t 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Frday,JPec.2, J949 'Black Jack' Pershing's Note On Europe Invasion Revealed By HARMAN W. NICHOLS Washington, Dec. 2 (U.R) The old soldier was a sick man 5 even back in April, 1944, but the weight of the years hadn't - knocked the flight out of his heart. J.J.P. called an aide to his bedside at Walter Reed hospital ' and dictated: "Statement bygr'w-j . oenerai oi uie Armies John J. Pershing on D ; Day, June 6, : 1944. (Remem " ber this was in April!) "Ame r i c a n troops have landed in west ern Europe. The day of invasion has arrived." The old man signed his name to the statement, half-licked the cover, and sent it along by reg ular mail to the office of war information. The intelligence was, of course, a top-drawer secret President Roosevelt, himself, wasn t sure whether the plan ned landing would come off on schedule. But the old-timer .who had slogged through the mire of France in another war to lead his men to victory was confident that the sons of his boys from World War I would come through. This part of the story has never been told before about " "Black Jack," as the general affectionally was called. Anyhow, the statement ar rived in the morning mail along with a lot of stuff that was des tined to be pitched into the ; wastebasket. The man who ', opened it was Sam Davenport, one of the executives in the , OWI office and now editor of the office of coordinator of infor mation for the house of repre sentatives. "The thing had come unseal ed," the affable Davenport told me. "Alter 1 read It, 1 was trembling so that I couldn't re member the combination to our vault." Davenport has the statement. It is a treasured possession and lies in his safety deposit box. "That's the way old 'Black Jack' operated, though,' he said. "He was trusted implicitly, out of respect to his position. He knew every secret as soon as the i high command did, or before, ' sometimes, and the old man lay there on his bed and followed the second World War by radio . and maps. "But he'd give you a fright the ' way he'd send things through the mall." for Hammond played several numbers on the organ. , He is a nephew of Les Scoggin from Grand Island. Earle Coburn, acting as mas ter of ceremonies, called on Gor don Matthews, WM, for a few words of welcome, H. Wayne Stanard, McMinnville; RWDD GM, Leonard Hamner, Newberg; RWDDGM, Richard Carlson, Salem; Tom Hewitt, WM, Am ity; John Haynes, WM, Carlton. Harry Sherman read the minu tes of the first homecoming held a year ago. There were ten past masters of Jacob Mayer Lodge present. August Detmering was master here 32 years ago and John Parks, McMinnville was master here in 1924. Both were present. The Lady Byng trophy is awarded annually to the Na tional Hockey league player who combines gentlemanly play with effectiveness. Jacob Mayor Lodge Holds Homecoming Dayton The second home coming of Jacob Mayer lodge No. 108, AF & M, was held at the Masonic hall In Dayton. The Past Matrons of