X Pulpit Calls Dayton Youth And Scholarship Rejected Dayton Keith Watkins, 18, a student at the Northwest Chris tian college, at Eugene,' served in the pulpit at the Dayton Chris J tian church, in the absence of the regular pastor, Floyd Diehm. It was in 1941 that Keith Watkins moved with his parents and brother and sister, to Multnomah, a suburb of Portland His mmmmmmmmmmmtmam Salem 6 Cluircliei First BatUt Chareh Marion and Llb rty itrtcti. Dr. Lloyd T. Andenon, pas tor. Rev. C. E. Brlcltwtdtl nd Rev. V. L. Loucki, iiaociate paitori. Sunday school, :. Morning worship, 11. "Our Only Hope Revival," Dr. Lloyd Anderson. Youth meetlms. 1:15. Evening gospel ser vice, 1:30. Dr. Vance Webster, "The Wom an Who Forgot What She Came lor." Four Corners Baptist State and Elm a. Rev. Victor Loucki, pastor. Sunday school, t:. Morning worship, 11. Pastor speak ing. Evening gospel service, 1:30. Htlbart Memorial Baptist One mile north of undtrpass on highway ME. Rev. C. E. Brlckwedel, pastor. Sunday school, t:46. Morning worship, 11. Pastor speak ing. Youth meeting, :30. Evening gospel service, 1:30. Sale) Bright! Cemmmtty Bible school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Evangel istic message, 7:30. Lee Shippley minister. Miss Myrna Stover, director of Child Evangelistic work in the Salem area, will apeak to the Sunday school. Saint Paul's Episcopal Church and Che meketa streets. The Rtv. Oeorge H. Swift, B.D., rector. Holy Communion (In the cha pel), 1:30. Junior church and classes, 9:30. Nursery sohool in Parish house, 11. Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11. Youth vespers, fl. Leslie Metsedlst South Commercial at Myers, a. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Anthem: "O Holy Jesu;" solo: "U U Well With My Soul" Mrs. Delbert Otjen. Sermon sub ject: "He Dwelt Among Us." Youth Fel lowship, 6:30. Evening service, 1:30. Films and lecture by Paul Travis: "Commun ism vs. Christianity In Japan." First Evangelleal Untied Brethren Where Marion crosses Bummer. Rev. Wit mer Brown, pastor. Sunday school, 9:46. Morning service, 11. Sermon subject: "What's Wrong With Worry?" Evening service, 7:46. Youth night, all special mu sic by young people. Talbot Community Talbot, Oregon. Rev. R. Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Divine worship, 11. Sermon: "Four Doors." Youth groups meet at 6:30 each Sunday evening. Evening service, 7:30. Message: "Who Will Be Saved During the Tribu lation Period?" Bethel Baptist North Cottage at D St. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Sunday school, S:4S. Morning worship and Com munion, 11, the pastor preaching on "Christmas Prophecies." Evening service at 7:30 p.m. with the sermon topic, "Nev er Man Spake Like This Man." Calrary Chapel (Full Gospel) 1143 N. Liberty St. Rev. Claude C. and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday school, 10. Morning service, 11. Evening service, 7:45. Quest speaker, Rev. O. C. Harms, president founder, CEA. Central Latberan Ivorth Capitol and Gaines. O. B. Rundatrom, ptutor. Broad cue, The Central Lutheran Hour, KOCO, :16. Sunday school for the whole fam ily, 0:43. Morning worship, 11:00. Evening worship, 1:48. First Christian High and Center. Min ister, Dudley Strain. Associate minister, Walter Naff. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worahip and communion, 10:50. ermon, "Our Divine Loan," Dudley Btraln. Communion to shut-Ins, 3:00 P.m. Youth Groups, 6:15 p.m. Evening worship, kromen In charge, Mrs. Ronald Gsborn, speaker. Northwest Christian College stu dents, music. Court Street Christian 17th and Court. W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school as sembly, 1:48. Morning worship and com munion, 10:50. Sermon, "This Is My Task." Youth and Bible Study hour 6:30 p.m. Evening worahip, 7:30, Sermon subject, "Hide and Seek." Calvary Baptist 1330 South Liberty. Rev. Victor Hugo Sword, Th. D pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Bible classes for all ages. Morning service, 11. Baptsit World Mission Day.. Sermon, "Remember Christ." Evening service, 7:30. Candlelight com munion servlee. Sermon, 'F'our Attitudes Toward the Cross." Christ Latberan State Street