December .Crowded with Dances? Benefits? Vw 4!' COMMITTEE MEMBERS arranging for the dancing parly planned by Salem naval volunteer air reserve unit mem bers and their wives for next Wednesday evening arc shown here on the steps of the American Leg-ion club where the party is to be given. Left to right, in front, Mrs, .lam es H. Brigham and Mrs. Ernest Eld ridge. In back row, left to right: Mrs. Glenn Fravel, Mrs. Walter Traglio and Mrs. Charles Straw By MARIANJ.OWRY FISCHER DECEMBER is a month of weddings, especially around the Christmas holidays time. And much of the entertaining the early part of the month fetes brides-to-be. Burghardt-Joncs Among brides-elect telling plans for their weddings is Miss Feme Jones, who Is to be married on Sunday, December lffc to Cornelius R. Burghardt of Seattle. The ceremony will be solemnized at S o'clock that afternoon in the First Methodist church, the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. Lighting the tapers will be Misses Alice and Bonnie Jenkinson. Young Miss Marilyn Pinson is to be flower girl for her aunt. Mrs. R. J. Pinson, sister of Miss Jones, will be matron of honor, and James Burghardt is to be best man for his brother. A. D. Graham and M. H. Bark er will be the ushers. The bride is to be given in marriage by her brother-in-law, R. J. Pinson. The reception following also is to be t the church. Miss Jones is the daughter of Mrs. H. B. Jones of Salem, Mr. Burghardt the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Burghardt of Seattle. Coursey-Foat The wedding of Miss Glenna Foat and Cpl. Ray Coursey is to take place the evening of Saturday, December 17, at 8 o'clock in the Nazarene church, the Rev. Mr. Jenkins to read the 8 o'clock iervice. Mrs. J. W. Clark of Salem is to be matron of honor for her sister. Miss Snlly Best of Portland and Miss Shirley Moore of Ridgcficld, Wash., are to be bridesmaids. Taper lighters will be Miss Doris Scott and Mr. Frank Griffcn. Robert Coursey is to be best man for his brother, Soloist for the wedding will be Robert Karn. A reception will follow the service. Miss Font is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Foat and Cpl. Coursey the son of Mr. tond Mrs. R. C. Coursey. Mrs. John A. Miller (Edith Moxley) is expected to arrive from Columbus, Ohio, next week-end for a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B Moxley. Mr. Miller, who is attend ing Ohio Stale university, is to arrive ft week later and they will be here until after the holidays. Mrs. Willard Marshall and Mrs. Don ald McCargar are to be hostesses Thurs day evening at the home of the former for the Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae meeting. B Several from the Marion county unit plan to attend the annual state conven tion of the Republican Women's Feder ation of Oregon In Portland next Tues day. Sessions will be held in the Mult nomah hotel, registration starting at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Lloyd DeGroote of Salem is one of the candidates for trustees on the slate of officers announced by the nominat ing committee. The list of nominees Includes: Mrs. Roy T. Bishop of Portland, for president; Mrs. H. C. Rowlee of Albany, vice president; Miss Faye Davis of Port land, treasurer; Mrs. DeGroote, Mrs. John Travis of Hood River, and Mrs. William Burns, Portland, the latter the retiring state president, for the positions of trustees. Among those planning to attend from here are Mrs. M. M. Magee, Miss Eliza beth Porter, Mrs. O. K. Beals, Mrs. Glenn McCormick, Miss Marjorie Harris, the local first vice chairman; and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. F . id v5 n , L , 111 1 v Tim Honoring Miss Madeleine Glee Keene of Corvallis, formerly of Salem, who is to be married December 18 to James Castle Swarbrick of Bakersfield, Calif. Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. G. Freder ick Chambers and Miss Dorathea Stcus loff are to entertain next Thursday at a luncheon party at the Alexander resi dence. During the afternoon the group will fete Miss Keene with a miscellaneous shower. Christmas favors will feature decorations for the party. The guest list for the party includes Miss Keene, her mother, Mrs. Roy S. Keene, and Mrs. A. L. Strand, all of Cor vallis; Mrs. Howard Maple, Mrs. Melvin Geist, Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. Wallace Bonesteole, Sr., Mrs. Wil liam Busick, Mrs. Brazier Small, Miss Suzanne Small, Mrs. Vard Hughes, Mrs. George W. Croisan, Mrs. Harry U. Mil T-k-h ' , li-l iV f I; ' , . ' ' ' - '); f V ' r r4: V -'-is V 4 a ,-' McEwan studio pictur WED LAST SATl'RDAY was Mrs. Donald David Tliurman. the former I.ois Eva Ewers, 1948 Clicrrvliintl Festival quern In Salem. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Sirs. John V, Eft-en of Brooks and Air. Thurmaa it the son of Mrs, George Thurnuw of Salem. Jcstcn-Mlller studio plctur ler, Mrs. Richard Slater, Mrs. W. W, Baum, Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. William Cole, Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, Mrs. R. H. Baldock, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Chester A. Downs, Mrs. Fred Zim merman and the three hostesses. Miss Keene, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Keene, and Mr. Swarbrick, the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Swarbrick of Idaho Falls, are to be married at 4 o'clock the afternoon of December 18, in St. Mary's Catholic church in Cor vallis, the reception following to be at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. Delta Gamma alumnae are ' to meet , Thursday evening next, Mrs. Milton Hartwell, Mrs. Leon Margosian and Mrs, R. B. Hynd to be hostesses to the group at the Hartwell home at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's governor, will be at home Tuesday after noon, the weekly day to receive Salem and out-of-town friends who wish to call. Altrusa club's regular dinner meeting Is to be next Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the Marion hotel, Mrs. Earle P. Delaney, president, presiding. The regular business session for the Salem Soroptimist club is to be held in conjunction with the luncheon Wednes day noon in the Golden Pheasant. Plans will be discussed for enter CALENDARED FOR DECEMBER American Legion club. Meeting at these four of the committee: Left Wallace S. Wharton and Mrs. Phil rIWItf I? "II il w il lit : ?I V 3 Dancing Parties Slated Next Week Among social festivities for next week-end are several dancing parties. Wisteria club plans its December dance for next Friday evening in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, dancing to start at 9:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough, Mr. and Mrs. Deral Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Majek are the committee of hosts for the evening. For Town Club Town club members announce their next dinner dance for Saturday, Decem ber 10, at the Marion hotel, starting at 9 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knipe, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barclay and Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Camp bell are on the decorations committee for the party. Semi-Formal Event Also arranged for Saturday evening, December 10, is the semi-formal dance of Sojourners club, the affair to be in Mayflower hall between 8:30 and 12 o'clock. A snack bar is planned with the dance. Mrs. Willis Clark is chairman of the committee for the party and is being as sisted by Mrs. P. C.'Anderson, Mrs. Rob ert J. Davidson, Mrs. Jack L. Doerk, Mrs. C. John Glennon, Mrs. L. W. Miles, Mrs. Pat Ryan and Mrs. Lewis E. Scott. Tuesday Card Party Two events are on the early week calendar for Alpha Chi Omega Mothers' club. s On Tuesday evening the group is snonsoring a benefit card party in May flower hall at 7:4S o'clock. Contract bridge, pinochle and other games 'will ' be played. Several prizes are to be given and refreshments will be served. Those attending are asked to take their own table accessories. Mrs. Malcolm Hawke, Mrs. Floyd Siegmund and Mrs. Glenn L. Hoar are In charge of reservations. Among those making reservations for the party are Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Gus tafson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Jory, Mr and Mrs. L. T. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nel son, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Avriette, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barham, Mrs. Lloyd Bell, Mr. and Mrs. M. Steph enson, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Doolittle, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs. William L: Phillips, Sr., Mrs. James Walton, Mrs. Gardner Knapp. Mrs. James Young, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kimble, Mrs. Lucille Patterson, Mrs. Essie Spencer, Mrs. Elsie Papenfus, Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Mrs. Russell Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Glade Follis, Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Richards, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Line berry, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Morris, Mrs. Louis du Buy, Mrs. Fred H. Thompson, Mrs. Linn C. Smith, Mrs. P. H. Ringle, Mrs. W. H. Adams, Mrs. W. N. Thomp