,16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, December 5, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Pw Um Per Lin t times ..... Per Lint times BOc Pel Lint 1 month 33.00 Outside of Salem 15e per line per day Mln. SOet 3 timet mln. 80e - I timet mm 11.20 No Refunds READERS In Local New CoL OnlTi 30c per Una To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER Leaving Salem, have lovely 2 B.R. home i t yr. old. Englewood Dist. 1535 Jeffer- ton St. All hdwd. tire., and fireplace, , oil heat, full basmt. with party rm., at ,., taehed Ear. Nice yard with patio. This home in first class cond. Only one like . It. Good terms. a289' UT OWNER: 1 A, 2 bedroom house. 1 bed room, double Karaite, 1 outbuilding, out side fireplace. 1 mile north city limit. .' Ph. 4-2827. aaas ' 3JY OWNER New, 2 bdrms., 15500 full -- price. Oak tits., oil heat, Might consld- er 15O0 down. Ph. 3-8700. a289 BY OWNER -Reduced from 10800 to 18600. 3 Bdrm., 3 yr. old home. Large lot. " FHA loan. 2315 Broadway, a391 Why Pay Rent? 13000 down, bal. less than rent. Beaut, designed St constructed 3 Ddrm. hone Garage. Large lot. Elec. heat, loveiy lire place. Close to school chopping ft bus. Near Kelzer corner. Owner Ph. 5-Gill. a391 TO SEE ONE OF THE very lovely home on Norway St. in Englewood District, at - 112.900, call Jack, 3-6680. Eve. PI). 4-2326. "Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. High St. 8291 8 B.R., Lv. ft Dn. rm. Auto-oil furnace, elec. W.H., full baam't., finished. Ph. - 3-6469. Owner. a292 NEAT Z BEDRM. plastered home. Engle wood Dlst. Priced right at 14500.00. Will t consider trade for larger house. Joe Hutchison, Realtor ; Joe Hutchison, Realtor :: , A NICE ONE - See It compare: good construction of i prewar material (built 1040), two bed--w. rooms, electric heat, Insulated; acrvtce room, large lot (270 feet deep) fruit and garden; paved street, north Salem. 11600 will handle; full price $7050. Care . fully Inspected and appraised and priced 4.1 accordingly. ANOTHER DANDY t Southeast corner of 18th and Grunt . streets (Englewood). A lovely corner property with back yard fenced. The J,, house Is nicely arranged, hns two bed- rooms, fireplace, dinette, basement, oil ' furnace and elec. water heater. Priced at ;t 311,000. Two 2 bdms. houses for rent. SALEM REALTY CO. : 1 REALTORS T 140 N. High St, Phone 3-7660 V Eve. phones 2-4591 - 2-6605 a2D0 3 Blocks to School : FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE, this 3 bed room home, nice breakfast nook, hardwood floors, Insulated, pull drapes, auto-ol! hent, connecting Rarine fully plastered, A really good home only v 18300.00. . Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 - 484 Court - Eve. 3-4773 I a200 I 5 ROOMS $6,000 : This Is your chance to buy a small, . clean 3 BR home with fireplace & ga- - rage. 52x132 ft. lot, close to bus ft . schools. Owner hns nurchnsed farm Sz has reduced price for quick action. CalM . BON CLEARY. Walter Musgrave, Rltrs. 1211 Edgewater Ph. 35100 Eve. 30031 Attention Please f- Wt are not a member of the multple listing. Suburban $7500 ' 1 Acre excellent soil, nice 3 bdrm. home, near school, bus service, highly Im proved, good well. $8950 ' 'i 11500 will handle this nice 3 bdrm. - home, fireplace, full bnsmt., oil hat., f nice lawn and shrubs, ideal for children. ; $11,900 Exceptionally nice 2 bdrm. home, flre place, full bsmt., unllnlshcd up, nice ,i patio, excellent location. , See Mr. Noonchcster with ;H. E. Corey Real Estate $500 Down, $35 Month Full price 13000. New suburban 5-rm. un finished house. -Mable Needham, Realtor CAR OR CASH Wilt take car as part down payment on . lovely 2 bdrm. home. Bal. of down pny ment cash or on contract to right party. 4 loan on house. Ph. 2-0086. a39l" FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! 118 per month. Lots with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two locations norih. i(Reimann for Real Estate ' 201 South High Street Ph. 3-0303 Eve. ft Sun., 3-5905. 4-2874, 2-1327, 2-3738, 2-2532. aa292 -SUBURBAN new lot for sale. City water. ; 97x187. Oak and fir trees. Ph, 3-3723. aa393 BYbwNER-Lotr56xll2"' cleared for building, city water. Bnck of Dixon's ' Mkt. South, 1450. Ph. 3-8009. nn289 WOODED LOT on paved street. 625 Rnt " cliff Dr. Cleared and leveled. FHA. City water, bus line. Ph. 3-4284. aa FOR SALE FARMS Grade A Dairy t3(t, 000. Near Lebanon. 177 A. Large home, 20 stanchion burn. Oood poultry house. Feeder shed. silo, etc. V. OMER HUFF 881 Ohemeketa BY OWNER 19H A. 35(1 38-year old walnut trees. Produced 15 T. this yr. 100 young peach trees. 7 rm. modern house. Full base ment, wood furnace. Good well. Dou ble garage. Tractor ft other machinery. Pries to sell. 1 mils E. of Sllrerton. Rt. 1, box 114-B. b389 J Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors J 178 ACRE RIVER BOTTOM LAND I 73 acres cultivated. This is top grade 5, Oh eh alls soil. Does not wash, only part overflows. 60 acres more easily cleared. - 1 Irrigation wells. 3 BK house, barn ft - shed. If you are looking far a good In vestment In a farm come In and let us talk It over. ' WANT A OOOD SMALL FARM? Only 4 miles from Salem. Top grade Will. J loam. 4 A new itrawberries. 