Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 02, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 2, 1949
Baylor Accepts Press
Bowl Bid from Frisco
San Francisco, Deo. 2 U.R)
Baylor university today ac
cepted a bid to play unde
feated College of Pacific In the
San Francisco Press Club
Dr. Robert Burns, president
of College of Pacific, informed
Leo Lee of the Press club that
he had received word from
Baylor officials that they had
accepted the bid for the frame.
Lee said that the tilt, first of
what Is hoped to be an annual
Press Club bowl, would be
'iA-TV: - "? 1
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,v '$ r t :'. 4
' ' " j
r i
har v Mart Eddie wait-
kus, Phlla-
delphla Phillies first baseman,
Jogs along a Clearwater, Fla.,
beach for a little early train
ing. He has recovered from a
bullet wound which kept him
out most of last season, but
will need extra conditioning
to get back In playing shape.
(AP Wirephoto)
held either December 26 in tha
University of California sta
dium, or January 2 In San
Francisco's Kezar stadium.
Lee said that Gov. Earl War
ren has been negotiating with
University of California offi
cials to get them to release the
stadium for use for this special
charity game.
The two teams come into
the game with great records
over the year. College of Pa
cific, with second team all
Amerlcan Eddie Lebaron as
quarterback, has won 10
games and has one to play
In Hawaii on Dec. 16. Baylor
has lost only two games to
Texas and Rice.
Terms of the game could
not be announced by Lee. He
said that each team would
get a percentage of the gate;
and that another percentage
would go to the Press club's
scholarship fund; and still an
other cut to bay area chari
ties. "I would like to emphasize,"
said Lee, "that Oils game in
no way conflicts with the an
nual and worthy Shrine East
West game on Dec. 31. That
game has been sold out for
months and is a sell-out ev
ery year."
Lee indicated that if Gov.
Warren is successful in ob
taining the University of Cal
ifornia stadium, that would
be the first choice. It has an
80,000 seating capacity, com
pared with 60,000 for Kezar
Rugged Little Guy
San Francisco VP) Sammy
Cathcart, rookie halfback of the
San Francisco '40ers, weighs on
ly 160 pounds but his total of
yards gained rushing it near
the league top. Coach Buck
Shaw explains that Cathcart is
fast and very tough for his
weight. Cathcart was California
Collegiate boxing champ at 135
pounds in 1947. He got the Pur
ple Heart and the Silver Star
for gallantry as an Infantry staff
sergeant in Europe.
University Alleys
Judian'i Plumb In i (0) Judsnn B4D,
Branson 134, Beal lib. Little 30(1, Hop
linger 4B7. V. P. W. ) Wodiewodft 40S,
Miller 122, Vullenu 400, OarrUon 541,
Whlta 470.
JUiph Johmon U) R. Bell 47ft, Frank
400, Mohlman 418. .UiantTle 383, A. Bell
4t7. Cnihlnr'i Union 81 a. 3 Peaae All,
Parley 673, Biont 470, Scoott 403, C om
it toock 403.
PumlllU ill Kelly 44S, Bolaer 410, Blur
Man 366, Slwood 418, Duncan 5M, Naval
Air Fae. Bta. (Jl Fisher 477, Holman 408,
J. Knedler 48B, Robert 402, Brown 469.
Dyer A Sona Int. Acer. (1 Cheerlnt
ion 461, Brouaht 400, Plants 470, Per
sian 480, Low man 397. Eairlei (3 Peter
ton 007. Reld 471, Hitzman 401, Pero 482,
Seller 638.
In ten la t Tracloor D L. MoorrU 4B8,
Bhackman 384, Tanquery 357, Robinson
418, Pearl 480, 1st Nat. Bank (3) Drlm
420. Kottka 401, Marr 390, Marshall 417,
A. Morrla 4BB.
IAN Clothiers (II Ricks 390, Barker
43. 400, aXnaskl 474, Nul
484. Western Paper ID J. Kuebler 433.
Andersen 419, Rothwleler 38ft, Luke 448,
1 Kuebler 443.
Hiah Individual same: D. Jiidaon 33ft.
High Individual series: Peterson (Eaclea)
Hlth team game: Guanine's Union Serv
ice 083.
