They Decorate Holiday Table Edited by MARIAN LOWEY FISCHER f 6 Capital tJournal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 . : 1 I r . ; Altrusa's Committees Announced The board of officers for the newly organized Salem Altrusa club met last evening at the home of the president, Mrs. Earle P. Delaney. The group decided the club is to meet for dinner sessions the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Committees for the year's work were outlined as follows: Publicity Dr. Ruth Dougher ty Benson, Miss Eleanor Bailey. Altrusa information, by-laws committee Miss Ann Bergholz, Mrs. Roger Hoy, Miss Grace Moffitt. Membership, c 1 assification Miss Cora Paynter, Mrs. Carrie Belle Frost, Mrs. Virgil T. Gol den. Public affairs Mrs. Irma Grace Turner, Mrs. Verne Robb. Finance Miss Etta Sutter, Mrs. Sue Booch, Miss Betty Bol ton, Mrs. T. A. Pickett. Program coordination Mrs. E. A. Tueski, Miss Bergholz, Mrs. Charlotte Kendall, Mrs. Sue Booch, Mrs. Irma Grace Turner, Mrs. Edward Williams, Miss Margaret McDevitt, Mrs. G. Clerico. Catholic Event Mt. Angel The archdioces an council of Catholic Women, Oregon City deanery, will hold its next quarterly meeting in Oregon City. The meeting is scheduled for Monday after noon, December 5 at 1:30 o'clock, at the St. John's school hall in Oregon City. The Oregon City deanery in clude all the parishes in Marion and Clackamas counties. All the delegates and members are in vited to attend. A silver lea will follow the business session. Delegates include Mrs. John McKillip, president St. Monica Altar society, St. Paul; Mrs. Gla dys Weber, president of the Im maculate Conception Altar so ciety, Stayton; Mrs. Joseph Faulhaber, president St. Ann's Altar society, Mt. Angel; Mrs. Al Lulay, grand regent Catholic Daughters of America, Mt. An gel; Mrs. Fred J. Schwab, chief ranger Women's Order of For esters, Mt. Angel; Mrs. Margaret Brown, grand regent Catholic Daughters of America, Court Capital City, Salem. WOMAN'S RELIEF corps Is meeting Friday in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. There wilj be a no-host luncheon and in the afternoon new officers will be elected at the business ses sion. A BENEFIT card party is planned by Ladies of the Moose for Friday evening at 8 o'clock at 284 North Commercial. The public is invited. There will be refreshments and prizes. Mothers Set Event Alpha Chi Omega Mothers' club is sponsoring a benefit party next Tuesday evening in the Mayflower hall at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Malcolm Hawke, Mrs. Floyd Siegmund and Mrs. Glenn L. Hoar are taking reservations for the event. Bridge, pinochle and other games will be played. Prizes are to be given. Shower Is Surprise Mrs. Elmore Hill was hostess last evening at a surprise party and shower honoring Mrs. Nor man Merrill. Games were play ed and late refreshments served. Pink and white featured the decorations. Feting Mrs. Merrill were Mrs. William Paulus, Mrs. Chester Chase, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Mrs. Wallace Ayres, Mrs. James Cooke, Mrs. Max Allen, Mrs. Howard Arnot, Miss Vada Hill. Miss Shirley Hill, Misses Sally and Susan Merrill and the host- Miss Pardey Tells Plans for Wedding Aurora December 17 has been chosen by Miss Lucille Dorothea Pardey, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pardey of Aurora, for her marriage to Paul C. Berger, only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Berger of Albany The announcement was reveal ed at a shower given in honor of the bride-elect at the Henry Pardey home. Hostesses were Mrs. Edwin Pardey, Mrs. Wil liam Elligsen and Mrs. Ralph Elligsen of Stafford and Mrs. George Pardey. Miss Pardey and Mr. Berger will speak their vows at an eve ning ceremony in Zion Lutheran church, Oregon City, with the Rev. H. Mau of Christ Lutheran church, Aurora, officiating. Mrs. Edwin Pardey will be matron of honor for her sister-in-law and bridesmaids will in clude Mrs. Glen Burgin, Albany; Mrs. Thomas B. House of Port land, Mrs. James Orens and Miss Betty Lou Berger of Albany. Jack Lee of Corvallis, an Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity brother, will serve as best man for Mr. Berger. AUMSVILLE The Aumsville Woman's club held its Novem ber meeting at the home of Mrs. James Miller in Salem with Mrs. Charles Martin as co-hostess. Plans were made for a Christmas party to be held at the home of Miss Minnie Peter son on December 9. Refresh ments were served by the host ess, following the business meet ing and social hour to Mesdames Hugh Craig, Mary Hein, Ivan Putnam, Earnest Towle, Bland Speer, May Lamb and Miss Min nie Peterson. . Miss Parton Wed Saturday Miss Dorothy Irene Parton, dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Parton, and Albert Alley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alley, were married last Saturday, Novem ber 26, in St. Joseph's Catholic church, the Rev. T. J. Bernards performing the 9 o'clock service. Lawrence Alley was the solo ist and Mrs. Raymond Barton the organist. The bride wore a while wool suit with pink velvet hat and veiling. She carried a white prayer book and Rosary and a bouquet of pink roses encircled with white chrysanthemums. Mr. Parton gave his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Stanley Parton was the bride's only attendant and wore an aqua suit with