11 A open field, bal. pasture. All year creek. Old but usable buildings. Beautiful home alts. $8500, Ask for Henry Torvend. X)hmart & Calaba, R'ltors 477 Court St, Ph. 3-4116 - Evs. 3-3633. b389 SALE ACREAGE Rn ACRES 133.000 W In grey oats, good family orchard, 0 about ft acres past. Se timber. Year 1 round spring, buildings excellent to fair. eat and all equipment. Pi-ton OMC ! truck, at! like new. $10,000 down. Crop "itoes, Ph. 3-6080. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 491 N. High at. btl FOR RENT FARMS LARGE PLACE with IU ml. creek, 8 rm. house. Barn for 25 cows, partly stocked ft equipped (Ala eft DIM.) D. A. Fish, 1468 So. Com'. Ph. 3-6534. ba REAL ESTATE Close In - $7,900 Nice, clean, older house. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, bath, utility room. Largs lot, all the fruit you can use, a nice garden spot. Walking distance to statehouse. Eve. 3-0473. Near Leslie School, Terms - $6,950 Older type home. 2 bedrooms down, 2 bedrooms up. Oood spacious home, for family. Eve. 2-0473. Specially Prcied - $8,950 2i ACRES NORTH New 2 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, fireplace. Plastered attached garage. Really nice and priced right. Don't miss this. Eve. 3-0473. Call Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street Ph, 2-7756. e390 15 ACRES GOOD LAND, half In strawber ries. One-room house, lights In. 13 min utes drive from Salem. Price $3500.00. Call Mr. Sederstrom. Very good 2 yr. old 5-room house. Base ment, furnace, fireplace. Oarage. Large lot. Close to school and bus. Priced on ly 16750. Small down, reasonable pay ments. Call Mr. Sederstrom. WALNUT PARK DISTRICT. 1 yr, old 5 room home. Fireplace. Eleotric heat. Insulated. Attached garage. Large lot. Price $10,500. Call Mr. Voorhees. DENTON & DENTON 1 344 State Street Formerly Leo N. Olillds Ine. Phone 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007, Mr, Sederstrom 2-5219 c390 BEST BUYS $4250 Special Very clean 3 bdrm. home. Inside city. Modern. Approx. 9 years old. Can easily be Oregon O.I. financed. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Kingwood Older type very modern ft clean home. Choice setting. Interior remodeled, Out side fireplace, Approx 1100 aq. ft. floor space on ground floor. Insulated & weather stripped, city water. Work shop St play room above garage. 1 acre plus. Just the deal for a semi-retired man. Total price only $0250. Will trade for good home In Englewood Dlst. Eve, Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. New $8750 Very nice well arranged home. Class A construction. Oil furnace, Close to bus, stores 6c school, Terms. Eve Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. 14 Acres $8500 8 room home. 30x30 barn. 2 wells. Ir rigation system. Newberg soil. 4 acres berries. Family orchard. Located at Mis sion bottom. 7 miles from Salem. Eve. ph. 3-3558. Grade A Dairy 163 acres. All but 6 acres under culti vation. 6 room home. 44xSO grade A dairy bam. 17 cows. All farm machinery. Wil lamette & Amity soil. Family orchard. 12 miles from Snlcm. Total price $35,000. Eve. Ph. 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors :1 ACRES San Jose truit farm, value $30,. 000; will trade for Salem Income prop eriy or will take free & clear 3 bdrm, house ss part down payment. Owner Ph. 3-7534. :3B9 FOR YOUR SAVtNUh investment buy a nr.st moruugc on real estate saiem & vicinity, Examine security yourself. Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 5. We makt all col lections fur you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High C McKillop Real Estate . REALTORS Down Payment $800 Brand new 2-bedroom'home on large lot Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, good neighborhood. Price $7600, Completely Furnished 2-bedroom home In Englewood Dlst. Hns fireplace, nice yard, alt furniture lew and good. Move In before the holidays $8950. View Property Owner leaving town, size of lot aooul 1 acre. The home Is well arranged and has 3 bedrooms, double plumbing, fire Place and excellent basement. Price $11,000. OOME IN OR PHONE Daytime 3-5131. Evenings 2-8406 - 3-5514 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High. Salem. Oregon WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS c28fl WANTED REAL ESTAtT WE ARE BADLY In need Of listings on acreage & (arms. What have you? Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-783 0 or 2-4S96. WANTED LISTINGS WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF CASH BUY ERS. IF YOU ARE LISTING YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE, LIST WITH US. A. A. LARSEN Realtor Office: 2-8629 . . Home: 3-716S 191 S. High ca389 WE ARE in need of good houses to tell In oi near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTOR. 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-2471 ca NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We hnve ah kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS ij a. Hign at. ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DOWNTOWN CAFET" $2500 19 stool counter. Oood lease, Apt, for rent in connection. V. OMER HUFF Business Lot 8. 13th St. Bid i. SO'xSO'. Lltes and wa ter In. $3500.00. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 343 (Wallace Road) WANTED to lease store room suitable for grocery. Good location. Write box 303, Capital Journal. cdSRB NOTICE The only licensed cyanide fumlsator In Marlon county. Fumigation alone will make payments on a double bualne.it which Includes the East Salem auction center. This is a real opportunity for the right party, $3000 will handle. Bus iness Ph. 3-1331. Home ph. 3-7350. By owner, i , Howe. cd'JBi FURNITURt'FOR SALE BARGAIN Have1 sold our home. Must sell 8 rooms modern furniture this- week. Practically new. Complete or will Jell separately. Mrs. Cox, Rt. 7. Box 158. Ph. 2-8157. Inspection invited. d389 I NOW Open Eves. Until 9 P.M. MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES - HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS - FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H&H FURNITURE CO. 1M0 Fairground Rd. Ph, 1-1797. U89" -y - . . REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS JUST A LITTLE ACREAGE 1'4 acres of rich soil Just off the Hawl Green Road. Modern 3-bed-room home. Priced very low for quick sale. Just $6250. A NEAT LITTLE BUY $1500 down moves you Into this attractive 3 -bedroom home, large lot, good location north. Full price only $7350. AMONG THE TALL FIR TREES We have listed a modern 3 bedrom home In a secluded setting. Has basement with oil furnace, attractive fireplace, extra large lot, variety fruit trees. About 5 years old. Just at the edae of town south. Good deal at $6950. NEED MORE ROOMwFOR YOUR FAMILY? We have a dandy buy in a 4 bedroom home, located In Manbrln Gardens. The price is way down for quick sale. Just $9500. Good terms, too. NOW IS THE TIME To buy that home you've been looking (or. We have the one we would like to show you. It's an attractive 2 bedroom bungalow on a corner lot very close to the HI School. We think you will like It. 110,750 Is the price. 3 BEDROOM HOME ON NORTH 33rd STREET A dandy home, nearly new. Patio, fireplace. Insulated and weather stripped. Large lot, low price. $11,500. ON BEAUTIFUL CROISAN CREEK How would you like to live among a setting of natural trees and shrubs, with a year round creek and clever rustic bridge? That's not all this place also has a fine swimming pool and a large lily pond. The house is going to he very scrumptious and very unusual It's not fully completed as yet. Will sell as Is. We believe you will enjoy looking this place over. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS GRABENHORST SPECIALS CANDALARIA VIEW HOME 3 large bedrma.. all rms. off main entry hall. Beautiful kitchen, with lots of bullt-ins, lovely brklt. nook, large llv. rm. At din. rtn full daylight bsmt., with party rm. it fireplace, auto, oil heat, ceiled 2-car garage. CALL EARL WEST RESIDENTIAL COURTS We have an excellent selection of Investment properties. , Come In and let us discuss wun you any oi 4 Units i yrs. Oic, very cicun 4 Units New, Income $200 per 4 Units Fireplace, hdwd. firs., 1 & 2 bdrms. 4 UniLi 3 bdrms. each CALL PETER GEISER SACRIFICE! Lge. 2 bdrm. home In very nice residential district. Llv. rm. 14x25 ft., with fireplace, and hdwd. firs., din. rm., full basmt., close to both Jr. and Grade Schools, CALL ROY FERRIS INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Pari West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-9968 AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION See Tues. Classified for complete list Glenwood Ballroom Ph, 35110 for information Glenn Woodry, Auctioneer dd280' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 5"yR. OLD MORGAN Arabian gelding and ey sen', on Macleay rd. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND" LICENSED HVMtock buyer. LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E Sne- then, iaau liBncasw -"";, PETS MOORE'S tropical rtsh, larue assortment or tropical nan, e'iu.i."i'-.i i-.-". wfilte micro worms, aauarlum mm lilne subscriptions. Visitors welcome. Rt. S, box 483. 1 mile past Rickey school o , Mnelca rd. Ph. 2-1321. 'm CHOICE canary. Ph. 3-4385. 1340 Cheme- FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCK WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS DRY OH GREEN 8LAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL & STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edaewater west emcm Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4 Phone 35533 EE' Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-1721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE At HEATER ee30- CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Planer Ends & Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WALNUT shells tor sale. Klorfeln Packing Co.. 460 Hi f ront. DRlTTfl" slab & edgings. Ph. 3-1458 ce PHILIPS OKOS Old fir, oak, ash Si maple slab and edgings Ph 31458 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY -100 FRYERS A pullets. 3 to 3'ii lb. $1 & $1,35 each. Ph. 4-2344 Biter 6 p.m.f30l WANTED Heavy hens. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every ines Fo Hatchery, 3B30 State St Ph 3-49" PRODUCE HOLLY, turnips, corn. Sigurdson, 1'4 miles W. of Kctzer sell. (f3 CARROTS carrots. Sweet St tender. By sack or ton. O. P. Miller, Box 302. Rt. 7, Lake Lablsh. ft 292 R.l. ailEF.NINO apples $1.50 box. Bring containers. 3855 Garden Koan. iitw WALNl'TS. IBe & 20r lb. We deliver. 