at 18th. C. R. Schuht, pastor. Preaching Service and dedication of chancel furnishings at :45 a.m. The celebration of Holy Com munion at 11 o'clock. Sunday Church school at 9:50. a.m. Kins wood Bible 1135 Elm. A. H. Fa d enrich t, pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 10:45. Youth groups meet, 6:45 p.m. Evening service, 7:45. J. Ray Swanson from Moody Bible Insti tute will - present "The Voice of the Deep," in film message. Jason Lee Methodist North Winter at Jefferson. Louis C. Kirby, minister. Sunday school 0:45, worship 11, Sermon, "The Be liever's Faith in Christ." Reception of new members. Evening worship, 7:30. Sermon, "Jesus and the Penitent Seeker." Meth odist Youth fellowship meets at 6:30, Unitarian Fellowship The Unitarian fellowship will meet at the Y.W.C.A., Sun day, December 4, at 7:30 p.m. Topic for discussion will be "What Are We Here For?" First Presbyterian Ohemeketa at Win ter. Chester W. Hambltn, pastor. John L. Goodenberger, assistant pastor. Church school, 9:45. Two morning services, 9:45 and 11 a.m. "I, Alone, Am Left." Sermon by the pastor. 8:30, Junior high, group. 6:00, High sohool group. First gplritaallsl 348 H. Commercial. Rev. Thomas and Minnie Oazeley, speak ers. Services at 3:30 and 7:30. West Salem Methodist Chirc'i Third and Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church Bchool 9:46 a. m., Mrs. Leo Estey, super intendent. Worshop 11, sermon "The Christian Way". 6:30 Youth Fellowship. 8:00 Young Adult Fellowship. Knight Memorial Congregational Chareh ..Louis E. White, minister. Nineteenth and Ferry streets. 9:45 Sunday school. 11:00 Morning Worship and Reception of mem bers. Sermon "Christ of the Common Way." Church-time nursery. 6:30 Pilgrim fellowship groups for senior high and Jun ior high young people. Institute r Hell liens flelenee Balem Chapter No. 1 Inc. RT. Olive Stevens, minister. Mrs, Tonl Van Ornum associate. 10:15 Sunday school. 11:00 The Divine Urge to Fulfillment. Salem Woman's Club 460 M. Cottage St. Central Cbirch at Christ Chemeketa at Cottage. M. c. Cuthbertson, minister Bible School 9:45. Preaching 10:45 and 1:30. Jesus Name Pentecostal Chareh 1175 Lewis street. Ronald V. Sittser. pastor, Sunday school 10:00. Morning worship 11, Evening Evangelistic service 1:45. The Metaphysical Center and Library 363 N, Cottage. 3:30 Tues. and Wed. 8:00 Tues. and Fri. 19:16 Healing dally. St. John's Lnlheran Church (Me. Syned) N. 16th and A sts. Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Morning service 9:00 and 11:00 with Holy Communion In the 11:00 service. Pre paratory service at 10:30. Sunday School 10:00. Reorganise Chareh of Jesaa Christ of Latter Day Saints Seventeenth and Chem eketa sts. Chas. H. Asher, pastor. Church School 10, Communion Service 11. Zions' league 6:30. Prayer service 7:30. United Pentecostal Chareh 445 Ferry it. Rev, Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning service 11. Evening service 7:45. Service 7:45 Friday. First Chareh of Christ, Scientist Liberty and Chemeketa sts. Sunday school at 11. Morning service at 11. Lesson-sermon sub ject: "God the Only Cause and Creator". Nursery for children up to 3 years of age provided during the morning service. Eve ning service at . Lesson-sermon subject: "God the Only Cause and Creator," Bethany Evangelleal Reformed Chareh Marion ana Capitol sts. Rev, Kusseil Mayer, pastor. Sunday school 10:00 Morn , lng worship 11:00. Fellowship dinner 13:00. ftalem Heights Cam rn.ta.tr Catarrh Liberty Xoad at Madron avenue, Sunday ; family attended the Multnomah Christian Church, and it was there he began thinking of his future. As his religious experi ences grew, by attending sum mer camps for boys, he began thinking about becoming a min ister, and all this helped to make his decision. He attended Lincoln high school in Portland, and took part in athletics and other stu dent activities. Upon completion of high school he still had in mind, that the Northwest Chris tian College in Eugene, was where he would like to go to prepare himself for the ministry. However, when four year scholarships were awarded to two boys graduating from Lin coln high, to enter Yale Univer sity, he, too, had hope for