Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 06, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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.1 n
18 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Tuesday, December 8, 1949
World's Oldest City,
4500 B. C, Dug Up
4s4tt ?
Seacoast city ruins, said to be the oldest In the world.
(AP Newafeaturw Writer)
Baghdad Scientists delving into the hidden past of mankind
will set to work anew this fall at a desolate site in Iraq re
puted to be the oldest city in the world
The city is Eridu a temple site said to have been dedicated
about 6,500 years ago to the worship of the water god, Enki
also known as the god of wis-;
Dr. Napi Al-Asil, director gen
eral of Iraq's antiquities depart
ment, says that Enki is believed
to have been the first god wor
shipped by primitive man; at
least the first god to whom a
temple was dedicated.
The antiquities department be
can excavating at Eridu two
years ago. Work continued last
year, and this season Dr. Al
Asll expects to finish the work.
Eridu investigation has pro
duced several notable finds thus
far. '
Traces have been found of
what is believed to be the ear
liest known building in the
world; and a model boat, shaped
of clay have been discovered
which is described as the oldest
representation of a water craft
in the history of man.
The Eridu site is an unusual
one All that was visible when
excavation work started was a
mass of crude brick work the
ruins of a giant ziggurat or tem
ple tower erected during the
third dynasty of Ur, about 3000
But careful investigation re
vealed that beneath these ruins
were the remnants of 14 earlier
temples each built on top of
the ruins of the one preceding
Archeologists have concluded
by pottery and other finds that
the 14 buried temples represent
a period of 1,500 years with
the earliest one probably dating
from about 4S00 BC.
This detective work Into the
past of a primitive marsh-dwell
ing community was a difficult
job because the temples to Enki
existed before mankind discov
ered the art of writing.
The earliest literary reference
to Eridu dates back only to 2500
BC. Even then it was reputed to
be the oldest city in the world.
In the litereature of the Sumer-
ians whose civilization preced
ed those of Babylon and Nine
veh the creation of Eridu takes
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precedence over all other places.
The Bumerlan legend of crea
tion, carried on Into later mll-
Ienlumt, observed that "all lands
were sea, then Eridu was made."
When Eridu was founded the
Persian Gulf was believed to
have extended as far inland as
Eridu. Excavations beneath the
14th and earliest temple have
revealed virgin-green sea sand.
Today the ruins are In a desolate
desert waste with the sea 100
miles or more away.
Traces of fish offerings to
Enki were numerous. Beside the
earliest temple was found rem
nants of a round oven similar
to ovens used today to bake
bread in primitive Iraq com
munities believed to have been
used for burnt offerings.
Speed-up for
Stalin Ordered
Moscow, Dec. 6 (iP) All Mos
cow papers today reported fac
tories throughout Russia are
holding competitions to in
crease production in honor of
Prime Minister Stalin's 70th
birthday, December 21.
Special articles listed resolu
tions by workers groups in vari
ous industries promising to in
crease output before the birth
day celebration.
The papers also carried re
ports from the peoples (com
munist) democracies of prepara
tions for celebrations there to
honor the Soviet leader's anni
versary. Leading papers also carried
portraits of' Slalih' lit honor :6fi
the Soviet constitution day, being
celebrated throughout Russia
today. The papers described at
length the importance of the
document, which they called the
Stalin constitution.
(In Prague yesterday the
Czech government put on exhi
bit a whole building of birthday
gifts to be sent to Stalin. Rang
ing from gingerbread to an air
plane and enough to fill a long
freight train, the gifts also in
cluded a custom-built auto and
a motorcycle, built by workers
on "voluntary" overtime "Stalin
shifts." ...
(Berlin's Soviet-licensed press
said the Zeiss lens works at Jena
had started work on a planetar
ium to be given Stalin as a birth
day present. The Red press said
the instruments would be the
most modern in the world.
(Swedish communists also an
nounced they were sending Stalin
a birthday present but the party
secretary would not say what it
would be.)
Sheridan Wins Trophy
Sheridan Those attending
the December 8 meeting of the
Sheridan -Eagles auxiliary will
be state president Grace Drews
of Coos Bay, state junior Dast
president Mae Lightner of Port
land and state vice president
Ethel Vetter of Newberg. These
officers will be present for the
presentation of the trophy which
the Sheridan drill team won at
Greatest of the Year!
177 North Liberty
the state convention.
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BEN-NUR nukes the flaw
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f&iwwwi'"'wMf j .i iim i' !im
Capital Drug Store
State & Liberty "On the Corner"
Lots and lots of golden, juicy
Enjoy fresh, sweet oranges often these days ... in all your favorite ways. There's
a big crop, and prices are low at Safeway. Buy plenty to serve as juice, in salads,
in desserts. Select from the big displays of fresh fruit at Safeway now.
All Safeway Stores in Salem are
now open Friday evenings until
8:00 P.M.
Safeway Stores in Hollywood and
1420 State Street, open every
week-day evening until 8 P.M.
Shop leisurely in the evenings
Naval Oranges Florida Oranges i
5 Lb. Bag 39 Pound ' 8
! These prices effective Salem, Sil-
J I J verton, Dallas Safeway Stores,
rt n ft n s. n f u0s.n0.i9' 55c Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
POTATOES jjr Dec-6'7-8-
111, H M sHHllllllllllllllMimliMilslllllllM """""iBiffjBiB
Blended Juice .Z 39c Dalewood Margerine 20c
Spaghetti . 2 cans 25c Nucoa Margerine 2 b- 49c
Tomato Soup Tl 25c Fig BarsT,?60' 1 t 29c
Cherub Milk taucan 10c Velveeta Cheese Food ft 79c
Tuna Fish Nc25c Breeze Cheese Food ft 77c
Sivift's Prem c0,35c Fireside Cheese Food ft 75c
Peanut Butter Chewing Gum kL sx? 69c
Taste steak from Safeway. Judge it for tenderness, juiciness, flavor. If it
fails to please you in every way, we'll give all your money back. This holds
good on any cut you buy. You take no risk on Safeway meats.
Round Steaks ts L, 79c
Pure Lean Ground Beef lb. 29c
fT I I Smoked Pork
Smoked Picnics sh id,B 33c
F,r 3-ib. yc
Results Call JJV
Bisquick CRISCO-SPRYor
W ki Two shortening
4-OZ-Pk9' Mb. Can
39c 79c
50-lb. Sack
Skinless Frankfurters lb. 35