910 Churchdale. Ph. 23358. nam EASTERN alfalfa by ton or truckload. Ad dress 865 S. 13th. Ph. 2-0933. ft305 HELP WANTEDJrtALE WOMEN, ages 25 to 55 yrs. Hourly wage, Old reliable firm. 248 N. Commercial Rm. 23. Apply 9 to U a.m. gal94 HELP WANTED FEMALE " WANTKP women nut shelters. All .rinter work. 460 N Front Klorfeln Packing Company. to' WANTED SALESMAN TIME FOR A CH ANGE. Well known com pany has territory open. Every home, factory, store a prospect. Low price. Long profit Fine outfit. No deposit. Write Red Comet, Inc., Dept. 2B, Little ton, Colo. gg289 INSI'LATION lalfsman ppiy668 N-. High after 7:30 p.m. J. M. products, gg EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OPPIOB AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3flf StKte Street Phone 2-1488 ff WANTED POSITIONS Htotl SCHOOL girl wants housework and baby sitting after orhool and weekends Call eve. 471 N. Church. h289 REAL ESTATE pnone z-tuo, z-iim Henry 3-3633 - Dan 2-5620 c291 mo iimuwm mo. garages, Income $250 per mo. Price $18,000 WANTED POSITIONS PA PER HANGING. Good ref. furnished. Ph. 4-2761. naaa- BADY SITTING. Phone 2-0580. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. n3iir TIMBER falling wanted. Ph. 3-8704. h289 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne, iia S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. ' h292 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h2 Mimeographing-Typing CARPKNTER work wanted, new or re modeling. Ph. 2-2597. naBB HOURLY child care. Ph. 2-0403. INTERIOR PAINTINO. Exp. P FLOOR SANDING, repair work, house cleaning or anything considered, rn. 2-9933. BOOKKEEPING and general office work. Experienced and good refer, write uap ital Journal Box 287. h289 IRONING hi myhome. 2-7496; MOB BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. h302 CARPKNTER work, any kind. Reas. 1161 Union. Ph. 2-1487. Jw EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you have a door that works nard, a wmaow you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? If so oil the trouble shooter Ph 2-5833. h293 BABY SITTING by adult, Ph. 28741. h297 PAINTING, Interior St ext. Ph. 3-2979. h2BB CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 2-4850 EDUCATION GOOD PAY JOBS offered trained auto body-fender men in dally "want ads." Put in a few hours weekly learning welding, painting, metal work, etc. Chnnce for high wages or your own business. Write for free information. Auto-Crafts Training, Registrar, 2523 Sheffield. Chicago 14. hh290 FOR RENT ROOMS SI.KPPING RM. 15.00. Outside ent. Bus by door. 1090 N. 5th. PH. 39751. Jlc294 WELiTfurn. sleeping rm., close In. H Sz C water. Men only. 737 Center. Jk289 LKillT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle man. Heat, hotplate. Ph. 3-3028. Mt292 SHARING house with working girls. Use of entire house. 645 N. Winter. Ph. 3-4372. Jk390 PLEASANT rooms by the week or month, Down town. Ph. 33161. Jk290' WARM PLEASANT sleeping room for 1 or 2 air s. Cooking orlv. 685 n, cnurcn. Ph. 37764. Jk290 ShP. LKillT hskpg. rm. 3-4335. Jk307; SLEEPING RMS. 15 WW. 395 N. 14th. 3-905B Jk294 PLEASANT sleeping room for man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-437. jksj- ROOMS. 195 'Cottage. Ph. 27817. Jk292 FOR RENT APARTMENTS APT. PUIV. Ent. Bath, kitchen St refrlg. Working lady or couple. 245 union hi Ph. 24451. Jp289' 3 RM7AFT. 2600 N. Front. Jp291 .1 RMS. furn. Oas range, refrlg.. oil heat pr. wnshrr nrivate bath. Adults. X30. 1250 N. Winter. Jp289 3 3-RM. unfurn. ft partly furn. apts. Priv. baths. 1310 Madison. jpa Fl'HN. REDEC. 2 and 3 rm. apts. Lights and water pd. No drinkers or pets. 63 N. capnoi 81. JPi CLOSE IN nice clean 3 rm, furn. apt. Oil heat 658 Center. NEW 1 RMS. and bath. Partly furn. 1047 Madison. JpaBV S RM. Fl'RN. apt. Nice location. 993 8. 12th between8ji.m.A; 3:30 p.m. Jp391 NEAT, CLEAN recently redecorated 3 rm. furn. upstairs apt. Priv. ent. Ss oatn. 187 W. Miller. JP291 NEWLY DECORATED apt. Private en trance. Quiet location. Phone 3-0910. JP394 3 RM. Fl'RN. apt. Prvl. bath & ent. Gar age. For employed person. 643 Union. Jp389 deITu x rTii "own ST AIRS furn, apt. All new furniture. Ph. 35355. Jp390 Fl'RN. APT. Prf. bam A ent. Refrlg. Adults. 1535 N. Church, Apt. 6. jp290 A LOVELY 3 room furn. apt. Priv. bath. good heat, close In. 160. Ph. 33000. JplSO APART M E N fbea uTiTu U yi ipFntirne w furniture. 444 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-1887. JP390 LARGE 4-RM. furn. duplex 1st floor. Em ployed couple. No drinkers, children or pets. 190 S. 35th. Ph. 3-5045. Jp390 CLOSE IN. Nicely furn. modern apt. Suit able for 3 employed persons. 435 N. Win ter, JP389 AUCTIONS Scotty's New Auction House Announoes Grand Opening Date! Next Friday Evening, December fith, at 7:30 Our Auction Begins Remember I This auction begins on time. Bring In now that furniture or any thing you have to sell and get that always needed cash for Christmas shop ping. Every day new merchandise la arriving so get yours here don't wait. All public In, i ted. Come one come all. Father, Mother and the Kiddles, Spend an evening with SCOTTY and have a good time. Plenty of parking space. Lots of elbow room. Nice clean restaurant and a friendly smile awalLs you. Folks! This Is your salel What you say we make It a good one? Sincerely yours, SCOTTY THE AUCTIONEER l',i Miles East out Center Street FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. FURN. court apt. State House. Ph. 2-0714. NICELY FURN. 2 rm. apts, $62.50 and $65. Ambassador API., oou w. aummer. wm- RM. MODERN apt. 2073 N. Com'l. 2 RM. FURN. upstairs apt. Close In. Ph. 2-0745. ipjov ROOMS, furnished, private bath, adult man who can cook. 1250 N, Winter JP289 NEW APT. 2 rms, it bath. Partly furn. 1047 Madison. jpauu RM. MOD. turn. apt. for married couple. N. Front. Also lge. furn. room close to state capltol Ac shopping center. Ph. 2-7808 Jp290 FURN, APT. Private bath. Refrlg. Gar age. Adults only. state. jpou- FURNISHED 2-RM. COTTAGES. Ph. 25769. JP-IUf FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RM. HOUSE partly furn. Not modern. $35. 