Electra Chap ter, No. 29, O.E.S., served a dinner-at 7:00 p.m. to fifty mem bers and visitors. Mrs. Lulu Ross, McMinnville, was the chairman. Music for the evening was by Harry Van Bakcl, recently from Holland, who played sever al numbers on his accordion. Mr. Bailey, field representative -ho" Or 2879 ONE SIZE mm r1 It tnkes so little to make a bib-top .ipron with a double pocKet stole ei fect: or a dainty tea apron in crisp ontnndte for cocktail glamourl (Two separate patterns.) No. 2879 is cut in one size, 1 yd. 35-in. No. 2728 is cut in one aize, yd, 35-in. Delivery is guaranteed in ample time for Christmas sewing. Pat terns ready to fill orders same day received. If vou include an extra 5c per pattern your order will be sent, oy I'-ikst ulash mail. would you like to sec a collet Hon of more than 150 other pat tern styles Just include the fall- WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. Price of book 30 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion St.. san Francisco 5, Cam. Polly Pixie Tills sassv little 19- Inch doll will be a welcome nddltlon to any nurspry. It soft cuddly bodv nun einuroKierea iwiiiKiing expres sion m By bp made from work-bas- Kpt scraps just in time for Christ- tuns stockings. Pattern Envelope No. 112872 con tains hot-iron transfers for doll, ma. terlal requirements, sewing and fin lining oirrctions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3 Calif. Si ' I AIN'T GOT TOO BAH CHUCK.' YOU'RE 1 NUTT1N' TO yOVEl? THE BIO BARREL I SAY eitherSthis TIME LOOKS AS IF I COP-MAN.' M YOU'D FRY LIKE A CORN Si aiV FRITTER" FOR KILLING 1 rWE MIGHT FIND fT HARD HEY--WAIT YA 1 TO CONVICT LEFTY " BUTMEAN HE'D LET ME YOUR FINGERPRINTS TAKg THE RAP "'.'J ' H NOi' HE CAN'T DO THAT TO ME LEFTV SHOT HIM --HE BOUGHT THE PLANS FROM I I CHOKER"-- I ONLY WENT ALONOFOR. 3 yTHE RIP.ITELLW--J J X U REDUCED ( ) 1 PRICES "pills PlTi f REMEMBER - I V'"h NO STICKY S jT '4 """5 HANDS J It BOB YOU'RE ALL BKHT-MOST f THffr Hfle hod rr ae tough as bs. ARE - WE'RE JUST A LITTLE HfWO-BOILED"iar TO 06- II SOlO f5i YOU GOT A ROTTEN OEOL IN THffT GUY, KROK-irS PAID OFF A LITTLE NOW IF I'D KNOWN HOW NICE YOU ARE, MRS. MAC BONO, I'D NEVER V FORGET IT, WOOO- HERE-TRY THIS FOR eraE-rrs real-wno O- PRETTY, OONTCHA THINK T 0H--0H--1 you- n you're wonderful; fl RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY P. M. KGW I KOIN I KEX I KSLM I KOCO eao nbc 5:0(1 The a of Ui 5: IS New 5:3(1 Sonfi of Timet 5:45 Elmer Pelerion 5:00 Hcnrr Moraan f: 15 Henry Mortao Knox Mannlnr The Lit lit Snow Keira Director! Plarbouae Bill Stern It by thin Tim t Sfnatra-Kirtten Newt of World Ortheslra Orchettra Newf Orchestra jOanco Muile Dance Muiie ItOOfsam Hayei 1: 15 Sports Final 1:30 Dick Haynies l:45lUrcheitra IS'ewa Wax Muum Wax Muieum Wax Muaenm 12:00 Sla OH (Thai, of Tttkatt I. of Yukon Sky King (Sky King Leave It to Joan ILeaT It to Joan Lum n Abnar Lum 'n Abner Younc Lot Young 'jot Mimbei fieaae Number Pleait Lowell Thomai jack Smith The Goldberga The