10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Dee. 3, 1949 GIVEN 30 DAYS TO LIVE Little Patricia Owens Going Home for Probably Last Xmas Sunnyvale, Calif., Dec. 3 (UR) Little Patricia Owens, 4V4, is going home to Chicago for Christmas. It will probably be her last. Patricia has been in an oxygen tent here for nearly a year, suffering from fibrocystic disease of the pancrease and lungs. The doctors say she has about 30 days to live. But Patricia doesn't know anything about that. All she knows is that she is going for a long ride on the big train go tag home for Christmas. She learned about the big trip home the same day her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Owens, learned the tragic news they had been expecting but praying against for so long Knowing that death was near the Owens immediately decided on the trip home and Patricia started packing her little suit-ease. They will leave Sunday after noon aboard the City of San Francisco. Patricia will have to make the trip In a portable oxy gen tent. A perky little blonde with puckish green eyes, Patricia has little strength left after a two year fight with the disease At first she had few symptoms mostly little coughs, Now the coughs wrack herl whole body and sound as though they are tearing her little throat apart. She doesn't seem to mind and there Is no pain. "See my dolly?" she asks, holding up a doll with a ban daged arm, leg and head. "That's Susan. She ran out in the street and an automobile hit her. I fixed her up." "She likes to play doctor," Mr. Owen explains. "She's been in 'the hospital so much, had so many injections, so many pills and she loves it." Patricia will go directly to the University of Chicago hos pital. Her mother hopes to go there with her. "I know she would pass away much sooner if I'm not there: the says. "I want to have her with me this last Christmas." Preliminary Revival Meetings Arranged W o o d b u r n a combined prayer service of the Bible Baptist and Free Methodist churches was held Wednesday night at the Free Methodist church for the pending revival meetings starting December 11. Another prayer meeting will be held on the evening of Decem ber 7. The Rev. Clyde Paul White of San Francisco will be in charge of the revival meetings. Traffic Again Flows Over Sfayfon Bridge Stayton Traffic is again flowing over the Third street bridge following two weeks of detour to allow for the building of a new structure to replace the worn one. The wrecker of DeJardln Mo tors was brought into use by Norman Peek to loosen the as phalt-saturated planking of the ,pld bridge and Its timbers. Under the supervision of Street Superintendent John Nightingale, a crew of five men worked on the new bridge. They were Frank Carter, Lyton Rice, Ed Sullens, S. J. Caskey and Darrel Hindes, all of Stayton. The three Pacific coast states Oregon, Washington and Cali fornia produce 34 per cent of the nation's lumber supply. " Shirts lor junior junior will like this shirt because it's styled . like Dnda. His Mother will like the pat tern because It's easy to follow and makes both the regulation shirt and the sportster. No. 3507 is cut in sizes 0, 8, 10, 12, 14. 16. Size 12. short sleeves. 1 yds. 35-in .: lone sleeves 2lA yds. 35-in. Delivery is guaranteed In ample lime ior unnstmas sewing, rat- terns ready to fill orders same day received. If you include an extra 5c per pattern your order will be sent by FIRST CLASS MAIL would you like to see a collec tion of more than 150 other pat tern styles? Just include the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. Price of book 20 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital journal, 214 Mis sion St., San Francisco 5, Calif. 