son, Mrs. K. B. Carlson, Mrs. L, J, Young, Mrs. Merritt Truax, Mrs. John Ficklin, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. taining the spring conference for Soroptimist clubs of Oregon, Idaho, Washington and Montana in Salem in April. Members of Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood are meeting next Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Harmon Harvey. Members will assemble at 4:30 o'clock with Mrs. F. W. Nestelle of Portland, 1 i ' i - Wi 16 Is the Christmas dance of the Salem Women's Army and Navy Teague, at thfl the home of Mrs. Conrad Paulson this week to talk over plans for the party were to right, Mrs. T. W. Hardisty, chairman of the committee; Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. Brownell, seated at right in front. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Kleinke, Mr. and Mrs. Evert Givens, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Siegmund. Meeting Monday On Monday, evening the mothers group is to hold its regular meeting at the sor ority chapter house. Mrs. J. W. Hutch ison is president of the group. December meeting for the Salem Wo men's Army and Navy League is sched uled for next Tuesday, luncheon to be at 1 o'clock at Churck's Steak House. Mrs. T. W. Hardisty is chairman of the committee for the day. Plans will be discussed for the dance to be given by the group on December 16. f - Holiday Month Calendar December Christmas Alpha Chi Omega alumnae William L. Phillips, Sr. Silver tea of Salem Federated Music Robert L. Elfstrom. December 6 Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club benefit party, Mayflower hall. Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary bazaar, State and High streets. December 7 Holiday dance of Naval Volunteer oiiiaar oi women s organizations in at. faui s fcpiscopal cnurcn, parish hall. December 10 Panhellenic dance, Willamette university campus. Town club dance. , Sojourners Club Christmas dance. , December IT Annual presentation of "The Messiah" by Salem Oratorio society, at Saj nign scnooi. December 12 Junior Woman's Club Christmas party, Woman's club house December 13 Christmas musicale of AAUW First Presbyterian church. December 16 Oregon State College Mothers' club Salem Women's Army and Navy League dance, American Legion club. December 17 Christmas greens show, Salem Garden club, Valley Motor company. December 18 Christmas greens show, Salem Garden club, Valley Motor company. December 19 Jaycee-Ettes Christmas party. Christmas greens show, Salem Garden club, Valley Motor company. December 22 Christmas formal of Order of Rainbow for Girls, Crystal Gardens. December 25 Spinsters club Christmas dance, No-Name ballroom. December 29 Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae Christmas tea, home of Mrs. Sidney B. Lew'! December 31 New Year's dance of Subscription club. New Year's dance of Carousel club. i New Year's dance of Tillicum club. state organizer as guest. A no-host per will follow the meeting and iij evening the members will sta annual Christmas party. Secretary of State and Mrs. Ea Newbry will be in Hood River Thursday, and through Friday and urday will be in Baker, planning back in the capital a week from Sui fiy ft 1 Je.-jten-Mlller studio Ti PINSTERS club members are ing Monday evening, Mrs. ' Steelhammer, Mrs. Vernon and Miss Helen Zielinski to enterta: group. The meeting will be at the hoflt ivirs. oieeinammer s parents, ivira Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde. Plans will be discussed for the a' Christmas charity ball to be give! the club the night of December No-Name ballroom. Tickets for the ball may be obM from either Mrs. Robert Burrell, phone 34416, or Mrs. Charles A. clay, 24635. Delta Delta Delta alumnae are lng for their December gathering day evening at the home of Mrs. Aw Erickson at 7:30 o clock. Co-hos are Mrs. George Tomlinson, Mrs. neth Carlson, Miss Bertha KohlbE Miss Thelma Bush. decorations event, home of l l-l I'll I I I w December 4 Clubs, at the home of Mayor and N Air Reserve Unit, American Legion elul bazaar, Portland Gas and Coke compan! -4 adding? Musical Events? Other Holiday Gayeties IN AN all-white setting at St. Paul'i Episcopal church this afternoon, Miss Louise Rawson, daughter of Mrs. John P. Rawson of Salem and the late Mr. Rawson, was married to Glenn W. Wharton son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wharton of Roseburg. Baskets of white flowers decorated the altar. For the music, Gordon Pratt sang, Miss Ruth Bedford playing the organ. The Rev. George H. Swift read the vows at 3 o'clock. Given in marriage by her uncle, W. J. Stinson of Carson City, Nev., the bride was attractive in an aqua blue crepe and chiffon, floor length dress with which she wore a winter pink hat enhanced with pearls, and matching gloves. She carried a hand corsage of white bouvardia and gardenias. Miss Emma Hanna was honor atten dant, wearing a gold crepe floor length dress and with it a flower cap of bronze chrysanthemums. She carried a bou quet of bronze chrysanthemums. Edwin D.