Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 05, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    1 Glowing Cross' Proves to
Be Only Mirror Reflection
Fond Du Lac. Wis.. Dec. 5 (U.R A black-frocked widow insis
ted today that a "glowing cross" on the wall of her farm home
was a "miraculous" sign from her dead husband but three
newsmen decided it was a re- flection from a mirror.
About 1,000 persons have flocked through the small resi
dence of Mrs. William Mulder to'r
view the phenomenon. The wid-
Somebody's Gonna' Fay This shotgun may not be neces
sary, but E. M. Brewster of Dallas, Texas, is making certain
that the cars jammed together above are not moved until
damage to his house is paid for. Brewster was awakened
during the night a week ago when the two autos ran together,
then slammed into his house. He's been keeping vigil ever
since to make certain the autos are not moved by the owners.
(AP Wirephoto)
ruary the four will start run
ning a hotel together in Skegness.
'English' Twins Inseparable,
So They Will Be Reunited
Hoyston, Eng., Dec. 5 VP) The doctors have decided that a set
of, English not Siamese twins are inseparable.
They have ordered that Mrs. Edith Sutcliffe and Mrs. Ethel
Robinson 40 years old and twins are to be reunited per
manently, even at the expense of their husbands' jobs.
The sisters were married to
Leonard Sutcliffe and Sidney
Robinson in a double ceremony
In 1926. In 1933, Robinson's
work as an employment agent
took him to Gainsborough, 40
miles from here. Suitcliffe stay
ed in Royston as an insurance
agent. .
For the past 16 years their
twin wives have exchanged more
than 16,000 letters and have
made 800 week-end visits to each
other. But during their absence
' from each other they have pined
away until now they are twin
"Every moment we are apart
we fret," said Mrs. Sutcliffe.
"We can't help it," said Mrs.
Robinson. "We are a part of
each other."
The doctors decided the only
cure would be for them to live
together again.
So Sutcliffe and Robinson are
chucking their jobs, and in Feb-
Tito Offers Bonuses
For All New Babies
London, Dec. 9 W) Marshal
Tito now is giving bonuses to
Yugoslavs who have babies.
The Yugoslav news agency
Tanjug, said today the state will
give 2000 dinars ($40) to clothe
each new-born child under a de
cree just promulgated.
Women workers, as well as
unemployed workers' wives, are
to get a special bonus of 600 di
nars ($12) per month during the
six months before and after
childbirth. The money must be
used for food.
Four Corners Garden Club
Will Aid Needy Children
Four Corners, Dec. 5 Spotlighting the beginning of the holiday
season was the Four Corners Garden club's Christmas dinner and
program in the Community hall. Candle light and holly com
bined with Christmas decorations make a colorful setting for the
Covers were laid for 36 with
Mrs. Claud Day of Salem as a
guest Carol singing led by Mrs.
L, J. Stewart with Mrs. G. M.
Deen at the piano preceded the
gift exchange and club business.
The club voted to give a Christ
mas basket to needy children.
nosiesses ior uie evening
half of the club members. At
the Friday afternoon meeting of
the Lincoln Mother's club about
fiftv mothers heard Miss Mar
garet McDevitt, art supervisor
for the Salem public scnoois,
discuss the progress of art in
the grade school. The Wiltsey
Music House presented Miss Sus
anna Howell in a program of ac
cordion music.
Mrs. Harvey Meyer appointed
the following room mothers
from each grade to be responsi
ble for the hostesses at each
meeting: first grades, Mrs. Len
thai Holman and Mrs. Melvin
Scott: second grade, Mrs. Carol
Capps; mixed second-third, Mrs.
William Futrell; third, Mrs. Ger
ald Wing; fourth, Mrs. Michael
Kipper; fifth, Mrs. Francis Mil
ler; sixth, Mrs. C. O. Gilming.
The Mother's club will spon
sor a benefit dinner and pro
gram of motion pictures Decem
ber 8 from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock.
Hostesses for the day were
Mrs. Andrew Messman, Mrs.
Donald Blaisdell, Mrs. W. E.
Dunnigan, Mrs. Frank Ediger,
Mrs. Kenneth Hanson, Mrs. W.
R. Tower, Mrs. R. W. Mayden,
Mrs. Joseph Wilson.
