18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Dec. S, 1949 ' '2 iiiingii! p - ;vv -v f V &,Vtf3 : V ;y'.fr 'Y ' " '" ' tSi -sllillis IllllPit IMF SSfiSPi wllSSiK lllF "P -mmim' : 'v TO IfJJ : GET MIEAM9Y FOR amiST3IAS lWV ' ' fyiX Happy Holiday to you, too, Little Miss! We know these Gift Packages AxVvf (J ' v"J Syj lf i you're holding will be wonderful surprises for you ... and that's why you ' W lVl ' (St A iLur alt"y Wa't to tnem nome al,d open them. ' ll ( ' f 1 Jf-A Smiles like yours reflect the joy of Christmas . . . and they aren't con- v" 1 ''' ' 1J f fined to your younger set either. Your Mother and Daddy and all the old- t7 Cy Jf ' ' , j V er folks find joy in giving and receiving gifts, too, Will yfr " 'vX'J'vAy nC' HS 118 8' ''"els ' we sllenc' 'le entire year planning and pre- u l Jt' .t J paring for this holiday of joy and festivity. That's why ... as your elders K " ""'" - ; JVf will discover . . . Miller's . . . the Christmas Store of Salem ... is strain- 1 Y I V JC ' " J: J)0 j ing at the seams with the most appropriate gifts for all the friends and Jy ZS"' g$ 'KvNl Here they'll find just what's needed to bring smiles of pleasure to the fam- . Jlwi fy -f 'T . Jv jf X V iliar faces of everyone on their shopping list . . . from tots to teen-agers nmrvr see the mechanical q ) k from glamour-girls to grandmothers ... and very small boys to V.I.P.'s () X Jf I AX lJ 1 . " Vl? -WMu So, when you're filling out your gift list, remember ... your gift will have h li ri I I JsVi an added welcome if it bears the label of Miller's. wA IN MILLEE'S COKNER WINDOW j i IAI'tS ('Very Important Persons) JSJ I, A TRAINS! DOLLS! M :x rvVrvl WiLP-tfS wagons! . .houses: ; : . VJSWt' k Mrri trucks! dishesi I: ' " - VS'KV (Wr&nJ& TRIKES! GAMES! I ""Ot VVslI IV ' jf Jlly. J Thousands of Fine Toys Now wl 'fPM Open Tonigtt 'Until 9:00! t -