r Shah Turns Down Rosalind Russell Loa Angeles, Dec. 8 (U.P.) The Shah of Iran turned down a date with Actress Rosalind Russell Monday, sticking to his policy of avoiding movie star entangle ments. The Imperial Majesty's advis ors announced "with regret" that the 30-year-old Persian po tentate couldn't accept the invi tation from Carl Brisson, Dan ish father-in-law of the star. The Shah, continuing his cold war tactics against the glamor capital, stuck to his statement he came here to inspect the Lockheed plant in suburban Bur bank, main stop on his itinerary. After entertaining Iranian edi tors in his party at lunch to day, he flies to Sun Valley, Ida ho, Wednesday for skiing, his favorite sport. He expected to stay a week, while the rest of his party will continue to Wash ington, D. C, Thursday. Discovered How To HEAR AGAIN IN 20 SECONDS ally credited by house members as having been the most effec tive "pressure" group of 1949. 177 north liberty INFLUENCE COSTS MONEY Lobbying by Six Big Groups Gets Attention of HouseGroup By WILLIAM F. ARBOGAST Washington, Dec. 6 ff) Six big groups may be the initial tar gets of a special house committee getting ready to investigate lobbying. While the committee, headed by Rep. Buchanan (D., Pa.), has charted no fixed course and probably won't for several more weeks, Buchanan told newsmen It may be guided largely by a Library of Congress report on lobbying. This report prepared by W Brooke Graves of the legisla tive reference service, says: "Some of the fields in which lobbies have been or are now especially active" Include "the tariff lobby; the natural resour ces lobby in its various forms: the real estate group, battling against any kind of public hous ing program; the air lines lob by; the agriculture lobby; and the dramatic struggle between the representatives of the dairy interests and the oleomargarine manufacturers." ' Other active lobbies, the re port continued, include those in terested in business, education, health, labor, military and vet erans legislation. During the first six months of 1948, the report said, more than $3,500,000 was spent on lobby' lng activities. The heavier out lays were said to have been made by groups interested in displaced persons legislation and in bills to repeal the tax on oleogmarga rine, and to provide a govern ment medical service program, During that period, the report said, nine group or organize tions had lobbying expenditures exceeding $100,000 each, while eight others spent between $50, 000 and $100,000 and 20 between $25,000 and $50,000. "According to their own pro fesed beliefs, as get forth in the atatements made on the registra tion forms," the report contin ued, "practically none of these corporations are engaged in lob bying work. "It would appear that all of them sit in their offices or in their hotel rooms and mediate, thinking pure thoughts, but nev er for a moment descending to anything so common and . ordi nary as lobbying , . . part of these protestations are a pose; many of them are obviously ex aggerated, if not actual deliber ate distortion of the truth." The Congressional Library re port did not mention the so-called "postal pay lobby." Buchanan declined to say whether his com mittee would give early atten tion to this group. Its members literally swarmed through the halls of Capitol Hill during the days the pay raise bill was under consideration and it was gener- Cheap Selling Auto Desiqned San Diego, Calif., Dec. 6 (U.R) A lightweight car which will re tail for about $500 has been de signed by T. P. Hall, San Diego development engineer. The car is about the size of a postwar British Austin and has a top speed of 45 miles an hour and gas consumption of 45 miles to the gallon, Hall said. . It has been tested, he said. The machine is 153 inches in overall length, has a 100-inch wheel base and 50-inch wheel tread. It is powered by a 10 horsepower engine, which drives through a fluid coupling. It is built largely of aluminum alloy and plastic material and weighs 775 pounds. Hall said there are several cars now in operation and the various prototypes have been driven several thousand miles in tests. Hall was chief development engineer at Consolidated-Vultee Atwater Kent Leaves $10,000,000 Estate Hollywood, Dec. 6 (U.R) Party thrower Atwater Kent left an es tate valued at nearly $10,000,000. executors of his will revealed Monday. George Nolle and Harold Ash- Aircraft Corp. for many years. He left the firm about two years ago to develop his present car, which he says is a by-product of the Flying Auto. worth