a similar honor for himself. He discussed his wish and his desire to become a minister with his senior counsellor at great length. The advisor believed that a min ister should have four years of liberal arts education, before be ginning specialized religious training. He talked Watkins in to applying for a scholarship to an eastern school. If he got the award, it was an honor, whether accepted it or not. It was in April of this year that Watkins was notified he had been awarded a $4800 scholar ship to Columbia University. But long before he received this award, he had definitely decid ed to go to Northwestern Chris tian College at Eugene. Since that time, he has been told by many people that he should have accepted this schol arship and that he had every thing to gain as: that an A.B. de gree from one of the greatest universities in the country is recognized and respected almost universally; that he would have the experience of traveling, thus broadening his outlook and ex perience; that his education at Columbia, would groom him to take a position in a large city, and to become a leader in any community. Although the background of culture and long list of degrees, do create many opportunities, he felt that was not what a young man should do to prepare himself for the ministry. He kept thinking that if a man wants to be a minister of the gospel of Christ, first of all he must know the Bible, his rule of faith and practice, " from cover to cover. Then he must know how to transmit that knowledge to his congregation While he is receiving his in structions in the Scriptures, it is important that he take courses in the humanities, in literature, and in the sciences, to broaden his outlook and to give him a basic understanding of the world and its people. Secular and religious courses provide the answers to the moral and spirit ual problems brought to light by secular studies. This he could get from a religious college. Upon these considerations, was his decision made. Both Wat kins and Floyd Diehm are sta dents at Northwest Christian College at Eugene. Silverton Churches Church ( Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday school at id; evening service at 7. Christian Science Sunday school 9:45. Services at 11. St. Pa ill's Catholfe Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 8 and 10. Weekdays, I. Assembly ef God Berrel H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school 9:45. Divine worship, 11. Young people's society at 6:46. Evan gelistic at 8. Chareh of God Rev. F. E. Nil. pastor. Sunday school at 10: worship hour at 11. Evening services at I. Seventh Dar Adrentlit Elder A. D. Chllion, Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo osl elder, In charge. Sabbath school Sat- uraay, w.3a; morning worsnip at n, Sat urday. Sunday evening evangelistic ser vice. Pilirlm Holiness D. C Olson, castor. Sunday school 9:45. Sermon by pastor, Young people meet at 7 Evanaellstlc sermon at 8. Methodist Marauam and Molalla loint pastorates. J. S. Kendall, minister. Bible school and sermon forenoon, Sunday, at Marquam, anernoon at Moiaiia. Calvary Lutheran Pastor Supplied. Sun day school 10, Miss Olga Johnson, supt. Bible class. Morning worship, 11, Guest speaker. Rev. P. W. Erickson of Salem. . .Tmmannel Lutheran 8. L. Almlie, pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10. Divine worship, 11, sermon by the pastor. Every member canvass Sunday afternoon. Luther League, 7:30, topic "Preparation for Christmas." First Christian Church Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school 9:45, M. B. Ford, supt., assistants, L. R. Neal, James C. Bonner and Harry Vetter. Commun ion and sermon hour 11, missionary guest speaker, Woman's Day Is being observed. Junior and senior Christian Endeavor. 