12 Capita! Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Lin lBo Per Line t time .......404 Per Um 6 timet 60e Pei Line 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem 15a per line per day Mln. SOci I times mln. We 6 times mlo. 11.20. No Refunds READERS In Local News CoL OnJTt 300 per lint To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES $5950 9 tutrm. hnmi. comb. liV. and din, rm., fee. kit. with noolc. full bamt. WeU located on V4 acre. Fruit, nuts, .ood chicken hse. Stupendous Bargain For quick salt Cape Cod Colonial home, bsrat., 1 bdrm. dn two up. Dble. plumb. View second to none. Open for Inspec tion Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. 2S10 8. 12th. On top of hill. Best bargain In Salem, 117,000. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. 1385 N. Capitol St. Ph. 2-6458 Eves. - Sun., 2-5207, 3-8901 2-4352 a288' BY OWNER Leaving Salem, have lovely 3 B.B. home 8 yra. old. Engiewooa Dist.. ioaa deiier son St. All hdwd. firs., and fireplace, oil heat, full basmt. with party rm., at tached gar. Nice yard with patio. This home In first class cond. Only one like It. Oood terms. a2B9' by owner: 1 A. 2 bedroom house. 1 bed room, double garage, 1 outbuilding, out side fireplace. 1 mile north city limits. Ph. 4-2827. B289 X BDRM. home only 16500. Very mod., near bus St schools, small dn. pymt., easy terms, set at 1302 Franklin St. or Ph. 36189. ' 388 Br OWNER New, 3 bdnns., 15500 full price. Oak lira., oil neat. Mlgnt consid er 1500 down. Ph. S-B700. a289 BY OWNER Excellent 3 bdrm. modern home. Priced to sell. Immedlatt posses sion. See at 698 Tryon ave. e288 BT OWNE ItReduced from S9800 to $66o 2 Bdrm., 2 yr. old home. Large lot. FHA loan. 3375 Broadway. aai- Why Pay Rent? 12000 down, bal. less than rent. Beaut, designed Ac constructed 3 bdrm. home Oarage. Large lot. Elec. heat, lovely fire place. Close to school shopping St but. Near Kelzer corner. Owner Ph. 2-5711. a291 X BDRM. HOME for sale. Furn. or unfurn. Would take good car In on equity. Ph. 2-8463. 288 BY OWNER: Nearly new 3 bdrm. home. Will accept late model car or cash for my equity. Bal. $6800 at 4. Ph. 21432. a288 HERE I SIT all alone In my big lot "Zone 3" with bdrm. for baby St one for mom St pop. My kitchen Is quite convenient with built-lns Si range, my living room Is small but nicely arranged. X have a nice bath with shower St all. Utility porch for washing a dog. I'm not very old, only 5 years, but my yard Is a mess Ss needs repairs, but If you have vision St can Imagine green grass, please call 2S501 At sea what comes to pass. a288 TO SEE ONE OF THE very lovely homes on Norway St. In Englewood District, at 312.600, call Jack, 2-8080. Eve. Ph. 4-2320. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. High St. a291 B.B., Lv. Ac Dn. rm. Auto-oll furnace, elec. W.H.. full basm't., finished. Ph. 3-6409. Owner. t292 A Sensible Value Built Just before the war of fine ma terials. Two bdnns. H.W. firs., elec. heat, utility room; paved street, north. The price Is $7950. Can be purchased for as little as $1500 down. Big lot too. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14D N. High St. Ph. 2-7060 Eve, phones 2-4591 - 2-6605 28B BY OWNER: Car will be accepted as part down payment on 3 BR home located 1220 N. 25th St. Hdwd. Ilrs., ven. blinds, J' Pi ace, excellent oil heating system. a28S $750 DOWN! $43 per month. FHA new 2-bedroora nome wjtn view, narawooa noors, auto, oil heat, auto, washer. But by door. No. 302 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! 2-bedroom home with all hardwood floors. Tiled fireplace, forced air heat to cacn room. Attacnea garage, very desir able location. Any terms within reason. No. 283 BASEMENT!! 2-bedroom home with hardwood floors. nice location, attached garage. Close to bus. Oood terms. Price $9500. No. 285 or 289 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 101 South HlRh Street Ph. 1-9303 Eve. St Sun., 2-1327, 4-3874, 3-3738, 3-5905 a388 NEAT 2 BEDRM. plastered home. Engle wood Dlst. Priced right at $4500.00. Will consider trade for larger house. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court St. Ph. 3-3629 Eves. 3-6373 - 3-6763 - 24789 a290 Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Ph. 3-3629 Eve. 3-6375 - 2-6762 - 3-47B9 a290 A NICE ONE See It compare: good construction of prewar material (built 1940). two bed rooms, electric heat. Insulated: service room, large lot (270 feet deep) fruit and garden; paved street, north Salem. $1500 will handle; full price $7950. Care fully inspected and appraised and priced accordingly. ANOTHER DANDY Southeast corner of 18th and Grant streets (Enftlcwoodt. A lovely corner property with back yard fenced. The house Is nicely arransed, has two bed rooms, fireplace, dinette, basement, oil furnace and elec. water heater. Priced at $11,000. Two 2 bdms. houses for rent. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones 3-4591 - 3-6803 a290 3 Blocks to School FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR RAT. this 3 bed room home, nice breakfast nook, hardwood floors. Insulated, pull drapes, auto-oll heat, connecting garaae fully plastered. A really good home only Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Pho. 2-4707 - 484 Court Eve. 3-4773 390' BY OWNER Furn. hse. 793 N. 15th. a288 5 ROOMS $6,000 This ts your ehance to buy a email. clean 3 BR home with fireplace At ga rage. 62x132 ft. lot, close to bus St schools. Owner has purchased farm & has redured price for quick action. Call BON CLEAR i . Walter Muscrrave, Rltrs. 