Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 06, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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    EifUmmKiifiviJmtin iwwiii 1111,1. iwnifftim iiimiiiunu)jm,nuilHllB
First Family Hairdos Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and
Miss Margaret Truman, daughter of President and Mrs. Tru
man, show their new short hairdos as they chat during
Kewspaper Women's club dinner-dance at Waldorf-Astoria,
N. Y.
Christmas Rush on Seems
About Same as in the Past
(Onlte4 Pre suit correspondent)
Washington, Dec. 6 The usual Christmas rush is on and
It seems Drettv much the same as other years.
Stores are hiring more salespeople ana the post office depart
ment is putting on extra employes to carry the Christmas mail.
About 400,000 extra persons have been hired to sell gifts in
the deDartment stores and shops. Possibly 275,000 persons are
going to work for the post office for four weeks.
That's just about how manya
were hired during the Christmas
rushes of 1947 and 1948.
Since Thanksgiving, sales have
picked up and the retail trade
is beginning to hum.
Even Uncle Sam is offering
what it thinks are tinsel-bright
gifts to prospective buyers. Big
buyers, that is.
1 The war assets administration
must fold Dec. 31. But it still
has a lot of its surplus property
to dispose of.
' So, if you're in the Christmas
market for a power line, the
WAA has one in New York
state, war-built for $3,670,000.
Then there's an oil refinery at
Corpus Christi, Tex. In fact, the
government has 50 surplus
plants, valued at $545,000,000, it
will gladly sell.
At any rate, economists at the
bureau of labor statistics believe
that retail trade employment
may hold up for some time after
this Christmas.
They point out that in the
present buyer's market, there
must be more effort made to sell
products. This means larger
sales staffs. .
Another incentive to keeping
sales staffs more or less intact
1 the forthcoming $2,800,000,
. 000 insurance dividends to be
paid by the veterans administra
tion to about 16,000,000 veterans
who are policy holders of World
War II. This money will be
paid to veterans all over the
country. First payments, VA
says, will start about Jan. 15
and will be carried out over
subsequent months.
This money is expected to be
a shot-in-the-arm for merchants
who generally expect the post
Christmas doldrums.
Some of this year's optimistic
predictions for Christmas rush
sales are based on federal res
erve board figures for depart
ment store sales.
For the Thanksgiving week
ending Nov. 26, department
store sales were five per cent
below the comparable week
year ago, the board said. It did
, not issue comparative sales to
But other economists hasten
to point out that this percentage
decline represents dollar
amounts. It does not reflect
price declines, which on many
commodities are five to seven
per cent under last year.
South Americans make "ma
te" a tea-like drink out of the
.1 leaves of one species of holly,
Business Right in the Middle
Both Inflation and Deflation
New York, Dec. 8 ) Business i in the middle again. Busl
neumen all over the country feel the pull of both Inflation and
deflation, forces that appear to most observers to be closely
matched Just now.
Winter resort owners In Tucson, Aril., are asking if inflation
is in the cards meaning easy
and plentiful money back east,
and more customers for winter
A secretary in San Francisco i
asks if inflation is on the way
back meaning rising prices for
the things she buys, while her
own pay raises much more slow
ly, if at all.
It may be spring before we
know: whether we're headed for
another boom; whether we're in
for a sharper bust than last
spring; or whether we somehow"
or other have achieved the un
expected an almost painless re
treat from postwar inflation to
lower but still prosperous
plateau of business activity.
Perhaps more persons think
that inflation is the stronger
force just now. They cite the
pickup in orders which revived
backlogs in such industries as
paperboard, shoes and textiles.
They list the rise in prices, here
and there such as, tires up sev
en per cent in a month, Du
Pont's four per cent hike in ray
on viscose yarn over the week
end, and coffee prices bumping
the sky.
Supporting the view that in
flation is coming is the quick re
bound of steel production after
the strike, and the word today
that Jones ic Laughlin, the na-
Two Mind-Readers 'flevea'
Choices for Academy Awards
Hollywood, Calif., Dec. 8 RIB This is the season when "Os
car" forecasters run wild and wacky along Sunset boulevard.
