J Three Die In Dormitory Fire Wooden men's dormitory i at the University of Oklahoma In Norman. Okla., lies in k smouldering ruins after a flash fire whipped through the two- , story building, burning it to the ground within minutes. At least three of the 349 residents of the building are known i . . At - nr. tVin.r oentmoH Iho I dead. IViore mail a auuie weic lujuivu uo -o.Mtw ) roaring inferno. (AP Wirephoto) Eyewitness Tells of Dormitory h - 1 i 1 1 r t i r J rre n yy men i nree uiea . (Editor's Note: Logan L. Rlggs, ! year-old University of 1 Oklahoma Journalism Junior, had Ills breakfast in bed Sat- Jk urday morning for the first time since he came home from the f war. The Monroe, Okla., youth was among the students In- Jurcd in the dormitory fire that morning. Following is his own account of the fire.) By LOGAN L. RIGGS ,1 Norman, Okla., Dec. 5 (U.R) The if fire Saturday morning was my i Let's set the hell out." By the time I sat up in Dea, ne getting ready to jump. For some out through the hallway instead-- of using the window. My room on the second floor of the bachelor officers' quarters had two doors. I tried to open one of them. I don't know whether it was the bathroom door or the door into the hall. I had grabbed my pants off the door handle, and since I had left them hanging on the bathroom door knob I guess I was trying to get through the bathroom. Anyway, it was just like op ening a furnace door. The heat was terrific. It didn't know it at the time but I guess that's when I got burned. I dropped my pants and ran back to the window. There was a ledge running alongside the window and my idea was that this could be used as a fire escape. I didn't think about it at the time. I just jumped to the ground. Where I hit was just a couple of rooms out from the central wing of the building and the two wings extending out from either side of it were both on fire. ' I could see the flames coming out of some of the windows and I could see them brightly in all the others. That fire was spread ing like it was gasolined. In all my time overseas with the sig nal corps, I didn't see anything like it. I ran on down between the wings into the open. That's where the other guys were stan ding around. They all seemed pretty calm. They kept talking about how much they'd lost in the fire. I guess it was 15 min utes after that before the fire men got there. I found my roommate, Cy Kees og Spokane, Wash. The boys down in tne fifth wing that's the west end of the build ing had more time to get out. I found a blanket in a pile of clothes and stuff which one of them had laid on the ground. When I put that raw blanket over my neck and back I rea lized I'd been burned, but the Viso Mothers FIND EJ RELIEF! For STUFFINESS, COUGHS of COLDS Wise mothers know how really effective Vlcks VapoRub Is when you rub It on. Now, for amazing new relief when colds cause coughing, up per bronchial congestion, or that "stuf fed-up" feeling, modern mothers use VapoRub this spe cial way, too in steaml It brings relief almost instantly. Put 1 or 2 good spoonfuls of VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water, as directed In Use if in steam Heat with fuel that is clean, efficient and economical... use CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 first thing I knew about the suite mate hollering, "Fire! fire! naa me winaow open ana was reason I decided to try to go doctors say it isn't too serious. Considering how horrible it all was, I feel pretty good. I lost everything but one slightly used pair of underwear shorts. I don t believe I saw more than two of the boys in pajamas. I guess we put on quite an underwear show. Helen Hayes Named Polio Board Head New York, Dec. 5 aj.B Ac tress Helen Hayes will be na tional chairman of women's ac tivities of the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis, Basil O'Connor, foundation president, announced today. Miss Hayes, whose 19-year- old daughter, Mary MacArthur, died of polio in September, will be in charge of women volun teers to help with the 1950 March of Dimes campaign in January. 'This is a critical year in the history of the fight against in fantile paralysis," O'Connor said regarding the 1950 drive. 'On the one hand, scientific research now yields tangible hope for solution to this disease within our lifetime, and, on the other, thousands more polio pa tients than at any previous time in our history, depend upon con tinued financial assistance from the National Foundation for their chance to make the best possible recovery from polio. "Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 package. Then . . . breathe in soothing, medicated vapors. Every breath eases coughing, relieves that "chokey" feeling. For continued relief even while you sleep rub it on. too. Rub it on, too! mm Educators Asked To Explain Doings Portland. Ore., Dec. 8 (U.R) Frank Schiro, publisher of the La Grande Evening Observer and chairman of the legislative1 interim committee to study the state educational system, be lieves it is the educators re sponsibility to inform the public as to what is going on in educa tion. Schiro presented his views at a meeting of the Oregon Educa tion association's representative council here. Schiro also ex plained the work of the interim committee and discussed the re port the committee will make to the state board of education. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Throw away that old list and look up ydur number. It's been years since we were In this port." . . . You'll get the right number first when you look it up in your telephone book . . . Pacific Telephone. Your new Schick Electric Shaver must OUTSHAVE BLADE RAZORS or YOUR MONEY BACK! mm i common Hauml tut euti tarn hmm txtt Hunt for Bodies In Dorm Fire Norman. Okla.. Dec 5 (U. Little white sticks marked the bodies, Saturday. Not c r o s s e s just sticks. Death-marks to show where the casualties lay In the ruins of what had been the University of Oklahoma's "BOQ No. 1." 