Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 01, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraphs
Attending USC Names of
former high school graduates of
jhis area who are now attending
the University of Southern Cali
fornia have just been released
by the registrar there. They are:
James Edward Cooks, Roland G.
De Vries, Warren James Henry,
Joanne Twedt Kellis, Andral G.
Moore, Don Carlos Smith, Jr.,
Hubert Starr.
Licenses Lower Marriage li
censes issued during November
it the county clerk's office total
ed 65 or one less than last year
'during the same period. So far
this year 87.2 applications have
been filed as against 1129 dur
ing the year of 1948 August
was heavy month for this year
when 134 licenses were Issued.
Farm Auction Held Mr. and
Mrs. Loren Gower have dispos
ed of their 60-acre farm in the
Hazel Green district to A. J.
Ayalzov, of California, and sold
much of their equipment at a
farm auction. The Gowers will
move to Aumsville the first of
the year. They recently pui
chased the Aumsville cafe and
service station.
Tax Experts Away Members
of the state tax commission and
appraisal engineers for the com
mission are holding a hearing
in Medford Thursday night in
connection with protests from
citizens of Gold Hill, Rogue
River and Central Point in re
gard to 1949 tax statements.
Democrats Will Dine The
woman's division of the Mar
ion county democratic central
committee is sponsoring a no
host dinner at the Mayflower
hall . Sunday at 1 o'clock. The
speaker will be Robert D. Mac
lean, of the state tax commis
sion. He will discuss real and
personal property taxes in Mar
ion county. The meeting and
dinner will be open to all in
terested. Leave Salem General Dis
missed from the Salem General
hospital with recently born in
fants are Mrs. William Roskop
and daughter, 640 Norman Ave.
Mrs. Robert C. Beagle and
daughter, Jefferson Rt. 1; Mrs.
Lester Mudgett and daughter,
1775 Fair Oaks Way; Mrs. Ken
neth Bass and twin daughters.
Lyons and Mrs. Roth B. Holtz
and daughter, 1560 N. Capitol.
Condition Unchanged Mrs.
Adolph Doerner, Roseburg, in
jured in an automobile accident
near Brooks which took the
life of Jesse G. Mills, Portland,
ii still in a serious condition at
the Salem Memorial hospital
and little change noted in her
1 condition. Her husband receiv
i d less severe injuries In the ac
cident which partially demol
ished both autos.
Girl Scouts Meet Members
of Girl Scout Troop 81 of the
Liberty community were guests
this week at the home of Mrs.
Robert Morrow on Boxwood
lane, -Yvone Poole, presiding.
Janet Smith was chosen game
leader with Patty McMillar in
charge of refreshments. Each
girl brought a garment with a
rip or button missing as the
mending part of the sewing proj
ect. Janet Smith won the prize
for finding the most hidden pins.
Stag Party Planned Final
arrangements have been com
pleted for the all-veterans' stag
party at the American Legion
hall on South Commercial Mon
day night, December 5, accord
ing to John C. Kerrick, new
commander of Capital Post No.
9 and general chairman for the
affair, jointly sponsored by
Posts 9 and 136. All veterans
are invited with a buffet dinner
at 7 o'clock to be followed by
refreshments, games and enter
tainment. Boy Baby Welcomed With
the birth of a boy to Mr. and
Mrs. Lauren Kuebler at a Sa
lem hospital November 29,
named Michael Howard, the
family ia welcoming the first
male baby in five generations.
On the paternal side are Mrs.
Levi Patterson, Cozard, Nebr.,
great-great-grandmother, Mrs.
William Neuens, great-grandmother
and Mrs. John Kuebler,
grandmother. Maternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Berryhill. Mrs. Kuebler is the
former Patricia Berryhill, of
the Liberty district.
Licenses Are Issued Obtain
ing marriage licenses at Van
couver, Wash., were June M.
Miller, Salem, and Virginia M.
Peterson, Lovell, Wyo.; Char
lie E. Messinger, Culber and
Claressa M. Burch, Salem, and
Bob L. Brannon and Phyllis J.