6:30, with "Afterglow" session following evening sermon. "Somethlna New" Is the topic for the 7:30 o'clock evening sermon oy me pasior. Christian and Missionary Alliance Gor don T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday school 10, Oscar Satrum, supt. Morning worship 11, sermon by pastor. Young people meet at 6:30. Evening evangelistic service 7:30, pastor speaking, special music by young people. M.th.dltt Ben P. Browning, pastor. Sunday ichool, 9:4, . Ted HarKreaves, act ing nipt. General worship hour 11, aub Ject: "Need for a Change" aertnon by paitor. Nuriery for small children to age of 5. Touth Fellowahlp 6:30, Mlaa Nettle Polk worahip leader, Blair Flnlay, presi dent. Evening service, 7:30. song service, aermoo of instruction and Inspiration. Trinity Latberan Pastor supplied. Sun day school 10. Divine worship 11, Rev. Robert Hovlsnd, Salem, speaker. Luther league at 7:30, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Mot, directing advisers. Miss Evelyn Torvend will direct. school 10:00. Preaching services 11:00 and T:. AU Invited. Paul W. Travis, world trav eler and photographer, who will show motion pictures tak en during the summer in the Far East at Leslie Memorial Methodist church at 7:30 Sun day night. In filming the pic tures Travis visited Japan, the Philippines, Okinawa, Guam, and Hawaii. Woodburn Churches Church of God Third and Grant Sts, Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school worsnip 11 ana o. x. r. i. Aisemhly of God Second and Lincoln Sts. Lester Gibson, pastor. Sunday school 8:45. Preaching 11. ana x. v, o:. Free Methodist You ntr and Gatch Sts, Mrs. Rozella B. Douglas, pastor. Sunday school 8:40. Freacmng u ana t:4&. Christian E. Lincoln and Doud Sts, Don Priest, pastor. Sunday school 10. Service 11. C, E. 7. Evening service 8. Methodist Younn and B Sts. Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Church school 10, Worship Foursquare 1107 E. Lincoln Bt. Arthur Goble, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Wor snip li ana x. r. e:5, Belhel Presbyterian 3 miles east or Union School Road. Earl K. Fen ton, pas- worship 10. Sunday school 10:45. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day tint. i.o.o.F. hall. Sunday school Sacrament meeting 11:30. 8t, Antes Catholic (Hubhardl Attended by Woodburn parish priests, Sunday masses I. Mary's Episcopal E. Lincoln at Cupid's Court. Clarence C. Slocum, vicar. Church school 9:30. Divine worship 11, Bible Baptist Grange Hall, Scttlemier and Harrison. Earl Baker, pastor. Sunday scnooi w:o. worsnip service 11 ana t:io P. 6:45. Immanuel Lutheran Harvin N. Chris- tensen, pastor. Doud and Oswald sts. Wor ship service 11. Sunday school 10. Gervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblev. pastor, eunaay scnooi 10. worsnip II C. E 7:30. St. Luke's Catholic V. L. Moffenbeler. pastor, Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday services 7, 8:30, 10:30. Devotions 4, Sunday. Weekday mass 8:16 a.m. J votlons Friday 7:45 p.m. The Reorranlzrd Church of Jem ; Christ Second pastor. of Latter Day Saints Corner oi and Garfield. George Omans, Church school 10. Preaching 1 zions League 7. Lecture stuay 6. First Presbyterian Garfield and Third sts. Earl K. Penton, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Divine worship 11 and 7:30. Y. P. 6:30. Baptists Plan Mission Day The Calvary Baptist church ot Salem will be one of more than 7,000 Baptist churches through out the Northern Baptist Con vention's 34 state areas to cele brate the achievements of North ern Baptists on home and for eign mission fields. The observance, to be known as Baptist World Mission Day, will be held on Sunday, Decem ber 4, according to Dr. Victor Hugo Sword, interim pastor of the church. A fitting climax will be the Candlelight Communion Service at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Sword, himself a mission ary in India for 20 years, has been pointing up the signifi cance of World Mission Day and the missionary accomplishments at home and abroad in his recent sermons. World Mission Day in Calvary Baptist church is under the chairmanship of Mrs. L. H. Ran dle. Her committee includes: Miss Bertha Kohlhagen, Dr. K. K. Adams, Mrs. D. R. Peterson, Mrs. G. O. Raugust, Miss Nadine Gilman, Mrs. D. A. Emerson, Mr. W. J. Bishop, Miss Nola Mc- Duffee, Mrs. Willma Wright, and Mrs. Floyd W. Bird. Salvation Army Band Here Sunday In Salem from Portland Sun day will be the Portland Salva tion Army Citadel band, which is under the direction of Band master Bally Rogers. The band during its all-day stay in Salem Sunday will