ItO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, December 6, 1949 TTV LOOK'ONE OF THESE 1 F YEAH AN' THERES A WHOLEU THAT MEANS HE MIGHT NOPg BUT r I THINK I'LL 00 ON HMMBETTER BW TOOTHPICKS HAS A MESS OF WRAPPERS LIKE BE A REGULAR CUSTOMERflXJMPS UKE A 0NE-M4N SLUMMING IHAVE SOUR 5 'jaS'f, R. PRINTED WRAPPER THAT WADDED DOWN IN HX THIS JOINT EVER HEAWTHAT OPEN EXPEDITION TONIGHT- KNUCKLES T KjJz: ' 'Tgg THE POCKETS OF "CHOKERS" OF THE "BARGE INN' ? .ND CLOSE DOWN ALONG THE BRASS-PLATED ' JV TlLE - COAT, ROPER ,111 1 rjEVERY WEEK WATER FRONT Jf BEFORE YOU RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. Out came a skinny, dusty, angry looking duck Chapter 2 Henry and Mr. Dllly Join Forces Henry led Mr. Dilly to a very queer shed of a house at the edge of the town. It looked so rickety you would have thought even a spring breeze would send it tumbling to the ground. As they turned in at the gate a woman with ily-away hair opened the door and swept the porch vigorously. "Is that your mother? ' asked Mr. Dilly. "Oh, no," said Henry. "I don't have a mother. That is Mrs. Snell. She takes care of me, I guess." Just then Mrs. Snell caught sight of Henry. "You! Where have you been? Theres work to be done, you know. Get in here and scrub the . kitchen and fill the wood box and peel the potatoes." Her voice was dreadfully loud and cross. Henry said, "I went to a Christmas magic show and this is" "Christmas!" cried Mrs. Snell. "Just forget about Christmas. There won't be any Christmas in this house I can tell you not for boys like you." "Pardon me," said Mr. Dilly politely. "I am Mr. Dllly the Magician. Henry is bringing me to see his talking duck." Mrs. Snell's mouth dropped open and she stared at Mr. Dilly unbelievingly for a long moment. Then her voice flowed back into her mouth and she cried, "Surely man as old as you has not been "Taken in by this foolish story of talking duck." j Mr. Dilly looked at Henry as if to say, "Have you been fooling !fce?" "It's not a story," blurted IHenry. "It's true. Serena is in vthe back yard and she talks to Jgie all the time." m Mrs. Snell burst into laughter. Not only does the boy do no Svork, he is silly in the head be sides. Why should I have so Snuch trouble?" i "If I could see the duck, per- Jbaps? " suggested Mr. Dilly. "Yes, come," said Henry quick 1y. "I keep her in a box out back." -- nttt'ns ho ctnrtnrl 41 Mi "Dilly around the house Mrs. Snell whooped, "You won't find your duck out back now, young nan!" Henry stopped and looked at Mrs. Snell. His face was sudden ly quite pale. "Where is she, then?" he asked. "I've tied her up in the kitch en," said Mrs. Snell. "I'm going to cook her for dinner." Henry gasped. Tears of anger streamed down his cheeks. "I'll never work for you again!" he said. "Leave me, then!" shouted Mrs. Snell. "But you won't get the duck!" And suddenly she took up her broom and began hitting poor Henry. She swept him off the porch and down the walk and gave him a final swat on his head as she shoved him through the gate. For a while the boy was blind with dust and anger and tears. It was quite a few minutes before he realized that he was alone in the road, that Mr. Dilly had left