Mundt, both of Albany.
The Capital Journal Welcomes
the Following New Citizens: 1
PROMM To Mr. ind Mm. Lloyd W.
rromm, 1285 N. 25th. at the Salem Oan
ml hospital, a llrl, Dec. 1.
MBNOrJCCI To Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Menaueci, 376 Kverareen Ave., at the Sa
lam General hospital, a air!, Dec. 1.
TAW To Mr. and Mrs. Tee Taw. 56
a. 17th. at the Salem Oeneral hospital.
llrl. Nor. 30.
vln Van Blaricom of Molalla at th SU
terton hospital, a girl, Nov. 30.
HARPER To Mr. and Mrs. Faye Har
v ar. Aurora, at the Woodburn hospital, a
bo?t, Nov. 36. Grandparents are Mrs. Joe
iTlaher. Woodburn and Mr. and Mrs. Cnes
rr Harper, Aurora.
LENS To Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Lens,
tf Grand Ronde, a sir!, Nov. 14.
BRANDON To Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie
Brandon, of Grand Ronde, a llrl, Nov 16.
HBOGE To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
kUaia, of Grand Ronde, a llrl, NOT. 10.
Talent Show Slated Spon
sored by the Keizer PTA, a tal
ent show will be presented at the
school auditorium Friday night
at 8 o'clock under the arrange
ment of A. B. Pederson with
Marvin Black master of cere
monies. The program includes
violin duet, Maureen Gustafson
and Delorei Jorgenson; whist
ling, Mar)orie Jordan; double
violin quarter, Leonard Lankin,
Maureen Gustafson, Bonnie Lit
chenberg, Augrilla Hartman,
Mary Anne Wall, "Judy Schmele,
Delorei Jorgenson, Donna Lange,
and Sophia Polales, all students
of the Graham studio; marima
solo, Wayne Mercer; piano
solo, Dorothy Pederson; read
ing, Pat Feller; sleight of hand,
Jack Spong; violin solo. Bonnie
Litchenberg; piano dr "nne
Gibbens and Dorothy on
and ballet and tap iy
students of Van's sc he
Folsom Rites Saturday Fu
neral services for Edward P.
Folsom, who died In Portland
Tuesday, will be held from the
St. James church in McMinn
ville at 9:30 o'clock Saturday
morning. He was the father of
Mrs. Grace Stupfel, Amity and
a brother of Frank Folsom, Al
bany. Also surviving are a son
and another daughter.
Explorers Institute An ex
plorers institute for representa
tives of scout troops of boys 14
and over and all explorers un-
ts will be held in the Cherry
room of the Senator hotel at 6:30
Saturday night. The dinner
meeting will be devoted to the
new explorer-scout program
with instruction by Captain Joe
Jeffers, officer of the U. S. ar
my air force from Region 11.
Leave Firm Certificate of re
tirement from Building Supply
company has been filed with the
county clerk by Fred and Lydia
Mrs. Enders Progresses Mrs.
Flora Enders, member of the
Chamber of Commerce staff, will
be released in a few days from
Salem General hospital wnere
she underwent surgical treat
File Against Road Eight pro
perty owners, all but one, along
a proposed paving improvement
along Morningside street have
filed a new petition imposing
such improvement. They state
that they consider the estimated
cost too high. Over 75 percent of
the property owners had previ
ously filed petitions asking for
the improvement but since then
have had the engineer's estimate
of cost. This improvement is
linked with Peck avenue, both
south of the city. Whether the
Peck avenue improvement will
go ahead regardless of the action
of Morningside residents remains
for court action. The Morning
side improvement will be aban
To Meet Friday Barbara Fri-
etchie tent, Daughters ot union
Veterans of the Civil War, is to
meet Friday in the Salem Wom
an's club house. The no-host
luncheon at 12:30 o'clock will
be followed by a business ses
sion and election of officers.
Dwyer's will be closed until
Dec. 11th. 287
Tickets for the Elks annual
Charity Show now on sale at
Needham's Book Store. 281
Wanted experienced policy
writer. H. H. Smith Ins. Agcy.