- Harding was best man. Ushering were Carter E. Hill and Stew art W. Adams. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Mrs. Rawson wore a teal blue crepe dress with winter pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. The reception following the service was in the Salem Woman's club houfe. Mrs. Jack Bornickol and Mrs. Albert Wickcrt, Jr., served the bride's cake. Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan poured. Mrs. Jess Daugherty and Mrs. George Beane assisted in serving. The bride's table was sot with a white cloth, while can dles in silver holders, pastel miniature slippers filled with forget-me-nots and white chrysanthemums. The tiered wed ding cake was topped with a white china slipper in which were arranged forget-me-nots. For traveling the bride wore a bur gundy gabardine tailored suit with gray accessories and topcoat of gray English tweed. Following a trip north the couple will be at home at 1761 Market street after December 19. Among out-of-town guests at the wed ding were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Wharton and daughter, Jo anne, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Miss Bess Wharton, Miss Jane Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Pargeter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins and daughters, Miehale and Candy, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. Edythe Gilmour, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pickens and son, Jori, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Catching, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gerretsen, Dr. H. C. Church, Mrs. Irvin Brunn, .Jerry Coen, all of Roseburg; Mrs. A. R. Spencer of Eugene, Mrs. ,W. M. Kearney of Reno, Nev., Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson of Carson City, Nev., Mrs. B. H. McNamee of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Matsler of Eugene. 1 Hall Hibbard camp, United Spanish War Veterans, and auxiliary will hold their business sessions, Monday, at 8 p.m. in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Following the meetings, there will be a joint social and refreshments wil be served. American War Mothers are meeting next Tuesday, December 6, at the home of Mrs. George Pro, 1915 Maple street, the meeting to be at 2 o'clock. McEw.n .tudio plctur HER GRANDMOTHER'S weddinr roim or 188!) i! worn by Sirs. Harold I-. Adams (Phyllis Joy iMedler), at right, shown here wilh her new sisler-in-law. young Miss Linda Lorensen, sister of the bridegroom and the junior attendant at tbe Adami-Medler wed ding last Sunday in th Flnt OnfrefaUoinl church. ALMOST A TPAPITIOX to usher In the holiday season here Is the presentation Handel's "The Messiah." Snapped while rehearsilljr this wee.!., .his trio includes, James Pugh and Aubrey S. Tu-ling. Dean ilclvin Gcisl directs the group. Plan Dance Interesting to a large group for next Wednesday evening, December 7, will be the dance to be sponsored by the Salem naval volunteer air reserve unit members and their wives. The party is arranged at the Ameri can Legion club, starting at 7:30 o'clock, the buffet supper to be at 9 o'clock. The affair is for all members of the reserve unit and guests they wish to in vite. Asked as guests also are the men from the Portland, Corvallis and Eugene units and their wives. Bidden as special guests are Captain and Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton and Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. T. W. Hardisty. The committee in charge of arrange ments includes a group of wives, Mrs. Ernest Eldridge, Mrs. Glenn Fravel, Mrs. Charles Straw, Mrs. Walter Traglio and Mrs. James H. Brigham. Jason Lee Wesleyan Service guild is to meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the parson age. The hostesses will be Miss Vada Hill, Mrs. Elmer Boyer, Mrs. Archie Brewster. Mrs. Eugene Kitzmiller is to be the worship leader, Mrs. Joe Bourne the program leader. There will be special music, including Christmas carols. The guild members are plan ning a dinner basket for a needy family at the holiday time. i a l&x'iife .