r 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, December 6, 1949 : V :itim J Opera Star Wows Nightclub Audience Mona Bradford, who went to Nashville, Tenn., to sing the lead role in "Car men," now packs a nightclub with torch songs. Stranded when her opera company cancelled its schedule, Miss Bradford took a temporary job at the club to earn her transportation back to New York. (AP Wirephoto) Withered Red Rose Only Clue To Beauty s Vanishing at Sea London, Dec. 6 (U.R) Detectives sought new clues today to ex plain the mysterious disappearance of Gwenda McCallum, beau tiful 20-year-old Australian girl who vanished at sea from the 28,164-ton Orient liner Orcades. A withered red rose was their only clue so far. Peter Patrick Keith Cameron, SO, a government clerk on leave from Fiji, told a board of in quiry of the ministry of trans port that Miss McCallum came aboard the liner with friends at Sydney and apparently stowed away. Cameron paid her passage by special arrangement with the purser and gave her a pair of pajamas, he said. He visited her for about two hours on the night of her disappearance and then returned to his own cabin, Cameron said. The next day the girl had dis appeared. Her clothing was in her cabin but Cameron's pajam- Bread Like a Wet Sponge May Be Only Half-Baked Heppner, Ore., Dec. 6 VP) A loaf of bread that is easily squeezed like a wet sponge may be only half baked dough and not necessarily fresh bread. That was the advice to housewives from Richard Baum, market analyst for the Oregon wheat commission who spoke to the Ore- Baum brought up the subject while discussing what he said was the poor quality of bread the average household consumes daily. He also urged the Oregon wheat ranchers to grow a better quality grain. The matter ol mama squeez ing the loaf came out when Baum said the housewife is much to blame for the poor quality of bread she puts on the family table. 'The average housewife has fallen into a faulty buying hab it and uses a squeeze test in selecting a loaf of bread. The loaf which feels the spongiest is selected as the freshest. This not true. Spongy bread is not fresh bread but only half baked dough," Baum explained. He accused bakers of using chemical bread softeners to re place fats, eggs and milk in the dough. John Locke, Seattle, president of the Millers National Federa tion, said the milling industry would back the league in its cer tificate plan for a two-price sys tem on wheat. He said the pro posal could help .the northwest recapture lost export and do mestic markets. Locke criticized the parity differentials that had permitted southern Idaho grain to capture the California market, which he said was traditionally supplied by Washington and Oregon. A Baker county delegation s resolution urging speedier pro gress on the Snake river Hell s canyon project won by a narrow margin after a lively debate. Those opposed said they weren't certain where the league should stand on the issue and wanted to study the proposal further. as were gone. A red rose was lying on the window ledge of her cabin. Cameron said it was not there when he left. Cameron said three men pass engers came to his cabin that night and asked him to join them in a drink. He refused, he said, and understood later that they had gone to Miss McCal When the 1906 Boston Red Sox lost 20 straight games to set the American league record, they dropped 19 of them at home. Liberty Community Club Entertained Liberty The Liberty Com munity club met at the commun ity hall, with Wayne Blaco pre siding. The Junior High school boys will play basketball Tues day nights from 6:45 to 9:15 at the Liberty gym, and the club voted to defray the expenses. The Salem Heights boys will al so play there with the Liberty boys. There Is a new 4-H sewing club organized which the club will sponsor. The club was call ed the Liberty Bells, and Mrs. Roland Seeger is the leader. The club discussed plans for the Christmas treat for the school children. On the program Howard Py ser, Marion county health edu cator, spoke on health and show ed a movie. Mrs. S. B. Davidson, Mrs. John Dasch and Mrs. Joe Vanek served on the refreshment committee. Waijs A pair of skis mountain air . El. ! to 0 Life... . the invigorating the thrill of the snowy slopes . . . then back to the lodge for dinner and a glass of light Olympia. These are among the good things of life. jts tne water" Seer, th( Light Refreshment Beveragt of Millions of Temperate Veoph OlYMMA mlWIHO COMPANY, OLYMMA, WASHINOTON, U. jf tuuiunnuiriiUMKirfuiiiKiiuriuiina 1 I SALEM OREGON CITY J Certified! Re-built! REFRIGERATOR U1J m 19 Jl iMiuinrririritriunn n im FAIRBANKS MORSE 4Q50 5'cu. ft., a real buy ' FRIGIDAIRE 7050 6 cu. ft. Now just NORGE AQ50 4 cu. ft., a steal for V G. E. 5QM Monitor top m a KELVINATOR 740 6 cu. ft., excellent condition MONTGOMERY WARD 7050 6 cu. ft, yours for only " ' FRIGIDAIRE 6 cu, ft. All porcelain V n COLDSPOT AQ50 6 cu. ft., reduced to " MONTGOMERY WARD QQ50 6 cu. ft., now only W WILLAMETTE VAUET'S LEADING APPLIANCE t HOME FUBN1SHEU j k 5ALEM OREGON CITY J I 115 So. Com'l Dial 3-9148 275 NORTH LIBERTY THE DOUBLEHEADER WASHED SALE! (Q) $25 4ks FOR YOUR OLD WASHER REGARDLESS OF AGE, STYLE, MAKE OR CONDITION ON THE OUTSTANDING NEW 'SPIRAL DASHER' WASHER The Washer That Cleans Your Clothes Better, Faster , and Safer! Yes, only Ape has the patented "Spiral Dasher," illustrated at right, which gives gentle "Hand Action" for cleansing delicate gar ments with greater care. The same Spiral Dasher thoroughly washes the rest of the fam ily laundry . . . quickly, easily and with lesi Fabric wear. FREE-RUNNING MECHANISM! The free-running Apex design permifi SLOWER moving parts . . . reduces speed of helical pinion gear to 14 of that of direct drive. All parts are permanently lubricated. The Washer You'll Choose it You COMPARE! $159.95 . . v war .n.ianiiy releases pressure it Slightest touch. EQUIPPED WITH MOTOR DRIVEN PUMP villi 3'j ft. of host and nonlo. HEAVY DUTY, SPLASH-PROOF MOTOR . . , precision built by Apai. Requires no Oiling. DOME'SHAPED TUB COVER with rubbir cover.il hook for hanging on tide of tub. . and many other Important feature!. WHITE VITREOUS PORCELAIN ENAMEL TUI holds 20 gallons to tha water line. Capacity 9 lbs. of clothes, BEAUTIFUL STREAMLINED DESIGN, with elec trically welded Chassis internally braced sleel con struction, bonderlied and with baked enamel finish. And... l&a Also Get oooGBMtj) NOW! In addition to the extraordinary $25 ALLOW. ANCE FOR YOUR OLD WASHER, you also get this beautiful Cannon Bathroom Ensemble t not one penny of cost to you. IM4 $10 "Rttd 1Uut( Set Includes 6-20"x40BATH TOWELS 6-16x 26" HAND TOWELS 6-1 2" x 12 WASH-CLOTHS Here's a Sensational Special Offer for Those Who DO NOT n AVE an OLD Washing Machine to Trade In! CL70GD . 1 .im. J I fon On if The famous Apex Economy Washer, specially priced within the means of every family! EQUIPPED WITH INTERMITTENT, SELF-EMPTYING, MOTOR DRIVEN PUMP with 3Vj ft. ef hose. Empties the wash water into the sink or tab where a floor drain Is not available. Full She Porcelain Enamel Tub Large, 8-position Apex-Lovell Wringer with big, soft rubber rolls. Efficient 3-Vane Agitator made of east aluminum fast, thorough cleaning action. FURNITURE CO., 275 N. Liberty