Ph. 3-9181. . 286
Rummage sale 419 Ferry St.
Sat., Pioneer post 149 American
Legion. 287
House Beautiful now availa
ble 1 yr. $5.00, 2 yrs. $7.50.
Coronet, 1 yr. $2.50. For all
magazine subs. Ph. 3-7828, Mrs
Paul H. Hauser. 286
Rummage sale, Episcopal par
ish house, 560 Chemeketa, Fri
and Sat, 9 a.m. 286
Rummage sale over Green
baum's Fri. and Sat. DeMolay
Mothers club. 287
Salem Lions Club Aux. apron
sale. 339 Court, Dec. 2nd & 3rd.
S a.m. to 5 p.m. 287
Clear Lake Missionary Soc.
holding a bazaar and cooked
food sale Fri., Dec. 2, at Port
land Gas & Coke Co. 286
Phone 22406 before ( p.m. If
you miss your Capital Journal
Fresh killed young turkeys to
bake or fry 39c lb. Also oaby
beef for your locker 35c lb. C.
S. Orwig, 4375 Silverton Rd Ph.
2-6128. 288
exclusive presentation, Imper
ial wallpapers. R. L: Elfstrom Co.
Hi current rate on your
savings. Salem Federal, 560
State St Salem's largest Savings
Gifts for the entire family.
Open until 9 p.m. Friday eve
nings. Coast to Coast Store, 219
No. Commercial, Salem, Ore
Extensive line of gifts in
hardware, houseware, china &
spurting goods. Use our 10
lay.way plan. Salem Hardware
Co. 120 N. Commercial.
Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. U
you miss your Capital Journal '
Slight Rise in
Streams Likely
Slight to moderate rises in
streams west of the Cascades are
expected by late Saturday, a re
port from the local weather bu
reau, stated Thursday, morning.
The forecast is based on the cur
rent rain storm through this area.
The Willamette was down to
six feet at the Salem gauge, this
morning, and was expected to
continue to drop slightly'during
the next 24 hours before new
storm waters come in.
Storm warnings were report
ed flying from the mouth of the
Columbia river north to Tattosh,
Wash., today, while small craft
warnings were up from the Co
lumbia south of Cape Blanco.
General forecast for this area
is for cloudiness and rain tonight
and Friday.
Slate Ward
Makes Break
Medical care was needed
Wednesday night for a 14-year
old Hillcrest girls' school in
mate after a short period of lib
erty gained by threatening Abi
gail Trask, music instructor,
with a kitchen knife and forc
ing her to give up institutional
keys. She escaped through a
back door but was captured in a
nearby field a short time later.
Mrs. Katharyn Loaiza, school
superintendent, said the girl had
obtained the knife after break
ing away from house mothers
as she was being escorted to her
room after assertedly being ob
streperous during a class period.
Earlier in the day she had been
examined by a psychiatrist.
Mrs. Loaiza, informed when
the girl broke away from her
escort, heard Miss Trask in the
darkened music room and when
she turned on the lights, saw
the instructor being threatened
with the knife pointed at her
chest. She told Miss Trask to
give the girl the keys and or
dered a search. Both state po
lice and the sheriff's office were
notified but not needed. The
girl has been at the school about
a year.
To Extend Line Portland
General Electric company has
been granted a permit by the
county court to extend its pole
line 520 feet along Tierra drive
from Weathers street.
Fedje Goes East Rev. Roy A,
Fedje, superintendent of the Sa
lem district for the Methodist
church, left Thursday for New
York where he will represent
the Portland area on the "Ad
vance for Christ" committee. He
will also visit theological stu
dents at Boston university school
of theology and Garrett The
ological seminary in Chicago. He
expects to return December 13
for the area meeting to be held
in Portland Dec. 13 and will be
back in Salem, December 15.
A thin coat of white or alum
inum paint on a screen will
make the interior of a house less
visible from the outside.
Goodwill Industries need
clothing, broken toys, furn., etc.
