Soroptimist Conference .Due in Salem Salem Soroptimist club is to entertain for the spring confer ence of Soroptimist clubs in Idaho, Montana, and Washing ton. The event will be held in April, the dates yet to be chosen. Plans for the coming confer ence will be discussed at the business meeting of the club next Wednesday noon. At the club meeting yester 'day, the luncheon being at the Golden Pheasant, Judge Rex Kimmell of the circuit court talked on juvenile cases and the problems of handling them in the courts. ' Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Rex Kimmell, Mrs. Philip W. Allison, Mrs. Ralph E. Moody and Miss Verna Hogg. Legion Auxiliary Plans Activities Silverton The interest of Monday evening's meeting of Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, American Legion auxiliary, at the hall club rooms, centered bout pre-Christmas holiday plans. The group is to donate gifts for the Portland facility gift shop, arrange for practical help for the unit's adopted fam ily In Silverton, set the date for the monthly collection for the convalescent veterans' cigaret .fund. With Tuesday, November 29, set as the limit date for receiv ing gifts at the Portland gift shop, and the transportation to Portland on that date, the presi dent listed for the trip Tuesday, the hospital chairman, Mrs. A. J. McCannel, Mrs. Frank M. Porter, Mrs. Ralph Gordon. Mrs. William Meithke, Mrs R. Jorgenson, Mrs. E G. Syron, Miss Ruth Lorenzen and the pre ident, Mrs. Higinbotham. The monthly collection fund for the cigarets for the facility convalescent ward totaled $9. The hospital chairman will pre sent this with the gift shop con tributions. Delegates and alternates named for the Marion county as sembly, with the next meeting at Stayton, Wednesday, Decem ber 7, include Mrs C. E. Higin botham, Mrs. Frank M. Porter, Mrs. Victor Howard, Mrs. Wes ley Grogan, Mrs. A J. McCan nel; alternates, Mrs. George Towe, Mrs. Ralph Gordon, Mrs. E. G. Syron, Mrs. Leslie C. Moen, Mrs. William Miethke. Mrs. Harry Kuch, welfare chairman of the unit, and Mrs. Lloyd Greenfield, junior activi ties chairman, told of Thanks- DAR Head nwn,i,iiiiiiiliii,iwiiiiiB.iMiiMrlani' Regent Due Here Mrs. Ar chie McKeown of Hood River, state regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, will be In Salem Saturday aft ernoon to visit Chemeketa chapter of the DAR. The local meeting is to be 'at the home of Mrs. J. G. Heltzel. Ceremony at Local Church Miss Anne Chapman was wed to Clarence Johnson of Portland at a ceremony in the St. Mark Lutheran church, Thanksgiving day. Before a candlelit altar decorated with white and yel low chrysanthemums, the cou ple were united in marriage by the Rev. M. A. Getzendaner. Mrs. Lyle Ertsgaard sang, ac companied by Maurice Brenncn, organist, who played the wed ding march. The bride wore an afternoon gown of gleaming amber satin with gold accessories and car ried a large bouquet of roses and carnations. As a gift from the bridegroom, the bride wore gold cross with delicate carv ing and several settings of diamonds. Attending the bride was Mrs. Earl Hanson, sister of the bride- Salore Club's New Members The Salore club of the YWCA honored new memhers at a ban quet Monday evening at the Golden Pheasant. Miss Lavonne Scheussler, president presided as toastmistress and introduced Miss Mary Witchey, who in turn introduced each new member to the club Miss Louisa Kelly re sponded to the welcome. A report on the northwest conference of employed women, held in Vancouver, B.C., was given by Miss Jean Oliver. Business girls welcomed as new members were Misses Louisa Kelly, Jean Oliver, Joyce Schwab, Zclma Williams, Phyl lis Sieber, Jean Sieber, Peggy Thompson, Betty Rosenau, Hel en Tibbet, Nola McDuffee, Doris Cameron, Beverly Butts and Geneva Phillips. giving donations to two needy families, with other gifts for Christmas, planned. The juniors are making scrap books for vet erans rooms and donating toys for the gift shop. The Christmas arrangement committee will be Mrs. Ernest L. Starr, Mrs. Ralph Francis. Mrs. E. G. Syron and Mrs. O. Morey. An informal program will be given by the children. The unit will pay half the ex penses for the high school re newal plaque. Membership was reported by Mrs. Wesley Gro gan at 142, five over quota. groom. She wore a gown of Co penhagen blue with gray acces sories and a corsage of carna tions and roses. Earl Hanson acted as best man. Ushers were Donald Hanson, nephew of the bridegroom and Donald Raaf, cousin of the bride. For her son's wedding, Mrs. Johnson selected an afternoon gown of wine crepe with black accessories and a corsage of rose buds. The wedding party and guests met shortly after the ceremony for a reception and dinner in the banquet room of the Gold Arrow restaurant. Miss Florence Speidel arranged the