Hlih team jorles: Veterans of Foreign
Wars 2781.
Quality Used Cars a Royal Pawley
400, Mllbert Jncober 301, Bill Campbell
407, B. B. Snelgrove 430. Emit Schola 530.
Marion Electric (l) Al Hakanfton 351,
Arlo Young 300, Bob GrUIlth 208, Don
Bowar 424, John 'Wood 27ft.
Olaaion's Bakery (t) Marlon Oleaion
449, BUI Moad 404, Art Woelk 401, Harold
Bonner 488, Ken Maguren 300. Willamette
TalUy Bank (I) Carroll Meeks 201, Keith
Kaya 383, Bob Jungtlng 308, Carnel Wal-
aiO( 482, Al Flicker 433.
A. t, Commlnr's Reatlni (l Dave
Sapuldlng 442, Lester Woods 330, Eddie
Ooertsen 41ft, Howard Smith 470, Las
Dolge 472. Twaadle Fuel OH (1) D liana
Prank 431, Carl Flood 383, Ira Short 431,
Harry Bcharf 368, Emery Alderman AOS.
High team series: Cummlns's 2173. Hlnh
team game: Oleason's 802. High Individ
ual series: Emll Bcholi 630 (Quality). High
individual game: Emery a merman 231
11 wccuiflj.
K.O.C.O, (1) Roblnion 444, McElroy 410,
William 431, Naxon 341, Theds 307. Mc
Donald Candy (3) Baxter 490, Bryant 429,
Nlokols 402. Oemmell 39ft, Scott 446.
Vans Parkins Station IDVleck 372,
Rogers 651, Keen an 48S, Breasler 347, Mc
Danlcls 438. Zcrbi Used Cars (2) F. Zeeb
460, Cnrr 4H2, J. Zeeb 376, 8. Zeeb 446,
Peterson 461.
KnlshU of Pylhlas (11 Decatur 209,
Judaon 271, El wood 473, Seheldel 311,
Maera 462, Tacliida 464, Smith Auto Parts
2 Clark 375, Edmlnlster 416, SchueU
437, Lemon 457, Lea 470.
Shrorks Motors 111 White 337. McFar
land 338, Meyers 373. Stepanek 302, WU
ser 407. Momvrr Chevron St a tin it 42)
Momyt-r 502. Schaeffer 410, Odermatt 388,
Covert 387, Miller 414.
High Individual game: Rogers of Van's
Parkins Btatlon.205.
High Individual series; Rogers of Van's
Parking Station, A51.
High team aeries: Zeeb Used Cars, 2986.
Capital Alleys
Craftsman 11 Barker 439. Morris 439,
Klein 465. Kraiu 497. Allstate (2 Olkar
41ft, Clark 489, Schneider 433. Relhl Ml.
J. C. Illsslns (21 Ambrose 378. Salstrom
501, Slerp 365. Oslund 468. rilsrlm U
Jensen 437, A holt 238, Chrlsteiuen 341,
CuiikIi 555.
Harmony House (21 PlUor 444, Hill
469. Paulson 493, Davey 507. Horn art (It
Forbes 528, Roach 433, Cooper 383, Cook
Coldspot (31 Drye 435. Patton 189,
HaLiey 484, Bevans 870. Krnmore (II
Werner 478, Hutmacher 375, Jones 337,
Carver 407.
High team series: Harmony House, 224S.
High team game: Crafuman, 811.
Hiah Individual aeries: Oounh, 651,
High Individual game: Davey 314.
Wedel 105. Baughn 380. Fleetwood 200.
Lena 341, Conley 271, Lancaster 310.
Duckpin Bowling
(Round 10)
Willamette Amasemenl (S) Clarinet
Appiegate 4ftn. Hov ituiiinioti 436. iut.
WUler 383, Howard Mills 416. Olen Blan
ton 400. CMC Track Co. (I) Charles
Jayne 294, Joe Brooks 348, John Fullen
wider 377, Darby Sermon 368. All Ptwrr
(Round U
Qaallty Used Cara (1) Royal Pawltv
461, BUI Campbell 434, B. B. Snalgrova
444, Moie Van Delt 813, Emll Bcholi 446.