white hat and carried a bouquet of white chry santhemums and pink roses. Edward Alley was his broth er's best man and ushers were Stanley Parton and Richard Gentzkow. For her daughter's marriage Mrs. Parton wore a gray suit with white accessories and Mrs. Alley attended the nuptials in a black ensemble with matching accessories. Their corsages were of gardenias and yellow roses. A wedding breakfast lor tne bridal party and immediate rela tives was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's table was decorated with pink carnations and white chrysan themums. After a trip along the coast the newlyweds will be at home In Salem at 1870 South Capitol street. MISS ALENE PHILLIPS re turned the first of the week from spending Thanksgiving and the week-end at Medford at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Allen, formerly of Salem. Al so joining the group there were Mr. Allen's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Allen of Seattle. ONE NIGHT ONLY After 5:30 P.M. Open Till 9 P.M. Sweater Jersey Blouses 99 Reg. Fri. Nite 14.95 Cashmeres $10.88 12.95 Cashmeres 8.88 9.95 Cashmeres 7.77 4.98 Rabbit Hair 3.88 5.95 All Wool 3.88 SKIRTS RfS: Fri. Nlte WE WILL BE HAPPY TO GIFT WRAP FOR YOU ! Reg. 5.95 A Terrific Buy On a Terrific Gift Item Arrange Holiday Table Unique among benefit affairs for early December will be the display of Cnristmas decorations sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega alumnae on Friday and Sat urday. Pictured here are Mrs. Linn C. Smith, at left, and Mrs. Harry V. Collins arranging the Christmas supper table they are to display at the event. The benefit is to be given at the West Lefelle street home of Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., between 10 and 12 in the morning, 2 and 5 o'clock in the afternoons and 7 and 9 o'clock in the evenings, both days. Christmas decorations for formal and informal affairs, as well as interesting mantel arrangements, hall arrangements and other special settings will be featured. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) WOODBURN The regular monthly business meeting of the Woodburn Business and Profes sional Women's club will be held tonight (Thursday) at the home of Miss Gladys Adams. The hospitality committee, of which Mrs. Molly Hunt is chair man, will be in charge of events for the month. Several impor tant items of business are to be discussed and all members are requested to be present. Other members of the committee are Miss Hildegarde Dierkhising, Mrs. Ray Glatt, and Mrs. B. N. Miller. CHI OMEGA Mothers club is to meet Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Paul Gilmer, 3483 Center street. fgyj A GIFT FROM A:-S&jg&1 ; M, . MEANS MORE ONLY 20 MORE SHOPPING '7, 'Jl DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS V .m Lavishly Trimmtd or Tailored Styles Oalorat i :7I SLIPS make Appreciated Gifts mm Choose any of the styles In rayon crepe or nylon , . , choose any of the pretty colors and ihadei and you'll have chosen a lift that she'll appreciate. GOWNS Equally acceptable Smart style designing at Its best In our collection of gift (towns for this season, you u want a few for yourself and every lady yon know will be happy to have gown as a gnu $299 7 PAJAMAS $2.99 Full sire ruttine. exDcrt detain and prrfect workmanship make i mrsp lanorea or lace-trlmmed pa jamas worihy of every gift list Solid colors and stripes. PANTIES 3 pr. $1.00 Knitted rayon bripfs in white and colors either in pairs or sets make fine gifts. We'll package them for you I It's Smart to be thrifty shop at 490 N. CAPITAL ST. Open Friday Night 'til 9 P.M. 3t MI A 10.95 Wool Gabs $ 7.99 I 8.95 Wool Gabs 5.99 7.95 Rayons 4.99 "D" I i.95 Rayons 3.99 I MB- FASHIONETTE 429 Court Stan Open Monday and Friday Night. 'Til 9 P. M. PAY CHECKS Gladly Cashed 550 North Copitol Ph. 3-9191 HOLIDAYS ALII VALUES! VALUES! VALUES! ONE GROUP value, ,0 98 7.00 ONE GROUP value. ,2 98 9.00 ONE GROUP value. ,4.98 11.00 ONE GROUP value. ,o,o, 8 13.00 Values to 34.95 19.00 Values to 39.95 29 ,00 Values to 5500 . 44.00 Values to 59.95 49.00 Values to 34.95 24.00 Values to 39.95 29,00 Values to 55.00 44.00 Values to 59.95 49.00 FORMALS I One Group Values to 16.98... 7.00 One Group Values to 19.95 . 9.00 One Group Values to 29.95. 14.00 SWEATERS One Group Value, to 5.98. 2.99 CORDUROY SKIRTS ! One Group Values to 4.98.... 2. 99 One Group Values to 7.98 4.99 One Group Values to 10.98 6.99 SPORT JACKETS ! One Group Values to 10.98 7.99 One Group Values to 14.98. . 10.99 One Group Values to 19.98.. ,2.99 PURSES l One Group Values to 1.98 99e One Group Values to 2.98.... 1.99 One Group Values to 10.98 . . . 3.99 HANKIES ! One Group Values to 59c. .now 15c ne Group Values to 69c. .now 25 e One Group Values to 1.00 now 69c HOSIERY 1 Gotham Gold Stripe. All A A perfects. One group Wl Values to 1.45 V PETTISKIRTS I One Group AA Value, to 7.95 ..YY BLOUSES! One Group Values to 6.98.... 3.99 One Group Values to 7.98 4.99 One Group Values to 9.98. . . 5.99 One Group Values to 10.98. . . .6.99 SLACKS I ONE GROUP C OO Values to 7.98 3.7 ONE GROUP Oft Values to 8.98 O.T7 SLIPS ! ONE GROUP Oft Values to 3.98 i77 ONE GROUP J QO Values to 5.98 3.7 Y Open Friday Nights 'Til 9 p.m. or SALEM The Capital's Style Center lourt and Liberty NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES - ALL SALES FINAL