Bevos and Ducks Lose Hoop Games as Washinqtons Win y (By the Associated Press) A pair of sophomore centers kept the University of Washing ton and Washington State col lege alone among the northwest's "big five" today with an unble mished record in the yet young basketball campaign. Washington won its third straight game Saturday, coming off an eight-point deficit to thump the University of British Columbia 56-41 with Duane Enochs pacing the win with 13 points. The ex-R i c h 1 a n d prepster, Gene Conley, was top man for the Cougars of Washington State as they routed Whitworth 58-44 win No. 2. Conley poured in 12 counters. Idaho also got back on the victory path after a Friday de feat by blasting Portland uni versity 60-38. Again it was a center, Reserve Bob Wheeler, who provided the punch with 19 points. Both Oregon and Oregon State bowed, the Ducks for the second night in a row Utah ,, 61-46 and the Staters for the first time a 58-45 loss to Ca nisius. ; Oregon outshot Utah from the floor 19 field goals to 18 but lost the game at the foul line. The Utes missed only five of 30 charity tosses while Oregon con nected with only eight of 20 at tempts. Paul Sowers, guard. pitched in 19 points Ducks. for the (fin Utah G F PI TP 16 16 5 3 4 13 5 5 4 15 QPPtTp 4 4 3 12 Comiie.f tjrban.f Hamilton,' Lavor.f Streeter.c Oon.c Nceley.g Keller.g Sowers.g Cooper.g Krause.g Totals 1 Cleverly,! 7 Smlth.c 0 shrum.g 0 Dugglns.g 2 Crofts.g 3 1 2 7 3 11 5 4 3 14 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 4 9 1 2 IS 10 0 24 46 Total! Dog Days Set by Race Commission, Ponies Postponed Portland, Dec. 5 VP) The state racing commission Satur day granted the Multnomah Kennel club a 50-day greyhound racing meet starting June 30. The meet would close Aug. 24. Expected action on the Port . land Meadows horse track meet for this summer was postponed. A track official said the organi zation was not prepared to post the license fee at this time. Charles Hunter, track manage ment spokesman, said the Mea dows planned to ask for a 40 to 50 day meet. ' The Northwest Quarter Horse association advised the commis sion it wanted a six day meet in Portland May 8-13. Dr. Frank Menne, commis sion chairman, reported the law banning public telephones at tracks would be enforced. He said they were considered a con venient tool for bookmakers. Few Deals Expected at Minor Loop Convention Baltimore, Dec. 5 VP) Not a tingle big league trade may be announced at this 48th annual minor league baseball convention that opens up here today and does not end until Friday, Dec. 9. But that does not mean that none will be consummated. It is almost a certainty that at least two, perhaps three, player deals of "sizable proportions" will be ready to be announced at the major league sessions in New York next week. One concerns the world cham pion New York Yankees and the American league cellar-ridden Washington Senators. The Yan kees, since the close of the 1949 season, have been trying to wran- ' gle Pitcher Rae Scarborough and First Baseman Eddie Robinson away from the Nats. They might as well stop wast ing time on Scarborough. He x American League Competition to Open Monday Competition in the American division of the City Basketball league opens Monday night on the Leslie junior high school gym floor with six of the seven teams in action. The National Division will see action for the first time, Wednes day night, also at Leslie. . The season will be in two parts in each division with one- game playoff between the winners of each half if neces sary. A championship playoff for the league title will likely follow. The Monday night schedule: 7:00 Knights of Columbus vs. 12th Street Market; 8:00 Ep ping Lumber vs. Warner Motors; 9:00 West Salem Merchants vs. Capitol Post No. 9. Page Wool en draws a bye. Wednesday night's schedule: 7:00 Marine Reserve vs. Post Office; 8:00 Capitol Business College vs. Naval Reserve; 9:00 . Burroughs Inn vs. City Tran sit Line. National Guard draws a bye. Halftime score: Oregon 