82 Capital Joma!, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 lii l8 3 O 00 ' 0 Bojangles Laid to Rest Members of Masonic order stand In silent tribute (left) as the body of Bill (Bojangles) Robin son is borne to the Abyssinian Baptist church in New York. About 30,000 persons the small and the great crowded around and into the church to pay their last respects to the famed Negro dancer. (Acme Telephoto) France, Poland In Reprisal War Paris, Dec. 1 VP) Diplomatic relations between France and Poland today became a vicious circle of reprisals arising out of arrests in both countries of al leged spies. Polish Ambassador Jersy Put rament handed a note to the French yesterday declaring Po land, "against its will and with aversion," was forced to arrest Frenchmen in retaliation against French reprisals. French Foreign Minister Rob ert Schuman told newsmen "I think we are stronger," meaning there were more Poles in France than Frenchmen in Poland up on which possible reprisals ei ther by arrest or expulsions could be carried out. The scries of arrests and coun ter-arrests began two weeks ago when Andre Robineau, a French consular employe, was arrested by the Poles and charged with spying. France later arrested the Pol ish vice consul at Lille, A. M. Szczerbinski, on spy charges. In a note yesterday France said he was being offered legal assist ance and demanded that Robin eau be given like treatment. The note charged that Rob ineau and 16 other Frenchmen in Poland arc in jail without be ing permitted to see lawyers or French diplomatic representatives. Belgium Relaxes Dollar Control Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 1 VP) The government relaxed con trol over exchange rates be tween the Belgian franc and the U. S. dollar today by giving of ficial blessing to limited fluctua tions in trading prices. The basic official exchange rate of 80 francs to $1 will be maintained. But official prices on the Brussels slock exchange will be permitted to fluctuate up or down one per cent according to demand. Previously, fixed selling and buying rales were set by tile Belgian National bank. Free market rates have been quoted unofficially in the past, how ever. The new system will tend to permit the buying and selling rates to be fixed by free trad lng. Free market quotations have (1S ana? FRIDAY -a varied little from the one per cent limit recently. Yesterday'sl free market quotations ranged from 50.25 to 50.50 francs to $1. A similar limited floating ex change rate was established re cently for the Swiss franc. Grant of $12,208 For Pollution Study Washington, Dec. 1 VP) Washington and Oregon were included in grants for the study of pollution control announced yesterday by the federal security agency. A total of $782,979 was ap portioned to the 45 participat ing states. Grants to the states Included: Washington $13,473; Oregon $12,208; Idaho $0,969; Alaska $9,212. The wood of the persimmon tree related to ebony is sometimes exceedingly valuable. zone recruitment call. East Germany Army Denied Berlin, Dec. 1 (VP) Berlin's Soviet-licensed press today de nied as fabrication a report that east Germany is setting up 360,000-man communist people's army. The British-licensed S oc 1 a 1 Democrat said yesterday that cast zone officials and Soviet of ficers had set up plans for six big army groups, to be armed with Russian weapons and sup ervised by communist commis sars. - "Social Democrat tries with this fabricated report to divert public attention from organiza tion of a west German mercena ry army under American com mand," said Vorwaerts, organ of the socialist unity communist party. While the Social Democrat and Vorwaerts traded charges, the British licensed Der Tag, or gan of the conservative Christian democrat party, printed what it said was a facsimile of an east US Denies Flood Loss Liability Portland, Dec. 1 (IP) Federal attorneys have denied in pre-trial conferences that the government must pay for flood loss in the Memorial day destruction of Vanport. U.S. District Attorney Henry L. Hess and department of jus tice aides told Federal Judge James A. Fee the federal law provides that the United States shall not be liable for damage by floods. They argued that the Portland housing authority, which leased Vanport and man aged the government-built hous ing area, was not a federal agency. The government's attorneys also touched on the claim of survivors that they were lulled into complacency by a notice is sued the day of the dike break. The federal attorney said it was not issued by the government. The courtroom was packed as 44 attorneys filed claims for 478 persons. Pre-trial conferences continued today. Judge Fee ordered the suits segregated into three classes: property damage. Injury claims and death claims. Plaintiffs' attorneys noted that in an earlier suit involving death claims, Circuit Judge Al fred P. Dobson had ruled the Portland