him. "Now what am I to do?" thought the wretched boy, robbed of his pet, left all alone by his new friend, and thrown out of the only home he had. It seemed to him that the world was a most cruel and friendless place. It grew dark and as he stum bled along he did not see the man at the turn of the road until he had almost walked into his arms. It was Mr. Dilly. "What took you so long, boy?" said the Magician. "I began to think I d have to come back for you. ' "Oh, I'm so glad to see you! said Henry, ready to cry with relief. Mr. Dilly put his arm around the boy's shoulders. "Son," he said. "How would you like to team up with me and be my helper?" You mean travel with you and put on magic shows?" gasped Henry. "That would be great! Except except " his voice faded away. "Except what?" prodded Mr. Dilly gently. "Except for my duck," whis pered Henry. "I can't bear to leave Serena for Mrs. Snell to eat." "If that is all that's worrying you, you can forget it," said Mr. Dilly. And he reached in his pocket and pulled out a skinny, dusty, angry-looking duck. "Why it's Serena!" cried Henry. Next: Mr. Dill Goes to School. ifiR2864 v.ut.uvtu 4 liniUtia Joth mother and baby will look their best when wearing these adorable and easy-to-crochet bed Jackets. The "bi 'n' little" editions are fun to make and require but a few sit tings with yarn and hook Ot course, the set makes a perfect gift ror any "iaay in waiting.-' Pattern Envelopes No. R2863 and R28tM contain complete crocheting instructions (small, medium and larne sizes included), stitch Illustra tions, material requirements and fin is mm; directions. To obtain thi pattern, send 20c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address na tone num ber to PeRRy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. i mi lMM-Wy f f Hf LEARN' LIZARDS I HE SPM &S H T YOU WOTCH HERE, 6fiHOV-0 ftSK 0 Weut, 6URE-R0CKT3 T YEBh! YOU NEVER iBf rr! HETS MrrOES! I CANT I 1M f I CWrmCET HBLPRUtCK- 11 MIS R I NOTW TO ME- I SAW NOTVMN'-NOW 3 II B FOLLOW HIM IN THERE-BUT )'. I Ml BUT WHERE? WHO? S ' p jji ( SURE -WE ) I U JUNIOR, NEBB? AM I '"WWfl IIW I'LL BET VOL! TELL TfVW I DON'T EITHER! I", hui I S LIVE RIGHT K. CLATTERED 1 WUV YOU'RE )If I (uVtUAT TO ALLTHE AIW (IvE NEVER SAID IT T . : .NEXT DOOR TO TWEMOSTPOPULAQ EJOVvfU V W7TVGUVS r-"-ral f? iTO AWOTHER BOY 7 1 DO MDU LIVE yVOU I'M JUNIOR J AT NOQTUVILLE UIGU Uffl sW I IN THIS TOWN 1 P'-OLE MAM M06E WAS R-RK3HT "1 Xftw NCWfT-AtXOKOW rwiOOCIf I I W f7 ( HXY.WHUFFO' IS YO'A-RUMMIN' "5i2' I M HE PREDICKTED 'THO KtOUnxSHHaX I HOOK'S PUN-AH COVfOOXJCS J II JsA't TH' OTHER WAY o IT'S ME YO' HAS 1 BtuJj&Hee-yoa BOOMCD-rrsl Y, mi.'.'-) , I yeiarniep to' all yore, ufes J yZy'- I ...II rr 12)? wwttsa I 1 .... , t1 . W WSAV : 1 wimnmnmm I u-AMDSO,mrtuwmi2tflbJ-THETWt:HASCCWB V WECANNOTSLEEP Xm WAKE UP. FELLOW CITIZENS.! AW V, uiaic M i-cincKcrcAi imc rwHtNWt musi ALL J ON THE JOB I NO WAKEOPYOUR NEI6HB0RS ouTKiVii u 1 TIME HAS COMET WHEN WE J PUT OUR SHOULDER Jl NOT ONE MINUTE ' JzzZ , WAKE UP YOUR BEST y ( HIM UP: YOU M . w ,ll'mra6avrel' ''here he is,tex! . vou see? he just wanted J i reckon so. but IPUOnLiyCUfTHTUlwHlPllFD IVE60TTO SITTING RIGHT IN IFRONry4 TO RUN! HE HATES