1211 Edgewater Ph. 35109 Eve. 39939 M93 OPEN HOUSE 'Sunday, Dec. 4 from10to 0, zeio n. niver Hoaa. asoB BY OWNER: Englewood Dlst. 1 bdrm. house. Large living rm., nandy kitchen. met tot. taauu. .terms, ana rteoretxa. a28fl ENGLEWOOD 1 bdrm, basement, oil furnace, fireplace, garage, hardwood floors. This la extra nice and reduced to $9950. Terms. ENGLEWOOD Brand new 2 bdrms., fireplace, newest features. FH A Price $10,730. L. E. KLUMPP, Realtor 480 If, Church. Ph. 1-7643 or 30138 eve., and Sun. a288 . Journal Want Ads Pay J Oregon, Saturday, Dec. 3, 1949 FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! 115 per month. Lots with water, elec- . trlclty, bus service, near school. Two locations north. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9209 Eve. it Sun.. 3-5905. 4-2874. 2-1327. 2-3738, 2-2532. aa292 SUBURBAN new lot for sale. City water. 87X187. ubk ana nr trees, vn. unrs. aa293 BY OWNER Lot, 66x112 cleared for building, city water. Back of Dixon's Mkt. South, 1450. Ph. 2-0009. aa28S WOODED LOT on paved street, 625 Rat cliff Dr. Cleared and leveled. FHA. City water, bus line. Ph. 3-4284. FOR SALE FARMS 31 ACRESt 3 ml. from Dallas, Ore. 8 A. filberts! 3 A. prunes; 16 walnut trees. Family orchard; (Cherries, apples, pears, peaches, strawberries, raspber ries). Balance 16 A., oak timber and pas ture. 2 BR house, 3 yr. old. Oarage and chick, house under construction. OH range, hot water tank: oil heater; au tomatic water system. $7000. terms. Write P. O. Box 252, Dallas. b288 Grade A Dairy $30,000. Near Lebanon, 177 A. Large noma, zq aiancmon Darn, uooa poultry house. Feeder shed, silo. etc. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketi BY OWNER 1314 A. 250 28-year old walnut trees. Produced 15 T. this yr. 100 young peach trees. 7 rm. modern house, Full base ment, wood furnace. Oood well. Dou ble garage. Tractor St other machinery. Price to sell. 1 mile E, of Sllverton. Rt. 1, box 114-B, b28B Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors 175 ACRE RIVER BOTTOM LAND IS acres cultivated. This Is top grade Chen alls soli. Does not wash, only part overflows. 60 acres more easily cleared. 2 irrigation wells. 3 BR house, barn Si sheds. If you are looking for a good in vestment in a farm come In and let us talk it over. WANT A OOOD SMALL FARM? Only 4 miles from Salem. Top grade Will, loam. 4 A new strawberries. 11 A open field, bal. pasture. All year creek. Old but usable buildings. Beautiful home site. 38500. Ask for Henry Torvend. Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors 477 Court St. PO. 3-41 IS - Eve. 3-3632. b289 IVAN B. SUTTON, BROKER Jefferson, Oregon Phone 253 17 Acres River Bottom. All can be irri gated from river; M mile from new 99E highway, 6 room house, hot and cold water in house, 24 walnut trees, 3 acres strawberries, 4 acres alfalfa, full price 16300. $1300 Down, bal. easy payments. See this If you are looking for a nice piece ana good location. b288' FOR RENT FARMS LARGE PLACE with lli ml. creek, 6 rm. house. Barn for 25 cows, partly stocked St equipped (Alsea Dlst.) D. A. Fish. 14JI8ooni. 3-6524. ba FOR SALE ACREAGE HEAP BIG PILE Out on Route 0, Just off Skyline road sixty-five (65) big acres of Aiken loam, creek, some orchard, some berries, some cleared, some view, some bargain, at $4950. $1000 down will handle. Craw ford. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 279 N. High St. Office: 2-3649 Eve: 3-5390 or 3-7451 bb388 80 ACRES $22,000 70 In trey oats, good family orchard. about fi acres past. St timber. Year rouna spring, Dunaing excellent to inir, cat and all equipment, 1-ton OMO truck, all like new. $10,000 down. Crop goes. Pll. 3-OBflO. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. High St. bb291 REAL ESTATE 15 ACRES GOOD LAND, half In strawber ries. One-room house, lights In. 15 min utes drive from Salem. Price $3500.00. Call Mr. Sederstrom. Very good 2 yr. old 5-room house. Base ment, furnace, fireplace. Oarage. Large lot. Close to school and bus. Priced on ly $6750. Snail down, reasonable pay ments. Call Mr. Sederstrom. WALNUT PARK DISTRICT. 1 yr. old B room home. Fireplace. Electric heat. Insulated. Attached rarage. Large lot. Price $10,500. Call Mr. Voorhecs. DENTON & DENTON 344 State Street Formerly Leo N. Chllds Inc. Phone 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007, Mr. Sederstrom 2-5219 c290 BEST BUYS $4250 Special Very clean 2 bdrm. home. Inside city. Modern. Approx. 9 years r'H Can easily be Oregon Q.I. financed. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 Or 3-3558. Kingwood Older type very modern St clean home. Choice setting. Interior remodeled. Out side fireplace. Approx 1100 sq. ft. floor space on ground floor. Insulated St weather stripped, city water. Work shop St play room above garage. 1 acre plus. Just the deal for a seml-retlred man. Total price only $9250. Will trade for good home In Englewood Dlst. Eve. Ph. 3-7074 Or 3-3558. New $8750 Very nice well arranged home. Class A construction. Oil furnace. Close to bus, stores & school. Terms. Eve Ph. 3-7674 Or 3-3558. 14 Acres $8500 6 room home. 30x30 barn. 2 welts. Ir rigation system. Newbem soli. 4 acres berries. Family orchard. Located at Mis sion bottom. 7 miles from Snlem. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Grade A Dairy 163 acres. All but 5 acres under culti vation. 6 room home. 44x80 grade A dairy bnrn. 17 cows. All farm machinery. Wil lamette St Amity soil. Family orchard. 