Goldberga F'reNghtara Nome Edition Modern Bomancei Plghta Fglta FHhti Flgbta Hy FaroiiU Husband uleulah (Club IB Star Final Sporta Spotlffhi Alr-Ilo I Harry Jamei Serenade Orcan Hullo frreainrr Band New 1190 ABC Santa'f Mail Call Tom Hit from Mix kjabrlel Heater N. W. Ncwa Fishing and Hunting uiuo Touchdown Tlpil rrhU la Mnafo k'lieo Kid klco Kid Fat Man Fat Man Yovt FBI ITour FBI Oiila Harriet Quit Harriet Weitern HKiaa Weitern Sklei Rich. Reporter (Concert Hour jCaneert Hour Memea ffllemoa 14B0 Ke Rhythm Ranch M Rhythm Ranch Ring Crosby puiineaa Newa pandltLlght ana surer Fisho aiter Questlonoox Fat O'Brien iMuilcal Jackpot RTelyn Knight fiO-Td. Una Straight Arrow etraigna Arrow Meet the Band Meat the Band JNewa David Muale jMofla fruit. Lcwla Jr. Welect Newa ewa CharU Splvak Lova Myatarr Muila Rum Morgan Oreheitra fTraek 1496 Track 14M rrraok 1490 fTraek 1490 Track 1490 Track 1490 Newa iSpotlifht liar (Warwick Tnaat, fWarwlek Theal. Mnale Ton Want (Muile Ton Want Mocturna Woe turn Koetnrna SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:43 P.M. 6:00Hodge Poda-e 6:15jHodia Fodgo 6:45Pdge Podge OflfNow Hear ThlilKOIN Klock 15 Now Hear ThlaWewi (Fred Waring Fred Waring Smiling HcConnea Reading la FnnjGrand Central rana tscwa I'M RUDOLPH NEBB) AMD TMIS IS MV J 'Z7rJ WIFE, FAN NY-WE 1 ir yfTcAMe to welcome MjOO ASNGIGUBORSV JUST TODA.V 1 WASTELUMG "1 T 1 DO MOPH WWY..ER-J MY LOVELY LITTLE DAU6UTER J THEY CAM BE YES 1 M ABOUT YOUR WAKJDSOME M PPHEMDS, DOKJT) 5DPPOSE B VOUR WIFE IS A CHARM -'fl7iSss IMG TALKER ,MR.MOCERJ X COOLO LISTEN! TO rT S HR ALL MISVHjyl. DOi J Farm Hour (Farm Hour IVolcea, Kventa Volcei, ercnia 1:45 Sewa (KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock JDawn Downbaat awn Downbeat fcomumer Newt Newa B-et'i Pretend lunlor Hi Llunlor Mlia Etara Oyer Hollywood taWt and Taka jGlyt and Taka Tropic Echoes Trnnlii RrhnM East'n Football lEait'n FootballlMeet ICountj Fair County Fair hvicet the Mtisui the Mlsiui Eait'n FootbilllNewi Eait'n Foolaall Eatt'n Football Eaat'n Football Eaat'n Football Eaat'n Football Eaat'n Fio'-ball Eait'n Fioibull Laiele Young Oreeoniane Broadway Cor iNewi Gueat Star NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBO Symphony NBC 8?mnhony Bandi of tna Land Round-Up Boyi! iti, Agrontay Breakfaal Plain Breakfait IShopptn' Spec. Shoppera' Spee. Muilcal Bridge Moiloal Bridge fMuile. Bridie Home Agent yland Tunaa Teyland Tunaa Mother Knowa Beit Family Party Family Party Newspaper JNewtpaper ICol. Feature Col. Feature Col. Feature Way for Youth Way for Youth Larry Leiuer New jU. N. Red Barber Nawa Rlmekeepar March Time newa Newa Breakfait Gang Breakfait Gang Traaei Barraln Cesnter Hualo Haven at Best lHaven el Rait Northwoat Newa Dins Sinn Paator'a Call Sage Bldera (Stare ef Tomorrow Btara of Tomorrow Met. Opera Met. Opera Met, Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Newa Fern me Fair (Proudly HaU Proudly Ball Tea - Crumpeti1 Tea dt Crumpeta Tea and Crumpeta Junior Junction Ja Concert