Trucks will pick up every Fri.
Ph. 2-8116 or 3-9762. 286
Me tbol Open Friday night.
Bring the family down town
Friday night, it's fun to shop
Friday night, free parking on
all Salem streets after 6 o'clock.
Holly Jackson Jewelers, 225 N.
Liberty St. 237
Salem chapter Chin Up club
presents Salem Civic Players in
a 3 act melodrama "Pure as the
Driven Snow." A working girl's
secret. Leslie Jr. High School
auditorium. S. Howard and Cot
tage Sts. Fri. Dec. 2, at 3.15 p.m.
Adults 50c, children under 12
inc. tax. 286
Refinish your Venetian
Blinds during Fall cleaning.
New tapes, cords and new paint
job will make them look like
new. Reinholdt & Lewis will
pick up and deliver. Ph. 2-3639.
, Bazaar Saturday, 3rd, at Elf-
strom's. Luncheon at 11 to 2 p.m,
5c coffee all day. By Presbyter
ian Ladies. 287
U. S. Gov't. Inspected Beef
for your locker young & ten
der. Cut & wrapped. Hoffman's
Meat Market, 150 N. Com'l. St.,
Ph. 3-5563. 290
Free demonstration of figur
ine painting tomorrow at 1:30
and 3, evening at 7:30. See this
fascinating, interesting and prof
itable hobby in action at Withrow
Hardware, 1280 State St. 286
Phone 22406 before 8 p.m. if
vou miss your Capital Journal
Hamilton Furniture Co. open
Friday nights until Christmas.
Plenty of free parking while
shopping at Hamilton's. 286
Phone 22406 oelore 6 p.m. If
you miss your Capital Journal.
R. H. Upjohn, M.D., announ
ces the removal of his office to
710 T. A. Livesley Bldg. Pn !
2-6814. 288
Johng-Manvllle shingles ap- j
plied by Ma this Bros., 164 S
Coro'L Free estimate. Ph. 34642
Bean Bags Presented Seventy-five
bean bags were present
ed the Salem Heights school
Wednesday by Mrs. Kenneth
Zwicker, president of the Salem
Heights Mothers' club. The
bags were completed Tuesday at
the Zwicker home on Madrona
avenue with a covered dish
lunch served at noon. Working
on the project were Mrs. Lyle
Bayne, Mrs. Fred Cords, Mrs.
Hans Stelzenmueller, Mrs. Ted
Rose. Mrs. Louis Kurth and Mrs.
Boy Escapee
Again in Toils
A former inmate of the Wood-
burn boys school whose wallet
was found at the scene of a bur
glary in Salem on September 20
was ordered held for grand jury
action Thursday after he was
brought before district court.
He was identified as Richard
Paul Morris. His arrest oame at
Coquille when state police took
him into custody on a warrant
prepared by Salem detectives.
The wallet containing a social
security card for Morris as well
as several other names was
found by detectives near the Mo
del Cleaners at 970 Union street
following a burglary there.
Since that time, Morris had
been sought for questioning by
city as well as state police. He
apparently had been touring
Oregon and Washington.
When Morris learned that his
family at Coos Bay had been
questioned by state police on his
whereabouts, he called officers
at Coquille and asked if a war
rant was held for his arrest.
He was questioned and admitt
ed the burglary. Following his
admission, a warrant was ob
The record of the young burg
lar showed he had served time
at the Woodburn institution and
had escaped from there once. .
Bail on the burglary charge
was set at $2500.
Packing Company Files Ar
ticles of incorporation for Jory
Packing company have been fil
ed with the county clerk by Rol
land Jory, Ethel Jory and Law
rence N. Brown with capital
stock placed at $50,000 and prin
cipal place of business Salem.
Error Corrected Sponsors of
the Uptown Drive-in are Roland
F. and Evelyn A. Nohlgren and
not Ralph Nohlgren as previous
ly reported. The new venture
will open for business Friday
at a location in the 700 block
on North High street.