62 Williams. immu DWELLING FOR rent: 1498 Ferry St., Sa lem, Ore., partly lurniBnea, immeaiaic possession: $55 per month. Inquire 205 Oregon Bldg.. Salem, Ore. between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. only. Ronald C. Glover. JmSBl PRACT. NEW 2 BR unfurn. hse. Elec. ht. 950 8. 20th. Ph. 3-50 ay. in2rBf. YEAR OLD duplex. 3 rooms St bath. Nicely furn. On Albany highway 1 block past Colonial House. Hardwood floors, modern thruout. 165. Ph. 36766. Jm290 SMALL FURN, house north. Box 293 Capi tal Journal. jmauu- FOR RENT 2 bdrm. furn. house. $65 per month. Ph. 3-9301 before noon sunaay, after 6 o'clock week days. 293 FOR SALE or rent 3 rm. house, by own- . Ph. 2-0278. jm'w 3 BEDROOM house with garage; auto. -oil furnace, wired ior range, large living room, fireplace, electric watr heater. Large fenced yard, fruit and nut trees, berries, grape arbor, shrubs and flow ers. 8 blocks from State Office Bldg. Rent $85.00 to party who will water and care for yard. Will lease to responsible tenant. References required. Call 3-7683 for appointment. Jmaoo 3 ROOM house close In. Wired for range. Electric water sysiem, za.uu. rn. j-um. - Jm290 UNFURNISHED one-bedroom home, many fine features, reaoy ior occupancy bduui Dec. 15. Call 2-2819 for appointment eve. except Tucs. jm290 LARGE house. Close in, $75 per mo. In quire H. Li. mill Furniture- iu. ni. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 35 A. OF HOPS on shares. Ph, 21329. . J291' 2- OR 3-B.R. HOUSE, unfurn., urgently needed by city policeman ana nimii. Ph. 2-7558. J2"9 FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, suitable lor omce or store, aisw -story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Tel. 3-4131. J" NEW OFFICE BUILDING. See 1079 Broadway, rn. z-isaa. J290' FLOOR apace on State St Desk space on Marion Ht. rn. a-ni. J U DRIVE Trucks Ro'jlnson Shell Service Center at cottage, rn. aaiuj. y BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR BANDERS for rent Ward. POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howser Bros, rn TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros lu 6 i2th. west aaiem. TO DO a good lob 'ent a good flooi sand- er. We sell everything to complete wie HOWSER BROS iOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. SINGER ELECTRIO portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates, rree pica u ft delivery Singer Sewing Machine Cu 130 N. Com 1 Ph 33512 J ROOM & BOARD ROOM, MEALS, lunches. Ph. 28740. JJ394' BOARD & ROOM. Corner of Broadway & Academy. Ph. 2-1028. JJ" 3-8706 WANTED TO RENT COUPLE WITH 9 yr. old boy. Within 60 rinv. Nice 2 or 3 Dorm, uniurn. ntici rnirii.wor.ri Dint. Will nay 6 mo. in ad vancc. Ph. 2B067. Ja294 BD. RM. unfurn. house by couple and son. Reasonable. N. Salem preferred. Ph. .1-3244. Jfl2fla BUSINESS man would like large room and use oi garage in Hin south Salem. Would be Ideal II could al so have breakfast. Address P.O. box RH4. Ja289 LOST & FOUND LOST! 1 piece of steel scaffold on Stiver- ton Kd. aunaay nignt. ' n,lc Marvel Equipment Co. Ph. 20621. 1 Ycley. 2605 N. 4th. kj LOST! Mattress, Tuesday night between Lana Ss Maple. Pnone LOST! BROWN billfold near Woolworth's about 3 p.m. Dec. 2. Finder may Keep money. Ph. 31195 khu FOUND! A really' good' Place to eat. Food selling Is the art of providing looas mat won't come back to customers who will. AUMSVILLE COFFEE SHOP Aumsville, Oregon Truck Parking k310 LOST: IN the Pratum Dlst.. 2 coon hounds. 1 red and 1 black ft wnite. Kewara. Call 4411 Sllverton. k290 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 464 Court We close Saturdays 13:30. m296 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY S EM LKR DENTIST Adolpb Bid-. State ft Commtila) Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' BUILDING MATERIAL CEDAR SHAKES: Genuine clear vertical grain, square cut Canadian Cedar Shakes, 18". Fully dipped. Choice of white, alive grey, lime green or beige. Complete with undercourse. Now (13.95 per square. Call for free estimate. Sears Roebuck, Phone 3-9191. ma294 ,AVE ON ROOFING Let WaTds give you eomp:ete IN STALLED price on JOUl roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman tor frr astlmau Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft OO. SAL KM. OREGON DEAR CUSTOMER. Insltt on your eon. tractor and carpenter using tne nnesi old growth yerticai gram yeuow tir finished lumber In Salem On hand al Dick Meyer Lumber Co 16 Lana Ave Ph. 34939 Free parking. ma RED CEDAR shingles No. 1 3x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices 18 In. No 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller Salem-Indep road Call 3-1196 Salem ma NEED LUMBER? To axsura yourself top Quality framing lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid on tnat next loo wufi o.v LEM SAW MILL. 1050 Wallace Rd Ph 3-9593. 