14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, December 6, 1949 f .;iiJ v V ' Mr I - JWWM!,LI1 111 ""I1 1 I i if ! MS t Ml I ail, I 'II I It u Cars Burn on Bay Bridge Fire destroyed two automobiles on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay bridge as the result of a lour-car rear-end collision. The crew of a bridge fire truck are shown fighting the flames just as a gasoline tank explod ed (white smoke, lower right). (AP Wlrephoto.) East Salem Group Opens Holiday Season by Party East Salem, Dec. 6 The first of the many Christmas parties that will be held in east Salem communities this week and next Is scheduled for this Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. The Auburn Woman's club will hold their annual party in the Community hall for members of the club. Members are asked to bring their 80 cent gift for the exchange and articles for the Christmas basket which the club will pack for a relief project. Hostesses will be Mrs. George Starr, Mrs Leo Sutter and Mrs. Fred Freier, Swegle Road Garden club Do ccmber meeting will be held Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Clinton Kennedy. "ChrJst mii Greens" and "Berried Shrubs" will be the seasonal program discussions. Middle Grove Mothers club will hold their meeting at the chool house Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Members at tending are asked to bring one or more tea towels for school kitchen. A plastic party will be held. Two health clinics at the schools are scheduled for this week. Health examinations will be given at Swegle school Wed nesday morning from 9 a.m. un til noon and at Auburn school an immunization clinic from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m. Lansing Neighbors home ex tension unit will have a Christ mas party Friday afternoon at 1:30 in the home of Mrs. Zinn Bharpnack on Evergreen avenue. Mothers of first graders at tending school at S w e g 1 e who recently met at the school and helped In the making of bean bags for the children's work were Mrs. Albert Gilman, Mrs. T. G. Finell, Mrs. Ray Bernardy, Mrs. French, Mrs. John Janscn, Mrs. Harold Alderman, Mrs. Claude Harncr and Mrs. Ken neth Hinkle. Shirley Temple Almost in Tears As Judge Grants Her Divorce By VIRGINIA MacPHERSON Hollywood, Dec. 6 u.R) Shirley Temple, wearing a chic gray wool suit and a. miserable expression, won a divorce in 30 minutes flat Monday by testifying her actor-husband John Agar "hugged and kissed" another woman in her presence and went out with other girls while she was expecting a baby. was sickening," the 21 "It year-old movie queen told Judge Ray Hcrndon. "When I was five months pregnant he came home with a group of people, brought another girl into my bedroom, and asked me to go to a party with them. I didn't feel too well, so he left without me and didn't come back till 4 a.m." Pale and almost on the verge of tears, Shirley said she and Agar began having difficulties five months after their story book marriage. "He started out by not coming home for dinner," she said. "I prepared it for him and waited and waited. But he never call ed. And when he came in, he refused to tell me where he had been. "When I was two months pregnant he came home intoxi cated at 2 a.m. He had lipstick on his face. "Another night he came home drunk and called me names. He was so belligerent I drove to my doctor's house. My doctor was so worried about me he followed me home. "I tried to go out with Jack as much as possible, but I didn't feel too much like going out. "Once after the baby was born he brought another girl with him and danced with her in our playroom for two hours, kissing her many times." Shirley's witness, Mrs. Sidney Franklin, Jr., said Agar once told her: "You can't have any fun with Shirley. She never gets drunk. I'm going out." "He came home several hours later," Mrs, Franklin testified Bed-Ridden High School Boy Hopes for Lots of Xmas Cards Metaline, Wash., Dec. 8 U.B Ronald Livingston, 16, has a modest request for Christmas. All he wants is Christmas cards. It's particularly small when you consider Ronald is paralyzed and has been bed-ridden for the past 16 months. But his mother, Mrs. Andrew Livingston, says her boy can hardly wait lor the Christmas"- season to get in full swing so he can read the cards which come in the mail. "Ronald spends all his days reading . . . mostly history . . . and listening to the radio," Mrs. Livingston says. 'He loves to get mail. All our relatives and friends have been very nice about sending him let ters. We try to save them so he has at least one every day." Pretty tame for a six-footer who was elected vice president of his class as a freshman in high school and played important roles in class plays. But he keeps wonderfully cheerful," says his mother. "We have Ronald's tree up in his room already. It's very beautiful and he's so happy looking for ward to Christmas. "He has a malignancy of the spine and isn't expected to live to see another Christmas. But he doesn't know that. "So we hope so much this will be a happy and merry one for him." Postal Receipts Mount Albany Postal receipts for November topped receipts for the same period last year by more than. $1000, Postmaster Tom Palmer indicated. Stamps sold totaled $10,954 last month, as compared with $9905.77 the year before. Palmer said. "He was very drunk and belli gerent. He and Shirley went upstairs and had an argument. Then he went out and Shirley was crying. We found mm pass ed out in the driveway." Mrs. Franklin, a school chum of Shirley's at the swank West- lake school for girls, said she had seen Agar kiss another girl in bhirley s presence. Judge Herndon approved a property settlement giving Shir ley custody of her 21-month-old daughter, Linda Susan, and