-;tA)riit M8f.,'tlte' THE ORATORIO SOCIETY'S presentation will be Sunday, December 11, in the Salem high school auditorium. A large number of the chorus personnel includes Willamette university students, a quartet of whom sings here at re hearsal: left to right: Berwin Murray, Marilyn Brooks, Pat Parsons and Robert Robins, w .AST PRESIDENTS of Salem club, 1 Daughters of the Nile, will be honored at the luncheon ot the , group, Monday, in the Masonic temple. The members will gather at 10 o'clock to do sewing work, the luncheon to be at' noon. On the committee are Mrs. Stanley Brown as chairman; Mrs. Roy Tweedie, Mrs. J. S. Lochead, Mrs. Loran Spauld ing, Mrs. Russell Bright, Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. Frank Minto, Mrs. Charles Harris, Mrs. L. M. Ramage, Mrs. Wade Ellis, Mrs. A. H. Davis. Chapter G, P.E.O. Sisterhood, is to meet on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George Rossman with Mrs. George K. Aiken as co-hostess. At this time, Mrs. F. W. Nestelle, Portland, slate or ganizer, will meet with the group. The regular program for the stale or ganization of the Daughters of the American Revolution is to be given Mon day, December 5, over KOAC at 2 o'clock. Mrs. John H. Gallagher of Win ema chapter is to present the program on pioneer days at Oregon Stale college. a Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is to meet on Tuesday evening for its regular session in the Masonic temple. New officers will be elected. Salem Weavers' guild has planned a meeting for Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frederick Hill Thompson. Mrs. Arthur A. Allen of Milwaukie is to be guest speaker. Mrs. H. C. Epping and Mrs. A. J. Ullman are co-hostesses for the meeting. Yomarco women are to meet Tuesday for a luncheon at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding. 1726 Court street. Co-hostesses are Mrs A. A. Keene, Mrs. Merle Travis and Mrs. Ralph Mercer. Capital unit No. 9,. American Legion auxiliary is meeting Monday evening in the Salem Woman's club at 7:45 o'clock. There will be initiation, the Past Pres idents' club to be in charge of the ini ation and for the refreshments. A Christmas musical program is to follow the meeting, Special guests for the evening will be members of King wood unit. The sewing club of the auxiliary is meeting all day next Thursday, Decem ber 8, starting at 10 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. John Gordon. The usual no host luncheon will be served at noon. ii J Jrsten-Miller studio pictur. by the Salem Oratorio society of left to right Frank K. DeWitt, Sunday Silver Tea A social event of tomorrow afternoon atllracting a large group will be the silver tea to be given by the Salem Fed erated Music clubs at the West Lincoln street home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. Hours for the tea are between 3 and 6 o'clock. Invitation is extended to members of all affiliated musical clubs and friends. Greeting the guests at the door, in duos, will be Misses Patricia Elfstrom and Donna Salter; Misses Doris Helen Spaulding and Jean Spaulding; Misses Dorothy Cannon and Sandra Nordyke. Miss Ann Gibbons is to have charge of the guest book. Introducing to the receiving line will ' be Mrs. David Eason. In the receiving line will be Mayor and Mrs. Elfstrom; Mrs. Ronald Craven, Salem Federated Music Clubs president; Mrs. Mae Ross Walker, Portland, state president of the Oregon Federation of Music Clubs; Mrs. Mary L. Craig. Port land, slate chairman of music festivals; Miss Elma Weller, honorary life member of the Salem group; T. S. Roberts, Mrs. Charles O. Hargrave, Frederick Wilson, John Wallace Graham. Throughout the afternoon there will be a musical program presented by a large group of young people and local musicians. Those taking. part in the pro gram will be -the following: Vocal trio Sidney Kromer, Laurel Herr and Carol Lee, Mrs. Victor Palma son as accompanist; string trio, the same group of girls; Grace Corey in vocal numbers, accompanied by Geraldine Ki ser; Mary Dean Halvorsen, violinist, Mrs. Palmason accompanying; Jo Ann Windi shar, harp numbers; Dolores Gotfricd, vocal solos, Geraldine Kiser accompany ing; Betty Jo Davenport, piano numbers; Marjorie Jordan, whistling solos; Mary Evelyn Parke, vocal solos, Beverly Gus tafson, accompanist; Dorolhy Pederson, piano numbers; vocal sextet, Lou Ann Wolf, Bonnie Stewart, Pebble DeSart, Barbara Calloway, Marilyn Power, Pa tricia Elfstrom; quintet numbers, Dal bert Jepsen, first violin, Margaret Raw lins, second violin, Doris McCain viola; Emel Bandel, cello, and Elizabeth Jep sen, piano; vocal ensemble, Cecilians and Boys' Double quartet; Edna Marie Hill, piano numbers; Victor Palmason, violin solos, Mrs. Palmason accompanying; Connie Nicky, vocal numbers, with Glen nis Allen as