12 nines irom saiem. Total price $35,000. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4396. C289 $500 a Month No Joke A deal any woman can handle, not much work. Last month Income was $647 Si running expenses aie low. Full price la $17,000 and will take In Salem home up to $9000. This has to be sold At Is bargain. 2 Yr. Old Duplex Owner works at Detroit St has to move. Both apts. on around fir. and each has 4 nns. St 2 bdrm. wlLh elec. stove St re frig. In each. One rented tor $75 a month St owner lived In other. Will take In trade home up to $7000. This place Is In Hollywood dlst. Price 116.500. Some Good Acreages We have a couple of good smU acre tracts In good location, one 2i A. out on Sllverton highway. Nice home and one out east Just off Lancaster 3 acres St nice home. Call Brower or Mike about these, We Don't Deal With Multiple Listings EVERY one In town Is not trying to sell the pro. we have listed. WK have some good buys in some new nomes as some older ones. Come In and tee us. We will try St help you to find what you want. Art Madsen Realty Co. Ph. J-ssao C3S8" ta ACRES San Joee fruit term, value 130,- wv; wm ir.oe icr o.icm income prop erty or will take free A clear 2 bdrm. house aa part down payment. Owner Ph. J-7S). FOR YOl'R SAVttvub investment buy a nrst mortgage on real estate eaiem A vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 5. We make al) col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO 153 0. High ft 1 FOR SALE HOUSES Open House 1690 ROOSEVELT ENGLEWOOD DIST. Located 1 block north of Madison on corner of 17th and Roosevelt. Lovely new 2-bdrra. plastered home. On large corner lot with paved streets and side walks. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, very nice kitchen with plenty of built -Ins and drop table. Hardwood floors throughout. Ven. blinds Throughout. Automatic oil floor furnace. Lots of extra storage. Utility room. Attached garage with cement floor and drive. One block to bus, three block to shopping center. Best house In town for $9950. Wm. T. J. Foster 1550 BAKER HOME REAL ESTATE Real Estate for Sale 2 bedrm. mod. home, dbl. garage, V A., 13,750.00. 2 bedrm., plast, mod. home, full base ment, $4,800.00. 3 bedrm. plast. mod. home, large lot, close In, $7,000.00. 1 A., 0 rm. St bath, $5,000.00. 1 A., 2 rm. cabin, well, $675.00 cash. 10 A., 2 cultv., 4 rm. house, spring, $72,000.00 cash. 13(1 A., hldss.. 11B.0M.00. And many more good listings, all types of property. Also, we now have 2 unfurn houses, 2 turn, apts., 2 partly furn. apts. and 2 business locations for rent. Inquire at office for particulars. Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, ORE. McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Down Payment Brand new 2-bedroom home on large lot Hardwood floors, Venetian blind., good neighborhood. Price 17500, Completely Furnished 3-bedroom home In Englewood Dlat. Haa fireplace, nice yard, all furniture lew and good. Move In before the holldaya. S8950, View Property Owner leaving town. Size of lot about 1 acre. The home Is well arranged and has 3 bedrooms, double plumbing, fire place ana excellent casement, prise $11,000. COME IN OR PHONE Daytime 3-5131. Evenings 2-8400 - 3-5514 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High, Salem. Oregon WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS C289 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE BADLY in need of listings on acreage St farms. What have you? Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-782 0 or 2-4596. ca292 WANTED LISTINGS WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF CASH BUY ERS. IP YOU ARE LISTINO YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE, LIST WITH US. A. A. LARSEN Realtor Office: 2-8629 Home: 3-7163 191 S. High ca289 WE ARE in need of good houses to sell in or near Balem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca BEST HOUSE $15,000 CASH will buy in Englewood School District. Burt Plcha, Realtors, 379 N. High St. Phone 2-3649. ca288 Do You Want to Sell Listings wanted for $3000 up- Clients waiting. Personal service given. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7642 Eve or Sun. 3-0126. ca288 NOTlCEl If your property Is for tale. rent or exchange, list it with us. we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. caa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT IN BEND OREGON Must sell because of Illness, Scats 40. 20 stools, 5 booths, deep freezer, elec tric sllcer, Hotpoint toaster, dishes, sil verware, fans, kitchen utensils etc. Ev erything goes that Isn't nailed down, n cluding good stock on hand. Income In Sept. over $3,000. Rent very reasonable with Mi utilities paid. $1850 This Is no dump. For further Informa tion phone 3-6135 or 2-0752, Salem. NEW, MODERN department store In southern Oregon, size 50x100. 