Thursday, December 1
comnnv O. 162nd infantry regi
ment, Oregon National Guard, at
Salem Armory.
Organized Naval Reserve surface
unit at Naval Marine Corps Reserve
training center.
Kincwood nost No. 81. American
Legion at Klngwooo American ue
nlon Hall at West Salem.
saiem cnapter, o. o, uav i
Salem women's ciuo nouse.
8414th volunteer. Air Force reserve
unit at Army Reserve quonset huts.
Frldar. December X
Organized Seabee reserve unit at
Naval and Marine Corps Reserve
training center.
Hamilton Furniture Co. open
Friday nights until Christmas.
Plenty of free parking while
shopping at Hamilton's. 286
Fire - Auto - Liability - Burg
lary, Ken Potts Insurance Agen
cy, 229 N. Liberty. 286
Garfield mothers' & dads'
rummage sale. Fri. and Sat, old
Sears bldg. South High. 287"
Big rummage sale. Thurs.,
Fri. and Sat. Good used cloth
ing and other items. Chin-Up
Store, 1275 N. Church. Ph. Sa
lem 3-3018. 28(1
Hamilton Furniture Co. open
Friday nights until Christmas
Plenty of free parking while
shopping at Hamilton s. 286
Gifts for the entire family
Open until 9 p.m. Friday eve
nings. Coast to Coast Store, 219
No. Commercial, Salem, Ore.
Barber Wanted! Must be first
class. $35 week, 70 over $50
Write P.O. Box 612. 288
For Rent at 1330 Fair-mount
Ave., 3-rm. furn. hse. All elec,
$60. No pets. Call after 5:30.
Gifts for the entire family.
Open until 9 p.m. Friday eve
nings. Coast to Coast Store, 219
No. Commercial, Salem, Ore.
Sears Open Monday and
550 North Copitol Ph. 3-9191
Warn Children
Against Favors
An urgent appeal to Salem
parents to caution their children
about accepting rides or favors
from strangers was made Thurs
day by Chief of Police ' Clyde
A. Warren.
The appeal was made after
several reports had been relayed
to police dealing with cases
where men endeavored to lure
children into automobiles by of
fers of candy and gum. There
were even some instances where
little girls reported being chas
ed by adults in recent weeks.
Virtually all of the complaints
centered in areas near Salem
schools at times when children
would be going to class or head
ed for home.
'The most important thing In
cases of this nature," Chief
Warren explained, "is to pre
vent any serious crime. Parents
should be Careful to explain to
their younger children never to
accept automobile rides, candy
or favors from unknown per
sons. "Children or adults should
try to get license numbers.
"The task of apprehending
and identifying potential crim
inals of this type can be made
much easier for law enforce
ment agencies if adults who hap
pen to spot such cases can re
port to police.
"Once suspects are known, a
closer check can be made," the
chief pointed out.
Officers on patrol near schools
have been alerted to the prob
lem. Program Changed Because
of the activities of the Older
Boys Conference scheduled for
the YMCA this week-end, the
program usually accorded mem
bers of the Preps and Rangers
has been slightly altered. The
program, beginning at 11:15,
will include an hour of motion
Circuit Court
John O. and Ruth Blazek ind othars vs
Michael Ho an nd other, complaint to
quiet title to real property.
W. B. Crabtree and others v Edward
Neff and othcrj, complaint to quiet title
to real property.
Credit Bureaus Adjustment Department
vs Henry nd Elvln Kaminia, dlamlued
aj settled.
Oacar H. Loe vs S. J. Klein and other,
answer allege that plain till failed
to ntiv rental an nronertv nvsived and
defendants re-entered and took pommsIoii
and aalcjj dLsmtsaal 01 complaint.
Marie Ij. Caldwell va Kthal P. Jonw and
other, amended complaint to quiet title
to teal property.
State Industrial accident commission
va Jamea Frank Hufhea, order ol dumu
Martntia Verhasen vs Berendlna Cham
bers, answer admits and denies.