The champs are two mind-readers who say they can tell the
winners by listening to' "subconscious" bells.
If you have mysterious ringings in your head, chances are the
nightclub team of Mardoni and-
Louise have been tuning in on
'em lately.
That's what they claim, any
how. Mardoni and Louise already
have settled the question every
body's asking these days. They
know who's gonna tote home
those golden statuettes, early
next year.
They said it's pretty doggone
silly of the academy to go ahead
and toss the annual shindig
when they could save 'em all the
trouble and expense, to say
nothing of the wear and tear on
a lot of people s nerves;
The winners:
Best actress Olivia De Hav-
illand for "The Heiress."
Best actor Kirk Douglas for
Best supporting actress Mer
cedes McCambridge for "All the
King's Men."
Best supporting actor Ralph
Richardson for "The Heiress
The team says the Bell sys
tem works because they have
extra-sensory perception.
"We look into people's
minds," Louise breathed -mys
teriously. "We can tell .what
they're thinking even before
they find out themselves. We
picked these winners merely by
walking around sampling movie
people s minds.
"We get the fringe of their
ideas," Mardoni explained. "Ev
eryone in Hollywood's thinking
about 'Oscars.' It was easy.
These mental , evesdroppers
said people go see a -movie and
then mentally catalogue what's
up there on the screen as "Os
car" possibilities.
"Later, when they think of
that picture again," Mardoni
added, '"a little bell rings in
their minds. When the ,bell
rings that's how they'll vote."
But Mardoni and Louise are
a little mixed up on the best pic
ture of the year.
Sometimes we get 'All the
King's Men'," Mardoni apolo
gized. "And sometimes we get
Battleground.' Very confusing.
The bells have been ringing a
little out of key on that one.
Needle Club Meets
Pleasantdale Members of the
Aloha Needle club held an all
day quilting at the Pleasantdale
community hall. Mrs. Harold
Jackson was hostess. The next
meeting will be the annual
Christmas party for all day and
covered dish dinner will be
served at noon at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFariand,
December 15.
isvr" r-jv-w?.
Yeater Appliance Offers You For a'
Limited Time Only Floor Sample
Hurry! We Have Only 7 Left!
Ask about Our Liberal Trade-in Allowances end
Convenient Pay Trmi
Yeater Appliance Co.
tion's fourth largest steel prod
ucer, expects a hike in price on
this basic product. Other Hems
are the easing of the threat of a
coal shortage and the prospects
of labor peace; the building
boom; the slowly mounting cost
of production in many indus
tries; and the steady climb of in
stallment buying to record highs.
Chief' argument that inflation
is on the way lies in the' swell
ing tide of government spending,
the treasury's deficit financing,
and insistence on low interest
rates. These offer the essence
of inflation which is the increas
ing of the supply of money and
the cheapening of its buying
On the other hand, many ob
servers cite their own list to
show that deflation may still
have quite a way to go yet, and
that the recent upturn in bust
ness may be temporary.
Businessmen themselves have
slowed down their own spend
ing for new plant and equip
ment. The building boom
home building, spurred by the
high marriage rate. But the ex
pansion of production facilities
is slowing down.
Also, farm income is falling
and the government predicts it
will fall farther. Food prices
are weakened, at the farm level
at least, by surpluses. Some even
question the ability of the govr
ernment to support prices If an
other bumper crop next year
piles up additional surpluses m
government bins.
Exports of our goods also may
continue to slide, in spite of the
helping hand of the Marshal
plan dollar, devaluation of for
eign currencies, and the talk
about point four encouragement
of prospective markets abroad'
all supposed to make foreigners
more prosperous and hence bet
ter customers.
However, many Industries
find it increasingly hard to
maintain their profitable mar
kets abroad. "Either there are no
dollars overseas to buy Ameri
can goods, or the foreign govern
ment won't let American goods
in. Hollywood was among the
first to find its once golden out
let cut off, and the oil industry
is worried now.
The balance between Inflation
and deflation is too close just
now for most cautious observers
to hazard a guess as to which
way it will tip.
Caplf at Journal, Salem, Ore,, Taesday, December S, 39481?