1 It was hours after the fire that leveled all five wings of the dorm, but the work of look ing for the dead was only be ginning. About 100 men, their faces as grim as their job, poked through the wreckage with cottonseed forks. They were a silent crew, advancing slowly behind hose bearing firemen who cleared the way like minesweepers. Those embers still had to be cooled be fore they could be searched. Three charred bodies were found in the first few minutes. Each body was marked with a stick. And besides each was placed a small aluminum pan, to collect jewerly and other ef- ects that hadn t burned. Students gathered around the fringe of the ruins, borne were just curious; others were attract ed by the fascination of fear that a friend or a roommate might be found in the embers. Searching wasn't easy. All around were twisted remains of the building bedsprings coiling StorrrT 5astv 11 SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Cabinets - Frames Ph. 3-5953 ROOFING Now Is the time to order that new roof before the rainy winter season. t Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 3S478 wi ouIsfftRiir coinoV FrCUAAttZLCLlA lht optrdtt ss out Kind of Shoes May Rat e as A Cause of Cancer Increase By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE Auocltttd Prtu Science Wrtun New York, Dec. 5 W) The kind of shoes people wear may be one cause of the increase in Baltimore chiropodist. He says the widespread Increase in cancer is not more than 80 years old, and that it coincides with the start of manufacture of modern shoes. Shoes, he says, render toes puny and helpless. This in turn atrophies a set of muscles con nected with toe action down to one-third or less their normal size. Modern heels are elevated, throwing the weight forward, and this, he says, is unnatural. Dr. Wikler says 80 percent of Americans have foot disorders. Feet twist outward. Thigh bones do likewise. So the pelvis dips downward a bit, chests tend to flatten,, and lungs, hearts and stomachs and abdominal organs are pulled down a little. In fact, he says, there is hard ly a square inch of your body grotesquely as if by some sur realist; bathroom fixtures that always seem to survive tragedies, and plumbing pipes still too hot to touch. LEO H. JOHNSON Electrical Contracting Repairing - Supplies See Us For Lighting Fixtures 250 Court St. Ph. Z0715 Just back of Busick's SHUT OUT DRAFTS Keep cold drafts from your home, retain heat more easily in your rooms, with our window-insulating Storm Sash. Amazing how they cut down heat ing expense. Because they scientifically place a dead air insulating "armor plate" between winter and your roomsl You be the judge. Try a Schick Electric ten days. If you aren't convinced it does a better job of shaving, you get your money back. You won't know how pleasant shaving can be until you've tried Schick electric shaving. Now, this special trial offer makes it easy for you to find out for yourself without risking a cent. Just come in and buy a Schick Electric Shaver. If after ten days you aren't con vinced that the Schick can outshave your blade razor, return it to us and get your money back. There are no strings on this trial offer. "Outshave blade razors" means exactly what it says your Schick Electric must shave faster, more comfortably, and just as close as you want. SCHICK SUPER with V-18 shearing heads. In handsomely covered all metal traveling case. SCHICK COIONH with new 3-M shear ing head. In smart travel case. 2250 cancer, says Dr. S. J. Wikler, that remains unaffected from faulty feet. The result is added stresses, and these in turn may cause irritation- of tissues. Irritation, long continued, is one of the ac cepted causes of cancer. Dr. Wikler gives cancer death rates to show that they are higher wherever people wear shoes most. "The cancer death rate," he says, "in southern states like South Carolina is 57 per 100, 000 while in Massachusetts it zooms to 168 per 100,000. This difference can be explained by the fact that southern children TALLMANS Christmas THE PIANOS ARE SELLING FAST Some of the best buys are still left select yourpiano now. A small deposit holds one for Christmas delivery All nianos are our reaular stock all pianos Fischer Mehlin, Laughead and Lester Betsy USED $g5.00 RECONDITIONED 125oo 14500 REBUILT $ .00 $25.00 Down -$10 to $15 Both New and Used At Bargain Prices and Easy Terms OPEN WED. AND TAKE MILL ST. Bus get off at 12th. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., go barefooted a large part of the year and so develop strong, stur dy feet that even wearing mod ern shoes as adults cannot dis tort to the extent of northern experience. "Switzerland has the highest rate at 178 per 100,000. The Swiss shoe industry is highly or ganized and they- make a shoe which gives the foot a great deal &9C GREEN STAMPS ARE EXTRA SAVINGS FOR BUSICK'S MARION STREET MARKET Commercial and Marion Sts. Start Saving today for a Lovely Gift. SPINETS regular UPRIGHTS GRANDS FRI. EVENINGS TALLMAN PIANO STORE INC. Monday, December 5, 1949 9 of support and consequently causes a great deal of damage and deterioration. "The United States has a can cer death rate of 120.2 per 100, 000 while Hawaii has 67.2. The cancer rate in Hawaii is as high as it is only because American shoes are used when Hawaiian children reach their middle teens and adult life." YOU Up $50 Down $25 a Month Limited number standard makes: Knabe, Ross Spinets. a Month 37S-395 So. 12th A Mile from High Prices