100 lo cation. Sell fixtures and merchandise at cost. Long lease. Price around $30, 000. Reasonable terms If desired. Write box 279 In care of the Capital Journal. Cd288 DOWNTOWN CAFE $2500 19 stool counter. Oood lease. Apt. for rent In connection. V. OMER HUFF Business Lot S. 13th St. Bldg. 20'xaO. Lltes and wa ter in. 13500.00. B. Isherwood, Realtor NATIONAL CONCERN will select franchis ee agent for this area. Excellent op portunity for right person to operate own business and obtain high Income. Small investment for starting Inventory. Write Magnetic Corporation of America, 914 Ouardtan Building, Portland. Orex. Cd288 QUICK LUNCH CAFE. Newsstand. Confec tionery. Best spot in Redmond. Best or equipment. Pleasant living quarter (2 bdrms.l Price 37300 plus Inventory. Write Ruth Smith. Deschutes Realty Co.. Box 1081. Redmond, Oregon. Tel. 253-Z Cd288 WANTED to lease store room suitable for grocery. Oood location, write dox kj, Capital Journal. cd289 NOTICE The only licensed cyanide fumlgator In Marlon county. Fumigation alone will make payments on a double business which Includes the East Salem auction center. This la a real opportunity for the right party. $3000 will handle. Bus iness Ph. 3-1221. Home Ph. 2-7350. By owner. T. Howe. cd291 Store & Home for Lease Cor. of Union A Liberty will sell stock and fixtures or any part If you want. New store building St 1 rm. good old home. Art. Madsen Realty Co. Ph. J-55M tdJ88 $5950 Step Into a good steady Income today. Grocery market complete with walk-In cooler, fine equpt. Almost $3031 stock. Location excellent. Half cash will handle. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-41W. fd383 FURNITURE FOR SALE L.R. SET, love seat. Buffet, occasional rockets, 2084 Maple Ave. 4228 IFOR SALE HOUSES BUILDER WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 5 YR. OLD MORGAN Arabian gelding and saddle. Rt, 5 box 483. 1 mile past Rick ey sch. on Macleay rd. Ph. 2-7321. e289 C.W. PIGS 6-8 weeks. 1 ml. north Tur ner. Rt. 2, Box 61. Phone Turner 127. e288 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 38147. ea309 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Bne- then. 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 21345. ea299 PETS MOORE'S tropical fish, large assortment or tropical iisn, equipment, plants, looo, white St micro worms, aquarium maga zine subscriptions. Visitors welcome. Rt. 5, box 483. 1 mile past Rickey school on Macleay rd. Ph. 2-7321. ec2B9a CHOICE canary. Ph. 3-4385. 1340 Cheme- Keta. ec306 cnoiCE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec2B8 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. . BLOCK WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater West Salem t Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging $5.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE" Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE St HEATER ee301 CALL HIQHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 26444 WALNUT shells tor sale. Klorfeln Packing Co.. 460 N. Front. ce' DRY HI" slab St edgings. Ph. 3-1438.ee PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash St maple. 4 fir, 16" slab end edgings. Ph 31458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR StkH OREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Heavy hens. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's naicnery. uui 0 HAMPSHIRE laying hens, $2.50 ea. Ph. 3-6828 after 11 a. m. Monday. F. C. Klaus. 1288 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. t4969. PRODUCE HOLLY, turnips, corn. Slgurdson, 1 '4 miles W. of Kclier sch. ff202 CARROTS carrots. Sweet St tender. By sack or ton. O. P. Miller, Box 303, Rt. 7, Lake Lablsh. 11203 POTATOES We have some potatoes left yet. Don't pay store prices, when you can get them from $1.00 per sack to $2.50. All are sorted according to size. Come to the large green poultry house on Clear Lake road, one and one-half miles north of Kelzer school. T. A. Brewster. ff288 FINE SOLID heads of cabbage. This yr. crop walnuts. Well filled. 2490 Broadway. ff2B8 R.I. GREENING apples $1.50 box. Bring containers. 3893 oarden Road. liana EASTERN alfalfa by ton or truckload. Ad drwsMSSnth. Ph. 2-9933. 11305 HELP WANTEDMALE ATTENTION SALESMEN PAST 40 Li age your employment problem? Many past 65 doing well with us. We welcome all from 40 to 80. Sell farm and Industrial roof maintenance mater ial. Liberal comma. Pays well, perma nent. 44-year-old factory-direct. Submit business qualifications. Box 1766, Cleve- land,jOhlo. UL S. A. ga288 LUMBER YARD In Salem area wants mid dle aged yard man. Must be able to figure lumber St have mill wood exp. Write box 290, Capital Journal. ga288 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED women nut sheilers. AD 'Inter work. 460 N Front- Klorfeln Packing Company. gb WANTED SALESMAN WHAT ARE your plans for 1950? A good Rawlelgh Business is hard to beat. Big line well established makes good prof it. No experience required. Write today for information- how to get started. Rawlelgh'a, Dept. ORL 153-254, Oakland. Calif. SB 388 BOOK MATCH 8ALESMEN1 We are West Coast Mrrs. of Advertising Book Match es, featuring UNION LABEL and com plete line; regular double and Jumbo slses. Save customers up to HALF on transportation alone. Fastest delivery service In this section of country. Dally Comm.. Free Outfit. MONARCH MATCH CO., Dept. N-33 Monterey at Tully Rd., San Jose, Callfj g388 INSULATION salesman apply 668 N. High after 7:30 p.m. J. M. products, gg EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICB AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 36 State Street Phone 1-1488. gf WANTED POSITIONS PArERflANGING. Oood ref.'furnlshed. Ph. 4-2 76 1. h3t2 HIGH SCHOOL girl wants housework and baby sitting after school and weekends. Call eve. 470 N. Church. h389 BABYSITTING. Phone 3-0580. h2 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD HOME 3 bdrm. on one fir., plus unfin. upstairs, hdwd. firs., thruout, nice Inside util ity, dble. garage, good corner lot wtlh pavement In. One of our finest buys. CALL ROY FERRIS WAREHOUSE SPACE 11.000 sq. ft. floor space, dose-In downtown concrete bldr., easy access, dble, entrance. Will lease. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST USED CAR LOT FOR LEASE 65x100 ft. corner lot, garage St sales house on property, small apt, available. FOR DETAILS CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST AMERICAN COLONIAL Located on 1 a. of beaut, grounds, 3 bdrm., dble. plbg., lge, liv, rm., din. rm. entrance hall, open staircase, full basement, with playroom and fireplace, dble. garage. Don't fall to see this truly fine home, priced right. CALL ROY FERRIS INSURANCE TO PIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-9968 ' c2l WANTED POSITIONS TIMBER falling wanted. Ph. 3-8704. h289 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- lng. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h232 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h2' Mimeographing-Typing CARPENTER work wanted, new or re modeling. Ph. 2-2597. h288 HOURLY child care. Ph. 2-0403. h310' FLOOR SANDING, repair work, house cleaning or aaytning consiaerea. vn. 2-9933. 1.289 BOOKKEEPING and general office work. experienced ana good reier. write cap ital Journal Box 287. b.289 IRONING In my home. 2-7490. BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you have a door that works hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? If so call the trouble shooter. Ph. 2-5833. b.292 BABY SITTING by adult. Ph. 28741. h297 PAINTING, Interior St ext. Ph. 2-2079. h288 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 24850. h FOR RENT ROOMS WELL FURN. sleeping rm., close In. H St c water. Men only. 137 center. jk'ju LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle man. Heat, hotplate. Ph. 3-3028. k292 SHARING house with working girls. Use of entire house. 645 N. Winter. Ph. 3-4372. Jk290a WARM rms. Ph. 2-5539. 793 N. Winter. jk292 PLEASANT rooms by the week or month uown town. fa. Hiei. jkjw SLEEPING RM. In private home. Also garage. 694 N. Church. Jk28ts WARM PLEASANT sleeping room for 1 or a gins, cooxing priv. coo unurcn. Ph. 37764. Jk290 SLP. A LIGHT hskpg. rm. 3-4335. Jk307 CLOSE IN Reasonable room for clean em- ployed man. 540 6, Liberty. , Jk288' SLEEPING RMS, $5 WY. 395 N. 14th. 3-9058 Jk294 ROOMS. 195 S. Cottage. Ph. 27817. Jk292' NICE SLEEPING RM. Garage. Ph. 3-7558. Jk293 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. bath St rent. Gar age. For employed person. 643 union. Jp289 DELUXE DOWNSTAIRS fum, apt. All new lurniture. ra. 33333. jpauu- FURN. APT. Priv. batT. St tat. Refrlg. jp290 Adults. 1535 N. Church, Apt. 6. 3 ROOM nicely furn. apt. Available now. 3 blocks s. oi Ladd Busn, 31a neuevue St. Jp288 A LOVELY 3 room furn. apt. Prlv. bath, gooa neat, ciose in, bu. rn. jjuuu. jpzuw APARTMENT beautifully appointed: new furniture. 444 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-1887. Jp2S0 LARGE 4-RM. furn. duplex 1st floor. Em ployed couple. No drinkers, children or pets. 190 S. 25th. Ph. 3-5045. jp290 LIGHT housekeeping apt., $27.50. 1188 N. tin. fn. 2-3Z47. JPJVV I RM. APT. Utll. furn. 790 N. Com'l. Jp288 CLOSE IN. Nicely furn. modern apt. Suit able tor 2 employed persons. 435 N. win- RM. FURN. court apt. 4 blocks from State House. Ph. 2-0714. Jp289 NICELY FURN. 2 rm. apt. $62.50 and $65. Ambassador Apt., 550 N. Summer. Jp292 S ROOM APT. upstairs. Outside entrance, shower. Working couple. No drinking, pets, or children. 455 S. 18th. Jp288 4 RM. MODERN apt. Private entrance. 2073 N. Com'l. Jp289 t RM. FURN. upstairs apt. Close In. Ph. 3-0745. Jp289 3 ROOMS, furnished, private bath, adult man who can cook. 1250 N. Winter Jp289 CLEAN, furn. 2 bdrm. apt. Prlv. bath, adults. 1595 S. Com'l. Jp288 bath. Partly furn. Jp290' NICE, CLEAN 3-rm. apt. Refrlg. St electric stove furn. All electric heat. 1684 S. S. 13th. Jp288 SMALL trailer cabin, 1 or 3 adults. Mis sion St. Trailer Court. 21st St Mission. JP288 3 RM. FURN. apt. Nice location. Refrlg. 960 N. 19th. JP288 2 RM. MOD. turn. apt. for married couple. N. Front. Also lge. furn. room close to state capltol St shopping center. Ph. 2-7898. Jp290 FURN. APT. Private bath. Refrlg. Oar age. Adults only. 2435 State. Jp289 1 RM. WITH kitchenette St bath furn, Near bus line. Ph. 20910 Jp388' APARTMENT for rent 844 . Com'). JP388' FURNISHED 3-RM. COTTAOES. Ph. 25769. Jp307 FOR RENT HOUSES PRACT. NEW 2 BR unfurn. hse. Elec. ht. 950 B. 20th. Ph. 3-3087. Jm2S9 LOVELY 2 BDRM. suburban home. 12 mln. to court house by car. All hard wood floors. Modern eaulDoed. Electric range, hotwater, St oil heat piped to tanx. Close to line neighbors. All turn. $65 per mo. Must give refer. Drinkers or smokers need not apply. Ph. 24220. Jm288 1 YEAR OLD dudex. 3 rooms St bath. Nicely furn. On Albany highway 1 block past colonial House. Hardwood floors, modern thruout. $65. Ph. 35765. Jm290 SMALL FURN. house north. Box 293 Capl tal Journal. Jm390' FOR RENT 2 bdrm. furn. house. $63 per month. Ph. 3-9301 before noon Sunday, alter 6 o'clock week days. Jm.293 FOR SALE or rent 3 rm. house, by own er. Ph. 3-0379. Jm293 3 BEDROOM house with garage; auto.