Abram fe Skinner, Inc., va Guy Smith,
plaintiff's motion for appointment cf
James O. Danlelson. by mardlan ad li
tem, vs Llla L. Fleenor Danlelson. reply
makes dental.
He on or F. vs John R. Clearwater, div
orce complaint alleges cruel and In
human treatment. Married June 11, 1932,
in Portland.
Oregon Truck Sales. Inc.. vs Wllllnm and
William Evans, Jr., complaint for $4161.17
alleged due for labor ana service per
formed on a truck. I
Orval X. and Ann Cox vs C. O. Den
lson and others, amended complaint for
money alleged due on a note.
MarJorle Baker Yuna vs Dorothy Van
and others, satisfaction of Judgment.
W. P. Merrick vs J. P. Hewitt, answer
admits and denies.
Probata Court
Clarence Albert Laurll.sen estate ap
praised at $7219 by Herbert Loouey, Clar
ence Seaton nad Everetta Pesheck.
John Elton estate valued at $6000. Em
ily named executrix and Otto R Bco-
pll, Roy Harland and Loretta Mulit ap
Carl Wayne FollLs. minor. Venus
fitandley discharged as guardian.
Dan B. Jarman estate, final account
of United States National bank as ex
ecutor, final hearing January S.
District Court
Burglary: Richard Paul Morris, waived
preliminary examination, held for (rand
Jury, ball 12500.
Larceny from a dwelling: Harlan H.
Selmer, waived preliminary examination
held for grand Jury, ball J 3000.
Fugitive: Michael Dennis O'Brlrn. iu-
ultive from Washington on a fomcry
chant, held until December 16 for Wah-
mgion authorities.
Police Court
Vagrancy: Artls L. nose, 3tJ5 ' Stale,
pleaded Innocent, ball 160, committed.
- Driving under the Influence of intox
icating liquor: Bill Floyd Kn.ier, pleaded
innocent, ball $?fio, committed.
Marriage Licenses
Gent R. Andertton. 31, construct Inn.
and Joan LaVonne Coker, 17, student, both
Oerald 1. Esterberg. 24. Kennedy's
Cleaners, Salem, and Dolores Petersen, 21,
telephone operator, Silverton.
Eugene B. Holllnisworth. 19. woodsman.
Monroe. Wash., and Donna Chastatn. 18.
student, Salem.
Raymond Oerla. 24. farmer, rojle 8.
Salem, and Shirley Heyerly, 20, at aome,
Friday Nights 'Til 9 P. M.
Salem Census
(Continued from Par? 1
The enumerators and tempo
rary workers will not be chosen
until late next February or
March and applications for the
short time jobs must be sent to
the district headquarters. They
will not be acted upon from
Washington and in the district
offices will not be chosen until
almost time for the census to
The enumerators will general
ly ask ten questions, the person's
name, relationship to the head
of the" household, race, sex, age,
marital status, state or county of
birth, citizenship status, the em
ployment status the previous
week of every person 14 years
old or older and the occupation,
industry and class of worker.
In addition the census will
gather information on duration
of employment, income, income
from relatives and the veteran
status of males from every fifth
person. From every 30th per
son it will gather other informa
tion concerning martial status,
occupation, industry and class
of worker of persons who work
ed last year out were not look
ing for work the week before.
The enumerators also will
gather information concerning
the dwelling unit and much
more detailed information from
Districts Listed
In Oregon the district offices
with the number of employees
in each district office, the crew
leaders and enumerators are:
Astoria 14: -13 and 165: Taking in Clat
sop, Columbia, Tillamook, Washington and
Yamhill counties.
Bend 12: 11 and 112: Crook. Deschutes.
Harney. Klamath. Lake and Malheur
Euaene 23: 22 and 322: Coos. Curry.
Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane and
Linn counties.
La Grande 15: 11 and 121: Baker. Gil
liam, Grant, Hood River, Jefferson, Mor
row, Sherman, Umatilla, union, Wallowa,
Wasco and Wheeler counties.
Portland 26: 36 and 403 covering Mult
nomah county.