A. L. Cummlni's Heating (8) Dave Spal
ding 410, Lester Woods 314, Eddie Ooert
sen 360, Howard Smith 476, Les Dolge 633.
Tweedte Fuel Oil () Duane Prank 460.
Carl Flood 380. Ira Short 467, Harry
Bcharf 160, Emery Alderman 442. CMC
intra uo. (3) Darby Sermon 346, John
Fullenwlder 381, Joe Brooks 332, Al Starr
303, MUt Thomas 387.
Marlon Electric (I) Al Hakanson 317.
Arlo Young 416. Bob Griffith 239. Don
Dower 300, John Wood 2D7. Willamette
Valley Hank (8) Carroll Meeks 338, Keith
tiaye 110b Jungllng 379, Carnal Wal-
dlng 300. Al Flicker 381.
Willamette Amuicment Co. (4) Clar
rnce Applrgate 492. Rov Roblnion 402
Wilfred Wilier 343, Howard Mills 44fl, Olen
HI an ton B03. Gleaion's Bakery (0) Mar
Inn Oleaaon 411, Bill Moati 473. Art Woelk
34S, Harold Bonner 367, Ken Maguren 343.
High team series: Cummlng's 3399. High
loam gnme: Quality Cars 860. High Indi
vidual series: Los Dolge (Cummlng's) ft33.
High individual game: Mose Van Dell
(Quality Cars) 224.
(This league bowled double last night
' "i tor 1 nanKsgivins; nignt.l
"Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxen
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
Floor Polishers J
Floor Sanders
4 Edgers 8
Paint Spray Equipment 5
R. D. Wood row Co.
Gil Ward, Prop.
J! 450 Center J
, . v -.
Hunter Hospitalized After
Ordeal in Jungle-Like Wood
UtWW V - ft mm r- T-if1- ' it 1 l il Ir"" "n 1 I & sr.; A If -dLnm
Port Angeles, Wash., Dec. 2
U.R A Seattle, Wasn , elk Jiunt
er, lost In the Jungle-like Hoh
river forest for six days without
food, fire or shelter, was recov
ering from his ordeal in the hos
pital here today.
Searchers found Leo T Frel-
in, 26, standing exhauseed on
Hoh head yesterday He was
Pofi OUfifilH Here' the Queen of Pasa-gen,-,
annual Tournament
of Roses and her six princesses but which
one will be Queen 'Is yet to be decided.
The seven have been selected from ISO
coeds who sought the royal honors, which
include presiding over the Rose parade and
the Rose Bowl game. (Left to right, lower) :
Betty Brusher, 20; Dorothy Welsh, 17; Car
ole Lynn Collins, 17. (Left to right, upper):
Marlon Brown, 19; Eddy Ruth Stewart, 17;
Dorothy E. Scott, 17; Barbara Jones, 17.
(AP Wirephoto)
Mustangs Plan Surprises
For Irish Without Doak
Dallas, Tex., Dec. 2 (P) Gold
en Doak Walker will end his col
legiate football career on the
bench tomorrow and In civil
ian clothes.
Southern Methodist University
Coach Matty Bell last night said
his triple-threat backfleld star
wouldn't even suit out for tomor
row's game with mighty Notre
The definite loss of Walker
dimmed further Southern Meth
odist's already dim hopes of up
setting the Irish, shooting for
their 38th consecutive victory.
"His leg just didn't respond
to treatment," Bell said of
Walker. "He can't run at
Walker- reinjured a leg in
the Texas Christian university
game last week. He was out
most of the second half.
Bell would not name the back
Soggy Field in
Store for Title
Six-Man Contest
Astoria, Dec. 2 VP) Oregon's
six-man football title will be de
cided here tomorrow night on a
rain-soggy field.
The Talent squad from Jack
son county expected to work out
briefly late today. Westport
will make the short down-river
trip Just before game time.
Talent, with eight consecutive
wins this year and only one loss
last year, is regarded locally as
the favorite.
Any material which resists
the flow of electricity is called
& 2.99
SET and
Antique Brass Finish
U.45 9.45
Christmas Tree
8 Lights
who would replace Walker.