reported that income since Kent's death on March 4 totaled $22,626, bringing a net balance on October 31 of $9,130,971. Kent, 75-year-old retired radio manufacturer, was known as the movie colony's number one host. He left $2,000,000 to his es tranged wife, '$1,335,000 to char ity and education and thousands of dollars to such guests at his famous parties as Greer Garson, Edgar Bergen, Cobina Wright and Billie Burke. Otto Graham of the Cleveland Browns has passed and run well Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Hfremher 1948 13 over five miles in four years of All-Ame r 1 c a n football confer ence play. was in despair ' when 1 began to lob my hearing. Then one day in Just 20 seconds I discovered how to hear again. Thanks to the new Beltone Phantomold, there's NO BUTTON IN MY EAR. Discover how you, too, can hear again. Come In. Dhone or write for FREE booklet that tells all the facts U0 MOMO-FAC James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 22 Orefon Bldf. Salem. Orffen i" " guaranteed" " ! t, WATCH CLOCK I ft JEWELRY REPAIRING P at 1 f REASONABLE PRICES f The Jewel Box j " 443 State ! Pone door from Western Union' $$ MONEY $$ FHA J 4 H Real Estate Loam Farm or City Personal and Auto Loana State Finance Co. 153 S. Win St. Me. S-216 M ttt DOUBLE GREATEST OF THE YEAR! fflEEM STAMP WEDNESDAY now My$20550 for this ;PHILCO t WLess w : ;nrtfl THAN FORM cR LOWtsi ; s, ...ai.w - RICE PHIICO MODELS . ? "ft " h(Jf 311 OVeT- TO ... t WllCO FREEZING COMMITMENT enclosed by door in front. GLASS TRAY for food etorftRe end defroetini SELF-CLOSING DOCK LATCH with new vertical handle. i I 1 II op ROOMY CRISPED DRAWER la deep, glass covered 3 -YEAR WARRANTY j Here's real value news genuine Philco quality, modern features, big capacity now at amazing low price. 7.2 cu. ft. size in the floor space of a "four". No matter what size or price refrigerator you want see this new Philco firatl Ifhfnifnf ifl r r . ill mil ii i ? i i i i ;;: t. m B Wm fm ('::. M M I - W V NOW YOU CAti BUY A y i iucmc stwmG machihb y Like money Enjoy new outfits everj season . . . and save. It's so easy with the All-New NEW HOME. You just guide the material your NEW HOME does the rest. See the distinctive new models today. AUTMOKIXIO DIAIIK East Terms 10-Year Guarantee HEPPLEWHITE TABLE Style 626. Just $189.00 in Mahogany Other Models From $89.95 OPEN FRIDAY NITES TILL 9 1 V r-1 m II I ji ii i PHILCO RADIOS $ 315 oo CONCERT STAGE IN YOUR HOME The twelve-Inch concert grand ipealtr combinti quality and beauty or tone with lovely place of furniture. Tan tubas, plus rectifier. Ntw Philco luper leniitive F. M. Plays all reeordi, all liiei, all three ipeedi automatically with a single ton arm, Luxurioui mahogany cabinet. ,fi - iniiiiiipR iiiniiii ii'in TECHNICAL PERFECTION AND AGELESS BEAUTY 279" BtAutifu! Sheraton cabinet encates a triumph of radio engineering. Plays all records, all three speeds automatically with a single tone arm, to provide from seventy min utes to more than five hours' continuous music. Seven tubeiaplui rectifier. New Philco super sensitive F. M. system. Tuned R. F. stage with three-gang condenser on F. M. and A. M. Radios, downstair , NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT LlbhKAL IKAUt-INb '"5 PLAY ALL RECORDS $9Q OLD OR NEW LJJ .95 CONSOLETONE in TABLE MODEL 39 .95 A. C.-D. C. $ TRAVEL RADIO 24 .95 Tan-inch permanent magnet ipealer providei bet far racerdad muilc than aver before. . . . Gor geeui flame grain mahogany cabinet hat beautifully matched crotch veneers offiet by a panel of elastic fluting. A. M. and F. M. Powerful permanent magnet ipaakar. Five tubal, plus rectifier. A, C.-D. C. superhet erodyne circuit. Unique design In mahog any plastic. Top-mounted sweeping dial for easy tuning is in claar plastic with gold brass trim. Has full performance sensitivity and se lectivity, with five to ten times greater power. Rich brown plastic case Is trimmed with genuine gold-tooled leather. on Approved credit NO DOWN PAYMENT $1 00-95 BiENBIX lie Luxe Washer The new tvanher that has evertyhina and doe everything automatically . . . no work for you merely set the controls for de sired time and right water tem perature. rinses, drains, damp dries and fluffs clothes automatically requires minimum of soap. stops automatically at end of cycle. beautiful modern cabinet fin ished in high lustre de luxe . enamel. new water rationer meters out exact amount of water required, saving time and money. reversible door can be art to open from right or left for your convenience. ' ' fie! "Sk1 aiil i' (f)