22, Utah 22 (tie). Free throws missed: Oregon Urban, Ha milton, Streeter 2, Lavey 4, Neeley. Don 2, Sowers. Utah Cleverly 2, Dugglns 3. Oregon State, making the first start of its cross-country tour before some 10,000 fans at Buffalo, N.Y., trailed Cani sius 29-20 at halftime, but drew up to within two points only to fall behind on the vic tors' 12-point spurt. Ray Wal ker's 10 points were high for the Beavers. The box: Oregon State tin) (18 Canlslus o p Pi Tp G F PI Tp 6 0 0 18 Rlnenrson.f 1 8 2 Heddrck.f Holmun.I Detour.f Storey.f 4 Deluca.I 3 Pleto.f 2 McOulre.r 1 0 Snyder.f Crandnll.f 9 0 1 10 Zatorskl.1 0 0 Muller.c 3 0 Hartnett.e 3 2 Flcmlng.o Klnney.o PaclRett.o 2 3 Krocltmal.o 0 4 2 Stoetzel.c 0 1 0 McKlnnn.g 3 0 2 Bellntyne.K 3 2 10 Pflyne.g 2 J 4 MOSinO.g 1 & 4 7 5 2 Calak.g 2 2 0 0 3 4 Illlg.g 0 0 0 0 narper.g I Watt.g a O Sullvn.g 0 0 0 0 Totals 18 9 35 45 Totals 17 24 16 58 Halftime Canlslus 20, Oregon state 20. Free throws missed Oregon state. Rl- nearson, Fleming. Ballantyne. crandall. Storey. Padgett, Watt. Canlslus stoetzel 4 Muller 2, Mac Kinnon, Ua&ino 3. Hart nett 3, llllg. O'Sullivan 3. While Whitworth and British Columbia were losing to Coast conference schools, other Ever green conference clubs also were in action. Eastern Washing LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Intensive Drill Facing Vikings Before KF Jaunt Coach Harold Hauk plans to continue on snapping his Salem high school varsity hoopsters through scrimmage and . defense drill this week before traveling to the Klamath Falls invitation al tourney slated for the south ern Oregon city December 8-10. Hauk has still r.ot definitely decided on his starting crew for the opening action at the jam boree. Nor has he determined who will comprise the 10 man traveling squad for the Klamath trip. At the present time the starting quint most likely will be forwards Jim Rock and Don McKenzie, center Doug Rogers and guards Deb Davis and Captain Daryl Girod. All ex cept McKenzie are lettermen and McKenzie is a sophomore from Leslie junior high school. Hauk's second string comprises Larry Paulus and George Fred rickson in the forward slots, Wayne Walling at center, and cannot be had. But Robinson is another matter. It would not be I at all surprising if the big slug- erot wnro a Vanlrrr uniform nxt ' B -. . - - season. "They (the Yankees) cannot have Scarborough," Washington Manager Bucky Harris empha sized last night." He is not for sale nor for trade. The New York Giants have also made a cash offer to the Boston Braves for veteran Sec ond Baseman Eddie Stanky. While the Braves are not averse to pocketing the dough, they would like to have New York Outfielder Willard Marshall thrown into the deal which also would transfer a Boston pitcher to the Giants. Idaho Team Wins Spud Bowl Game Bakersfield, Calif., Dec. 5 VP) Boise, Ida., Junior College's foot ball squad was on its way home today after drubbing Taft Junior College by 25 to 7 Saturday night in the second annual Po tato Bowl game. It was Boise's 29th straight victory over a three year peri od and its 10th straight for this year. Billy Moore. Boise's hard running left halfback, was the game s outstanding ball carrier. He took the ball 21 times for a total of 203 yards. In only four years of major league play, Ralph Kiner of the Pittsburgh Pirates has tied or set 14 home run records. WRESTLING Tuesday Night 8:30 MAIN EVENT George Dnsette vs. The Great Atlas OPENER Dale Kilter vs. Dorry Deltas SECOND Bock Weaver vs. Cal Roberts SALEM ARMORY ton nudged Northern Idaho Col lege of Education 60-50, Pacific Lutheran swatted St. Martin's 52-29, and Western Washington lost a 60-49 decision to the Vic toria "Y" despite Stan Peterson's 26 points, y In other games, Lewis & Clark's Northwest conference title defenders lost their second straight game in as many nights as they bowed to Seattle Pacific 55-42, Oregon College of Educa tion romped 62-42 over Clark (Vancouver) J.C., and Southern Oregon edged Oregon Technical Institute 45-39. With the conference opener only a month away, Northern division members step up the pace a bit this week Oregon State has three games billed, meeting New York university at New York tomorrow night, Wisconsin at Madison Thursday and Minne sota at Minneapolis Saturday, Oregon has a Friday-Saturday series with the Blue & Gold Athletic club at Eugene; Idaho goes to Moscow Thurs day to meet the Power Phil lips Oilers five and entertains Seattle unive r s i t y Saturday night. Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 5, 1949 Gene Carver and Larry Cham berlin at the guard berths. Players making up a third string which scrimages with the other two teams are Dick Nor ton, Gordon Sloan, Merl Baum gart, Layton Gilson, Gordon Ba con, Dick Deen, and Lawrence Baggert. In a scrimage game last week with the Willamette Frosh the Vikings came out with the heavy end of the scoring. Hauk will announce his crews definitely Wednesday before leaving via the train for Klam ath Falls. Captain Cadet Dan Fold berg of Dallas, Tex., demonstrates the pass catching ability that made him one of tiie top offensive ends in the nation and resulted in hL being named army football captain for 1950. He's six foot one and weighs 185 pounds. (Acme Telephoto) ill I !Miito'ttmMmiiH'ii BASKETBALL SCORES COLLEGE SCORES (By the A.ssoclated Press) Idaho 60, Portland University 38. Canlslus 58, Oregon State 45. Washington State 58. Whitworth 44. Washington 56, British Columbia 41. Utah 61, Oregon 46. East. Washington 60, Northern Idaho 50. Wash. State Frosh 57, GonzaBa H. 8. 28. Seattle Pacific 55, Lewis Sc Clark 42. Oregon College 62. Clark J. C. 42. Southern Oreaon 45, Oregon Tech 39. Victoria. YMCA 60. Western Wash. 49. II THE f MINDLY NATION WIDE BUS SfRVJCi Sharp Lt. Col. I. F. Wintermute, a re cent arrival at the Clark air force base in the Philippines, recently toured the golf course in 71, one stroke under par for the 18 hole layout. Later he registered a 33 for nine holes, which included a hole in one on the 16th The greens are the sand variety. Col. Win termute is a former Salem high school basketball ace. Page 11 Williams Risks Title for Fifth Time in 1949 Philadelphia, Dec. 5 U.R)In boxing's last title fight of 1949, explosive Ike Williams will make his fifth defense of the lightweight champl o n s h 1 p against Freddie Dawson of Chicago tonight before an ex pected sell-out crowd of 14, 000 in Convention hall. Spindle-legged, broad shoul dered Williams was favored at 11-5 because of his knockout punch; and he was determined to keep his 135-pound crown so that he could defend against the winner of a British elim ination tournament at London in February. Winter Slicker Matches Played Over Weekend A number of matches in the annual "Winter Slicker" tourna ment, sponsored by the Salem Men's club were played over the week-end at the Salem Golf club. As the result of their third round of competition, played against the Goodwin-Estey duo, McCrary-Thomson have collect ed eight points in the American league. The Western International di vision trails in the matter of competition, only two matches having been played in two weeks time. Results of the moat recent matches: American: Good win -Estey 0, McCrary- Thomson 3; Pckar-uadwa 1, McMullen- Devers 3; Filler-Fish , McC ran -Thom son 3. National: Innram-Schafer 3, Dyer-Ens llali 0; Vlctor-Arehart 3, Humph reya-Baa-lain 0: Rltner-Eyre 1, Sheldon-Burrts ht 3. Oraya: Hay-Hlckjs 3, Herbenrer-Kline 0; Alexander-Hoar 2, Enn.isIi-Ericlci.on 1. Texas: Hendrie-Lentcren 3, Kolb-Schci-deneer 0: Hunt-Graham 3. Toombs - V. Jones 0; Oumey-Zlgler 2, Wat tier-Johnson l. Const: Maws-Baxter 1. Kimmell-Ous. tafson 2; Haze-Duflua 2, Thompson-Price 1, Three I: Allev-Mlklfa 2'i. J. Thomas- Sloan Putnam-Martin 3, Waterman- Hoffman 0: Wadman-Harp VA, McCains. ter-Wolfe H4. PaclficLutheran 52, St. Martin's 2fl. HIGH SCHOOL SCORES West Linn 56, St. Helens 46. Medford 31. Sprinttfleld 25. Sweet Homo 41, Cottage Orov 40. Forest Drove 68. Willamina 57. Seaside 