pro viding Agar's share of communi ty property be set up in a trust fund for the little girl. Shirley asked no alimony. Guiss Family Back Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Guiss have returned after an absence of three months which they spent in California visiting their son and daughter-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Warner Guiss at Los Angeles and other relatives. They spent Thanks- Oh.wWfanirjstoride5 , J on a UNION PACIFIC Train! Holidays are happy dayi at Sun Valley. By Pullman and coach, hippy families are going horn for Christmas. The youngsters love to go by train... they can see so much and do so much. The grownups, too, like the Union Pacific because it's the carefree, relaxing, com fortable way. Fast, convenient schedules ,,, excellent ac commodations . , . low fares. DAILY ilRVICI TO THI IAST STREAMLINER -city or POum Earliest arrival in Chicago ... fast schedule ... stewardess service. PORTLAND ROSI Denver Kansas City Omaha Chicago; connections for St. Louis, Texas, Southwest. East. "IDAHO AN Denver Kansas City St. Louis... thru cars connecting with "City of St. Louis" streamliner. Let us help you pin your trip Etst GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT Room 751 Pinocle Block Portland 5, Oregon UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ?cWey (At SCx&XmliittXi. Soft Security Bad As Bombs Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 6 Russia will conquer the world without atom bombs if the Amer ican people continue to look to the federal government for hand outs, the nation's foremost scien tific administrator warned today. The statement came from Dr. Vannevar Bush at a Massachu setts Institute of Technology con vocation. He said the Russian dictatorship "would destroy us if opportunity offered." This threat, Bush said, cannot be met "if we turn this country into a wishy-washy imitation of totalitarianism, where every man's hand is out for Pablum, and virile creativeness has giv en place to the patronizing favor of swollen bureaucracy." "A people bent on a soft se curity, surrendering their birth right of individual self-reliance for favors, voting themselves in to Eden from a supposedly inex haustible public purse, support ing everyone by soaking a fast disappearing rich . . . will not measure up to competition with a tough dictatorship." he said. giving with Mrs. Guiss' broth er and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray McKinney at Alameda, Couple of Cops, Neighbors Fix Home for Sick Child, 73 Los Angeles, Dec. 6 U.R Bedridden 13-year-old Rosemary Gentry had a brand new home today, thanks to a couple of cops and a host of generous neighbors. The tiny multiple sclerosis victim, in a plaster cast since last July, smiled with joyous surprise as she was carried across the threshold of the brightly -fur nished little house in suburban Pacoima. "I'm- a lucky girl," Rosemary beamed as well-wishers crowd ed into the house with gifts of groceries, canned preserves, blankets, sheets, pots and pans, candy fruit and even a vacuum cleaner. "I've got everything I want for Christmas. Ana maybe by then I'll be able to walk again." . Motorcycle Officer John P. Grant, fainer of three young girls, found the child and her unemployed mother, Mrs. Nel lie Gentry, living in squalor two weeks ago. Their shack had no windows, doors, lights or sani tary facilities, and they depend ed on the county for necessities. Grant contacted an old navy buddy. Officer John Olsen, and the two set out to repair the shack in their spare time. But news of Rosemary's plight spread. Unions and construction firms donated their services and ma terials. Scores of carpenters, plumbers and painters started working free. Within two weeks the shack was torn down and a new house built and completely furnished. A nurse, Mrs. Linda Biggs had Rosemary moved to a sani- FOR Insured Savings SEE First Federal Savings First Current Dividend 2V5 st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty 1 tarium and volunteered to paj her medical bills. She had thought only windows and doors were being installed in her old home before she returned. 'Now I know people can be good neighbors," Rosemary said, as they took her inside. One out of every 35 Swiss workers is in the watch making industry. Taste it and see why THOUSANDS AGREE It's smart to switch to Calvert CALVERT resebvb Blended Whiskey -88.8 Proof-85 Grain Neutrml Spirits. Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City ami i NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS-FAMOUS WASHERS All Brand New - All Fully In m nM A Genuine Porcelain Tub Triple Hi-Vane Agitator Washer Easy to clean. Tub bottom has built in drain channel. Precision built transmission - Ball Bearing type - Life time Lubrication - Regular 89.95. Christmas Special 6995 Wash in One Tub Spin Dry in the Other A beautiful washer with Double Service Precision Built Mechan ism. Lifetime lubrication. Baked enamel finish. Regular 164.95, Christmas Special 13995 If ' i f- Gleaming White Porcelain FULL SKIRTED WASHER DeLuxe type wringer. Lifetime lubri cation. Needs no further oiling. Regular Price 129.95 Christmas Special 9995 DeLuxe 8-lb. Washer With Electric Pump Gleaming White Porcelain. Lifetime lubrication. Full new look skirt. Bal loon type roller. Automatic Timer. Regular 159.95 Christmas Special H995 8995 Open Friday Till 9 P. M. Other Models-Not Illustrated BEAUTIFUL -GLEAMING WHITE-FAMOUS WASHER- Xmas REGULAR $109.95 . Speca n I AA AF rhrUtmn M U' J Kequiar vv.ya . ; ", y Regular 109.95 Regular 119.95 Regular 144.95 Christmas Special Christmas Special Christmas Special Christmas Special 8995 99" 129" REMEMBER All Guaranteed And Also Sold On Convenient Terms is Cm 340 Court St SALEM, OREGON