389" 1 STOP SERVICE FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Lumber, shingles, mill work, glass, hard materials, plywood, paint hard ware elec. supplies fir. covering Thai convenient location. Front ft Court St KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD, ma (AUCTIONS of Salem. - Phone 2-6274 dd289 BUILDING MATERIAL PERM A-STONE lor fireplaces and home Ba'em rerma-stone Co., 3040 N. 18th St Salem. Phone 2-0605 after fl p.m. ma393 NURSERY STOCK DISH GARDEN plants ,ind planters. Beau- inui norai worK. remoerton Flower Shop, 1980 S. 13th. Ph. 3-9946. mb307 fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GIRL'S WHITE shoe figure Ice skates, size i. excellent condition, rnone 25217. J1293 ROYAL VACUUM cleaner, good shape, to.ov. vaveno ana ciuo cnair comoina tlon 139. Nuesco electric range, A-l condition, 145. Woodry Furniture Mar ket. n3B9 HOLLY WREATHS (1.50. All kinds of a mas greens ior mailing and Home. Ph. 3-1993. 396Q S. Commercial. n394 USED OIL circulators. Reconditioned. 120 and up. Judson, 379 N. Com'l. n289' LARGE SIZE oil circulator. rnone 3-6216. SPLIT BACK auto seat. Excl. cond. 125. n394 Phone 2-4434. BOY'S SIDEWALK Bike 15. Also 30-lnch neavy duty tricycle $6. Ph. 21166. n289 MALL MODEL 7 CHAIN SAWt Powerful! Heavy-duty! Falls, limbs, bucks under extreme conditions. 7 HP engine, stall proof clutch. Reduced to clear, 36-in. bar now $375. WARDS FARM STORE Trade ft High Salem n2B9 MODEL RAILROADERS FOR SALE: O layout, 2-14" scale Hudson loc os, streamliner ft freight, switch en gine with cars, 225 steel T track, 10 switches, 2 transf., assort, of parts. Da vid Blackmer, Rt. 4 Box 374, Ph. 3-6155. n290 Save 20 to 50 PIANOS Spinets ft Grands. GUITARS Standard ft Electric. ACCORDIANS All Sizes ft Prices. BAND INSTRUMENTS New ft Used. Shown by Appointment. Ph. 3-4641 Jaquith Music Co. MISSION ELEC. hot water heater. 42 gal, SINGER ELEC. PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE Late model. Attachments ft course In sewing. Guaranteed. Bargain 179.50. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., 130 N. Com'l. 1)289' HEAT your home electrlcalry with West- .ngnousc or wesin automatic electric heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. n298 BEAN POLES, lattice batten St strips. 100 Lana Ave. Ph. 26082. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and faontag Appliances at Gevurtz. d" PHILLIPS BROS Fertilizers well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rocn work Cedar fence posts telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles Yew posts. Ph. 3-1458 Rt 6 Box 118 TALLMAN'S CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE All pianos greatly reduced in price. New and used. SPINET PIANOS 1494 St UP S50 Down, $25 a Month all standard makes. Our regular lines Knabe, Fischer, Mehlin, Langhead, Lester, Betsy Ross. Spinet go on sale. USED ft REBUILT PIANOS, 185 UP 125 Down, 110 to 115 a Month MfrrAplanos, (395 up. A small deposit holds any piano for Xmas delivery. Tallman Piano Store (A Mile from High Prices) 375 - 395 S. 12th' n293 TATTED DOILIES for Christmas Gifts. SI. and up. 2010 Ferry. n290 SALEM SAND a OhAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 16 B-" yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Doter D-B Cat ft Doser D-4 Cat ft Dozer See us about ditching by tlx A. Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-834 or 3-44O0 Salem Oregon a WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL OO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement ready mix concrete, garden and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching .yd. thovel and drag line. Ph. 1-9349 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED RENTED Washers Renaired MAkM PICK CP ft DELIVER Sewing machines electrified A on verted to portable or console. New ft useo. ierms. W. DAVENPORT. PH. 3-7671 1930 N. 18th rJ93 NEW SINGER monogramming and em broidering machine for sale. Ph. 2-0529. LARGE FOUNTAIN, triple sinks, new freezing unit. Sacrifice k of used va lue. Call Anderson 3-4815. n393 FOR SALE Beautiful holly sprays and wreaths. Any amount, anytime, 50c per lb. Phone 3-9314. 1860 N. Summer St. Salem, Ore. n392 POWER-SAW. 11 h.P . Dlsston. 4'. 5V bars may be had with one bar or all. Private owner needs cash. See at Square Deal 2nd Hand Store, Salem. A real bar gain! n292 NEW Se USED elec. wood, gas ranges. New Q.E. reim. Outboard motor, oas noor furnace. Floor lamps. Elec. wood, gas, oil heaters cheap. Elec. roasters, lec, toasters. Waffle Irons, Bedroom set. Living room set. Chrome dinette set. Bed. springs and mattress. End tables. Radios, car radios, qbr heaters, and many other Items cheap. All our merch andise has been reduced to save you dollars. Hardman Bros., 4,4 miles north of Salem on Portland Hiway. Open from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. 7 days a week. n290 COLEMAN oil heater. 3 drums, tubing and fittings. 135. 1135 S. ISth. Apt. NO n290 FLAT TOP standard electric stove. Good condition, 155. Ph. 3-7087. n393' RIFLE New 300 Savage 99. Weaver scope s 1st h ted in. perfect. Box 584 or Tel, 3-7171, Salem. . n389 ler. Almost n389' The Perfect Gift! TODAY'S GREAT PIANOS! BALDWIN CABLE HADDORFF WURLITZER NEW SPINETS FROM $395 Best Values on New and Used Grands. Spinets. Uprights. Spinets, Uprights. Open evenings till 9 a.m. except Sat. Stone Piano Co. THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO STORE" 1S40 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Ore. nasa B FLAT tenor saxophone. Exc. cond. Gold lacquer, 1135.00, 1545 Lee St. Ph. i-s3ia RUMMAGE tale. 360 State upstairs. n3U GOOD CHRISTMAS TREES, wholesale, freshly cut. on road ready to load. 1500 on hand, lengths 3' to 12 as wanted. Richardson Ranch. 