RUSTY, LOOK AT HIS R ASHANHfflNvScE BND FUP,0U! OF HylS HOUSE! BBNfi TIEP. yf PAWS PEC? CLAY,' IN u thIhSlauWheh"t -vrfs kmiZZ!f J 7 j 7- J people N I T) y E gota I I I II I 1 , ' rz t-Jx 'next oooa rjV yJU PACKAeS: ON MTTTll I J toVcTuNw iX'ItA- - fr i - .vvvEs.'THEY'Re yyT tc 8 I .7, 11. .1 -A V i t i I I I -Wl , . . , I- II I I -,N-tr; I U IKLV-I'J' . III ; l 1HL II I P-l MR.WEniljHTWN0WOUR AVP MB A MASTERPIECE HAII WE PICK IIP Y.. ONE FURTHER WORD! -1 MUST Z n il 1 MAJORITY iTOOCHOlOER.MR.jCjfNr; Of UNDERSTATEMENT, TSt PlECWOTOUR 'BU WARN YOU THAI I SHALL CK3 MY UTM05T IV J I WICEEiHENCE.THEBANK. ujqulD MARTY! m, PJIRSTED BUBSLL TVJ I TO BLOCXYOUFROMGETTI"; FUNDS Si H ,. WOIII T) HACPLY FINANCE V n n..inrA. AND TIPrPE AWAY' -i3 V FOR YOUR PROJECT FROM ANY OTHER 1 f W M A COMPETITOR IN THE. I THAT' T" A I VfeJi V, BAN .MR.MCKEE! Sr . J I f A j 1 p" KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO .. 630 NBC 110 CBS 11M ABO 13M UBO 1490 Kc 5:00 Tfa f V Ftstart Storr QretB Borntt Stralf hi Arrow Band of Day 5:15 News Llttlt Show Oreen Horail Stralfbl Arrow Band of Dar 5:30 Fanny Brlet Newi 8kr Kinf Capt. Mldnlfhl Blng Croiby 5 ;45 Fanny Brlca Sw Bky King Capt. Midnight BnitncM Newt 6:00 Bop Hopa Ut With Lafgl Flreflrhtera Gabriel Beater Candid' Bit. 6:1R Bop Hop ' Lit With Luifl Hont Edition Sortbw'at News Candld'l A 111, 6:30McGa Holly My Belial Mod. Rontaneat Tello Tea Newa 6 i 45 MeOea M Molly Meditation Mod. Bomancti Berenada Twilight Bang 7:0OHollyw'd Thaa. Bit tho Jackpot Conntenpy Drama of Mad. Pat O'Briaa 7:15 Hollywood The. III! tho Jackpot Counterapy Songo of Tlmea Mmleal J'ekpat 7:30 Peo. art Fonny Escape Aolo A Bolllo. Rldera In Sky Evelyn bight 7;45 Peo. are Fanny Escape Solo A Bolllo. Rldexa In Bky Speaking Bpta. 8:00 Sinatra, Hint. Low. Thomas Defense Time Count M. Crlsto Track liM 8:15 News ot World Jack Smith Defense Time Count M Carlo Track MM 8:30 Cavalcade Mr., Mrs. North Town Meeting Rues Morgan Track 14M 8:45 Cavalcade Mr., Mrs. North Town Meeting Buss Morgan Track HW 9:00 Ronald Colem'n Mystery Thea, Town Meeting News Track 1M 9:15 tonald Colam'n Mystery Thea. Town Meeting Muile Traok 14M 9:30 Big Town Beulah News Favorite Story News 9:45 Big Town Clnb 15 We Care Favorite Story 0. McCarthy 10:00 Sam Hayes S-Star Final Richfield Reptr Fulton Lewis Ntvht Bong 10:15 Mort. Downer Von A World Intermesao Sel. Loo. News Night Bong 10:30 Sporta Fate Alrflo Concert Heny Newa Mas, yon Want 10:45 Dance Orch. Orchestra Concert Hear Mmle Mas, yon Want 11 :00 News Serenade Concert Iloay I Lev Mystery Neetarao 11:15Waa Mmeam Organ Mnslo Concert Boar Here's To Vets Noctarno ll:30Wai Museum Treasury Band Meos K. Morgan Or. Nocturne 11:45 Wai Muncum Htm Memos EL Morgan Ot. Nocturne 12:00 Sign Off Silent bra Hoar ' Slgn Off ISIgn Off WEDNESDAY A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hodee Podge Newa farm News Morn. Newa fi:15 News KOIN Block Keep Smiling Music. Tltnk'pr. ' 6:30 farm Tlmi KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Time KOCO Block ' 6j45 garm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling News KOCO Klock 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Klock News News T RItter 7:15 Old Songo