'SfeL R2878 Christmas Decorations If you ure new at the fascinating art of making Christmas ornaments from crepe paper and odds and ends, you and the fnmlly are in for a Die treat. These bright and cheerv cut-outs are easy and fun to make and last from one Christmas to another. Pattern Envelope No. R2B78 con tuns cut-out designs, diagrams, and lull directions for ten ornaments as shown. To obtain th& pattern, send 20c in (joins, giving paittrn numoer. your name, address Mid rone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal trcs Mission street, san Fran rlsco 3 Calif. ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern i V V V f TVIE NEXT GRINNING OAF IN THIS MOUSE WHO APPROACHES ME WITH THE IRRITATING I TOLD YOU SO ATTITUDE ON W. FAILURE TO SELL ALFrS CONTRACT FOR. $ZOOO. WILL SET THE FULL FURY OF MY WRATH 'ON SECOND THOUGHT, I OUGHT TO RIG UP A MECHANICAL APPARATUS WITH A HEAVY BOOT TO GIVE MYSELF SOME GOOD HARD KICKS 'ALL RKSKT.CHUCK-vONE THING WORE-lrNAH HE WAS A ION! 1 fDO VOU KNOW WHIM TVVELL--HE 11 ' CHIEF.' I WANT 1 p3 SION VOUR WERE ANY OF J OPRAATOR ATF HE TOOK HSCOULO HAVE TAKENUSEDTO SAV f PERMISSION TO SEARCH yiM S CONFESSION JL CHOKERS" BABY- f THAT BRAWNSKI DAME HER?" ANY SPECIAL-aOMETlMES.. V"XpKER'S" OFFICE AOAINil T ftoOM-y (SITTgRS IN w "A FOR A RIDE, IT WAS TO HIDIOUT we USEDV'I'M CALLIN' ' L.r TTgW I - RACKET? SHUT HER TRAP BECAUSE ITr r "FROM MAOOH8 'fs1 l 1 l" . ' ' ' o - c?v ; . , stop1) r y- ?J 1 &Mk mJk J&dM m in wn, fcuMi CZ!ZZIZZZJlILVr!T W wHffl- TH DICKENS b FTHATLOUSeKROK. " I esElvooytc jl 0 f TVW8 THE WRV IT K- B-BUT 1 I I FW BUCKS "TO ME? YSU 1 MWBE 1 I MOVED M-LSGftLLV, .l BANOl II D I THERE'S VOUR BILL O 6ALE- I YOU Egl2 I I I HERE gTWTTTO THIS WHOLE I BUT OUST I I MAYBE WELL, NOW V" . riT imouj 1 l UWOEHSTAWDU I ( SAV , HERE COMES I GLAD TO MEETYOU.MR. Jcm COULD SEEIMG , nro YOO CALLED ON , (slOCKER NOWILL SS NEBB; SORRY I CANT SHAKE 1iDuR MCTmER-IN4.AwiZ i YOUR (JEW J V INTRODUCE YOO TO M YOUR HAND BUT 1 JUST SAW I OFF MAKE YOURTsuoOk: "V T felSHBORS,TaENpCERS,'r , WM. . -47 MY MOTHERHN-LAW OPF , AUAND DIRTY? JuDSWITU , Sd- "jf EF LI'L ABNER B-BUT YORE FOLKS sMM$l&i&l&?, KTaKyTmVtnTlf!. 4 DON'T SUIT MAH VV 'S A MESS O' MAN- SZ3ffll- TELL EF THEY LIKES HIM? , v7 V"V-5-3Si m folks' taste J I E ATlNi WILD BOARS TrWmm?-- " . ' . . ' MiYMtrZS??L 1 fW KIN HAVE f DO YO' MEAN THEY IS Ss S I 1 1 GOTTA WBIG THAT RABBIT yA You Like? ( WHERE 00 VOuTmV WIFE, SHE GET NOISE? I I f -tirr-f wl M APPETITE WHEN IjBROUGHT FOR 60TTA SOMEMORE ) GET RABBITS, HEEM-NIGHT TIME V RABBITS - ) 3UrCw WO U BCl "A fl w-liLlI" 7 FORLUNCH j TONYPl CANY THEY COME BVHOUSEJdONT MAKE ( MEOlW ' UKOW ' ' )mMJ &"'S!lF&!&!?Si58&iFy$&' I r frn ioiut ninvi SBr "I MEANWHILE . M TSX'S UU-)U fV LW-mCaim I TIBP HIM UP BY HIS SK'iM J6EPERS! HE'S ' ' HELLO RUSTY WHEUF'9 fnnf V 2,1 W HELLO.-YES, THIS IS TEX PUI?t7V.-OH, R FLIPTI HAVENTSE SfS 6 i ' ill HWr0fl! J YES,MR.SMITH.-WHAT?!ANOTHER SHEEf! II HIM AROUNP TOIS MORNiNfl h Jffi5S H fflTFW!.-! SS l KILLED SORRY TO HEAR IT. - WHAT ? S DtlX WE WI5HTO5EE PRESIDENT FR05TWELL"! J I I COULD BE WRONG ABOUT U4 A WHAT 15 THE I I I A!!tf,!tAAEiSS?M iTOertl St'iSL T 1 W ON A MATTER OF GREAT RUSHING IN LIKE THI5,MARTy.' watURE OF A V ABOUTA LOAN.'