Salem 20; 17 and 280: Benton, Clacka
mas, Lincoln, Marion and Polk counties.
Coal Strike
(Continued from rafre 1)
'3 The president of the inter
national union and his official
associates are hereby instructed
to administer effectively this
policy and are given discretion
ary authority to meet any re
quirement of principle or detail
necessitated in the execution
Lewis called in reporters to
the policy committee meeting on
the mezzanine floor of the Hotel
Roosevelt and had copies of the
resolution distributed. He said:
"The resolution speaks for it
self and there will be no ampli
fication." Lewis first mentioned the pos
sibility of invoking a three-day
work week at the UMW conven
tion a year ago.
Miners Cheer Return
Soft coal miners cheered the
back - to - work announcement
Said UMW Representative Den
nis Harshall at Pittsburgh: "The
prospects of a Christmas with
out work weren't very bright
for our men."
Hard coal miners reacted
without enthusiasm. They'll get
thinner paychecks for ths short
ened work week.
Indiana coal operator O. L.
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 3
a- . J- SSfc MB
' "rt
(Continued from Pane 1
'The fapt thnt Elfstrnm has
been an nutatanHinc. mnvnr naltc
for an experienced candidate ot
proven ability and accomplish
ment to succeed him if the city
is to maintain thp arlvnntaaoa nt
the Elfstrom leadership and to
turtner strengthen our manager
form of government.
Promises Good Regime
"Mv record of allpvintinc
crippling water shortage for the
west side, of rjrnmntinir thp up.
cessful campaign for consolida
tion oi our scnoois, the location
of new industry for Salem, the
successful organization and nrn.
motion of the Greater Oregon
Bridge association, plus the mer-
Scales commented:
"Apparently Lewis is out to
get the operators. The three-day
wee means we either go broke
or raise prices and we are de
termined not to raise prices."
; sj
continued their Lighting Fixture Dept., we
have taken over the balance of the stock and
are closing it out at less than the wholesale
If you are, or will soon be needing lighting
fixtures, here is your cKance to save money
on these high grade fixtures.
When they are gone there will be no more at
this less-than-cost price.
Electric Supply
250 Court Street
Calfskin suits yon in
reil, green or nvy!
Tailored to your taste in handsome, high-polished
calfskin . . . with a mid-lo heel, an elasticized
gore in the strnp for
"Salem's Newest Shoe Store for Women"
Aful mdaHodd Ki
ger of our cities, while efficient
ly administering the affairs of
the city of West Salem, offers
convincing proof that my candi
dacy assures continued better
government for Salem.
"It is well recognized that my
administration In West Salem
was dedicated right from its in
ception towards b u i 1 ding a
Greater Salem, and my succes
sion to the mayoralty of Salem
will provide further assurance
that the same energy and ag
gressiveness which have been
successful in uniting our com
munity in purpose and in gov
ernment will be of real benefit
to all of the people in the many
problems which the city must
meet if Salem Is to achieve its
destiny of being Oregon's 'Queen
"My candidacy offers the vot
ers two tremendously important
"First, that in the face of the
stiffest kind of opposition and
personal criticism, my adminis
tration in West Salem accomp
lished its objectives in full and
provided me with the necessary
experience to qualify as a can
didate for mayor of Salem.
"In addition to that experi
ence, my appointment as alder
man for the new Ward 8 will
give me another full year of ex
perience before Elfstrom steps
down from the mayor's chair,
and incidentally gives the peo
ple the further opportunity of
viewing my record at each ot
the ensuing council meetings.
"Secondly, I am a candidate
because I feel my past record ii
a guarantee that all of the peo
ple shall be represented and in
vited to have a voice in the gov
erning of their affairs. No one
has any strings attached to me.
I stand on my own. 1 am not af
filiated with a faction which pre
viously had exercised a certain
control In the affairs of the city.
I have built my candidacy upon
a philosophy that the public
shall have paramount interest
above the rights of myself or
any other individual or group of
individuals and I shall ever be a
defender of that principle."
Back of Builck't
perfect fit Sizrs 8 to 10.
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