pre sent its annual Christmas pro gram at the Oregon state pri son. This program is to be at 2 p.m. It will be followed by a program at the Oregon' State tuberculosis hospital at 3 p. m. In addition to giving the two state institution programs the band will also play at both the morning and evening services at the Salvation Army citadel here. CENTRAL LUTHERAN CHURCH North Capitol' and Gainei G. B. Randstrom, Pastor Sunday School with classes for all ages, 9:45 Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Evening Service 7:45 o'clock Midweek Service Wednesday 8:00 p.m. We Invite YOU to Listen to the CENTRAL LUTHERAN HOUR Over KOCO, 1490 kc. Every Sunday Morning 9:15 Church Dinner Gets Attention Silverton Church activities for the coming week are varied and numerous with the biggest event the December 8 and 9 evening Lutefisk dinner at Trin-! ity church, the Ladies Aid and Dorcas society in charge of pre paring and serving the all-Norwegian meal. The Trinity choir, directed by Mrs. Don Burch, will meet for rehearsal Wednesday evening of the coming week. At Immanuel Lutheran church the series of evangelistic serv ices with Evangelist Enoch J. Scotvold, Minneapolis, speaker, begins December 6, Rev. S. L. Almlie host pastor. Immanuel Sunday school teachers meet in the Fireside room, Monday eve ning. Adult instruction class meets Monday evening in the youth room. Zion Circle meets Tuesday afternoon in the Fire side room with Mrs. P. A. Loar and Mrs. Charles Pinkham host esses. Calvary Lutheran Ladies Aid society will meet December 7 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in the church parlors when the annual business meeting will be observ ed, the sociaMiour is no-hostess. Rev. P. W. Erickson of Salem is Calvary substitute pastor until the regular pastor is obtained. Revival services of the Chris tian and Missionary Alliance were closed last Sunday. Regu prayer service "under direction of Rev. Gordon T. Bratvold will be held at the church Wednes day evening, 7:30 o'clock. Youth Convention Held at Woodburn Woodburn Approximately 300 delegates from Oregon, Washington and California at tended the state Church of God youth convention held at the Woodburn Church of God. Theme of the convention was "A Faith of Our Times," and guest speaker was Rev. Wade Jake way of Santa Cruz, Calif. Prof. Irene Caldwell of the Pacific Bi ble college in Portland was in charge of the daily conference. The convention opened with a banquet attended by 145 peo ple, leadership conferences were conducted during the day. The 300 delegates were taken on a tour of the state penitentiary and the group had organized games at the armory under the direction of Clifford Shrock and Walter Lawson. Youth Rally Offered Woodburn AWoodburn Youth for Christ rally will be held Saturday, at 7:45 o clock in the First Presbyterian church at Third and Garfield street. Dr. Abe A. Loewen of West Salem, teacher in the Salem Bible Aca demy, will be the speaker and John W. Bollinger of Salem will direct the song service. Special musical numbers are also plann ed. The public is invited to at tend. Amity Churches Baptist Bruce Walteman. nastor. Sun day school 10. Morning worship 11. Topic unui e iomes. xoutn leuowsnip i. Evening service 8. Topic "Restful Labor." Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, pastor, Bible school 10. Morning worship 11. Jun ior Christian endeavor fl:30. Teen-ace inrisuan enaeavor. evening service 7:30, Methodist Rev, Fremont Faul, minister. Sunday school 10. Mornine worst, in 11. Junior fellowship' 8:30. Methodist youth leiiowsnip i : 10. Assembly of God Sunday school 9:41 morning worsnip n, xouw service Till Evening service 7:45. Monitor Churches Monitor Community Full Gospel Church Monitor, Oregon. Sunday will be Bible Sunday. There will be a display of unusual Bibles, and Special observance o the day In all services. Sunday school 10. Morning worship 11. Young People 7:00. Evangelis tic service 8:00. IT'S HERE AGAIN! Solent's Youth for Christ Rally With the first fall rally with HERB TYLER, Vice President of Northwest Regional Youth for Christ and Lots of Music and Singing SATURDAY DECEMBER 3 in the EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Park