accompanist; string quartet, Betty Kuhlman, violin, Frank Holman, violin; Doris McCain, viola; Lucy Bel linger, cello. Pouring will be Miss Margaret Hogg, Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr., Mrs. Jack Mor rison, Mrs. Donald Jessop, Mrs. George C. Will, Misa Lena Belle Tartar, Mn, DETAILS are being announced for the annual Christmas musicale to be presented by Salem branch Df the American Association of Univer sity Women on the evening of Tuesday, December 13. The event is arranged for 8 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. George Rhoten Is chairman for the program. Prof. T. S. Roberts and Miss Jessica Kinsey are to give organ and piano ducts as part of the program. Edith Fairham Gunnar is to be soloist on the program and other numbers will be given by Willamette university a cap pella choir. The program is arranged for AAUW members and guests. A reception will follow in the church parlors. Mrs. Ar thur P. Sprague is in charge of decor ations for the church, assisted by Mrs. Mary Thomas; and Mrs. C. E. Gray is to decorate the reception room, assisted by members of the AAUW interior dec orating study group. Pi Beta Phi alumnae are meeting next Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock at the chapter house. Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. James R. Humphrey, Mrs. Russell Mef ford, Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mrs. Charles Coleman, Mrs. Samuel Tripp, Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. Rado Sutich, Mrs. James Clayton, Mrs. George Schroe hcr, B Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Donna Mentzer, daughter of Mrs. Marjarie Mentzer. to Ronald Stroud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stroud. No plans are announced for the wedding. Miss Mentzer is the granddaughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Harley L. Bosler of Salem. Mr. Stroud is with the coast guard at Seattle. Jca ten -Miller studio picture of Much Interest George E. Allen, Mrs. Kenneth Rich. Assisting in serving will be Misses Barbara Bennett, Arlyss Zeeb, Sharon Barker, Joyce Garlick, Elsie DeVries, Sally Hoy, Lynn Harper, Beverly Johns, Maxine King, Patricia Collins, Mary Campbell, Celia Weaver, Marilyn Blak ley. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Greene have an nounced the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Joann Greene, to Duane Erls gaard, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Efts gaard. No date has been set for the wedding," Several Salemites were in Portland the early part of the week to attend the season's opening concert of the Portland Symphony orchestra and came home highly commending the work of the or chestra and the conductor, James Sam ple. The Portland Symphony comes to Sa lem on January 10 and March 21 for concerts here. Reserved seals are now on sale at the Ladd and Bush branch, Unilcd Stales National bank, through December 10 at regular bank hours. Local listeners at the Portland eon cert were impressed with Mr. Sample's gracious, friendly and straightforward bearing, and with the complete control under his baton of all sections. They re ported that the Portland debut was play ed to a large audience who were most enthusiastic in their applause for the conductor, calling him back to the stage repeatedly. A feature of the opening concert was the presentation of a beautiful Hawaiian lei of pink carnations to the new con ductor of the orchestra. The lei was sent to Portland by air express, arriving on Monday afternoon, by the Honolulu Symphony society as a tribute of appre ciation to Mr. Sample for his recent work in that city as a guest conductor, and as an expression of good wishes for an equal success in Portland. The lei was brought onto the stage at the close of the concert by Mrs. Morion Caine. A bazaar is arranged by Salem Mem orial Hospital auxiliary for next Tues day, December 6, at State and High streets at the former Scars store loca tion. The event begins at 9 o'clock and a variety of articles for Christmas time will be displayed. Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker is general chairman and on her committee are Mrs. Wayne Petlit, Mrs. A. C. Haag, Mrs. Wil liam E. Healy, Mrs. Ed Goeckner. fT HRISTMAS will be featured at the (Jj meeting and party for Salem Gar- 'den club members, Monday after noon. The group is meeting at 2 p.m. at the Salem Woman's club, planning the bus iness session for 2 o'clock. At the pro gram following, there will be a demon stration of Christmas arrangements by Mrs. C. O. Sloper of Independence. A Christmas party will then be held for the members and prospective mem bers. Mrs. Max Flohrer and Mrs. Bertha Huston are on the tea committee. Displayed at the meeting will be the articles already completed by members for the club's annual Christmas greens show on December 17, 18 and. 19 at Valley Motor company. Salem Zonta club's regular luncheon meeting will be held Thursday noon in the Golden Pheasant. Each member is to take a small Christ mas gift for a special event planned by the program committee, Mrs. James Bunnell and Miss Lena Belle Tartar, co chairmen. Also, each member is to take an article of canned goods or staples, or a contri bution, to be turned over to the service committee for the club's Christmas bas ket. These articles may be left at Elf strom's store preceding the luncheon meeting, or brought to the meeting. Salem General Hospital auxiliary plans its regular monthly meeting for Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the Sa lem YWCA. All members of the aux iliary are invited to attend. Sojourners club's semi-monthly party is planned for Thursday afternoon, the group to meet for dessert at 1 o'clock, cards following. The party will be at the Salem Woman's club house. On the hostess committee are Mrs. William H. Johnston, Mrs. M. E. Knick erbocker, Mrs. Kenneth McNeice, Mrs. Howard H. Hosken, Mrs. James L. Payne and Mrs. Louis Ertz. Area Scout Event The incoming and outgoing members of the Santiam Area council, Girl Scouts, will meet together for the regular month--ly board meeting at the home of Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, retiring president, 1726 Court street, Thursday, December 8, at 12 o'clock noon. A no-host luncheon will precede the business session. New officers for the next year are: President, Mrs. Edwin Fortmiller, Al bany; first vice president, Mrs. Ivan Mar ble, Independence; secretary, Mrs. Rob ert Clark, Albany; and treasurer, Mrs. Carl Porter, Albany. The board members are Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Loyal Warner, Mrs. E. E. Boring, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. Max Flannery, Wesley Stew art, Ward R. Davis, Miss Marjorie Har ris, all of Salem; Mrs. William Woodard, Silverton; Mrs. Herman Groves, Leba non; Mrs. F. L. Thompson, Mrs. W. D. Sloper, Howard Hickam, Frank Kubes, all of Albany; and Mrs. Jack Cochran, Brownsville. The district chairmen include: Mrs. Frank Manbeck, Salem, Mrs. Gordon Van Cleave, Silverton, Mrs. O. D. Stevenson, Jefferson, Mrs. A. L. Thometz, Sweet Home, Mrs. Frank Wells, Lebanon, and Mrs. James Jenks, Albany. The women's organizations of St. Paul's Episcopal church are cooperating in staging the annual bazaar for the groups next Wednesday, December 7, in the church parish house, 560 Chemeketa. The affair will be between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. The Women's auxiliary will serve cookies, coffee and tea with Miss Mar jorie Harris as chairman. The Junior High Girls' Friendly society will have a table of homemade cookies with Mrs. L. W. Miles in charge. The Younger Girls' Friendly society will have a miscella ' neous table wilh Mrs. A. A. Manke, ad viser, in charge. Other tables pf the seven guilds will feature aprons, fancy work, infants' wear, cooked food, Christ mas gift boxes, and miscellaneous ar ticles. Chairmen for the following guilds are: St. Anne's guild, Mrs. Donald A. Young; Daughters of St. Elizabeth, Mrs. Dan Johnston; Junior guild, Mrs. John Lan grell; St. Paul's guild, Mrs. J. H. ding er and Mrs. E. R. Palmer; St. Agnes guild, Miss Vivian Chandler; St. Cecilia's guild, Miss Carolyn Brady; St. Helena's guild, Mrs. James H. Nicholson. Others assisting are: Posters, Mrs. Charles McClelland; publicity, Mrs. Aus tin H. Wilson, Sr. Members of Salem bethel, Job's Daughters, are inviting their parents for a no-host supper to be served at the Ma sonic temple, Monday evening at 6 o' clock. At 7:30 o'clock the bethel will meet in Beaver hall for its regular ses sion, the initiatory degree to be given a group of girls. Mrs. R. C. Hunter will be hostess to her bridge group for dessert and cards Monday afternoon. Invited as addi tional guests are Mrs. William Hutchens and Mrs. Floyd Kibbce. Poetry division of the literature com mittee, Salem Womans club, will pre sent the Salem Writers' club in original works for the Tuesday afternoon pro gram at the club house. The event is slated for 2 o'clock. Mrs. Jessie Sin gleton will be in charge of the program. Mrs. Carl Chambers is chairman of the literature committee. 'Wesleyan Service guild of the First Methodist church announces it is to hold no meeting Monday, meeting instead on December 14 with the Woman's Society for Christian Service.