65, Wheeler 46. Tlgard 42. Washington (Portland) 39. Central Catholic (Portland) 42, 6 Mary's (Eugene) 35, Pendleton 47, Burns 43. Heedsport 48. North Bend 40. EAST VIA THE Santiam Highway Nw ichodulM and Tramways' txdvsive direct rout East now tavM yon many hovn on trips to BEND, BOISE, TWIN FALLS, OGDEN, SALT LAKE and oil points Soulli ond East. DEPARTURES: 9:05 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. - 4:05 P.M. Irish Weep Over 1950 as 49ers Slip Past Mustangs Dallas, Dec. 5 (Pi Notre Dame's gridiron champions are on the way home boasting the greatest four-year record in fighting Irish history but take it from Coach Frank Leahy, they accomplished it in the nick of time. Next year, laments that rug ged individualist among pessi mists, his team can't hope to be half as strong as the 1949 outfit which he called "the greatest team I ever coached." Happy that they were able to finish four seasons without defeat while winning 36 games and tying two, the Irish still are talking about the thunder ous game they had here Sat urday when it required every ounce of drive to turn back Southern Methodist 27-20. Vik Jayvees Call Answered by 63 Hoop Hopefuls Coach Loren Mort, Salem high school junior varsity basketball coach, was greeted with a vast turnout when he issued a call for iavvee basketballers last week. He found some 63 enthusiastic bounce-ball artists, including nlavers dropped from the var sity. The Mortmen will hope to keep up the high standing rec ord set by various jayvee teams of 61 wins and four losses for the past three years. Returning lettermen from last year's jayvee squad are Buzz Covalt, Lawrence Scheel er and Vern Zeuske. Recently omitted from the varsity roster players, Tom tValdcn and Ramsey Miller are to be hopeful prospects for Mort. The junior varsity hoopsters will open the current season with the Tillamook "Cheesemakers" B team December 13 on the Vik Villa. Capps Bowlers Top Girls' Team A team of men representing Capps used cars finally turned the tables on the Randle Oil girls by defeating them with an edge of 168 pins. Previously, the women Oilers had defeated men's team this season. Bowling for tne winners were Bill Campbell, Carol Capps, Howard Smith, Lester Capps and Eddie Hensel. Jolfin' Joe Gets December 16 Bout Portland, Dec. 5 VP) Oregon Joe Kahut and Tony Bosnich, San Francisco, have been match ed to fight in the boxing ring here Dec. 16. Fight Promoter Tex Salkcld said the bay area fighter's man ager reports Bosnich recovered from training injuries. These had forced postponement of a previ ous bout with Kahut. 4 ON YOUR NEXT TRIP 520 N. High 3-3815 L From this year's team voted No. 1 in the nation Leahy loses nine and one-half starters. And from the remainder of his first string squad 10 more depart. That one-half starter comes about in this manner: Bob Lally and Fred Wallner divided time at one guard position. Lally is through but Wallner has anoth er year. Notre Dame is swept clean of All-Americas. End Leon Hart, Tackle Jim Martin, and Fullback Emil (six-yard) Sit ko, all are due to graduate. Others lost from the starting team are End Bill Wightkin, Tackle Ralph McGchee, Guard Frank Johnson, Center Walt Grothaus and Backs Frank Spa niel and Larry Coutre. Rote Stopped into left guard in a touchdown Notre Dame at Dallas, Tex. Welch (65) and Fullback Dick won 27-20. (AP Wirephoto) South Defeats North in Marion B Hoop Jamboree The "South" took four out of six 10 minute games over the "North" in the annual basket ball jamboree of the Marion county B league Saturday night on Willamette university's floor. The combined scores were "South" 65, "North" 43. "South" winners were Aums ville over St. Paul, 9-2; Sublimi ty over Chemawa, 12-8; Mill Ci ty over Jefferson, 13-6, Detroit over State School for Deaf, 22- 10. Salem Sophs, entered in the league to make it balance, took a 20 to 9 decision over Gates for one of the "North" wins. Ger vais topped Turner, 17-9 for the other. The Chemawa Indians were awarded the