1700 Valsets road. Falls City.Ore Ph. 319. n290 LUXURIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFT; 6 prime Baum Martens. Natural color, made in 3 three-piece set.. New, nnt second hand. Unusual bargain, at 1355.00. Ph. 3-8632. B390 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS riR STUMPAGE and fir logs wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber ft Manufac turing Company, Inc., Independence, Oreg on. Phone 43. na WANTED: Good piano, small sire pre ferred. Ph. 2-8725. na289 WANTED furniture o glue repair U Broa Furn Rtflnlshlng Co ph 2-1001 WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying It. H 0. Hanson. 320 S. Lancaster. na393 PERSONAL JANE BEACH or Esther Hopper or both Please call 3-9835 or call 160 Union. P291 , D. E. MISSICK, hereby declare I will not be responsible for any debts from this day, 12-3-49, other than my own. D. E. Misslck. P391 MRS. MELVIN SMITH; Spencer corsetler. Let a Spencer solve your figure problem. All calls given special attention. Ph. 35072. P308 AVONCOSMETICS.Ph.3-4B86. p300 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Let Mindt. 1165 N. I4th. Ph. 3-4801. P303 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally. 173 S. Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 29285. p303 Ph AUTOMOBILES 1847 DODGE Custom 4-Dr. Sedan, Just like new. Ph. 3-3581. 0291 1034 FORD V-8 4-Door Sedan. In good q291 943 BUICK special sedan. Exceptionally clean. New Tu-Tona lacquer paint and fully equipped. Ph. 2-0024 or 373D Hul sey ave. eve. q290 '37 Ph. FOR SALE 49 Mercury conv., black, 4000 miles, extras. 12395. Terms. 250 Pine St., Lebanon. Ph. 6453, after 6 p. m. 4292 '41 NASH 5-pass, coupe; '40 Packard se dan; '37 Chev. sedan: '36 Chev. sedan; '37 Hudson sedan; '35 Dodge sedan; '34 Dodge sedan; '32 Ohev. sedan; '33 Chev. sedan; '32 Bulck coupe. All these cars are in good condition and priced cheap for quick sale. Hardman Bros. lk miles north of Salem on Portland Hiway. Open from 8 a.m. 'till 8 p.m. 7 days a week. q290 FOR SALE '36 Ford coupe. Good cond., 1150. 575 Patterson ave. q290 1949 MERCURY 3 -door. Ph. 2-1435. q390 150 USED CAR LOT 850 ft your old one 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. g293 Eisner Motors to Sell 1950 PONTIACS ARE HERE , '46 Pontlac Sdn Cpe 11195 48 Pontlac Sedan 1195 '41 Pontlac Sdn Cpe 545 39 Pontlac Sedan 495 46 Olds Sdn Ope 1145 46 Dodse Sedan 1095 42 Chev. Sdn 695 '40 Chrysler Sdn 495 39 Olds Sedan 445 37 Dodge Sedan 295 '37 Chev. Sedan 395 '36 Ohev. Sedan 195 41 Nash Sedan 545 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADE TERMS 660 N. Liberty - Ph. 2-4113 49 BUICK super sedan. Radio, heater, undercoat. Perfect condition. Price $2100. 225 S. Evans St. Ph. 3011, Mc Minnvllle. q289 Eisner Motors Fine Cars CAR ACCESSORIES tires ft tubes at cost pncr First come first served as this 1 a close-out sale Dealers welcomed R D Woodrow Co., 450 Center q' ZEEP'S USED CARS BUY TERMS SELL TRAD1 3 LOTS Ph. 3-6454 Ph. 3-7114. 2325 Fairground Rd. 520 Hood St. Eisner Motors to Buy FARM EQUIPMENT , BIG VALUES Late Model Used Tractor RECONDITIONED, READY FOR SERVICE YOUR CHOICE FORD - FORD FERGUSON ft FERGUSON Call or See Hubbell Young at TEAGUE MOTOR & IMPLEMENT COMPANY Salem. Oregon. Phone 2-4173 qb289 FINANCIAL DECEMBER CASH Extra cash for shopping might make all the difference J50.00 for 2 weeks costs only 70c. Other amounts In proportion. Pay only for the time you use the cash, no co-signers necassary . . . Too choose the monthly payments . . . You choose the payment date. Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan Is the best solution remember we say "Yes" to 4 out of 5 who apply. Come in, or phone first for faster service. Open Saturday, 9 to 1 P.M. November 19 through December 11 Personal Finance Co. OF SALEM 518 State, Rm. 125 Phone 2-3464 C. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. 3-122: M-1B5. r392 FARM AND CITY I.UANS VhV and 6 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 3-7163 r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phona 3-9161 AUTO LOAMS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-3457 Lie. No M-159 S-154 r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Falrgtoundfl Road Nxt Door to Bank Free Parking Phon 27033 Lie N M369-S331 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr r SEX. DS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Jnc. REALTORS 344 State 8t Phone 3-3683 GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie S-133 and 11-321 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCJt AND LOANS S Commercial St Tel 3-9:61 t TRAILERS -FT. ROUSE Trailer. Will take small trailer for equity. 1155 8. 14th. t39l .V PACIFIC Liner trailer house. Butane cooking ft Forest oil heating, S60 carpeting in front room, also car peting in bdrm. Elec. hot water heater ft Frig Ida ire. In excl. condition. Hon estly a real buy. Will sacrifice. See Ray Curtis, Howard's Trailer Court. 3560 Portland Roao. UN WANTED Tenants for trailer space, Reas quiet, convenient, heated rest rms, lawn, tac. dryers. 