AT Newsfeatures
A sharp pet is the porcupine, but Mr. and Mrs. Bennett
Nielsen of Ephraim, Utah, hav fun with theirs. Here Ben
nett shows how affectionate it is. "Porky is inteiiigent, too,"
says Mrs.. Nieison. "He opens our screen door, even though
it swings outward. He is better than a watch dog beeaase no
one dares to intrude while he is on guard."
The iittie animai eats ail kinds of fruits and vegetables.
"We found him when he was very smalt, and raised him on a
nursing bottle," says Mrs. Nieison. "Now he weighs 18 pounds.
He eats from the same dish as our Irish Setter pup. The pap
got a few sharp quills in him at first, bat soon learned to
stop biting at Porky. Now they play together."
Baldies Make Bald Statements
About Selves; Pick Ten Besi
New York, Dec. 8 JS The Benevolent and Protective Order
of Bald Eagles met today.
The baldies:
1. Re-elected comedian Abe Burrows president for another
year. :
we :
2. Named the 18 outstanding I
bald men of 1S4S.
S. Adjourned to sneer at comb
and bruih manufacturers.
The 1950 slogan, according to
spokesman and only identified
member, Abe Burrows, is, "Bet
ter to be Bald than to have too
many women in your hair."
The 10 outstanding men, all
"bald and proud of St." are:
1. Winston Churchill.
2. James Farley, former post
master general.
3. Cecil B. BeMiiie, movie
4. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow
er, president of Columbia uni
versity. 5. Field Marshall Viscount
Montgomery, commander its
chief 'of the Western Union of
: European Nations.
8. Edgar Bergen.
1, Crown Prince Charley of
: England.
8. Dimifri Mitropouios, con
ductor of the New York Phil
harmonic orchestra.
9. A istovte star, who didn't
want his name used.
IS. A famous general, who
didn't want his name used, either.
Ensz Awarded Degree
Doctor of Education
Monmouth Elmer Ensz,
principal of the local eiementary
school and assistant professor of
education at Oregon College of I
Education, received his degree ;
of doctor of education from the i
University of Southern Calitor- i
nia. Dr. Ensz has been taking i
graduate study st Los Angeles ;
the past three years.
Dr. Ensz is a graduate of Vis-
alia, Calif., high school, and of
Stanford university, where he
got his bachelor of arts degree
in 1936 and his master of arts
degree in 1838. He taught in
the Walnut Creek, Calif., ele
mentary school in the years be
tween his Stanford degrees.
From 1938 to 1842, Dr. Erssi
taught in the Fillmore, Calif.
Junior-senior high school, and
from 1942 Jo 1949 in the Al
hambra, Caiif., high school with
the exception of three years
service in world war IS as a
lieutenant in the U.S. naval reserve.
Greatest of the Year!
177 NortSt Liberty
1 A
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num. IFFiCIE&Ti TKa new Cory W
pure $avo? kwJ body f yew
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Berne-Tested so kjft 250 sw
no rwbbsf jjsjfts , yea ar hsr
teg 5 a Corf epstff. Thofs wfey
Corf l ty giaw eoffa fefer
Whether you ship perishables
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It's the world's fastest way to ship or receive.
And Air Express is complete, convenient and
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With Air Express you get one-carrier respon
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1150 cities; air-rail to 22,000 off-airiine offices.
Rates are low. For example, a 10-Ib. package
goes coast to coast for $7.37. 15 lbs. goes 500
miles for $2.54, And many low commodity
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For full Information ond prompt service, call
Air Express Division, Railway Express Agency
tMmwf pet AfMWjF
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Compare these
PLAYTEX PILLOW advantages with
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No more tired morningt-ScienfifKoliy designed te giv
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No mor pifiow-punching-PSoytex Supeffoom h
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in most restfyf position oil ntght long.
100 ollergy-free fost-pof, moth-proof, maew
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No more restless nights miMions of tiny oir faufaofes gn
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No more hot soggy pillowi-Fbyfex jroyj fresh end eoof
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No more tumping, bunching toket o third of the time to
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low cose.
Arici? end fhmtt Ordtrt F:!l)
So, 12th Sf, Hiwoy Junction
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