-FORWHICHL TV,- U R-R-RG E N CY J" k -BUTIDONT 5EE ANY ANGEL'6 v0UR BUSINESS WERE OFFERIN THIS (S j i w'TJ1l FOOTPRINTS 0MTHCTERRA720fHBR. 7 7 PRrRrRICELESS r i RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. Muilcal Scoreboard It Sonn . Elmer Petenan Dliletand Jail Dixieland Jan Uennla Day Deonli Dar Jadr Canora Judy Canova Grand or Opry Grand 01' Opry KGW I KOIN Jot DiManta Joe DIMarfla uanier ADeao Newa Philip Marlowe PhUl Harlowa a. In Music Dick Bay nei Sin It Arala Slna- It AralB Sing- It Acaln Sine It Aialo Troth ar Conicqnenoea iHotlyweod Star Hollywood Star Hit Farad Parade Ufa or lifer Ufa of Biley 'Sam Bayea Morton Downty Orchestra Oreheitra Newa Wax Mnsevn Wax Museum e Muienm Sltn Off 010 CBS Reuarabtr Special Brent Harmonica Teen Tana Baba Rath Homo Ed it on Trla Berl Andrewa INary Hour Nary Hour Cbandu Ma do Chandtt Macle V. Monroa V. Monro Gen Antrr Oan Autrr G an abutter Ganabuitera Llohnny Dollar Johnny Dollar 1'Star Phial Baby M Capitol Cloakraam . Serenadn 10 r can Muile Treasury Band Treasury Band KEX I KSLM 1190 ABO Lont Ramar Lona Rancer In a perm an ISnptrman Law Foram Law Forum ILaw Forum Law Forum Naw Ira Blue bpit Inane Band Dane Band Let's Dane Let's Dante Let's Dane Let's i)ano Run IWorcan Kusi Moraan Taber. Echoes Christ. Science Qolok as Flash Qukk as Flash Mint Rlrt'n iNlarht Elders Popular Musle Popular Musle (Coait Ramb'ers Coast Ramblers Hawaii Calls Hawaii Calls Meet th Press Meet th press 1490 Ke, Dusty Taylor .ty Taylor Res'cb Ventnr Foursqaar Candlellxht StlTtr News iTroplcana Tim Was Playhoua Band Yard LIB News Dance Oreh. Danes Oreh. Chrystsl Card. Monica Whalen John Wohnnin Car. Cavalier Car. Cavallero Open Hons Open nons Open Hons Open Hons Isiro Off KOCO 3 Proudly Froadly Danclna Dancing Han HaU Party Paily Danclnr Danclna New Danclnt Party Daneini Dancing Dancing Dancing Partr Party Party Party Dancing Dancing Dancing Danotng Party Party Party Party Sign Off DIAL LISTING, KOAC S50 lrtAr Saturday P.M. IWMlrf dran's Theatre i 11:00, Cfall- dran's Theatre i 5:18, On th Upbeat! 6:50, 550 Sports Club: :O0, Newsi 6:15. London Letter) 0:30, Dinner Melo dies! T, Grand Opera Tenlitati tiB, New and Weatheri t:0ft, Dane Paradai lOiOt, Sign Off. . SUNDAY 7:00 dl FbIpI (Chores f A r Band Box 7:15 Radio Pulpit Church of Air Band Box 73n J. Doe's Musle Church of Air Band Box Musi 7 45 J. Doe's Muslo Church at Air Band Box Mnsle "8:00 Mem. Musle Newsmakers Bwlwl Hour 1st Baptist Ch. Hymn Tim S lflMorn, Serenade Howard Smith Rr Hour 1st Baptist Ch. News 30 Church In Your Salt Lak Tabar Rt Hor Vo ce Prophecy Fe o sh V e. 8:45 Horn Salt Lake Taber Beylyal Uour Voice Prophecy Fello'shlp Vole a.nn News Invitation goutharnalrea Ra. Blblo Class Bible Program 915 Here's to Vets to Learning Soutbsrnilvc Ra. Blbl Class Lutheran 30 Eternal Light Guest Star Message of Lutheran Hour Av Mar a Hr. 045 Eternal Light Newa Urael Lutheran Hour Ay Maria Hr. "nOO Glenn Shelley, Peo. Platform Victoria Carey New Oh'reh In WllsV n-15 Organist Peo. Platform Romance Cent. Lutheran Organ Loft 0 -30 Chicago Bound Explorer Sunday Vespers News Sacred Heart . 0:45 Table Muslo Sunday Vespsrs Your Security Wayne King lTOO NBC Theatre Chorallers Victor Llndlahr Mlchaut FIrU Baptist 11 15 NBC Theatre Chorallers Frank Ernst Mhliaux First Bapt ft ll -Sn NBC Theatr Gallery Gossip Piano David Bos First Bapt at H;45 NBC Theatre News Playhouse Canaries First Baptist 1200 Mr. Flxlt NT Phllharm. Hour of Faith Newa Serenade for 12'15 Chuck Poster NY Pbilltarm. Hour of Faith Guest Star Strings 1230 ' Kids NY Phllharm. Xmas Seals Juvenile Jury News 12:45 Q"l Kids NY rbllharm. Parade of Hits Juvenll Jury United Nation i.nn Living, 19J9 NY Phllharm. Week's World Use. of Mystery Words A Musi IK Llvinc 1049 NY Phllharm, Week'a World Use. of Mystery Words A Musi :3fl American My Serenade Voles of Martin Kan Daydream Mas. 45 Forum News Prophecy Martin Kan Daydream Mua. 2n0 Rftdlo City B'Nal B'RIth Mr. President Ths Shadow Music Room 215 Radio City B'Nal B'RIth Mr. President The Shadow Muslo Room 230 H'vest of Stars Symphonette Greatest Story True Detective Sh'woase Band 2:45H"vest of Stars Symphonette Greatest Story True Detective Sh'wcase Bands 3 .flj) The Hardy Family Hour Lutheran Hour John Steel Sunday -Seres. 