ja Concert Ctx Bitter newa Horn! en Land Extanilon larv- Bamlnlielng m Bomlnlaefaia hFeit'n Melodies Science Bxear. (Flatter Jock iFlettar Jock Platter Jock Platter Jock rtop Trmdea INaws WW Nawa Bob Eberlr pefenie Report Pop Varletlea Huelo Wlthonl Word! toabe Bath Salem Air Baa. Concert FarerllM fiat, leranada IB at, Sereaade Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenade lAt the Opera LAt the opera. Newa Navy Band Han on Farm Bat Matinee Man en Farm (Man en Farm (Man on Farm at. Matinee Bat. Matinee Bat. Matinee Newa 8th Army Band College Choir College Choir Orcheitra Orchestra Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Inside CBS Letter! to Sent. Banditand Harry Winner Cfalcaroane Albert Warner Chlcagoana Church A Nat. Mel Allen If. Hemingway Ko tela net! Kostelanets Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee , Cr Shannon Uj Shannon Chln-Up Chat Chin-Up Chat Chln-Up Chat Chln-Up Chat Curtain Calli Curtain Calli Spotlight Muile 'l-eotball Scorea S k Vrldav P.M. Children' The- MjM atert 6: IS. On the Upbeat) 5:00. 550 Sports Clubt 6:00, Newe; 6:15, OSO Alum nil :S0, Muile of Cxecfao slovaklai 7:15, Evening Farm Houri S:00, Flylnr Tlmei 8:15, Here's to Veterans! 8:80, Adventures In Reiearcht 8:45, News and Weathers B, Music That Enduresi 9:45. Evening Meditations) 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 yAAT Saturday A.M. 10:00, News) IXWMX 10:15, Especially for Women t 11:00, The Concert Hallt lt:00, Newsi 12:15, Noon Farm Hojn 1:00, Ride In Cowboy i 1:80 Voice of the .rmri 1:45, Melody Lanei :00, Mnsle of the Maatarai 3:30, Sclencet 8:45, Spirit of Vlklngst 4:00, Pan-American Rhythmsi 4:15, Songs of the West 4:45, Here Is Australia. 7?-TO' MEAN YO' IS LIKE. MI Y- VO'D KUTHt-K SLOP AROUND THAN CHAbt BOYS, TOO Y Vnatc h c r u-vrr- not I . . . - J?!?. J I but; it takes too f I miith ENtnaY.''.'' I ME, LIKEWISE. .T O COURSE Ef one drappeo IN MAH LAP AH WOULDN t COMPLAIN J 1 a-n j ' vra iwi if . i KOCJHPL.IMTjAPJ MOONBEAM 7 ' AH HOPES VO' HAIN'T I GONNA BE A PK3 'ABOUT THIS, PIS-GAL Hi t HALF MINE Lebanon Rebekahs Honor Maye Brown Lebanon At the meeting of Pearl Rebekah lodge, Maye Brown was elected noble grand. Others of the official staff are: Ida Smith, vice grand; Luella Soule, recording secretary; Mil dred Simons, financial secretary. Installation will be held at the January 10 meeting. HI , MUTT.' iiToT: 11 IV 7WL WIFE A FUR PIECE VET? HAPPY BIRTH DAy- m love, A GIFT FOR THE SWEETEST, UL' WOMAM in jT0H! i (n3j5ri)is i iSi ms d jl AINT ITA BEAUT rITNOPE, I SET ME BACK 600 POUT T BELIEVE r " im I BUT M DEAR, 1 WHAT'S v REIMCARNATIOH GOTTDTX) WITH THE COAT? KEINCARHATlOn J 'PLEMTY visAHT MAKE ME BELIEVE A .RABBIT CAN PA5SAWAV ' nnu haik a? AWINr.' J :aH j y WHAT MAKES THAT MAN AT ; fSfi vAi iSTT OAM6 WOULDN'T HUf?T ANVTHIN6. J THE NEXT R4RM SO CRD93.TEX? ST 1 ZTJ1 HE WAS EVEN TRVINO TO ft HE CHASED PATTY AND ME AW4V ISpWS iSlpD PLAY WITH THEM! we KNCw THAT. LAD. BUT SMITH DOESNT. WE DONT HAVE WOLVES AROUND