flowers and Mrs. Anne Hanson was in charge of the guest book. The couple left immediately after the dinner for a trip to San Francisco and the bay re gion before returning to Port land where they will make their home. Miss Roth Is Bride The marriage of Miss Shirley Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roth, to W. Edgar Naf ziger, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nafziger, was solemnized Wed nesday evening at a ceremony in the ImmanucI Mcnnonite church at Pratum, the Rev. Wil- bcrt A. Regier officiating at the 8 o'clock service. The wedding setting was in all-white, bouquets of white chrysanthemums and candles decorating the church. Mrs. Harold Roth and Mrs. Leonard Roth lighted the tapers. Both were dressed in white. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown ot white satin designed with a marquisette yoke shirred in satin and edged in lace. The sleeves were long, and tiny .but tons extended down the back of the bodice. The full skirt fell into a train. The fingertip illu sion veil, edged in lace, was ar ranged from a satin crown trim med in seed pearls. For her flowers the bride carried a bou quet of white roses and bouvar dia. Mrs. Alvin Schwcngcl (Ver netla Herr) was matron of hon or for her cousin. Misses Doris Roth, Carmen Roth and Betty Lou Hostetler were the brides maids. All four attendants wore peri od style dresses of white taffeta made with puffed sleeves, a wide ruffle edging the necklines, and full bustle skirts with a ruffle at the hemline and caught up in front with small bows. In their hair were braided head bands embellished with silver leaves and they carried bouquets of white chrysanthemums, carna tions and silver leaves centered with candles. Diana Roth, In white taffeta, was the flower girl and Gary Herr the ring bearer. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 7 Ralph Nafziger was best man and ushers included Gerald Roth, Harold Roth, Melvln Lehr man, Henry Beutler and Grover Welly. Mrs. Roth wore a green silk gown with black accessories for her daughter's wedding and Mrs. Nafziger attended her son's mar riage in a black crepe gown and matching accessories. Their cor sages were of gardenias and car nations. The couple greeted guests at a reception in the church par lors. Pouring were Mrs. Leonard Roth, Mrs. Harold Roth, Mrs. Clarence Herr and cutting the cake were the bridegroom's twin sisters, Mrs. Mac Allason and Mrs. John LcCompte. Assisting were Miss Lois Hartwickson, Mrs. Donald Schaff, Miss Ade line Haury, Miss Joanne Roth, Mrs. Henry Roth, Mrs. Grover Welty, Mrs. Henry Buetler, Mrs. Homer Welty and Mary Ann Le- Compte, who passed the dream cakes. For going away the bride wore a taupe gabardine suit with winter white accessories and corsage of white roses. After a trip south the couple will be at home on a farm near Central Howell on the Silverton highway. OES Event Mrs. D. M. Eby, worthy ma tron for Chadwick chapter. Or der of Eastern Star, and Jason Frizzell, the worthy patron, en tertained Tuesday evening at the Masonic temple for the of ficers and committee members and their wives and husbands. One hundred guests were present. The '4Dor theme was used in decorating. For the program, Corydon Blodgett sang two groups and Mr. Frizzell showed some of his color slides on Ore gon scenery. Margwen's Are Having Friday and Saturday A FREE TOY to ALL CHILDREN Accompanied by a Parent Yes, to all those kiddies who visit MAR GWEN'S along with "Mommy or Daddy," on Friday or Saturday, we will give a dandy toy. Santa has left only a limited number with us, so you'd better hurry. MARGWEN'S also have many, many gift Items for the rest of the family and the prices are very reasonable, too. Let's make this a Merry Christmas for everyone. Visit MARGWEN'S, where you get the "Gift Sug i gestion as Well as the Gift." Open Friday Night 'til 9 p.m. Open Monday Nighti 'til Christmas i 440 N. CAPITOL PH. 2-8600 ' TEXAS GUNS! tommy Open Friday Night Until 9:00 A"'dfv Use Our iiiAAsw , aaarH& - Vyp Forces .''cjl Q - ktfW - Coll ' j Vlr- VVv. lo Sk3 t STUFFED W i TRIKES! Tw a w n jA SJfati' I i Tiiliv M Giraffes, camels, knn- WAGONS! -k , , s Jr "--v. ROLLER SKATES! , $ . iimiii & -fys i Learn to skate now! What a DACICX 1 A Trlke to fit every child! -ir S gift ... and only JL DAjINU I X Good quality, priced to fit r A. " x, . i'I DAIII DOLLS! 4 "'"'" 3-59" BALU (P X $24.95 M Undressed dolls are 1 Cfcoo' a iJj'i k,f?!r A ffi . r always dear to their 1 " 7i, , ft n , FOOTBALLS Uttle heart. Priced -Jf Qhoo! l MAMA DOLL ! A TRUCKS! CI . "fc Dressed dolls the newest and A All k'lkmC:! Footballs and ba P I. HO to . -wtoN best dolls for many "little" J ALL IN. I IN L0 ! rf, here priced 9M Jmm 1".98 r jfc V $1.00. ' , 'f A $14'98 $2'98 eo tc eon or JO, I J to TRAINS owncfairs at Miller s 1