
the rosary at the W. T. Blttdon chapel
Tuesday, December 6, at 8 p.m. Requiem
mass Wednesday, December 7, at 8 a.m. at
St. Joseph's Catholic church. Entomb
ment at Mt, Crest Abbey mausoleum.
Alex RUkel
In this city November 30. Alex Klskei,
late resident of Portland. Oraveslde serv
ices will be held Wednesday, December 7,
at 10 a.m, at St. Barbara cemetery. Di
rection W. T. Rlgdon company. Rev. A.
J. oeiinos will olliciate.
Volene Morltl Shields
In this city, December 4, Volene Morlts
Shields, late resident of 660 Marlon St., at
the age of 56 years. Survived by two broth-
P. J. Mo rite and John J. Morltz, both
of Salem; three sisters, Mrs. II. H. BoacIi
of Brooks, Mrs. Minnie Smith and Mrs.
Catherine J. Lyon, both of Lyons, Ore.;
alno several nephews and nieces. Member
and past matron of Euclid chapter 70,
OES, at Jefferson. Funeral services will be
Wednesday. December 7, at 1:30 p.m. at
the w. T. it moon en a pel wun entomoment
at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. Kev. P. w.
Erlksen will officiate. Friends are request
ed to please omit flowers.
Gertrude Ifutchlntan
In this city, December 2. Gertrude Hut-
chlnnon, at the age of 73 years. Announce
ment or services later by w. i. Kigaon
Dr. Mines DePrlest VI n yard
Dr. Moses DePrlest Vlnyard. at his home
at 3305 Center street, December 6. at the
ae of 58 years. Surviving are the wife,
Mary Vlnyard of Salem; a daughter, Mary
Dennis Vlnyard of Salem ;a son, Robrrt
Vlnyard of Salem; and four sisters, Mrs.
Ida Lou Qoff of Pasadena. Calif.. Mrs.
Vlda Bolomon of Jnckson, Miss., Mrs. W.
P. Flurry of W kk ns. Miss., and Mrs,
Leah Spears of Lucednle, Miss. Member of
the Calvary Baptist church. Services
will be held at the Howell -Ed wards chapel
Thursday. December 8. at 2:30 P.m. wit.i
Dr. Victor Sword and Rev. F. C, Btannnrd
officiating. Interment In Belcrest Mem
o rial park,
Don't 'done' youTnolf. Rub the aching
part well with Miuterole. Its great
pain-relieving medication speeds fresh
blood to the painful area, bringing
amaxing relief. If pain la Intense
buy Extra Strong Musterole.
Tuesday, December 6, 1949 23
ft, V
, , Sw.gj-
Gny Elmer Eadet J C-
Ouy Elmer Eadea. lata resident of 1600
Jefferson Atreet, In this city. December
5, at the ago of 65 yeara. Survived by
wiie, Mrs. Beute B. cades of Salem: two
slaters, Mrs. Zona Frederlluen of Elf
gene and Mrs. Lena Teeter of Jofferaoru
ana a nepnew, Ernest t'reaeriKscn un
Eugene. Member of DPOE lodge No. 303.
The Dalles; AP St AM lodge at The Dalleji",
and Ohadwlclt chapter No. 37, OE3 of 8a-
lem. Services will be held Wednesday, De
cember 7, at 3 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdoa
chapel with ritualistic services by Baj.i
lem lodge No. 4, AF & AM. concluilltja
services at Belcrest Memorial park. Ue.
Henry Sullivan ,
Monmouth The remains of Henry Sul
livan, 83, killed by an automobile thry
miles south of here Saturday night, havo .
been forwarded to Lewlston, Ida. for eerv-.
Ices and burial. He was born at DecattM1?
111., Mar, 16, 1866, and married Myrtle
rrocior as uouax, waan., in reoruary
1900. From 1805 to 1040 h lived at Ntft
Perce, Ida., and had lived In this corn- -muntty
the lost nine years. Besides ht
widow he Is survived by two daughters,'
Mrs. Orace Painter, Woodburn and Mrs.
Vera Johnston. Oranxevlllo. Ida.: two
sons, Olenn and Marry Sullivan, both of
Monmouth; ten grandchildren and all
Illllary Schmee
Mt. Ansel Hillary Schmee, 70, a resi
dent of this community since 1886, died
Sundny at a Salem hospital. He was botA
in Madison, Wis., Doc. 17, 1870. Surviving'"
are three brothers and a sister, Engclbtfvt
Schmee, Portland; William Schmee, South
Bend, Wash.; Qua Schmee, Waldoorf, and
Mrs. Lena Maurer, Tree Prenos.j Calif.
Recitation of the rosary at the linger fu
neral homo Tuosday nlKht at 8 o'clock
with funernl services Wednesday at 8;1B
o'clock from the St. Mary's Catholic
church and burial in Calvary cemetery
at Mt. AnKel under the direction of the
Una or funernl home.
Mn. Elsa Keen
Lebanon Mrs. Els a Keen, 61, died at
noon, Dec. 5, at the Lebanon community
hospital. She was born In Stockhoifrl.
Sweden, Jan. 18, 1868, and had lived In
poruana lor m years prior to her seven
years residence In Lebanon. Services are
set for Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Howe-
iiuston chapel, with interment in the
Masonic cemetery. Rev. H. D. Robeson
will officiate. Survivors are her throe
brothers, Erhard. Sigurd and Robed
Landstrom. all of Lebanon. .,,
Benjamin Franklin Luti
Lebanon Benlamln Franklin tuts. TT.
died at the community hospital Saturday
evening. Born May 18, 1872 at Stay ton,
ne cniM io L.coanon in iojj, mnKins ma
home here since that time. He was a re
tired barber. Funeral services were held
Wednesday, Dec, 7 at 2 p.m. at the Howa
H us ton chapel with Rev. Leltoy Crossley
offlclatine. Burial In the Lebanon IOOr
cemetery. He Is survived by his wife, Lul
clnda Belle of Lebanon; three sons, Har-
ry Lutx of HarrlsburR. Joe and Carl Mt
Lebanon, and a daughter. Mrs. Dell 'P.
Stone of Ontario: two sisters, Mrs. Mar
tha Lambert of Stayton and Mrs. SuMe
Harrington, Vancouver, B. O.: 12 nrano
children and seven groat grandchildren.
William II. Merslnier t M;
Albany Charles 11. Merslnger. 65. dld
at his home early Monday at Tana cut.
Funeral services will be hold at 2 p.m..
Wednesday at the Fisher Funeral home ln
Albany. Burial will be In the Riverside ,
cemetery. Mr. Merslnser had lived In
Tangent the past 4 years and for the pre
vious is years, was a resident oi the OaJt
vllle community. He was born In Man
hattan. Kan. He married Jennie Ollar at
The Dalles In 1012. The widow survives
as do a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Cobban,
Portland: two brothers, three sisters and
five granddaughters. Mr. Me ruin nor whs
a member of the Woodmen of the WorMl
Multnomah Camp No. 77, In Portland. "
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A God-send for GAS-HEARTBURN
When wnn Htomiwh arid caimra painful. eurlnrstV
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BELL-ANS for Acid Indigestion 2Si
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When disorder of kidney function permJtsV
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For Relief of Itch
When your skin Is Irritated
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diately. Sanitone Ointment is
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For Sala
Willett'j Capital Drug Store'.,
State at Libert Fbone 3-3118
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