News Asronaky Rr'kfast Gang KOCO Klock 7:30 News Newa Bob Hasen Klso A Shine Newa 7:45 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zeke Manners Top Trades KOCO Block 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Clnb Barg Conntor King's Ornsadra 8:15 Eddlo Albert News Breakfast Clnb Church King's Crasadra 8:30 lack Berch Grand Blam Breakfast Club Bible Institute West. Melodies 8:45 3age Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Fiesta Time 9:00 lecond Cap Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell Northw'st Newa Time for Holoi 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Today's Stars Musle Memories Time for Mal'dy 9:30 Ilbmetowners Helen Trent Art Llnkletter Pastor's Call Stars Sing 9:45 News Our Gal Sund'y Art Llnkletter Waits Time 1. Ch. Thomas ' 10:00 Marriage for S Big Sister Sage Rfdera News N. W. News 10:15 Lora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Mem'rable Mas. 10:30 Hostess House Yg. Dr. Malone My True Story Muslo Tune Tims 10:45 hostess House Guiding Light My True Story Walts Berea. M Keys 11:00 Double or Noth. 3nd Mrs. Bort'n Betty Crocker Ladles First Muslo Mart 11:15 Double or Noth. perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladles First Muslo Hart 1:30 T'day's Cblldon Norab Drake N'westernera Queen for Day Ian Garbeff 1:45 Liaht of World Brighter Day N'westernera Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Rankfaago Top Trades Hollyw'd Mnslo 12:15 Road of Ufa Come A Get It News News Hollyw'd Muslo 12:30 Pepper . -.ung Bright A Light Jack Norman Vorthw'st News News 12:45 Happiness Art Baker Meet Meniona B. Eberly Bhow Dave Dennis 1:00 Baekstago Wife Barny'd Follies Breakfast In Tell Neighbor Mae'a Melodies 1:15 Stella Dallas Garry Moor? Hollywood Harvey Harding Mae's Melodies l:30Lorenxo Jones Garry Moore Kay West Organ Reveries Mae's Melodies 1:45 Wldder Brown Newspaper Kay West Blng Since Mae's Melodies 2:00 A Girl Marries Newspaper Jap Stewart Bob Pool Mao's Melodies 2:15 Por. Faces Life it ere Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:30 Just Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride A Groom Mnslo for Wed. Mao's Melodies 2:45 Fr. Page Farrell Tunefully Yo'ra Bride A Groom Musle for Wod Mao's Melodies 3:00 Welcome Trav. News Talk Way Oat Hoedown Parly Mao's Melodies 3:15 Welcome Trav. Arthur Godfrey Talk Way Oat o--fwn Partv Mao's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthnr Godfrey Be Seated News Mac's Melodlos 3 :45 Love A Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malons i Bans Mac's Melodies 4:00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Santa's Letters Fulton Lewis Movletlns 4:1.5 Lire Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage F. Hemingway Friendly 4:30 nr. Paul Curt Missey iaulrrol Cage Behind Story B ean be Beans, 4:45 Pul Stons Ed R. Marrow "Cinnamon Bear Newa P can be Boaat. tfrtAT TnMd.y A.M. 6:00 Chldren'l ftunL Theitret 5:15, On tbc Up belli 5:00. BK0 Bporti Clabl 6:00. Nit 0:15. Orcoi 4:30, 'Raand lb. C.npflret 7:15, Evenlnr Farm Honrt 5:00. OSC Mnslei 8:15, U. N. Review; 1:80, Great Soncsi 8:15, New. and Weatheri 9:00, Hn ale Tbat Endoreai 0:45, BrenlDr Hedlta. ttonii 10:00, Slcn Ofl. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 If r A f Wedneedar A. H. 10:00, New. lUnV and Weatheri 10:16. Eipee- lally for Womeni 11:00. Oreton School ml Alri 11:16, Concert Hallt lt:00, Nowei 12:16, Noon Farm Houn 1:00, OBO C.n vocation! 8:00, Freedom t. Orowt 8:30, Memory Book of Huslei 8:46. Ore ron School of tho Alri 8-00, Newel 8:15, Muslo of tho Maitera; 4:00, Oreion B portert 4:16. Kern & ".loop: 4:80. Bomoa on the land! 4:45. Defence Report. Holiday Decorations Demonstration Topic Hubbard The first of three district meetings on "Christmas Decorations' will be held in the Pythian Hall here December 7 at 1:30 o'clock. The Hubbard Woman's club will be in charge of arrangements. ' The meeting is open to everyone. The dem onstration will be given by Miss Eleanor Trlndle and Miss Betty Ann Boetticher of the Home Demonstration office in Salem. The demonstration will include Christmas wreaths, door swags and Christmai corsages. The other two meetings will be held in other parts of the county on December 8 and 9. Safety Men Meet Lebanon At the governor's first annual industrial confer ence in Portland were John Simi and Lester Jenkins, company safety engineers and first aid in structors for Lebanon's Crown Zellerbach paper mill. The two Lebanon men also represented 214 of International Brother hood of Sulphite and Paper Makers of Oregon. rCTiiFiiTii miiiiI H pTLirTtTirj ll I MAI I 11 II 1 I I LKSa'XJ,'I. H VMA ral a l eUp rIn cUn o aWsmHrsm t i Its lis iTaWliT-! s b el ACROSS L Treat with tho hands S. Violin tnaltor 13. Feellnn 14. Lid 15. Covered With baked clay 16. Rifle 18. First man 19. Healthy 20. Put on 21. Russian vlllaga community 22. Splendor 23. Hop stem 24. Typo measure 26. Chicken on- closure 28. Exactly suitable? 27. Outcome 29. Ancient Afri can native 22. Sort 33. Be fond of 34. Myself 35. Set at aa a nffle 27. Foundation 38. Cut 89, Fuss 40. Hit 41. Farm building 42. Christening 44. Eagle's nest 45. Metal tag of a laca 49. Stresses 4S. English city 49. Long low seats DOWN i. Plant pai' S. Transparent solution of starch 2 3 la S Ito 17 Me I? IO I" f2 ' 7l it3 fS '177U LIP bp f-JlML I38 r n' i !i jr A? Newsfearvres Tel eTpTuP idu brsI H S B LHS OTllEWI 9 A I SPH UTHA RjQH hC R A T EH8 CV T H E p 1 0 1 M p Solution of Yesterday's Puuls t. Of the sua 4. Stalk 5. Help 6. Proceed 7. Pitch a tent S. Land measure 9. Riotous crowd 10. Eagerness 11. Complement etf a mortise 12. Feminine nam 17. High mountain 19. Shout derlstTsly 22. Former U. 8. President 23. Infant 25. Sect 26. Highway 28. Variety of quartz 29. Speak Imper fectly 30. One of an ancient people of Palestine v 21. Novelty L 33. The first day m of August . 35. Intrigue 36. Proverb 37. Public con veyance 38. River In France 40. Fragments 41. Vegetable 43. Spread looselr 44. Deed 47. Symbol for cerium ROOM AND BOARD . , By Gene Ahern fiXVf' 'ALFy,r.""AH, MY LAD, WHAT r 3inin.3 lih ii-n rwc iij VY TIRED OLD EYES -NW WORD NOT HAVING SEEN OR HEARD FROM. OU FOR. TWO WEEKS, I FEARED VOU WERE A VICTIM OF FOUL PLAY-- JOVE, I'M OVERJOYED ' TO SEE VOU. 1 J 'J m. J -Y4.-r:; TTTI Ul .TUDGF 0( WHADDA YKNOW? V WONDER. If HELL POP HIS SHINGLES ! AFTER I TELL HIM : TH' news; , 4