and Market Sts. FREE ADMISSION EVERYONE WELCOME BORING OPTICAL HAS MOVED To Their New Location CORNER 12TH AT CENTER Across from Berts. USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now In Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial S-650S Or. E. E. Boring Dallas Churches rirst Presbyterian Earl William Benbow, , D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Wor ship service, 11. Sermon by the pastor on David and Saul. First Methodist Clark S. Ens, pastor. Church school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon, "The Heart of the Christian Faith." Intermediate fellowship, 5:30. Senior fellowship, 6:30. Forum on "Our Faith in Christ," 7:46. First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas ir. Bible school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Mrs. John Runyan of the McKinley Indian Mission will be guest speaker. Fel lowship hour, 6. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30, Pastor's message, "The End of the Beginning," Mennonlte Brethren G. H. Jan tun, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, Worship ser vice, 10:45. Missionary message by Ted Fast, accepted missionary to India. Com- ilon service. Christian fellowship groups, 7. Gospel service, 7:45, Christian and Missionary Alliance G. Ernest McGarvey, pastor. Bible school. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon, "The When, Where and How of Christian Giving." Pre-prayer service, 7:15. Evening evan gelistic service, 7:46. Sermon, "What are the Unseen Forces In this Present Crime Wave and What Do They Indicate?" Sun day evening Afterglow radio program over KOCO, 9:30. Trinity Lutheran Karl A. Ufer, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Divine service 11. Luther League and youth confirmation class, 7. Evangelical United Brethren R. William Elmer, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45. Morn ing worship, 11. Sermon, "Our Responsi bility." Youth fellowship, 7. Evangelistic and missionary service, 7:30. Aoostolic Faith Forrest Damron. pas tor. Sunday school, 9:30. Morning worship, 11. Evangelistic service, 7:50. Snlt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pas tor. Sunday school, 0:45. Morning worship, Evening gospel service, i:J0. Grace Mennonite J. J. Regler, pastor. Orchestra, 9 :50. Song service, Sunday fichool classes, 10. Morning worship, 11. Pre-prayer, 7:15. Christian fellowship, 7:30. Falls City Methodist James H. Royer, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor ship, 11. Christian Science Sunday school, 9:45. Service, 11. Subject of the lesson sermon this week Is "God the Only Cause and Creator." Seventh Day Adventlst- -Sabbath school 9:46. Sermon, 11. Church of God Henry Loon an. nastor. Sunday school, 8:45. Morning worship, 11. Young people s meeting, o;a. evangelistic service, 7:46. Falls City Seventh Day Advent In t Sab bath school, 9:30. Preaching, 11. Eola Sunday School- -Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Fall City Free Methodist Gilbert John son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning service, 11. Young people's meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service, 8. Union Missionary Baptist W. A. HeffTd, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sermon, 11. I, Thomas Episcopal Cyril P. Han , vicar. Church school, 10. Morning prayer, 11, Holy Baptism, 12:30, Free Methodist P.. W. McCormlrk. pns r. Sunday school. 8:46. Preaching ser vices, 11 and 7:46. First Baptlst- -Sunday school, 9:45. Morn . Training union, 7. Eve- Ing worship, 1 nlng worship, I Oak Grove Chapel Fremont Faul. min ister. Morning service, 9:45. Sunday school follows. Rlckreall Sunday School supt. Sunday School, 9:30. Church of Jesus Christ Saints Sunday school, I meeting, 11:45. St. Philips Catholic Father John Bab yak, pastor. Mass, 8:16. Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pa tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Memorial Window To Honor Refzer Dallas A memorial window in honor of the late William C. Retzer, Dallas jeweler and a warden of St. Thomas Episcopal church, will be dedicated at a special service in the church Monday, December 5, at 8 p.m. Dedication ceremony will be performed by the Right Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell, Episco pal bishop of the diocese of Ore gon, and the service is open to all who would like to attend. Rev. Cyril P. Hanney, vicar will sing for the occasion and following the service refresh ments will be served in the church hall by members of the senior Ladies Guild. SAVES MONEY FOR MILLIONS 7:45 P.M. m Dr. Sam Hiighf Lebanon Gets Church Mission Lebanon Local members of the Episcopal faith will tempor arily attend Sunday services in Wilshire hall as members of the Lebanon Mission, the faith hav ing been ordained as such by Bishop Benjamin Dagwell of Portland at an organization din ner meeting Monday evening. Named at the meeting were vestrymen and guild officers and board members for the mis sion. The Lebanon group has chosen the name St. Martins for the church. About 60 prospective mem bers attended the meeting. Be sides Bishop Dagwell, other church dignitaries present at the dinner were Rev. E. James Kingsley, vicar of St. Peters church, Albany, and Archdeacon Terry Smith of Corvallis, assist ant to Bishop Dagwell. Vestry and guild appoint ments announced were: Mr. and Mrs. Clay Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Vale Kimes, Mr. and Mrs. Don Henthorn, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Bingham Powell, " Mrs. George Kingan, Mrs. J. E, Irvine, all of Lebanon, and Lloyd Kessel of Sweet Home. The guild will meel on the second Wednesday of each month, announces Mrs. Vale Kimes; Fall Rally For Youth Movemenl The first rally of the fall sea son of Salem Youth for Christ will be held in the Evangelistic Temple, Park and Market Sts,, Saturday night at 7:45. Herb Tyler, northwest regional Vice President of Youth for Christ International will De the speak er. Other local and out-of-town talent will take part in the rally Immediately after the rally, Ty ler will meet with everyone who is interested in organizing a re gular Youth for Christ rally in Salem. Youth for Christ is an interdenominational youth movement endorsed by leading denominations and church lead ers all over the world. Men's Brotherhood Formed at Silverton Silverton Men of the First Christian church organized a group known as the Christian Men's Brotherhood, during the past week. Olaf Paulson, Jr., h president, Lynn Neal, vice pres ident and William Bunting, sec retar. Regular meetings will be the third Monday of each month, the first meeting to be a din ner program January 16 at the church social rooms. WHAT WOULD I Dr. Vance H. Webster TUNE IN TO THREE FIRST BAPTIST RADIO BROADCASTS KSLM 8:00 a.m., Sunday KOCO 11:00-12:00 a.m., Sunday KSLM DAILY 8:15-8:30 a.m. O U T S T A N D I N G M U s I c A N D S I N G I N G R E V. V I C T O R f R N E S T S O N G L E A D E R SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 REVIVAL BEGINS si:kmon "The Woman Who Forgot What Php Cnmr- For" TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 MEN'S NIGHT SKllMON "What Would I Do In Salem If I Were the Devil?" DALLAS MALE QUARTET RINGING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 LADIES' NIGHT SKR.MON "Better Listen to Your Wife" SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 GREAT YOUTH RALLY DON'T Capital Journal, Ralem, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 2, 191!) 13 Srayton Churches Bapllst Rev, Wlllard Buckner, paator Sunday school, 10. Morning worship. 11. iraimnff nour, tao. Even inn service. 8. Churrh of Christ Clydo Frecmnn. pa.i r. Bible school, 10, Worship service. 11. Youtli fellowship, 6:30, Evening worship, 8 o'clock. Church of Christ L. M. Scld. minister, ible study. 10. Mornimr worsl.tr. 11. Eve ning worship, 5. Melhodlst John Moranite. pastor. Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth fel lowship, 0:30. Evening worship, 8. Assembly of Ood Rev. Melvln Stock- well, pastor. Sunday school. 10. MoriiiiiB service, 11, YounK people's meeting, 6:45 E.veiniiK evangelistic service, immaculate Conception Cnihollc Rev. Nath. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masses 6, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. St. Patrick's Cathnllc (Lynns) Fnt her Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule. 1st . 