315 Family Family nour Lutheran Hour John Steel Sunday Seren. 3- 30 Hollywood Boston Blsckl Mus. with Girls Nick Carter Music Quiet 3:45 Calling Boston Blackie 'Mus. with Girls Nick Carter Musle Quiet 4- flO H'llyw'd Calling Jack Benny IReseareh News Donald Btewart 415 H'llyw'd Calling Jack Benny Here's to Vets Mental Health Donald Btewart 4:30 Harris-Fay Amos 'n' Andy Guest Star Mysterious Donald Btewart 4:45 Harris-Fay Amos V Andy Cinnamon Bear Traveler Donald Btewart 500 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Alexander's Dallas Mlnlst. 515 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Med. Board Here's to Vet 5- 30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn M'irray PM Serenade 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Alurray PM Serenad "rJOO Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter Wlnchell Crlm Fighters Ted Dal 615 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer Uuella Parsons Crime Fighters Ted Dal 6:30 Album Familiar Horace Heldt Chance of a Family Theatre Headline Now 6;45 Musle Horace Heldt Lifetime Family Theatre froplcana "700 Take it or Contented Hr. Jlmmia Fldler Medical HHltes Sunday 1aJn 7:15 Leave it Contented Hr. Chapel Ballads Sunday Sales 7 '30 Bob Crosby Th Whistler Amazing Roy Rogers N'asaren Ch. 7:45 Bob Crosby Th Whistler Malone Roy Rogers Naaaren Ch. "VTOO 1 Man's amlly Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stlons Naiaren Ch. 8151 Man's Family idiss Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Naxaren Ch. 8:3(1 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'cthy W'ter Wlnchell Walt. Wlnchell Frank de Vol :45 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy Intcrmesso Louclla Psitttis Frank de Vol 9:66 Symphony Hour Red Sketton Gregory Hood News Sunday Reverie 9:15 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Gregory Hood Editorially Sunday Revert 9:30 Dance Oreh. Jack Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallas Church 9:45 Dance Oreh. Jack Benny Gov. McKay News Dallas Church 10:00 News Five Star Final Rlohf'Id Bep'tr Sign Off Moon Dreams 10:15 Mary A. Mereer Night Editor Geo. Sokolsky Moon Dream 10:30 Catholic Hour Music for Yon Orchestra Moon Dreams 10:45 Catholic Hour Mnsle for Yon Orchestra Moon Dreams 00 News Serenade Drew Pearson Sign Off :15 Wax Museum Chlcagoans Nocturne 1:30 Wax Museum Pre), to Mldnlte Nocturne 1:45 Wax Museum Pre!, to Mldnlte Nocturne 1276"olsign Off Isign Oft Xtra Hour I I MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 0:00 Hodge Podg News " Farm News News A-15 News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Timekeeper rW( Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Tim KOCO Kloelt 6:45 Farm Tim KOIN Klock Keep Smiling News KOCO Klock "7. 00 Early Bird KOIN Klock News News Tex Bitter 715 Old Songs Duncan M'Leod Agronsky Breakfast Gang KOCO Klock j '3(1 News Bob Garred Bob Hazea Music News 7;15 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zck Manner Top Trades KOCO Klock "800 Eddie Albert Consumer Newa Breakfast Club Bargain Conntr Crusaders 8:15 Eddie Albert Dave Valle Breakfast Club 1st Bp. Church Crusaders $;30 lack Berch Grand Slam . Breakfast Club Musle West. MelodlM g ;45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Musla Fiesta Tim 9;00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N W News Melody Tim 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Mus, Memories Melody Tim 930 Hometowners Helen Trent Art Linkleltei Pastor's Call. Stars Sing 94R Ntw Our Gal Snnd'y Art Llnklettcr Wall lime John C. Thorn. 