15 Hishwsy ave. Ph. 2-1746. VMS' FT. DUAL AXLE flat-bed semi-trailer. 11500 or trade for shorter trailer. 2350 N Church. t389 INSURANCE INSURE AND BE SURE Save 30 to 30 on Auto Insurant Complete Line of Insurance VAN M. GREER AOENOY 965 Highland Ave. Ph. 3-3451 ra305 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 456 Court, Phont 1-6773. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC BOMB appliance repair maa new appliance, vlnee's iMtrl Pnent Free estimates. Trade-in accepted on 3-9339 197 S Liberty St ' AT-UR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 1-6831. AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phon 1-tlM. Night 2-1804 33" Center BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that hom now. Tanas. No down payment. Phone 3-4BB0. BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskay. 1010 Falrvlcw Ave. Ph. 3-3146, Salem. ol CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new ROJh easa register Al' makes sold, ran tad. ra-pa:-eL Roen 456 Court. Ph 8-flTTt CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction saw or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curb, walla, ttc Call 2-4850 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum Ensley. 171 S. 31st. Ph. 1-1171. cleaned. oSll DRIVEWAYS EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Servlee. Ph. 4-3474. Lee Cross. Rt. Box 437-0. 311- Brelthaupt's for flowers Dial 3-9171 FURNACE ft CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed ft repaired. Dvorak. Ph, 3-496S HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 3-8578. 0393 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS products. Ft Ph. 3-539 INSULATION Johns-Manvllle. Phona 3-314S. JANITOR SERVICE ' Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxlna Buildings - Factories - Home Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MAINT. OO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 LANDSCAPr NURSERY e V Doerfler ft Sons, Ornamentals. 10 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1333. e DELUZ SERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef ferson St Phone 23432. LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 8. Com. St. oSll MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4081 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish ft Hawaiian Guitar Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St Ph. 1-7569. 0292 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief c , Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court. Slfstrom's are equipped to do your painting Phone 2-2499 PAINTING A PAPERHANGING ft painting. Est. fret. ph. Painting and paperhanglng. Prst astl mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 293 PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhangtng and palntinf . , J. Woodsworth. Ph. 1-9807. Fret est. 30B Paperhanglng to your satisfaction, years exp. Also painting. Ph. 3-0910. Paperhanglng. Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-4019. 0393 PLUMBING Fisher, 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-MB4. o30M Glen lloodr. Ph. 2M PICTURE FRAMINO Hn'tehaoo Paint tiara.' REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrigeration Sarr. Co. Ph.. 3-1594 391 SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. TZ terms, all makes. W, Davenport. Ph. 3-7671. SIT SAND ft GBAYKL Garden Soil crushed rock, BfaoTtl a4l dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Co. Phone 3-9349. a Valley Sand A aravn Co Silt, sand Ml dirt Excavating 10B ahorel eats. Traotor scoop ft trucks far 4Urt moring. Ph office 24002, res. 37146 Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603. 1338 If 1th. o30T SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-946B. 3-5337. I K. P. Hamel, Septic tanks, sewer and drain line cleaned Guaranteed work 1143-ath St., West Salem. Ph. 1-7404 o301 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2445 State. St. Phona 2-0734. o SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrlo Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades. Clean Sewers, Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-S337. SEWING MACHINES All repairs guaranteed, Free Pickup ek delivery. Used machines bought ft sold. Ph. 3-5569. 1091 Edgewater. e397 All makes repaired, tree estimates. Singer Sewing Machine C 130 Ho. Commercial Ph 3-3513. TRANS FEP S STOBAGB ocal ft Distance Transfer, stance. Burner oils, coal ft briquets. Trucks tt Portland daily. Aient for Beklaa. Heose hold roods moved to anywhere to VM. or Canada Larmer Transfer ft Sterae. Ph 1-3131 e TRUCK A TRANSFER Lester DeLano truck service. clal hauling. Dally service t Portland. Ph. 2-1750. TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables AD makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 48J Court. '6 VENETIAN BLINDS salem Venetian Blind made to order f reftnlahed Rcluholdt Lewie, 3-3 BM. Elmer The Blindman. Ph. 37328, W EAT HERST RIPPING WELL DRILLING Fred Wymoro. Rt- 3, Box 117 Ph. 3-S13B. 331 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Indow Cleaners Windows, wails ft woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3 -WJ7 347 Court Langdoa Culbertsoa and slather WINDOW SHADES Washtble Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Rein holdt ft Lewis Ph 336 WOOD ft SAWDUST West Baleta fuel Co. Ph. 1-403L ( 1