2nd and 6th Sundays mass at 8:30 a.m. ur Lady at Lourdes (Jordan Fnther Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter schod ule, 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays ninss 8:30 a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30, Baptist Bruce Wakeninn. Pastor Sun day school 10. MorninK worship, 11. Youth leuowsnip, i. livening service, a. Chureh of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10. Mornimr worshin 11 Junior meeting, 7. Yountr people's meet- InK, 7. EveninK services, 8. Methodist Rev. Fremont Faul, Pastor, Sunday school, 10. Mormnn worship, H. Junior fellowship, 6. Youth fellowship, 7 o'clock. Assembly of Cod William N. Benchy, pastor. Sundny school, 9:45. Mnrninc wor ship. II. Children's service 7:30. Evening Oriental Liturgy Offered Mt. Angel Ml. Angel -Fatliec Ourousoff. S.J., a priest of the Byzantine rite, visited at the Mt. Angel Abbey, and gave a talk to the Seminarians. He said he was born in Russia and educated ev erywhere, and went on to say that he is the only Russian Jesu it in America working for the Russian apostolate. The bearded, youthful priest had celebrated the Liturgy ac cording to the Byzantine rite for the monks and seminarians ear lier the same day. The prayers were recited in Slovonic ex cept the epistle which was said in Greek. Andrew Lanriay, a seminarian, assisted at the altar and answered the prayers. This was the first time that an Oriental Liturgy had been cele brated in the Monastery church according to Very Rev. Martin Pollard, O.S.B., prior of Mt. An gle Abbey, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1949 Baptist World Mission Day Calvary Baptist Church 1230 South Liberty Street Dr. Victor Hugo Sword, Pastor 11:00 A.M. "Remember Christ" 7:30 P.M. "Four Attitudes Toward the Cross" Beautiful Cniullclijrht Communion Service 9:45 a.m. Bible School - (i:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME DO IN SALEM IF I WERE THE DEVIL?" will be one of the thrilling sermons and lectures preached by Dr. Vance Si Webster Paslor of large First Baptist Church of Eugene Graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Former Research Metallurgist Greatly sought after in Leading Bible Conferences Meetings Begin SUNDAY NIGHT, December 4 at 7:30 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF SALEM Marion and North Liberty Streets 'Tell Tom, MISS A SINGLE SERVICE There is a Sunday School Class for you in our growing Sunday School! Be sure to go to some Sunday School. BRING YOUR CHILDREN AT 9:45! WELCOME! 4 k 1tt& ,fouMlrWal&l4lsJ, Itev. Victor Ernest, song leader for the eight-day Evan gelistic meetings to be held at the First Baptist church start ing Sunday night. Meeting Series At Baptist Church Eight days of Evangelistic Meetings will begin Sunday night at 7:30 in the First Baptist Church, Marion and Liberty streets. Dr. Vance Webster, pastor of the First Baptist church, Eugene, will be sneak ing each evening from Sunday, December 4 through Sunday, December 11. Dr. Webster, a for mer research metallurgist, is one of the leading Baptist pas tors in the state of Oregon. Song leader for the meetings will be Rev. Victor Ernest, associate pas tor of the First Baptist church, Corvallis. The male quartet from Dallas will be singing at t he service on Tuesday evening and on Wednesday the choir from the Salem academy, under the direction of Mr. Ronald Lush, will present several sacred num bers. Sash weights, window cords and pulleys were invented by the Dutch about 1650. I WILL BUY TOUR FURNITURE Glenn Womlry, Ph. 3-!U10 II Dick and Hurry . MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 ( III I(( II NIGHT SHHMON "Who Put AI in Failure?" WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 4 CORNERS NIGHT si:kmov 'Salem'.s Grealest Glie.st" Sn Icin Aratletriv f'hnir Will Sing FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 SUNDAY SCHOOL NIGHT SKItMON "Gospel Power in an Atntnie Ace" SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 FAMILY SUNDAY SUtMONS 11:00 "The Courage to Stand" 7::i0 "Completiit'! the Circle ' niir sifalaik'ilTliTI &