-oll furnace, wired for ranee, large living room, fireplace, electric water heater. Large fenced yard, fruit and nut trees, berries, grape arbor, shrubs and flow ers. 8 blocks from Bute Office Bldg. Rent $85.00 to party who will water and care for yard. Will lease to responsible tenant. References required. Call 3-7M3 for appointment. Jm290 (REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSES 3 ROOM house close In. Wired for range. Electric water system. $25.00. Ph. 3-4304. Jm390 WHY RENTl $2600 equity In 2 B.R. furn ished hse. for best late model car of fered. Can be seen Sunday afternoon. pen 4 corners, last hse. on Hudson ave. Jm388 UNFURNISHED one-bedroom home, many fine features, ready for occupancy about uec. id. uaii a-aaia lor appointment eve. except 'rues, jntzw UNFURN. house. Wired for elec. range. Available Dec. 8. Inquire 2207 N. Front alter 7 p.m. jmaaa S RM. HSE.. part furn. Not modern. $25. Inq. 62 Williams ave. jm288 LARGE house. Close In, $75 per mo. In quire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-8185. Jm HOUSE FOR RENT IN SILVERTON 1 B.R.. kltch.. living room & bath. Elec- trie range St washer furnished. House Is open and can see at 121 Flske St. $40 per mo. uau uwner at s-wii. uaiem. Jm28B MODERN, CLEAN 2 B.R. house, partially iurnisneo, sua. en. 3-7477 alter o. Jm28B' JUST IN TIME for Christmas, new 2 B.R. unfurn. hse., all electric, city bus b blocks, children welcome, no pets. $70 per mo. rn. 3-nas. 4a45 Btate. Jm288 MODERN 3 rm. furn. cottage Dec. 1st. 2 adults. No pets. 3845 Portland Rd. Refer, required. Jm288 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 2- OR 3-B.R. HOUSE, unfurn., urgently needed by city policeman and family. Ph. 2-7558. J28fl BUSINESS SPACE for lease new bldg. Parking area In rear. 3025 Portland Rd. J288- FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, suitaoie for umce or store, aiso a atory alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High St. Tel. 3-4121. J TRAILER HOUSE with prlv. shower. $30 per ino. write aox napitai journal. J288 NEW OFFICE BUILDING. See at 1079 Broadway. Ph. 2-1835. J290a FLOOR space on State St Desk space on Marion m. rn. a-aiaa. 1 U DRIVE Trucks. Rojlnson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. BUSINESS RM. for rent. R. U Stiff. FLOOR BANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. ! POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use, Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros 141u 6 I2th, West Salem. I TO DO a good lob 'enl a good floor eand- er. We sell everything to complete the lob. HOWSER BROS. . Ph. 3-3646 J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. GARAGE on alley. 694 N. Church. 1288 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com'l- Ph 33512 f ROOM & BOARD BOARD & ROOM. Corner of Broadway St Academy. Ph. 2-1028. JJ292 BOARD it ROOM. Ph. 3-8706. WANTED TO RENT 2 BD. RM. unfurn. house by couple and son. Rcasonaoie. N. saiem preierred. pn. 3-3244. Ja290 BUSINESS man would like large room and use 01 garage In private home south Salem. Would be Ideal If could al so have breakfast. Address P.O. box 684. Ja2B9 LOST & FOUND STRAYED sheep. Owner claim by Identl- iying and paying Keep. Norman Meius, Battle Creek road, Turner. k288 LOST! BROWN billfold near Woolworth's about 3 p.m. Dec. 2. Finder may keep money. Ph. 31195. k290 FOUNDl A really good place to eat. Food selling Is the art 01 providing foods that won't come back to customers who will. AUMSV1LLE COFFEE SHOP Aumsvllle, Oregon Truck Parking k310 LOST: IN the Pratum Dlst., 2 coon hounds. 1 red and 1 black St white. Rewards. Call 4411 Sllverton. k290 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 464 Court we close Saturdays 11:3a. m 29G" DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EULER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Com TdaJ 6ts SALEM Phone 2-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL Sheet Rock Wallboard Car load supply of new plaster board. Inch 4ic, Vi inch 5 Vic. C. O. LONO, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. jna288 Shakes Siding $12 sq. buys cedar shakes In carton, un der course Included. $10 sq. buys white asbestos siding, no paint required. C. O. LONG. Ph. 25821. One mile north of Kelzer. ma3S8 SAVE ON ROOFING Lei Wards give you compete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of color Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON 01 a PERMA-STONB lor fire pi acts and home saiem perm a-st one Co.. 2040 N. - 18tb 6t .Salem. Phone 2-0605 after 6 p.m. ma293 SHINGLES No. 1 $8.10 sq. No. 2 5.50 sq. NO. 3 3.00 SQ. O. O. LONO, Ph. 3-5821. 1 mile N.- of neizer. maaae1 RED CEDAR shingles No, 1 2x3's any amount delivered lowest market Prices. . 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall snaK.es. Ted Muller. Salem-Indep. road Call 2-1196 Salem. ma NEED LUMBER? To assure yourself top quality framing lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid on that next Job. WEST SA LEM SAW MILL. 1050 Wallace Rd Ph 3-9593. 289 1 STOP SERVICE FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Lumber, shingles, mill work, glass, hard materials, plywood. oainL hard- Ware, elec. supplies, fir, covering. That convenient location. Front A Court St. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD, ma DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your eon- tractor ana carpenter using tna nneit old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at uicx Meyer Lumber co. 33 Lena Ave. Ph. 34B39 Free parking. ma Journal Want Ads Pay I NURSERY STOCK DISH UAItUtu piBiii. t . tlful floral work. Pembtrtoa Flowj; shop 1880 !;-, yjyVjiyj,,,1;?"? fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS a nnvs a 1 hnrks Yaum N.Z. Whites, 1934 manaara cnev. r. Box 43 IP. n2B8 VENDING machines seven four column, Alcuna gum St candy dispensers. Forced sale-Make an offer! Ph. 24432 or 2B793. "288 Save 20 to 50 PIANOS Spinets St Grands. GUITARS St andnrd St Electric, ACCOHDIANS All Sixes As Prices, BAND INSTRUMENTS New Si Used. Shown by Appointment. Ph. 3-4841 Jaquith Music Co. MISSION ELEC. hot water heater. 42 gal. New Crated. $79. Ph. 3-4284. n SINGER ELEC. PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE Late model. Attachments St course In sewing. Guaranteed. Bargain $79.50. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.. 130 N. Com'l. D389 HEAT your home electrlcalry with West Inghouse or Wesin automatic electric heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n" BEAN POLES, lattice batten St mlsc strips. 100 Lana Ave. Ph. 26082. n392 GENERAL ELECTR10 Crosley. Olbson and Montag Appliances at Oevurta. p LUMBER 2x4's by Jitney load, $10 per 1,000. You haul. Independence Lumber Si Mfg. Co. Ino. Independence, Ore. PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar fence posts telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles. Yew posts, Ph. 3-1458. Rt ft Box 118. n TALLMAN'S CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE All pianos greatly reduced In price. New and used. SPINET PIANOS $494 Ss UP $50 Down, $25 a Month all standard makes. Our regular lines Knabe, Fischer, Mehlln, Langhead, Lester, Betsy Ross, Spinet go on sale. USED St REBUILT PIANOS. $85 UP $25 Down, $10 to $15 a Month MlrrApianos, $395 up. A small deposit holds any piano for Xmas delivery. Tallman Piano Store (A Mile from High Prices) 375 - 395 S. 12th n293 NEW COLDSPOT electric 9 ft. refriger ator, uteaxia&i set. 555 N. Church st. n288 TATTED DOILIES for Christmas Gifts, si. ana up. 2010 Ferry, naoo SALEM SAND fl. OJXAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 BVa yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat Sb Doier D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat Si Dozer See us about ditching by tbi ft. Phone Days 2-9408 Eves 3-823 or 3-4400 Balem Oregon o COLEMAN OIL HEATER. Ph. 2-404R af ter 5 p.m. n288 30-06 RIFLE, sporting stock, cut down barrel, scope, shells Included $13 Shot gun, double barrel, 12 ga., $55. Girl's bicycle $18.50 Zenith portable radio $22.50. Royal typewriter, 16" carriage $150. Ph. 3-4294. 0288 WALLING SANT St GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 -yd. shovel and drag line. Ph- 2-9249 FREE FILL dirt for hawllng away. 1489 court, n288 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED RENTED Washers Renaired PICK UP St DELIVER Sewing machines electrified St eon verted to portable or console. New St used. Terms. W. DAVENPORT. PH. 3-7671 1930 N. 18th n293 BOY'S peddle car. Exc. cond., perfect xmas gift, $14.00. 1575 Baker St. n288 45 AUTOMATIC pistol, holster. Perfect snape. Ph. 2-4048 alter 5 p.m. n288 NEW SINGER monog ramming and eTn- oroidering machine lor sale. Ph. 2-0529. 1)289 LARGE FOUNTAIN, triple sinks, new l reeling unit, sacrifice ox used va lue. Call Anderson 3-4815. n292 NEW ELECTRIC range. Reuben Stepper, KE. 9, JBOX UZ. D2B8 FOR SALE Beautiful holly sprays and wreatns. Any amount, anytime, ooc per lb. Phone 3-9314. 1860 N. Summer St., Salem, Ore. n292 POWER-SAW, 11 h.p. Diaston. 4', 5', 7' oars may be had with one bar or all. Private owner needs cash. See at Square Deal 2nd Hand Store, Salem. A real bar galnl n292 NEW A USED elec. wood, gas ranges. New u.fi. reirig. uutooard motor. Oas floor furnace. Floor lamps. Elec. wood, gas, oil heaters cheap. Elec. roasters, Elec. toasters. Waffle Irons, Bedroom set. Living room set. Chrome dinette set. Bed. springs and mattress. End tables. Radios, car radios, car heaters, and many other items cheap. All our merch andise has been reduced to save you dollars. Hardman Bros., 4i miles north of Salem on Portland Hlway. Open from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. 7 days a week. n290 COLEMAN oil heater, 2 drums, tubing and iUllDKa, 90S, 1143 O. 101Q, AP(. HO. 2. n290 FLAT TOP standard electric stove. Oood conouion. sas. ra. 3-7067. n293 WARDS 100 MANILA ROPE! Strong, flexible, easy to handle. Fibers treated with oil lubricant berore laying; runs smoothly over pulleys. Waterproof ed to resist weather, give longer ser vice. M-in. site, per ft., 4'ic. WARDS FARM STORE Trade St High Salem n28B UPRIGHT piano In A-l cond. 793 N. 15th. rn. it-.aoe n288 RIFLE New 300 Savage 99. Weaver scope BiHmcu m, perieci. cox out or Tel, 3-7171, Balem. n289 WOOL BRAIDED RUG, aprons, misc. ar- ncies. pan, ei aun. n Klcnmond. n288' MONTGOMERY-Ward washer. Almost new, rn. z-s7m. n289' The Perfect Gift! TODAY'S GREAT PIANOS! BALDWIN - CABLE - HADDORFF WURLITZER NEW SPINETS FROM $395 Best Values on New and Used Grands, Spinets, Uprights. Spinets, Uprights. Open evenings till v a.m. except sat. Stone Piano Co. "THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO STORE" 1540 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Ore n292 B FLAT tenor saxophone. Exc. cond. Gold '"""i .w. m iee ei. ra. 1-9313. NEW 13-hutch rabbit house. Ph. 2-6377. n288' RUMMAGE sale, 360 State upstairs. n311 GIRL'S white shoe roller skates. Size 44, BED COMPLETE with spring and maf uraa, .J. rn, -Ot, n288 LADIES white shoe Ice skates, site 5 wntte shoe roller skates, size 7Vt. Ph. '"" n288 DOODLE-BUG, $50. Boy's bike, $10. Boy's i w size e, 7.w. pn 2-1308. nafifl1 GOOD CHRISTMAS TREES. freshly cut. on road ready to load. 1500 on hand, lengths 2 to 12 as wanted. Richardson Ranch. 