Pad on Trucks
Boise, Dec. 5 W The Idaho
public utilities commission has
authority to enter into an agree
ment with Oregon to pro-rate
license fees of fleets of trucks in
accordance with the mileage
traveled in each state, Attorney
General Robert E. Smylie ruled
W. B. Joy, commission presi
dent, said in view of this au.
thority the commission will pre
pare a reciprocity agreement
covering the pro-rated registra
tion fee proposal and submit it
to the Oregon secretary of state
early next week.
He explained that under terms
of the proposal, fleets of trucks
would pay a percentage of their
registration fees in Oregon and
Idaho in accordance with the
mileage traveled in each state.
The mileage would be comput
ed only on interstate shipments.
Terms of the reciprocity
agreement between the two
states were reached at a confer
ence here several weeks ago. Re.
ciprocity between the states was
limited when Oregon adopted
its vehicle-mile tax two years
ago. A new schedule of registra
tion fees for trucks becomes ef
fective Jan. 1, 1950, in Oregon.
Joy said the new schedule is
closer in line with the Idaho
Joy said under terms of the
agreement Idaho truckers will
still have to pay the vehicle-mile
tax in Oregon as reciprocity is
based only on registration fees.
Bank Change Noted
Albany Appointment of Da
vid W. Holman to a , position
with the installment loan de
partment of the First National
branch bank here- is announced
by Dan Bfenneman, local branch
manager. Holman, a native of
Baker, has been with the Port
land and Oregon City branches
of the bank for seven years.
ow, along with many of the
spectators, regarded it as a mir
acle. "Maybe the cross did come
from the mirror," said Mrs. Mul
der in a heavy German accent,
"but I don't know why I didn't
see it before my husband died.
"I still think it was the work
of God."
Three newsmen who visited
the home last night said they
saw the cross, an outline of light
on the faded pink wallpaper in
the dwellings living room
They traced the source of the
light to the beveled edge of a
mirror in the adjoining bedroom.
The light came from a lamp.
reflected against the mirror
edge, and made the cross shine
on the wall in the next room
When they placed a piece of
paper over the mirror edge, the
cross disappeared
Mrs. Mulder, a strong and
handsome 65-year-old farm wife,
wasn't convinced, however
For one thing, she said, the
furniture in the house includ
ing the lamp and mirror hadn't
been moved from their posi
tions for seven years.
Yet, she said, the cross never
was noticed until the week after
her husband died last Oct. 22.
Thy WHISTlf ty Hornet
Control Tbty puff root SMOKf
Visit Hamilton's Toyland for
good toys at low prices. Many
models of the famous Lionel
line are on display at prices
ranging from 15.9S to 75.00.
The automatic station is only
one of several new Lionel ac
cessories on display at Hamil-
i ton's.
Claim P 0 Uses
New York, Dec. 5 (PI A pub
lishing company official says the
post office department apparent
ly is exercising a "subtle new
form of censorship" over what is
stamped on mailed parcels.
The publishers, Rinehart and
company wanted to use a post
mark slogan on its mail, saying:
"For better government, support
Capital Journal, Salem,' Ore., Monday, December 5, 1949 15
Dr. 11. H. Chang who will
discuss "America's Stake In
Asia" during next Wednesday
night's dinner meeting of the
Salem Knife and Fork club
at the Marion hotel. Dr. Chang
who speaks perfect English,
was given the degree of doc
tor of philosophy at Harvard
university at the age of 23.
His most recent visit to China
was in 1948.
Lindbeck Commended for
High Standing of Ship
Lt. Comdr. John Lindbeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lind
beck, and now inspector-instructor of Naval Reserves, Eugene
and Salem, has been forwarded a letter of commendation for the
high standing of Lindbeck's. ship in the Battle of Efficiency Com
petition in 1949.
The commendation, forward
ed the Salem naval man from
the 13th Naval District reads in
part ...
"During the subject year you
served as executive officer of
the U.S.S. Roggers (DD-876)
and as such contributed largely
to the excellent results obtained
in administration. Persistent en
deavor and teamwork by all
hands made it possible for the
Rogers to stand fourth among
all destroyer pickets of the
force. For your contribution to
this performance you are here
by commended."