HERE, SO fT MUST BE A DOS. HERPEWS ARE MI6HTV T0U6H ON SHEEP-KILUN- POOS, SOW SUSPICION .VOLTD BETTER KEEP FLIP STRICTLY AT HOMfc. Mdm-S Ml IB The recent 41st district con vention with Gladys Phelps as chairman, was discussed and cards of appreciation ordered sent to the local police and fire department for aid in getting the city auditorium ready. Edith Rucker spoke on the significance of Thanksgiving and conducted a turkey contest which was won by Ida Smith. Myrtle Laidlaw was chairman of the refreshment committee which served in the dining room, following the meeting. across L Specimen 7. In Louisiana, a county 13. Idolized 14. Manifest 1&. Behold 16. Anthropoid animal 17. Light blow 18. Correlative of either 19. Growing out 11. Witnessing clause of t writ 13. Fits at an angle 25. Tooth decay 26. Character in "Peer Gynt' 17. Common carbohydrate 29. Snoop 30. Knock SI. Uncooked 34. Granted 36. Headpleca 39. Eloquent speaker 41, Withdraw 43. Scaly anteater 44. Large sea bird 45. Jewish month 46. Egyptian god 48. Take a seat 49. Mother (0. Pertaining to Nlcaea 12. Conciliatory 64. Tallied 65. Release claim to OOWN 1. Florida fish AlLlAiS K A NflS H QP Sj P R T 2 OUY 0 TJA LJ A BSE M JWmP A pflT Oj R S. SflM c t eQs "1 I A TWMG I L A ia I R A T I E na )veB g w 'IO 1 h aIsHp l vISIa i-I' I'J EGnp r wiiA n n al re(s I nT R 1 N I T I apoptUr ua cklol Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzlt 1. Touth belored by Venus I. State of the Union: abbr. 4. Talk glibly ' DONALD, STOP THAT .) HAVEN'T VOU ANVr AAANNE R.S ?l T uuTnn VI inu THt HWM PKINIIN UOTONT ABOUT THftHAMNIyW"""", I HEAR THEY IEFTTH' BANK HOL0IN' TH' BAG LIKE A SNIPE-HUNTIN' HALF WIT! 01 PRESIDENT FROSTWEU - 15 SORE AS A HAMMER-HIT THUMB- 1 .,rr jL FORGETTHETRAIN.'DRIVE Vp HIGH-TAILIN FOR THAT VS ffofrALBANK1 U 13 14 15" 16 WMrf I IV " is p-r w So Si 53 l 1 I 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 AP Ntwtitotvtn I. Laian . Dutch city T. Caress I. Incarnation 9. Mora mature 10. At noma 11. Surf duclc 13. Unorthodox belief 20. Consumed 32. Slight Ust 24. More certain 35. Antlo IS, Chisel for loosening ore 1L Book of the Bible 13. Bern It io language 88. Pale li. Trigonometri cal function SB. Wish 36. Sesame 37. One of the Three Musketeer 38. Threaten 40. Part of an automobile engine 42. Indian fetlsa 47. Masculine nickname 48. Title of a knight tl. Together: prefix S3. Symbol for nickel ROOM AND BOARD By Gen Ahtrn ' VW CERTAINLY SOME SHARP FIGHT MANAGER THREW THE NET ON ALFY AND TOOK HIW AWAY TO BOX IN THE BIG TIME UNDER ANOTHER. NAME- A SMART OPERATOR, WASNT GOING TO LET A NATURAL LIKE ALFY WEAR.- OFF HIS TREAD SKIDDING AROUND IN f lOO CLUB rilaH 1 3 I r AND I DONV MEAN TO SANDPAPER THAT PINE KNOT YOU . THINK WITH. BUT I TOLD YOU TO THROW A FLYING TACKLE ON THE lQOO OFFER. FOR. YOUR. CONTRACT. ON ALFY f THINK WITH, BUT I V TOLD YOU TO THROW A 1 1 ) FLYING TACKLfc ON I THE 2000 OFFER. ) . V FOR. YOUR. CONTRACT I s cryrT. I y i v. i'x.t r i Ill' HARDER. BLOW THAN ALFY5 JGHT-