1700 Valseti road. LrXl'SIOrs CHRISTMAS GIFT: prime omum Mariens. waiurai color, made In a tnree -piece sets. New, not second i': uuiui Bargain, as 1255.00. Ph. iri . n290 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Good piano, small size pre- 'c" - r. na289 W ANTED 'urni'.ure vo glut si repair Lee Bros, Furn. Beflniabinf Co. Ph. 2-100 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Shopsmlth, la good condition! UBU .-w v ............. naaaa CASH for newspapers St magazines, mo WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying $1. H nniuun, oju a. jiiacuiir, PB292 PERSONAL MRS. MELVIN SMITH, Spencer corsetler. uc a dcmvci win um unure proDlem All calls given special attention. Ph 35072. P30B AVONCOSMETICS. Ph. 3-4686. p3og" STANLEY nOME PRODUCTS. Lee Mlnd MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your Worries. Advice 0 a.m. to 10 pm dally. 173 S. Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and $1.00 get a special reading. Ph. 29283. p30j ARE YOUR FLOORS dull-looking? Purnl- lure nmrreu a acraicnea uave Balem Lighting Ss Appliance Company demon strate Plastic Kote to you. 236 H. High. P288 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. 134 Ph. s-az.il. pS3j AUTOMOBILES 1013 BUICK special sedan. Exceptionally ciean, new m-ione jacquer paint and fully equipped. Ph. 2-0024 or 2730 Hul- sey ave. eve. q29(j '37 FORD. Good shape. Oood tires. Ph. 31335. 5113 Chehalls Ave. Kelzer. q290 FOR SALE 49 Mercury conv., black, 4000 miiea, cAvraa. tzzaa. icrms. 23U Fine St., Lebanon. Ph. 6453, after 6 p. m. Q292 '41 NASH 5-poss. coupe: '40 Packard se dan; '37 Chev. sedan; '36 Chev. sedan; '37 Hudson sedan; '35 Dodge sedan; '34 Dodse sedan; '32 Chev. sedan; '33 Chev. sedan; '32 Bulck coupe. All these cars are In good condition and priced cheap for quick sale, Hardman Bros., 4 miles north of Salem on Portland Hlway. Open from 8 a.m. 'till 8 p.m. 1 days a week. q290 FOR SALE '36 Ford coupe. Good cond.. sisu. aia fanerson ave. o290 1910 MERCURY 2-door. Ph. 2-1435. q290 PONTIAC 1941. 3 -door; 6-cyllnder. Sell at a sacrifice price, rn. 4-zu or 2-0140. q290 $50 USED CAR LOT $50 ft your old one 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q.293 Eisner Motors to Sell FOR SALE 1939 Ford Si -ton truck. En gine nearly new. Good tires. 85 h.p. mo tor. Ph. 2-5037 or can be seen at 910 Ta marac. q288 FOR SALE by owner: 1947 '76 Olds club sedan with all deluxe accessories. 5 new tires, $1395. Ph. 3-1180. q2B8 1950 PONTIACS ARE HERE 46 Pontiac Sdn Cpe $1195 '48 Pontiac Sedan 1195 '41 Pontine Sdn Cpe 545 '39 Pontine Sedan 495 '46 Olds Sdn Cpe 1145 '46 Dodge Sedan 1095 '42 Chev. Sdn 695 '40 Chrysler Sdn 495 '39 Olds Sedan 445 '37 DodBe Sedan 295 '37 Chev. Sedan 295 '36 Chev. Sedan 195 '41 Nash Sedan 545 HERR ALL-OWENS CO. TRADE TERMS 10 N. Liberty Ph. 2-4113 AN EXCELLENT BUY. 1935 Chev. Master uciuac i"Muui acaan. neuum motor with only 49,000 miles. Ring St valve Job just completed. Good body, tires .theater. See this onel 450 N. 20th. ainn LOOK! NEW 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe 4- uui ocuau. unir tiova, iwi Ci. Win ter. gaga '49 BUICK super sedan. Radio, heater, undercoat. Perfect condition. Price $2100. 225 S. Evans St. Ph. 8011, Mc- Minnvllle. q289 '39 FORD deluxe 2-door. '48 Mercury mo- wi. new ciuren, Gist,, gen., V05. reg., spot lite, heater. Sale price, $425. 3115 Center St. q2B8 '47 CHEV. 4-door sedan deluxe. R&H plus " , nou. reeo casn. Ph. 3-5384. q28S Eisner Motors Fine Cars CAR ACCESSORIES tires ft tUhea at cost unco, nrsi come ursi servea OS this U a close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R. P. Woodrow Co, 450 Center. ( ZEEB'S USED CAES BUT SELL - TRAD1 TERMS S LOTS 3325 Fairground Rd. Ph. 1-6454 530 Hood St Ph. 3-7714. Eisner Motors to Buy 1929 CHEV. COUPE. Radio Ache iter. Good inane, ra rMi iTauer pars, ask for Mr. Miller. q3s8 FARM EQUIPMENT BIG VALUES Late Model Used Tractors RECONDITIONED, READY FOR SERVICE YOUR CHOICE FORD - FORD FERGUSON Ss FERGUSON Call or See Hubbell Young at TEAGUE MOTOR & IMPLEMENT COMPANY Salem, Oregon. Phone 2-417S qb38fl FINANCIAL Personal Finance Co. 518 State. Rm. 125. Lie. - S-122 - M-165. C. R. Allen, Mgr. r288" FARM AND CITY 1X3 ANS . 4 and 5 FOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 2-7161 r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Ternu On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phone 1-9181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTB CREDIT CO. 183 & Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-139 8-134 r $ CASH $ Hollywood finance Co. IPSO Fain 'uds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 OJc. N M369-82tl Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. f BEE US POR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4. OR 441 INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Bt Phone 2-3662 1 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-133 and U-S22 and ' ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St. Tel. 3-9101 f INSURANCE Save 201 to 30 on Auto Insurance Complete Line of Insurance VAN M. OREER AGENCY 965 Highland Ave. Ph. 2-24S1 u ra305 TRAILER WANTED Tenants for trailer apace. R ulet, convenient, heated rest rms, lawn, fac. dryers. 15 Highway ave. Ph. 3-IT4S- t393 32 FT. DUAL AXLE flat-bed semi-trailer. $1300 or trade for shorter trailer. 2350 N. Iflt: VEXTORl'RA trailer. 22 ft $95(K Term Ph f.iiaa nut ZIMMER 27' t rm.. 4100 lb. tandem. SlimP dolly. Exc. cond., $1650. See or Ph. 42436 after 5:30 p. m. or Sat. 395 W. Browning; ave. t288J (Continued on Page 13)