Lindbeck was assigned to the
USS Rogers as executive officer
in July, 1947, and detached Sep
tember 1, 1949. During most of
this time the ship was in far
eastern waters. The Rogers was
specifically commended on four
separate occasions.
A "Certificate of Achieve
ment" was awarded by Lt. Gen.
Hull, USA for outstanding per
formance during the Eniwetok
atom bomb tests in the spring of
1948; August, 1948, it was com
mended by the Commander De
stroyer Forces, Pacific Fleet, for
being runner-up ship in the 1948
Battle of Efficiency Competi
tion; and September, 1948 the
Rogers won the Athletic Gen
eral Excellency trophy, awarded
annually to one destroyer of the
Baby Has
Tooth Troubles
East Chicago, Ind., Dec. 5
(U.R) Two-months old Ronald
Bernack) won't have his low
er front tooth for Christmas.
A dentist extracted the tooth
because it was puncturing
nipples on Ronald's milk bot
tles and cutting his tongue.
You need more than a 'salve' for
to rtfim MHhs and sort msclts
You med to rub on stimulating, pain
reliering Muaterole. It not only brings
fast, long-laating relief but actually
help check the irritation and break up
local eonceation. Buy Muaterole!
Christmas Cheer
Developed For Those With
Excessive Hearing Loss
Announcement of this powerful hearing aid has brought
hearing to many who have thought an aid could not help
them. This small single unit hearing aid can be used
with "Out-of-Sight" tip or with nothing in the ear. For
further information call or write
193S State Street
Pbone 3-9485
Salem, Oregon
Read what
housewives are
laying about
m I wouldn't nse any ether bat ft Ktl titttitM tfl
I CATERIZED OIL in my hom! U C flrfS, j I
1 Just (marine! No SOOT or If & A"w4i jfr tif
fuel oil in my home! It is
so clean and most econom
ical, too!
MS' mm.
'V C T R O I I U A.
V. msTtiiuToii
The Fuel Oil All Salem Is Raving About!
Investigate the new, modern woy to heat your home
by using GITERIZED OIL the fuel oil that cleans
out soot and carbon as it burns! Yes, this new modern
miracle oil insures top peak furnace efficiency . . .
reduces stack fire hazards to almost nil . . . and can
be stored with absolute safety! Be modern! Be wise!
coll Howard J. Smolley Oil company today for your
35622 35606
Far Your Load of Coterized
Oil Today
tlOOJ taOAOWU Sum, ONIM ssmmh m
Hood St. at Broadway
the Hoover report."
Philip Ewald, the company's
advertising manager, said yes
terday the firm had been advis
ed the use of such a slogan on
the mail was unacceptable be
cause of its "controversial nat
ure." "This action," Ewald said,
"appears to be a subtle new
form of censorship exercised by
the post office from Washington,
especially since the Hoover re
port is quite critical of its op
erations." In Washington, the post office
department said it has had no
correspondence with the pub
lishers on the subject
I at
The Jewel Box
I 443 State
"One door from Western Union
Come in and see the
ui JTH
See this amazing new camera
now. It is the most startling
development in photography
since roll film. The pictures
are so real so lifelike, that
when you see them you'll find
yourself waiting for a drop of
water to fall a person to
speak a leaf to flutter.
The two lenses of this amaz
ing new Stereo-REALIST
Camera see the same as your
eyes do but they retain what
and Vl.w.r, 1SJ.J$
ITos IncludHll
they see on film. Like your
eyes the Stereo-REALIST sees
things in true perspective, with
height, width, and depth (third
dimension) plus amazing
natural color.
Only by actually seeing these
pictures can you grasp their
amazing beauty lifelike qual
ities. If you want a thrilling
new experience stop in and
see these amazing new pictures.
We Operate Our Own Photo Finishing Laboratory
We Are Author
ized Dealer for
Still Cameras:
Slide Projectors:
Everything for the
PHONE 2-4505
Perfect underline for fashions now . . .
and right through every leaton of the ytarl
Jaunty Rife rounds your bosom, lis bias
midriff gently hugs your waist.
The straight skirt falls softly,
freely. Topped with net trimming!
Rayon satin In petal pink or white.
Let us measure you for your perfect
"Body-Contour" size.
Miss Lady Little Miss Little Lady
(10-20) (38-42) (9-15) (1414-22)
(31 to 39)
f I'll ill
135 North Liberty