bdel Krim, Lion of Morocco, lots Return From Exile By SAM SOUKI Cairo (U.R) The old Lion of Morocco is rumblins anrt nawine f afemii ao lie luieo biuuugll llic lltUTUW UUIlllIie OI IUS ;(ldea cage. mir Abdel Krim, that almost legendary fimire of Morocco. ho fought French hnd Spanish armies with his Riff warriors in 1925, is living in exile in Egypt, nd not liking it. He came to Egypt in 1947 hen he abandoned his ship at ort Said while the French were scorting him from his exile in eunion Island to France, there o spend his remaining days. But North African national- sts persuaded him to jump ship, nd once again take up the cud els for North African freedom The "old lion," aged by more han 20 years in exile, shuffled Stthrough' the halls of the Arab league and the Egyptian gov rnment, hoping that he would fget at least the moral support of is Arab brethren. But they were all busy with EFalestine, and when Palestine wded in defeat, the Emir snort- id in disgust at the poor fight and sank into a frustrated si- ence. The veteran Riff leader real ized that the time was not pro- litious for any North African ampaign, military or political. Now, two years after the Pal atine affair and with the Arabs ying to stage a comeback on ,ie international scene by con- uctive social and political plans, the old lion is stirring. He has been meeting people, land preparing a new drive to get better conditions for the North Africans. Recently Emir Abdel Krim visited Egyptian Premier Hus sein Sirry Pasha to thank him for Egypt's support of North Africa at the United Nations. (The Emir wants a United Na tions inquiry commission to in vestigate conditions in North Africa. All indications point to the Emir being determined to carry out some decisive moves, in fav or of North Africa. i cstn rb r fctru Crown Zellerbach Sales Down Slightly San Francisco, Dec 1 UP) Crown Zellerbach Corp. report ed yesterday sales, including subsidiaries, of $81,430,311 for the six months ended Oct. 31, first half of its fiscal year. This compared with $85,049,716 in the similar period last year. Net income, after deducting a currency devaluation adjust ment of Canadian working capi tal of $354,777, was $8,656,013 or $2.77 share. This compared Vwith net of $10,266,039 or $3.29 k suuie ill me annual laio yen Id. ' The report said results of its second fiscal quarter showed an improvement in sales and earn ings compared with the first quarter. Bulgars Indict 12 as Tito Spies Sofia, Bulgaria, Dec. 1 (PI Former Communist Vice Pre mier Traicho Kostov and 10 oth ers were indicted today by Bul garia's communst-domi n a t e d government on charges of trea son, spying and economic sabo tage. They were accused of having worked with Yugoslav agents and American and British intel ligence services. (Rostov's trial on such charges long has been expected. Similar trials in other countries the Soviet sphere have been aimed at weeding out "Titoism" support of Premier-Marshall Tito of Yugoslavia. Hungary recently executed her former communist foreign minister. Laszlo Rajk, convicted on simi lar charges.) The government published a 20,000-word indictment which said that "with the knowledge and agreement of the English in telligence service, Kostov got in secret criminal relations with Yugoslav leaders." The Indictment said Kostov intended to attempt to deprive Bulgaria of "her national sov ereignty, territorial integrity and independence, by her annex ation to Yugoslavia, and first of all by tearing away the Pirin (Macedonia) region in favor of Yugoslav Macedonia." Tapllal Journal. Salem. Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 31 VlCltEO Stveet a GOLDEN CORN. ..more tender, more delicious, more golden than soy you ve ever tasted! Cream Style. . Vacuum-Packed, or Whole Kernel... all arc Picked Sweet. . . Slay Sweet) SWEET PEAS... BIG or LITTLE varieties . . . both equally tender) Their full-flavored goodness was "grown in". . . that's why they're PtckeJSweet ...Stay Sweet Other bran claim it Yout grocer has seen the famous test in which we prove the superiority of S &W Fine Foods. We invite the grocer to select other brands any brands from his shelves. Then together we open each can and compare its quality with S W, product for product, by actual taste test. For more than 30 years, grocers who have made this actual store test have judged SW best, every time. See for Yourself TryanyS&WFineFood-fruits, vegetables, juices.oven-baked beans and.brown bread, or famous S &Wmellow'd coffee. We are confident you will agree that S W is in a class by itself. Sffl quality is so much better SALEM Vi Mile North of the Underpass aving Wenter Stores filial WEST SALEM At Foot of the Bridge im'fiiinli mi mini- mi IT OpenDaily CDCriAIC COD EDIHAY C ATI IDHAY CllklHAYT OpenDaily I J-ll rf I W 1 V IY1 V J-l I I WIlVI I Wl- I 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m 1 Campbell's J Ik Assorted A rKtC 1 soup I pop I Limit Six I t Their Parents I CRACKERS, Sunshine AC 2 Mb. boxes IJ C Godl Medal, Pillsbury or Kitchen Queen n ftp FLOUR, 25 lbs. .... I. CO Alber's Flapjack, Alber's Buck wheat, Sperry Pancake, Af Fisher's Pancake, 4 lbs. T C FREESTONE PEACHES Plenty Good In Heavy Syrup LUMBERJACK SYRUP 5 lb. tin 75c CROWN CAKE FLOUR, 2'i lb., CENTENNIAL CAKE MIX Oft 2Vi lb. pkg. BOTH FOR JYC NONESUCH MINCE MEAT, 2 pkg 35c SPAGHETTI, Smith's No. 300 can 10c SAUERKRAUT w Yeager's, No. 2'z X. for Z3C SWEET PEAS L AC No. 303 can O for IjC CREAM STYLE CORN IP Del Monte, No. 303 can . . . I D C ; 2 -39c SUGAR j F00D J If your diet calls for . fresh, solid packed Saving Center'is the OYSTERS JlC Place for You. fciAJ a Pmt When breakfast comes, pure pork you'll want a Link I IKJK So come buy ours, so nice -HiV ff Q"d Pink SAUSAGE J7tb We found a hen in our grade a Storeroom, LARGE fJ Medium Size She lays so fast, the price ZZ D. . . . 54C 44e D" went BOOM. EGGS For our great beef we blade roasts like to Boast RUMP So for a real treat, buy k. II 11 our Roasts. ROUND We know this price is swift's sliced very low, ORIOLE If. But we got a lot and L jC a We want it to go. BACON If you hav ea coffee can that 0PEN kettle you're ready to discard, PURE 4 JO Don't, let us fill it full I A D IV IU 4BC of pure Lard. LARD lbs. V Our Weiners are so good SKINLESS 1 lb. 39c JZSr WIENERS 2 lbs. 76c should buy 4. 3 lbs. 1.08, 4 lbs. 1.29 All of our lunch meats are selling for 38c 0 " Tihs includes Minced Ham, Ring Bologna, Salami, Liver Sausage, Braunsweiger, Roast Beef, Pickle and Pimiento, Macaroni and Cheese, etc. It's the lowest price in Salem, and we have plenty for all. PRODUCE! CARROTS 2 bunches . . . . . 15c CABBAGE Solid Head lb. 2c CELERY Fresh, Crisp bunch 70c LETTUCE Large, Solid Heads. . . , 10c CAULIFLOWER White ead 19c ORANGES 220 Size dor. 29c 'MSSM FROZEN PEAS J Totems... 25c 19c MONiY. SACK OUMAHTB ... Ill MCKAO SAVE 77c! A Bagfull of Lever Fine Products 1 Large Rinso 1 Giant Silver Dust (with large Cannon dish cloth) 1 Bath Size Lux Soap T Regular Lux Soap 2 Large Lifebuoy 1 Large Swan Soap 1 Regular Swan Soap and 1 3-lb. can Spry Shortening. $1098 $2.75 Value for only Also Free Plastic Utility Bag With This Purchase LIMIT ONE TO A CUSTOMER YOUR DOG WANTS JnUkUi DOG FOOD New Canned Type 2 Cans 25c Cut Green Santiam Beans 19c No. 2 can Frozen Pictsweet Concentrated Orange Juice 25c EASTERN MOTOR OIL TWO GALS. 99c can SAVING CENTER Open Daily 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.