"We're trying several com
binations," was all he would say.
Walker, an all-America for
three straight years, was one of
the main hopes Southern Metho
dlst rooters had for an upset
over Frank Leahy's powerful
Leahy planned a practice
this afternoon for his gridders.
Tbe football squad came to
Dallas on a special train car-
Falls City Set
For 'B' Jamboree
Monmouth The Polk county
B league Jamboree will be held
December 2 at Falls City with
Monmouth, Falls City, Valsetz
and Perrydale high schools tak
ing part.
No definite MHS lineup has as
yet been selected. The team will
be very busy in December play
ing as many games as possible
to develop needed experience.
Coach John Chamberlain states
that the spirit and eagerness to
learn is very good this year, and
what the boys lack physically
will be balanced by team hustle
and speed.
rylng several cars of Notre
Dame fans.
Without Walker, Kyle Rote
will bear the brunt of the Mus
tang running attack. The big,
hard-running junior will also
probably handle punting and ex.
tra point kicking If any of the
latter are needed.
The Mustangs went through
their last hard practice yes
terday. They've been working
out a 1 1 week behind barred
gates. There's been no hint of
what new tactics they will un
veil, but there have been plen
ty of rumors. One of the wild
est has Bell switching from the
single and double wing forma
tions to the split T for this
It's a pretty safe guess that
Southern Methodist will go all
out on offense. With passing a
major item in the Mustangs' attack.
SMU students staged a giant
pep rally last night.
Assistant Coach H. N. (Rusty)
Russell promised "it will be a
ball game."
Walker told the rally:
"I believe there's going to
be trouble for the Irish Saturday."
Annual Beaver
Banquet Slated
Monday Night
The annual Oregon State foot
ball banquet will be held In
Portland at the Multnomah hotel
next Monday evening. Coach
Kip Taylor will preside over the
program honoring members of
presentations are to be made to
his 1949 football team. Ring
the graduating seniors, besides
other stimulating entertainment.
Banquet tickets will be avail
able at Howard Maple's Sporting
Goods through Saturday only,
due to the capacity crowd ex
Shut Out Twice
New York VP) Kenneth Dale
Owen of the Indian Mound
Farm, New Harmony, Ind., was
runnerup bidder on both of the
two highest priced standardbred
colts ever sold at auction. He
was outbid by Sol Camp of Shat
ter, Calif., for the 1 42,000 White
Hanover In 1947, and was top
ped by a syndicate for $72,000
Imperial Hanover this year.
The Greeks made window
panes of thin slices of translu
cent marble about 450 B.C.
WiGWs Ai l
ill 0- Cs!r. j
tt siii cr',jfc 1 I
1 H N . o woo I I
I M wiw" kl i,joJ- I i
II momci" . 1 I
taken to an Indian village three
miles away, then brought here
by ambulance. His condition was
described as "fair."
State game protector Boyd
McCracken, 38, and cougar
hunters LeRoy Smith, 50, and
Charles Crawford, 41, all of
Forks, Wash., had tracked Fre
lin with their cougar-hunting
dogs through dense temperate
'Frelin was standing, but
could only step four inches at a
time," McCracken said. "He nev
er stopped, but kept moving all
the time."
'He's a man with lots of cour
age, He's got plenty of guts and
plenty of stamina.''
McCracken said that when
rescuers found Frelin, they gave
him a candy bar and made cof
fee for him.
"Then he got up and walked
all the way to the Indian vil
lage," he exclaimed.
Everyone Knowi Only
Carerized Oil Leaves
35622 or 35606
Sstera's XxcIhsIt Csterfisd Oil Dmitri
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....... KB
Williams Picked ,
UP Back of Year
New York, Dec. 2 (U.B Bob
Williams, the brilliant Notre
Dame T-formatlon quarter
back, beat out Doak Walker
of Southern Methodist by
three votes today to win back
of the year honors In a United
Press poll of 294 football writ
ers and broadcasters.
Williams received a total of
60 votes In the balloting
against 57 for the triple-threat
halfback of the Mustangs.
Both made the 1949 United
Press All America team.
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wood than any other wood.
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