first place trophy for presenting the best organ ized rooting program. They were attired in colorful Indian regalia. Second place went to OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hittli 1:33 a.m. 12:37 p.m. 2:17 a.m. 1:10 p.m. 2:58 a.m. 1:45 p.m. Low 6:51 a.m. S.ft 7:43 p.m. -0.7 7:27 a.m. 3.8 8:27 P.m. -0.8 8:01 a.m. 3.9 9:06 -0.8 A3 'F. ...only the FINEST 1 CANADIAN WHISKY H bears this label.,. HARWOOD'S IS CANADA'S FINEST I Harwood's is the master piece of Canada's Largest Independent Distillery. To millions, it has become the Canadian Whisky which they can always depend on for quality. Every sip teds the same story of light, mellow, velvety flavor. Ask for Ha wooo'S today FIFTHS $5.05 iUMOCO CANADIAN WHISKY 0.4 MOOT bmho iMPOtms, ltd., niw yooc Bob Williams, brilliant quar terback who outpassed the southwest's pass-happy boy in the Southern Methodist game, will come back to keep Wallner company. Lost from the squad also are Ends Doug Waybright and Ray Espenan, Tackles August Cifclli, Ed Hudak and Al Zmijewski. Guards Steve Oracko and Jim Dailer, Quarterbacks Gerald Begley and George Dickson and Fullback Mike Swistowicz. Leahy says he doesn't expect much help from this season's freshmen. He and Ed Krause, Notre Dame athletic director, say "there are no outstanding prospects." "We will lose five games next year," Leahy laments. Kyle Rote, Southern Methodist university back, is stopped in midair as he smashed attempt in the game with SMU players are Guard Bob McKissack (38). Notre Dame Sublimity. The evening's program in cluded presentation of first and second place trophies to St. Paul and Gervais, respectively as a result of football competi tion. The league season for the "North" will open January 6 January 13 will witness the op ening of the "South." Webfoot Mentor Speaks Monday Jim Aiken, football coach at the University of Oregon, will be guest speaker for the monthly dinner meeting of the Men's club of the First Presby terian church at 6:30 Monday night. Aiken, a spinner of interesting yarns, is expected to devote a portion of his talk to the late football season. Pictures of the Oregon-Oregon State game will be shown. Murray Murdoch of the New York Rangers holds the hockey record for appearing in the most consecutive games 600. if trW.-tJ MMM 11.10 jtopuua I WORSE Did I. say that Christmas shopping wat catching on lost week? Snowballing I should have said! HERB, the Happy One at S & N, cornered me after last week'u column and he tays: "Look, Harry . . . it's not that I mind your talk ing about Christmas (brushing the snow from his coat), but keep up with the times! Christmas shopping is with us, but good! (dropping an icicle) And I'm happy! (picking ing up his Santa Claus beard) I'm happy because we've got so much beau tiful stack at S&N to shew the folks." . Well, I couldn't stand to see a grown man so hap py, so I ran back to my typewriter, and here I am to tell you all about It. "It" being S&N's ALL STAR Lineup of Christ mas Sift Items. . ,w . Now, there's a man on your, list, I know, who would give his eye-teeth to have a pair of ENRO pajamas. And, what sets off Pajamas better than a smooth - looking STYLE RITE robe . . . what colors these do come in! They're guaranteed to boost any man's morale 700. ' Say ... in the shirt de partment, I want you to take note of those new NYLON white dress shirts. Boy, I really drool ed at the sight of 'em . . . all dona up in sparkling cellophane, and ... ond with French Cuffs! Now that's class ... 'course I just can't resist a touch of it now and then. Horsefeathers! Won't be able to tell you about everything, I .guess. But, remember MALLORY Hats ALLIGATOR coats, WINGS and ENRO shirts, though. Yes, indeed, everything that's Sold Na tionally' at S&N. And HERB says he's welcom ing the whole Willamette Valley with open arms. By the way, have you met FRED DECKER? He's the tailor at S&N . . . does might sharp work. Goto go . . but remem ber, it's the Christmas Season's Smartest Notion . . . shop V