housing authority is an agency of the federal government. r imijiujssu"!1 '"I t Air View of geometric patterns that look like silos and odd shaped towers. Now turn the picture upside down. The silos turn out to be Quonset huts. It's a view of Burnt Creek, iron mine project between Laborador and Quebec. (AP News-features) Modern pins made of wire were first produced in France and Germany. RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds.Bronchitis Great Braitain Cuts U.S. Lumber Imports Geneva, Switzerland, Dec. 1 (IP) Britain cut her timber im ports from the United States by almost 90 per cent during the first half of this year, the United Nations economic commission for Europe reported today. At the same time, British im ports from Canada were reduced by one half, but Canada remain ed Britain's largest single sup plier of timber. Approximately 5,000 trolley cars still operate in more than a score of American cities. 6?tf'. GREEN STAMPS ARE EXTRA SAVINGS FOR YOU BUSICKS MARION STREET MARKET Commercial and Marion Sts. Start Saving today for a Lovely Gift. Tito Celebrates Independence Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Dec. 1 (P) Premier Marshal Tito threw an indepedence day party Tues day night. From a social standpoint, it was a big success. Of all Bel grade's top-ranking officialdom and diplomats, only the repre sentatives of Russia and her sat ellites were missing. Thi Kiwlpt-rilrpftort ..w . vuiiun. form blast earlier in the day calling for overthrow of Tito'i regime aian i dampen the sDir. its of the gay party. In the lav ishly decorated old royal palace dinner. From caviar to bananas a nuts it was well done. The party climaxed nation wide celebrations of the sixth anniversary of the founding of the Yugoslav Republic a nation that started out as one of Rus sia's slaunchest allies and today is uer uibieieak enemy. Glory! Naturally a finer drink JffllV Naturally aged 4 years in wood 1 1 S I jj Naturally lighter in. body tesSw! Naturally smoother in taste uQLlF w235 $ V5 w mm MKT Jf 45 oi. tWOS' CODI ISIC CODI I SIB fiffik IF' Never Sold until Nfc-i.,-,-n Four (4) Years Old! gPjJT It FIOOF. KEMTUCKT SIIAKHT BOURBOM HHISKEV. IHE CEO. I. SIACt COMFAItT, HAMFBII, lERIIKK UulJ Mercury was a great car last year outstanding in everything! Today the big, beautiful new 1950 Mercury is better than ever in every way in styling . . performance . . . economy , . . comfort and value! Come in and see it today! tit I f miimmur'- I : "Hi-Wide" visibility makes the big PV I , - A XljA lJ Xr&SM. kfS 1 1 Ks Don't mist rti H television hit "TOAST OF THE TOWN" with Ed Sullivan. Sii your local nowsoipw tor time and station. SEE-TRY THESE "BETTER THAN EVER" FEATURES OF THE NEW 1950 MERCURY! New advanced design plus luxu rious new "Customized" interiors make trie 1950 Mercury better than ever In styling I "Econ-0-Misor" Carburetor makes Mercury's already amazing economy bettei than ever, tool 'Ji-Power Compression" makes Mercury Hashing performance belter than everl "Sledl-llne" steering makes Mer cury betleTihan ever lo handle I "Super-Salety" brakes make Mer cury salely bettet than everl "Sale-TViie Instrument panel makes Mercury driving ease belter than ever, tool "Cushion-Coll" Ironl springing makes Mercury riding comfort better than everl A "Lounge-Rest" foam-rubber cush ioning makes Mercury seating com fort belter than ever, tool Fibergjas insulation makes Mer cury better than ever in summer or winter! gmse IN ECONOMY! Last year, many Mercury owner reported 17, 18, 19 miles per pa lion I This year, the 1950 Mercury's better than erer in economy with new improvements in M rcury's gas saving "Econ-O-Muer" Carburetor! Mer cury's thrifty Toucb-O-Matic Overdrive, optional at extra cost, adds even more miles to Mercury's unusual gasoline economy! BETTER. M COMFORT! Smooth -riding Mercury now rides smoother tban ever thanks to improved "Cushion Coil" front springing.. .new "Lounge -H est Foam-Kubber Seat Cushions! Steers easier, too, with improved "Stedi-Line" steering. Warmer in winter with new. faster -heating "Merco Therm" heating system, optional at extra cost, plus Fiberglas insula t ion! BETTER. IN PERFORMANCE! For day -in. day-out dependability, there's no car like the 1950 Mercury with its improved, new "Split-Sec ond" starting pins "Hi-Power Com press ion M 1 1 's got "get-up-and -go" to spare! And Mercury 's smoother, live lier 8-cylinder, V-type engine is built to go farther with less maintenance! BETTER IN VALUE I Every way vou consider it. the new 1950 Mercury is better than ever tu own! Better in comfort! Better in performancet Better in economy! And because Mercury popularity is growing so fast, its resale value is better tban ever. too. Get the new 1950 Mercury and get I950a "bettei than ever" new car vaiuel IT'S "BETTER THAN EVER" TO MAKE YOUR NEXT CAR ITIERCURY i WARNER MOTOR COMPANY Salem, Oregon Ml 430 N. Commercial St.