10:00 Marriage for 2 Big Sister Sag Riders News NW. News 10:15 t'Ora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Memory Mutt 10:30 Car. Cavallero Yg. Dr. Malen My True Story Concert Mln. Tuna Tim 10:45 The Playboys Guiding Light My True Story Waltx acienadu H8 Keys . f ;00 Doubie or Zd Mrs. Burton Betty Crocker Ladies First Musle Mart 11:15 Nothing Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladles F-rst Musle Mart 11 :30 Children Today Norah Drake N'westernera Queen for Day Jan Garber 11 :45 Light of World Brighter Dar N'wcsternera Queen for Dai Vocal Variety 12:00 News Duncan M'Leod B'hag Talking Top Trades H'wood Musle 12:15 Road of Lif Come A Get It News News H'wood Musi 12:30 P. Y'g's Family Bright A Light Jack Norman N.W. Newa News 12:45 Right to Happt. Art Baker Meat Mcnjoaa Cham. Com're Dav Dennis I 1:00 Backstage Wife Barny'd Follies Br. In Holly w'd Tell Neighbor Mae'a Melodies 1:15 Stella Dallas Garry Moor Br. In Hollyw'd Harv. Harding Mao' Melodies 1:30 Lorenx Jones Garry Moore Kay West Organ Reveries Mae'a Melodic 1:45 Wlddcr Brown Klrkham News. Kay West Blng Sings Mac's Melodies f 2:00 Girl Marries News Jay Stewart Melody Matinee Mac's Melodies 2:15 For. Faces Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Melody Matinee Mao's Melodies 2:30 Just Plain Bill Show Bride A Groom Trnn. Jam bo use Mac's Melodies 2:45 Fr. Pre. Farrell Tnnef'lly Yours Bride A Groom Tenn. Jamboree Mae'a Melodies 3:00 Welc. Travelers Art Kirk. News Talk Way Out Tarm-Hom Mac's Melodies 3:15 Welc. Travelers Arth'r Godfrey Talk Way Out Bob Fool Mac's Melodies 3:3(1 Aunt Mary Art, Godfrey Lad's be Seated News Mac's Melodies.' 3:45 Love A Learn Art. Godfrey Ted Malone Hawaiian Har. Mae'a Melodies 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Lett'ra to Santa Fulton Lewis Movie Tim 14:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cass Frnk. Hem 'way Philosopher 4:30 Dr Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Case Behind Story Byero Can 4:45 Paula Stone Ed. R. Morrow Cinnamon Bear New Ba Beautiful liJVvnir-t"'V H Ovpy'SF'sl samp u cnp A R V 5 H rtlfeityfe A P 0 R K.jB V NCE L O HA "1 I B H A PD Q K e N at f JJy lis T E M l T C R Slic A ffll ES aTs E fig ufttTA wfiP " v ACROSS 1. Public vehicle 4. Merchandise 9. Kemunarat rest Saxon IB. Utter confusion 17. Special abllltle 19. Spher 20. Baccataureat degree It. Device for stirring th sir 22. Move rapidly SI. Article 32. Greatest 34. Dova 3fi. Ocean 37. Fruit 19. Not any to. Stumble 42. Burrowing animal 43. Male child 44. Home 46. Symbol for tellurium 47. Note of th scale 43. Take from 61. Punctuation mark 53. American Indian M. More pallid R A wkj C gJE ,1? A M 0 R AT O pflRjg TIRE M A NjTsg TjS O t AN A BOMTpllS THW A n ifcg nei reInTT c 1 3Cl0REfPUReM.8iE Solution of Yeiterday's Puzzla 23. French author 66. Epoch Engrossed rs. liiKe 29. Indian pole 67. Opening 68. Foe 69. Cereal DOWN 1. Cistern 2. Cover a chair S. Unpleasantly conspicuous ) la 13 I 14 5 j 7 16 if Vo it 'Z M 'Ml '4 IIIl!lIl!Lli M M 33 3 9'' V Hi TTir'l 1, 1 LlE: 4. Extsted 6, Jewish month 6. Revolve 7. Femlnina name L Personal eon slderatton I. Featherllk 10, Insect II. AfflrmatlT 16. Siberian river IS. Attention 20. Under surfae 22, French opera 23, Was defeated 24, Fence In 26. Science of speech sound 27. Complement of a mortis 29. In the direc tion of 30. Location 33. Platform about the . head of th mainmast 35. Leave 38. Dapple 41. Equality 43. Of.th sun 45. Yawn 47. Thus 48. Canin is. ureeit iener 60. Metal con. tainr 81. Shout 52. Born &. Typ measure) A NtwsreolvrM